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Posts posted by Chumphammer

  1. Its kinda an interesting thing in my local meta that noone was used to fighting DOK till I started playing them. Even at a local 40 player event I was the only DOK.

    I also noticed that DOK are dropping in tournaments now. Since LGT on Sept 14th, DOK have had only 3 top 3 places, and 2 were 3rd. (Graywater and myself) 

    When I faced people here, they woefully underestimated how much damage output the army can throw out

    And yeah, I find people do not think ahead with their movement, or they rush. Or they have 1 plan they try to stick to but that doesnt work vs every army and that option can completely change on a bad dice roll and they dont adapt. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Graywater said:

    I absolutely do a lot of teaching and talking about the game. I think that's half of what I do with my time at the shop. The guys are getting better, but it's a painful process for all involved.

    I have a very small community at my store (about 5 of us) and the next closest store is about an hour and a half away. Been there twice to have nobody show up there too. So while I want to push my group to be better, I have to balance my desire for high level play with keeping people in the hobby. With so few people, I'm prioritizing the fun with the learning process, which is what we're missing.

    I place quite highly at the gts I go to, so I'm not worried about making myself worse or anything like that. I just want to have a place to go and play. I love this game in all its forms, so I'm willing to play narrative, matched, or whatever.

    My issue is my group wants to play competitive matches play, and are adamant about that, but are also having a bad time with the army I'm using. Really I think the answer is for the guys to bear down and learn the game, as they have the armies and competitive card gaming background to do it. But I cant just say that as I dont want to lose the small community I have.

    Do they study much?

    I don't necessarily mean watch online games, but I find a lot of my play ability comes from knowing my what opponents army can do.  

  3. 4 hours ago, Graywater said:

    So I'm having an interesting dilemma. I cannot make daughters fun to play at a casual level. Everything I do results in unfun games as I still steamroll over my opponents. I take non-max size units, I run a single hag, and I play without a temple just trying to make a close game, but it never is. I refuse to make purposely bad decisions because that's insulting to my opponent and then I'm trading my enjoyment away, but my games have been so one sided that neither me nor my opponent walk away from the table excited. My regular opponents are somewhat new, but we've been working together a lot on strategy, and they run strong armies (2 skaven, 1 FEC, Ironjawz, and 2 bonereapers). Its getting to the point that I'm considering shelving my daughters for the time being (which makes me sad, cause I like my snake ladies and they're the only army I currently have completed). Has anyone else run into this sort of thing/found a way around this?

    Warlord: "What is best in life?"
    Conan: "To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women."

    I think you are being too easy on them!  Being easy on them wont help them to improve their gaming ability. Walk through your games and lists after the games, tell them what they did well and not well. Help tweek their lists and teach them target priority.

    I have a load of people that are "easy games" in my meta, but I play them often and then we chat for about 30mins-1hr after about their lists, what they were trying to do and where it goes wrong. Then I help tweek their lists and they are getting better.

    I would rather raise the level of my "scene" than play to a lesser ability, then get stomped at a big tournament 

  4. Graywater pretty much covered it. DoK are very very fast and can hit like a truck and if Hag Narr can take a punch too. Just make sure you keep things in your bubbles and dont over commit


    In other news, made another Gotrek/Morathi list just now, basically based on:

    1: Morathi getting in your grill T1
    2: 10 BS getting in your Flank/Rear T1
    3: HeartRenders able to drop down at anytime
    4: Teleporting units everyturn while the enemy has no real army to aim at
    5: Gortek Waddles up the board with his WE bubble

    Morathi (Shroud of despair)
    BloodWrack Medusa (General, Mindrazor, Shadowstone)
    10 Blood Sisters
    10 Blood Sisters
    10 Witch Aelves (daggers)
    10 Heart Renders


  5. 1 hour ago, Pennydude said:

    I played a friendly game against OBR with my Sylvaneth on Sunday and learned really fast how deadly Mortek Guard can be.   Seems like shooting is how you take them off the board or you try to snipe the heroes if the bodyguard unit isn't around.  Learned that Drycha just blends Arkhan and Mortek Guard with her deadly bugs.

    One issue I have, kinda piggybacking on what Ser_namron mentions, is how the OBR faction terrain operates.  My wyldwoods help me with movement and area control, the Fyreslayer's forge (or pizza oven) helps with their prayers, the Skaven's gnawholes help with movement and spellcasting, etc.  The Bone-Tithe Nexus does nothing to actually help their own army.  It just deals damage or de-buffs the enemy.  It feels extremely tacked-on and unnecessary.  

    Just my two cents.

    As a DoK player I am just jealous those listed armies get faction terrain :)

    Shooting is a good way to deal with them, as are mortal wounds.

    I have found Blood Sisters amazing vs OB

    High bravery, usually 4+/5++ with 2W

    3 attacks 3+/3+ -1 1D (though most o the time with Mindrazor for the rend -2) plus with Crystal touch make them really useful in that fight (well most fights really bar Slaanesh)


    • Like 1
  6. I have played against them twice now and I would not say they are overpowered. Tough, ****** yeah, but not OP

    I think people get thrown up by how tanky and grinding the battleline can be.

    1: Arkhan/Katakros healing is really good, especially combined with Mortek guard and ability. But once they are dead the troops get whittled down 

    2 Mortek guard are susceptible vs shooting, as the reroll shield ability is only in close combat

    3: They are not a fast moving army, unless they take the legion that can run and charge...but then they are not taking Pentifx elite (which is whats making them so tanky)

    4: Mortal wounds are your friend vs Mortek guard

    5: Engage multiple units. Remember their "relentless discipline points" are for both players turns. So if they are burning through their RD to give rend and reroll saves on mulitple units they will run out. 

    • Like 1
  7. Faced against Ossiarch Bonereapers against last night.

