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Posts posted by DinoJon

  1. 26 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    The text of the Pyramid says that is a kit that is sell standalone outside the booklet. It is strange that it says the name of the kit.

    Interesting, well that makes it easy for me to get my third(no judge) realmshaper. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  2. 4 minutes ago, Gotz said:

    the books that go with warcry boxsets doesn't share the same name.

    For Bloodhunt, the book is called "warband tome: Predator and Prey".

    This one looks like its Nightmare Quest / Warband tome: Power and Madness"

    That makes sense, thanks for the clear up! 

  3. So looks like this is the summer expansion. The booklet that comes with it translates to Power and Madness. Usually the inside book will have the same name as the boxset right? 

    We could still have a Slaanesh vs. Destruction box for Nightmare Quest to complete the cycle. 

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  4. 33 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:
      Hide contents

    Cawdor riders
    Lady Haera
    Outlander Beastmaster Millisaurs & Ripperjacks  (Forgeworld)
    Aranthian Succession

    Age of Sigmar
    Spring Death Battletome
    Spring Death Battletome
    Seraphon Battletome - Slann, Saurus, Skink riders, Astrolith, Salamander and much more

    Nightmare's Quest


    Horus Heresy
    Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer
    Despoilers upgrade kit
    Daemon Assassin
    Sicaran Venator
    The F* Vindicator

    Warhammer 40k
    World Eaters Combat Patrol
    Primaris Lieutenant
    Black Library Sargeant Astra Militarum
    Arks of Omen: Tau + Snikrot, Tau Hero 
    Boarding Boxes Grey Knights, Necrons, Aeldari, Drukhari, Orks, Tau, Adeptas, Custodes, Sons

     Kill Team 

    Osgiliath terrain boxes

    Adeptus Titanicus
    New weapons

    Blood Bowl
    Puggy and Cindy
    Skinks duo



    Thank you for keeping up with this list! really helps gauge when things should come out. Looking at this list a Seraphon launch box looks all the more likely as a lot of those releases are going to be forgeworld and not count against the release calendar. 

    No mention of a Monday reveal means rest of Seraphon on Wednesday is also exceedingly likely. 

    • Like 2
  5. I do think tomorrow we should get a good idea of what's going on with Seraphon if they announce a model reveal or not on their "coming next week" article. 

    I'm hoping Seraphon get a launch box in early April and then a full release at the beginning of June before 10th hits. I know it's probably unlikely but I will hold on to it. 

    • Like 1
  6. Seraphon in the last week went from 29 listings to 17 listings in the US and UK. Notable things removed all references to Kroxigor, Saurus Knights, Start Collectings, Saurus Warriors, Sunblood, Skink Priest, Salamanders, Razordons, Scar-Vet on Cold One, Slann, and Skink Stareer.

    So either we're getting new items that are underlined or they're just getting squatted (for now). I for one hope the Spawn of Chotec makes an equally impressize razordon variant. I do love my Skink Priests but we do have a lot.... a lot of support heroes. 

    • Like 5
  7. I love seeing art of new places in the Mortal Realms. The setting itself is a lot of times harder to imagine than its denizens. 

    I do enjoy that they are able to let Hedonites be "absent" from the current conflicts in Ghur. I think trying to shoehorn every faction into the current location leads to a detriment for the story. 

    • Like 8
  8. 6 minutes ago, Elbaf said:

    News from Valrak stream, it won't be Cities of Sigmar at adepticon finally but the rest of Lizardmen ( cities will be later in the year) that's less surprising

    but hype from the new rumors we just got here !

    Airhorn noises went off in my head when I read this. Thanks for scoop! 

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  9. My Seraphon thoughts

    We have 2 kits left and we keep getting Monday reveals every other week.

    Which leaves this Wednesday for CoS. 

    Hopefully at the end of the kit reveals they'll announce an army box or just release schedule for Seraphon. 

    • Like 1
  10. 27 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Nightmare could also be Bonesplitterz since they’re spiritualists and big on following visions or interpreting small things as larger meanings such as in Soulbound a Bonesplitterz character may join a group of humans, aelves and duardin if he can hear their heartbeats to which he says it’s a sign Gorkamorka wanted the party to become apart of his tribe.

    edit:(though I wouldn’t argue to questing Loonknights for armored Grot infantry and three defensive squig-a-pults with ammo choices)

    Oh yeah a Nightmare Quest could be like their "Vision Quest". I would love go see more shaman-esque models in Bonesplitterz. Give me orruks with wooden masks, snakes and character. 

    • Like 3
  11. 2 minutes ago, StarFyreXXX said:

    why didnt they make the skinks ride those instead of those new mounts... those look cool!


    I personally love the look of the Raptadons, they feel more AoS. Culchans are cool, I just prefer my dinosaurs a little more cretaceous looking. 

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