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Posts posted by Mordeus

  1. Hopefully slayers are getting something interesting in the arcane journal. They really aren't good right now but more importantly they aren't fun to play. I don't mind level of strength if the unit is fun. 

    For the advice all the stuff mentioned is good stuff. Ironbreakers are really tough as nails. I would also give drilled a chance now that it's been cleared up. Can lead to some surprising tactics that your opponent might not expect. 


    • Thanks 1
  2. 23 minutes ago, MotherGoose said:

    in TOW a human warrior or similar weak unit will have to get 5s to hit and 5s or higher to wound a vampire lord in combat, whereas it'll be easier vs other foot troops and things like goblins. In AoS its just 4+ 4+ vs everything, which greatly reduces flavour and the thematic feel IMO

    This is my main frustration with aos since the beginning and I've playing since 1st ed haha. 

    Tbh a lot of my frustrations with aos where solved by tow so I'm sure happy there. 

    I'm watching to see how fourth Ed plays to see if I'm play aos any time soon.

    I don't know if others are doing this as well but I've reverted all my old world armies back to the old world and will focus on aos with pure aos armies which for me is kharadrons. Maybe they will be better optimized for aos.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Double Misfire said:


    There was that Warhammer Community article about more than 12 Steam Tanks existing during TOW that got the grogs wound up, but Forces of Fantasy is pretty adamant that 12 Steam Tanks were originally built, with all the usual jargon about them falling into disrepair, and needed to be recovered if lost on the battlefield, with no mention of duplicates having been made, so who knows where that came from. Waiting on the Arcane Journal I guess. 🤷‍♂️


    I wouldn't surprised if they retconed that a bit. It was the same vibe with space marine chapters, the scale didn't make sense when everyone had a steam tank in their army or played space marine haha

  4. A guy in our group bought some in 28 scale and I got to say they looked really good. Still a little something off in terms of style for that specific 'warhammer' feel for me but still good. 

    Something about their legs  as well feet very big and close to each other, though you can't really see them tbh. Biggest issue for us is he can't play in gw stores which is a bit of a bummer as that's where we play.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    For 20 new foot knights it's whatever. I can justify paying GW prices for models that are actually at the cutting edge of quality and offer a unique aesthetic. I can't justify it for generic, blobby 20 year old skeletons.

    The foot knights are in boxes of 20? If so thats 30E for 10 of them, which considering GWs aos prices isn't too bad xD

  6. 1 hour ago, Ogregut said:

    What armies are people working on? 

    Anyone else dug out some old projects or found dusty boxes from yesteryear? 

    Or even printed a new army. 

    Lets see what's cooking on people's hobby tables! 

    Gathering all my dwarfs from different eras, mostly eighth ed for units. Tried so hard throughout the editions of AoS to play them haha, never really worked out some i'm glad to have TOW to get that feeling with them again. It feels that they belong again rather than being shoehorned into AOS!

    And will prob do the same with my OG O&G!

    • Like 1
  7. 59 minutes ago, Sception said:

    Personally I kind of prefer the harsher trade offs. Having to choose between fighty and magic lords just sounds more interesting for more factions than an easy default choice of one of each.  A world where not every army has a level 4 wizard is also one where level 2 and 3 wizards can shine a bit more.  But that's just me.

    And that the beauty of this type of list building. When compared to AoS, you will have a large quantity of very different heroes based on the same original profile. Everyone running lv4 will take some of the charm away from it. I love to run different types of hero combo every game. 

  8. Just now, Beliman said:

    Me too!

    I can't stop forging runic weapons, even if they are a joke. I can't return to AoS list-building without feeling sad.

    Same here, its crazy how quickly I've given up on the list building part of AoS. I still like the game but its definitely lost some flavor. 

  9. 15 hours ago, Kronos said:

    I’ll add them to the same waiting list as Kurnothi, Malerion, and  Dispossessed.


    Ok, Had another look through the PdF’s. No kroak for Lizzies and No Vermin Lord for Skaven. I’m hoping there’ll be a separate pdf in future for the Legacy Characters.

    We do not talk about dispossessed here anymore, they have been repossessed! Jokes aside I doubt they will have a classic dwarf army in AoS now if TOW becomes a thing and Dwarfs here get an update. Either way I am happy my stunties are back with up to date rules! Making lists in TOW is such a better experience than AoS. I've already written 5 completely different lists with what I have, when in AoS, as CoS, I pretty much had only one or two options. I could write a dozen without much effort just by playing around with the hero loadouts and composition. Fun times!

    • Like 5
  10. 22 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    At the risk of repeating myself, that "Hastings" guy from WoS is either completely out of the loop (as he is consistently wrong this days) or an impersonator of the old Warseer Hastings. 

    Anyway, do not trust his rumors. 

    Yea, doesn't feel like its the same guy, he is also quit negative and pessimistic most of the time. 

    • Thanks 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Garrac said:

    Adepticon or nothing

    Btw was looking (again) thru a lot of alternatives. There are many good bros doing rats (Punga, ghamak, Resinwarfare, cultminiatures) but I still think a lot of them don't totally grasp to achieve the charm of the Seb Perbet models. they may be now a little old, but man, was that a good renovation of an aesthetic. One of the best revamps of imagery that GW has ever made, on pair with Jess Goodwin with the nids, or the new death guard (i dont know who was the designer)

    Its no wonder this looks traslated to vermintide and total war with such great success. Really, if GW gave a f, theyd only have to follow this style with perhaps more dynamic poses.


    Nurgle designer is Maxime Pastourel i think

    • Like 2
  12. The way Battle tactics are implemented is my least favorite thing, seeing players forced to do silly movements or deployments for the board edge one for example because they cant do half of the other ones is not that fun. Either we have more of them but then it just becomes a formality when everyone just auto does most of them. I wish they were better designed or removed completely.  Its so hard to balance depending on the armies.

    • Like 6
  13. 1 hour ago, Flippy said:

    The models are brilliant. And many TOW models are, well, not very brilliant. It’s not only about the models quality apparently. It would please me very much if executives in GW came to conclusion that bigger & flashier models are not necessarily the best way to drive the game.

    Man i couldn't agree more, for example the new black orcs is such a great upgrade as it moves the styling forward and the overall quality of the army so much more than another hero or huge centerpiece. These are good in addition to well balanced troops. And more is definitely not always better.

    • Like 6
  14. 41 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    So now I see AoS as a platform to make crazy and whacky miniature with a fun ruleset and I can 't wait to see what 4th edition will be and what for cool miniatures will be released in next months / years. I will keep playing and collecting AoS.

    But for me TOW is more a real hobby project, that will allow me to make the armies of my dreams with lots of options and be more "in" my army than it is with AoS. I love the AoS miniatures, but AoS StD Chaos Lord will never have the same flavour as my WoC Chaos Lord and that is a shame.

    I think this is the most important thing! We are really lucky right now to have two fantasy games that allow completely different interpretations of fantasy themes, and while I'm am much more attached to the Old World and how it plays and feels, I've also enjoyed AOS immensely since it came out going through all the troubles  of the early day to the much more refined experience that we have now. And though I don't think I'll will ever adhere to the fluff or the overly wacky stuff, I'm glad its here in parallel to TOW for those who want it!

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