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Posts posted by AthlorianStoners

  1. In my experience most GW actively encourage people to paint and will enforce painting requirements for tournaments. 

    Casual play would be different, but even then a large group of the player base prefer to play against painted models. 

    If tournaments and consistent competitive games are something you enjoy you’d either have to locate a group that has no problems with unpainted minis or end up just having time paint them. 

  2. 39 minutes ago, chord said:

    Umm...swifthawks have been mentioned a lot in battletomes (stormcast), short stories, novels (the neave blacktalon one), etc.  I don't recall the scourge privateers ever being mentioned.  

    I’d still argue Scourge Privateers and freeguild are more well represented than swifthawk. 

    On top of that, swifthawk already lost half their models before the big cuts, I’d say they were clearly at risk beforehand. 

  3. 7 hours ago, chord said:

    Swifthawks were mentioned a lot throughout the lore.   

    Compare Swifthawks representation to any other faction and it’s still considerably underrepresented. Scourge Privateers or freeguild, both minor factions in a roughly equivalent position, saw much more lore representation. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, Thiagoma said:

    I would like to point out that nothing is really safe after the squatting of High Elves.

    It had mostly modern plastics, a unique look (never seen elves represented that way outside warhammer) , lore mentions and nothing stopped it from beeing squatted.


    I disagree that nothing is safe. Maybe transitioning from WHF to AoS that was the case, but now we have clear indicators. 

    No high elf army received any form of support, no Battletome, no new models, barely any lore representation outside of Phoenix temple.

    Id also suggest that there was a lot of model conflict between high and dark elves in terms of units fillings the same role. This isn’t really the case with any other army’s within a grand alliance, and especially to the degree that those two elven factions had. 

    From my experience, it was always theorized that the most unique of the High elves MAY get supported with their own faction, that being the Phoenix temple. The rest have always seemed fairly generic and not as targeted as the more modern AoS factions. 

    As someone who came into the game with no WHF history, high elves have never seemed remotely like they were going to be a major force and their squatting doesn’t seem an indicator that anything can go. 

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  5. 13 minutes ago, AHexInScarletRed said:

    I've started LoN a few months ago, going down the route of Legion of Blood with Neferata, a VLoZD and some Blood Knights with mostly NH mixed in. Seeing the release of Ossiarch Bonereapers, I'm thinking about investing into them, as that's probably the path that GA Death is going to take in the coming years. Looking at the more recent AoS factions, which are mostly rather original in terms of lore, it's hard to imagine that they keep "regular" Vampires forever - which is a pity, as they're the Faction I've wanted to play the game for years with. Sure, I can be mistaken and they update Soulblight with new, more fitting forces (which I'd love), but I've got the feeling that the surplus of Mortarchs will lead to the downfall of the original three. 

    I think the og Mortarchs are safe as any character can be. They’d have to be some of the most represented characters in the lore and the black library novels. 

    Soulblight will almost definitely get an expansion, I’d guess the only units besides the Mortarchs that would stay would be the Vargheists and the VLOZD as they’re with FEC.

  6. I don’t think all old factions will get removed or are even in danger. The at risk factions I think have been clear from the beginning. Not all old world stuff is gonna go, but some will.

    • Flesh Eater Courts are definitely staying, they’ve turned a small part of WHF into an awesome original faction. 
    • Sylvaneth, DoK, Nighthaunt, GG and others are all WHF factions that are going to stay as well, they’ve taken some themes and expanded them. 
    • I think LoN and CoS may not receive much future model support but I can’t imagine them getting wiped now that they have a Battletome. 

    Slaves to Darkness will probably see some cuts and that’s all I’d really be concerned about. Even if they stop producing some of the soup Battletome models (CoS and LoN) they won’t eliminate those rules. 

    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, skeen77 said:

    GW does delete negative comments on their posts remember.

    Oh I didn’t know that. 

    Either way I don’t really mind, a lot of people seem to be put out by others disagreeing and are hoping the models are/aren’t successful based on their own interests. 

    I like them and think they’re dope, that’s enough for me. 

  8. 1 hour ago, TMS said:

    Remember that the wolves should be on 60x35mm bases, same as the blood knights.

    If you want only the Mannfred model then I think ebay or similar is your best bet. There's one listing from the UK at 1/3rd the price of the full kit... but if you know that you want to use one of the mortarchs later on (both Manny and Neffy are soulblight) I would just go for the full kit, or the Skeleton Horde box which is good value if you can unload the extras on someone else.

    Oh I totally forgot that with the wolves, thank you haha!

    yeah, I might pick up the Skeleton Horde box, I do love the Arkhan model. 

  9. Work on the army has a whole has been going good, nearly finished my first 1000 points. Just have the Zombe dragon to do. Still just a whole lot of unpainted models but we’re getting there. The wargs are great and I’m very happy with them. I’m looking to get the Mannfred model, just the rider though not the dread abyssal, if anyone has an idea if where I can source one that would be awesome. 



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  10. I think we’re looking at a pretty substantial release. I’m going to guess, based on the videos alone: 

    4-5 heroes (including the Mortarch) 

    2 Infantry 

    1 Mounted (potentially dual kit) 



    plus more. Throw in the Morghasts and the Warsphinx and that’s a big release.

    Potential Hero Units 











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