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Posts posted by Mordeus

  1. 41 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    So now I see AoS as a platform to make crazy and whacky miniature with a fun ruleset and I can 't wait to see what 4th edition will be and what for cool miniatures will be released in next months / years. I will keep playing and collecting AoS.

    But for me TOW is more a real hobby project, that will allow me to make the armies of my dreams with lots of options and be more "in" my army than it is with AoS. I love the AoS miniatures, but AoS StD Chaos Lord will never have the same flavour as my WoC Chaos Lord and that is a shame.

    I think this is the most important thing! We are really lucky right now to have two fantasy games that allow completely different interpretations of fantasy themes, and while I'm am much more attached to the Old World and how it plays and feels, I've also enjoyed AOS immensely since it came out going through all the troubles  of the early day to the much more refined experience that we have now. And though I don't think I'll will ever adhere to the fluff or the overly wacky stuff, I'm glad its here in parallel to TOW for those who want it!

    • Like 9
  2. 8 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    Being able to choose whatever I want is exactly what I want for AoS. I hate races being limited in what they can do arbitrarily. Allowing all factions to do everything gives tons of opportunities for amazing stories, even if races can still have preferences for certain dispositions.

    An ogre paladin could be an amazing story in and of itself. For example, an ogre that got saved from the Everwinter on accident by Alarielle changing the seasons and dedicating themself to the service of Alarielle, and trying to eat in a more sustainable way has tons of potential. You completely nullify that by arbitrary restrictions like 'Duardin can't use magic because that is what traditional dwarves do'.

    Exceptions are what makes the fluff interesting. For example dwarves not using magic is what allows chaos dwarves to exist.  If everyone can be everything i feel we lose what creates tension in a fictional universe.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    Yeah, certainly with mages from all the realms they could do some really cool stuf.

    I feel what gave a certain charm to wfb was that different races had different interactions with magic. Making mages interchangeable would feel to me like a random fantasy video game rpg where you can choose whatever you want and all characters end up blending into a big fantasy blob of the same. Elf beserker, ogre paladin, dwarf mage, orc mage paladin, human mage paladin, etc.

    • Thanks 1
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  4. The whole debate around the movement tray is a bit weird seeing that GWs trays add quite a bit, so i think that it is quite ok to have a slight variation, ai 5 to 10 mm. I don't think it will massively change the outcome of a game.

    • Like 7
  5. Ah man if they rerelease all the old dwarf stuff, that would be awesome. Can't wait for the book to come out see what profiles they release for each army and get the proper bases.

    Unless I'm wrong the 30x60 of the bretonnians cav is smaller than the ones of the new CoS cavalry no? They seem like they are larger and we won't be able to be easily adapted to movement plates. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    They do, but they are five models, one of which is a Wight King and one of which is on the wrong base size. A typical Graveguard unit has 20 models in it.

    My buddy uses the new skeletons as Graveguards and they honestly work great. The old skellies are still very nice and i don't think you can "improve" a basic human skellie with just a shield and spear.

  7. 8 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    The following units are basically confirmed:

    • Handgunners (weapon preview)
    • Big Cannon (@Whitefang confirmed)
    • Ogor Mercenaries (strongly implied by Whitefang)
    • something religious (religious icon preview)

    I would say that new Greatswords are also very likely. Whitefang has also told us that the Collegiate Arcane units are in the book, but the Ironweld Arsenal units are not (although we don't know if that means just the artillery or the Steam Tank and Gyrocopter as well).

    They probably won't but they could make a customization sprue for the steam tank crew. It still looks really good and would fit in a weird boxy armor vibe like the new models.

  8. 1 hour ago, Snarff said:

    I do very much prefer the new head proportions though, they look a lot more sleek. The oversized heads really detracted from the rest of the model and really did not match the art.

    I agree that sometimes it was too big and a different dwarf archetype than the one in illustrations. I feel an im between would be the best which they are doing now in the newest dwarf minis.   

  9. 5 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    Models that show they can sculpt more than a neutral face full of hair!

    This is the one negative aspect of modern dwarves. The new sculpts are great but them wanting to reduce the size of their heads to get more ´human’ proportions means we lost the facial expressions older sculpts had. 

    The newer kharadron characters are getting closer to the bigger head and more expressions vibe. Îm thinking of the beer supplier guy and the code guy. Though they could still have more expressions. 

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Snarff said:

    I still feel like they should never have been merged in the first place. If Aelves can have 4 different distinct and unique armies (5 if you count CoS), why can't Orruks have more than one?

    KB would be better on their own, mixing all three together looks kind of weird on the tabletop without a lot of modelling work. At least IJ and BS have the same physical look and same original design style so they could be made to look like they would be from the same army. 

    • Like 6
  11. 3 hours ago, Tiberius501 said:

    I reckon you could use some Ironjawz in a Kruleboyz gritty scheme and they’d fit as like the brutish vanguard beasts with heavier, but still primitive and beaten, armour while the Kruleboyz flank around with their kunnin’ taktiks. 

    You could also use the kruleboyz shields on the black orcs to tie them even more together. We've had differents races cohabiting together in the o&g books for a long time, it's not that shocking to include a new variation of greenskin if you push the racial variety in your army.

    And i agree with the need for GW to paint up a new orruk warclan army that actually look like a unified tabletop army. It would go a long way in making the book feel less like soup and more like a "race" book if that makes sense.

    • Like 5
  12. I'm lucky enough to play with people who are open to all sorts of proxies. I have quite a bit of old stuff in the dwarfs and o&g ranges that have been squated but I'll use them any way. As someone said earlier, the mix and match of eras and style is really something beautiful especially when you have kept a color scheme throughout the years.

    Some of those oldhammer sculpts are just too good and full of personality to abandon on the side of the road.

    • Like 4
  13. As an OG O&G and Dwarves fan all these rumors are really sounding amazing. Hopefully we aren't let down! If we can at least get a new wave of dispossessed that would already be amazing but a lumineth size release for the dawi would be beyond cool.

    I still feel KO should be left alone nonetheless. Fyreslayers would fit with dispossessed but the KO could really run on their own with a nice expansion.

    The Kragnos story arc is much better than what was hinted at before.

  14. Freakin awesome! This is a really nice take on the older kit, a good evolution that still works next to it. We are going to see some crazy stuff from people when its out, seeing the amount of golden demon winners in the past that used the giant model.

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