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Posts posted by Slaktor

  1. 41 minutes ago, Higolx said:

    Yeah, I never really saw the Chaos Gods as lovecraftian horror tbh. One could make a case for Tzeentch but even then I dont think its a strong one. 

    I think the Gloomspite Gitz's Bad Moon is much closer to a lovecraftian eldritch god/horror than chaos. They way its described in the battletome (It has a leering visage whose eyes are vast as oceans while fangs are the size of mountain ranges, and whose twisted features shift impossibly with every waxing and waning. It takes on various appearances. Sometimes it is little more than a sliver of sickly yellow light and at others it swells into a bloated monstrosity that swallows up the sky.), the effects it has on non greenskins (When it fills the skies it blocks out light as well as hope and rational thought to drive non-Greenskins mad who mutter nonsense rhymes or even babble weird dead languages. Looncap fungi erupt from their bodies with painful and often fatal results.). It all sounds much closer to a lovecraftian eldritch being, at least for me.

    I concur. The novel Gloomspite by Andy Clarke is at times a truly unsettling tale and the gitz and their moon are both horrible and alien in equal measure. The fungus popping up not just on whatever surface the moonlight shines on but also on people’s skin is a creepy effect of that celestial body to say the least. 

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  2. 10 hours ago, Volkmair said:

    What are the current thoughts on Retributors vs Annihilators with Meteoric Grandhammers as I can see the extra 2 bodies potentially being useful sometimes?

    Thinking about this myself. I was excepting Annihilators to jump up to units if 5 with the new tome, much like the first starter box for Age of Sigmar, but now it seems as if they’re going to stay at 3, which is a bummer. 

    In regards to your question, from what I’ve seen of the internets the cost between the two units is similar, and getting two more bodies to hold an objective is an important factor I think. Maybe the great hammer option is better in that it’s a hard hitting fire-and-forget unit compared to the shield option where as a hold-and-capture option the Retributors higher number of models is better.   

  3. Welcome  back to the hobby!

    It’s a glorious time to be here.  

    I would download the Warhammer aos  Azyr app to build my armies using the official points. You’ll soon discover how to put together your fighting force. 

    There are 4 Grand Allegiances as you mentioned. The green skins all go into Destruction. But there are several sub-factions, which are mentioned above. If you play a GA you will miss out on a lot of rules but you can then bring everything from that Allegiance together. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 35 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    all the warscrolls are on the sale pages, so it's very little effort to just look them up, save, print shop. Done :) 

    Oh my god. I haven't even thought of that. Jesus 😭 Although it stings in my eyes that they are not in color, I guess it will do.

    Thanks. For real. I am ashamed to admit that I have been googling for these for longer then I would care to admit...

  5. 14 hours ago, Kramer said:

    On the third hand. That’s only a trip to the local print shop away 

    I've tried to find them in digital form with no success... which is rather odd to me. I mean, you would think that at least someone would have scanned them.

  6. Wow, those are all some great inspirations! Thanks a bunch. 

    The Cogmen mentioned, which feature in the new GHBs campaign The Wisper Engine is something I’ve considered doing something with. 

    The  consensus as of now seems to be an OBR- conversion. As someone pointed out, getting the melee weapons will be rather tricky. I’ll have to think of something  

    Initially I thought of Flesh Eater Courts but I want to build that actual army whenever I can get my hands on the warscroll cards (which on the other hand is never :( )

    Perhaps one can mix in some Mechanicus parts, at least if I want some cavalry I guess. 


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  7. ...what? 

    Hey guys, I need some help. The new Necrons are amazing. I look at them and go something like “holy BLEEP ****** that is some of THE most bloody awesome thing I have ever seen”. The problem is I don’t want to play 40k (again), I want to play the most glorious Age of Sigmar. 

    So I’d like some inspiration on what Nerons could possibly “counts as”? Can you help me out? 

    • Like 1
  8. On 6/8/2020 at 12:00 PM, EccentricCircle said:

    I couldn't agree more. I actually long ago gave up on the idea of trying to get new things on release. I'll occasionally break that resolution when something is a limited edition, but for general releases, there is genuinely no reason to rush out and get things on release. We often worry about things being squatted or having kits discontinued, or rules changes that will render them less good. But the brand new stuff is least at risk of any of that. They will most likely stock Lumineth for a decade or more, and it will take a while for errata to come through and the rules to settle down anyway. In my opinion its much better to wait for Battleforces and Start Collecting sets a year or so down the line, than to rush out on day one and try to buy a massive new army just because its new.

    It generally takes me a while to paint up a new army anyway, so I kind of figure, if I wouldn't have finished it immediately, then why do I need to buy it immediately.

    Let the hype pass over you, and around you. Once its gone, you can make a more reasoned and informed decision about whether you want the new shinyness. Its entirely possible you will still want it, but ultimately nothing is spoiling.

    Overall I'm far more likely to impulse buy stuff thats going out of stock, or which I'm not sure I'll be able to get again. That's where they get me.

    Oh, the hype, the hype... Holy ****** that gets me. Like when the new Slaves to Darkness Start Collecting box came out. To me, it seemed too good so I figured it was to be a limited release. Thankfully I didn't have the money to spend and looking at my collection now I'm glad I didn't buy it (unpainted mortal Khorne army glaring at me from my cabinet)

    But sometimes I think it's hard to tell if an item will be limited or not. Like the Excelsior Warpreist which now is just gone. Or box-sets for that matter. I'm glad i bought Silver Tower and Hammerhal as well as the Warcry box.

    Speaking of limited items, I have a tendency to buy Warscroll cards for armies that I might play some day. I think it's silly how limited those are.

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    14 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

    I'm currently of a different mind on the matter, but I get where you're coming from. In the past I've certainly felt overwhelmed by the volume of product releases. 

    It should be noted that I’m an incredibly slow hobbyist. At the same time I’m also of the “Play only painted” mindset so that’s convenient... I also take like maybe a 3-4 month long AoS break each year and when that’s over I always have some serious catching up to do. 

    • Like 2
  10. I’m worried I might get fed to Igniax for this but I for one am relived that there aren’t any AoS releases right now. Finally, I can just relax, work on my back-log, get some older stuff that I’ve really wanted, like books and what not. Each time GW releases something fresh for AoS my wallets start bleeding.

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    • Haha 1
  11. Going by what your asking for I think I’d do a combination of Frostgrave barbarians and the GW Marauders and some simple green stuff work. I used a green stuff mould from, Spellcrow I think it was, to make fur loincloth and capes in a somewhat similar project. I also cut the legs apart on the Marauders to change their stances using the loincloth to cover it up. 

    Good luck with the project!





  12. On 2/11/2020 at 9:07 AM, Naem said:

    Hey guys, I promised to paint up a unit of Warriors for a friend who is only getting started and now I am looking for a nice Slaanesh theme but without the typical pink or purple armor. Was thinking maybe bone colored armor with just a few purple elements or maybe black with purple highlights or something completely different. If you happen to have some good looking minis I would really love to see them (of course I looked threw Instagram, Pinterest and such, but didn't find quite what I was looking for =/ ) 

    If you wash Lead Bealcher with Carrouburg Crimson and then highlight with silver edges you get a really nice Slaneeshi vibe. 

    Check out one of Tyler Mengels Kairic Acolytes paint schemes on his Instagram. I think it looks great on Slaneesh armour.  

  13. 17 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    Alright.... I am working hard on getting this army up and running - I might start a blog soon 

    24 to go!


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    Are you using them as Marauders or Bloodreavers? I’m struggling with the decision  as to what army to run and which to ally in, and I’m thinking about using Bloodreavers as Marauders since I’m gonna use the Mark of Khorne. 

    Whats your thoughts on different base sizes on the aforementioned units? It would be great to not have to rebase in any direction in case I would change my mind...

  14. On 11/25/2016 at 9:52 PM, Sigmalthus said:

    I recently did this actually. Bought a set of 5 assembled blood warriors from the starter box. Cut their torsos off and put wrathmonger tops on. Pretty happy with the result



    Hey, I know this post is old but I’m just about to do the same. What did you do about the backs? Did you just green stuff them? I used the plates for the Skullreapers. Thanks for the inspiration!

  15. Congratulations! I feel you.

    I’ve been into Warhammer and miniatures in general since my teens but it’s no until now, when I’m 37 that I’m really getting into fantasy. I started AoS like 18 months ago after a very impactful visit to Warhammer World and have painted around 2000 points and made a couple of gaming tables (mats mind you).

    That’s like 40 miniatures spread across Stormcasts and Rotbringers. So there you have it, significant other but no kids yet though. 


  16. In relation to my earlier post a few weeks back I’d really enjoy a miniature’s list for future adventure or campaign books, like on the back of the books or something . I know it’s an rpg but I would definitely buy an adventure book based entirely on if it would fit my miniatures collection . The more I use them the better (value for money and all that). 😊

  17. So looking forward to the release @Emmetation- in the meantime could you perhaps recommend some miniatures to add to the collection in order to be fully stocked and painted for the initial release? Perhaps in relation to any core book adventure we might expect?

    Such as the hero classes mentioned earlier in the thread and some suitable adversaries. 

    It would be most helpful :) 

  18. Well I faced Nighthaunt today led by Lady Olynder at a 1000 point game. Focal Points was the mission on a 4x4 table. I went with the Staunch Defender approach instead of Hammers of Sigmar. A 10 strong unit of Liberators really held out. Buffed by Warding Lantern and the prayer Divine Light they were nigh unstoppable. I had no wizard but a Knight Questor did some dispelling using the Spellsheild. 

    It was a bloody great game which ended in defeat for Sigmars chosen, but it was a close call. We alternated between the Bloodborne OST and the metal band Hammerfall for background music. It was truly epic. 

    I’ll build upon this experience and will continue with this “tight” tactic for now. Thanks for your thoughts and reflections. 




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