    We placed shifting objectives

    He had:

    Petrifex Elite

    Arkhan the Black
    Arcane command, empower nadirite weapon, Protection of nagash, reinforce battle-shields, drain mortality, mortal contract

    Katakros (Big leader guy)

    Mortisan Soulreaper – General
    Mighty Archaeossian
    Godbone Armour
    Protection of Nagash

    3 x 10 Mortek Guard

    Mortek Crawler

    Immortis Guard

    The burning head

    Balewind Vortex

    Purple sun of Shyish

    Umbral Spellportal

    Main Obj Right flank
    OB turn 1:

    He went first, moving up to catch all objectives while moving the bulk forces into the middle. Magic saw a spell portal and purple sun get dumped in front of my Witch Aelves (WE) and Sisters of Slaughter (sos).

    Shooting saw the crawler take 4 wounds off the Cauldron.

    DOK Turn 1:

    Witch brew went on SOS and Blood sisters (BS). I failed to cast Mindrazor (double 1, rolled to a 5) and Doom bolt (double 1…). I changed dice, and got 11 to cast Dais and then 7 to cast Comet but it was dispelled with Arkhans +2 to dispel.

    Movement saw me pull the BS, cauldron, Medusa and SOS to the left and the warlocks, incantors and WE to the right.

    Shooting saw the warlocks get 1 wound on Arkhan and everything else was out of range

    Charging managed to get the warlocks into the flank of Arkhan (a mistake really), witch Aelves into the Mortek guard on the right. The snakes also went up the middle into the Immortis and clipping both units of Mortek guard. In middle/Right

    Combat saw me lose 3 Witch Aelves, 3 Warlocks and 2 snakes, but took out half of both units of Morteks and the immortis out completely. DOK cap 4 pts.

    Main Obj stayed on right flank and I won the roll off. Purple sun rolls high and clips the SOS, killing 5.

    DoK Turn 2:

    Mindrazor goes off onto the Snakes, comet goes off on the back field hitting most his army for 3MW, but he managed to do death saves on 2 wounds for both unit of Mortek guard and the Soulreaper. Catachism goes off on the snakes, and I put blessing on the cauldron (though snakes woulda been better with what came next) rune of khaine goes off on the hag and the cauldron woke up.

    I put Mystic shield on the dais incantor from the warlocks and the 2nd incantor dispelled Purple Sun.

    Moving up, I pull the WE out of combat and onto the Obj, and the Warlocks out to the right board edge.

    Shooting saw the cauldron kill 1 mortek guard, and the warlocks fail to wound Arkhan. Combat, the cauldron failed to charge the Mortek to the left of the snakes, but the SOS got into the Mortek on the right, with the Dais Incantor and Hag joining them.

    Snakes went 1st, piling into Katakros and the remaining center Mortek. They wiped out the Mortek and did took Katakros down to 5 wounds. He hit back with Arkhan, failing to wound the knight incantor. My SOS only managed to kill 1 Mortek (soooo tanky) for the cost of 3 of them back. Hag and Incantor did 3 wounds to arkhan. Katakros though, now in combat mode, killed 5 snakes, and that was me rolling well. Dok cap 4 pts.

    OB Turn 2:

    He cast predator but I shut down the rest of his magic with auto dispels bar Balewind vortek on the Soulreaper.

    His healing got 6 wounds back on Katakros, fully heal Arkhan and bring back 6 Mortek on the right unit
    Shooting saw him use the special shot on the Medusa (Roll 2d6 and use modifier. If equal to or greater than wounds its dead) and he rolled a 7 (-1 for wounds taken) and my general died. Yuk.

    Combat saw Katakros only kill 2 snakes now his attacks were reduced, and the snakes took him off.  Arkhan targeting and killed the hag (which I shouldn’t have put in combat but oh well) and 5 SOS from the Mortek. SOS only kill 1 mortek again…(facepalm) and the incantor only 1 wound on Arkhan.

    He caps 1 point

    Comet isn’t in 5” of anyone
    Obj moves to middle

    OB wins the turn

    OB Turn 3:

    Predator is recast (since its target was medusa and it was killed, so was dispelled) after my foot incantor. Protection goes on Arkhan and he heals up again/adds more mortek.

    He moved the far left start to move over the middle, but rolled a 1 to run so didn’t make it far.

    Shooting sees the catapult hit the snakes but failed to do much.

    Combat saw Arkhan do 3 wounds on the incantor, and 4 sos killed. I killed 2 Mortrek and fail to wound Arkhan. He caps 1 pt

    DOK turn 3:

    I leave comet there, using the warlocks to dispel the predator. Both incantors get dispelled by Arkhan.  Blessing and Witch Brew go onto the cauldron.

    Movement sees the Cauldron move up to the left Mortek, and the snakes move on the crawler.

    Shooting pips 2 mortek off from the Cauldron.

    Combat sees the Cauldron take out the left Mortek, and the snakes the crawler. The dias then dies from the spirit hosts who roll 3 mortal wounds…

    Combat sees 2 sos die for 0 mortek.

    Cap 4 pts.

    Obj stays in the center and DOK win the roll. We call it at this point, as he cant cap any points at this time to get enough points. I cap 4 again, with the cauldron and snakes going into whats left of the mortek and Soulreaper. Arkhan may get away this round, but hes then alone and down 16 – 7 on his turn 4.







    So, Things went well (bar some silly moves) but I still felt I was missing the Slaughter queens free attack and just felt the warlocks are Meh for 160pts. I also don’t have anything to drop to threaten areas.

    SO, I came up with these two tweeks.

    List 1 is a slight change, adding in 2 units of 5 heart renders for the cost of warlocks and Dais. Still gives me 3 casts/3 dispels.

    List 2 is bit of a re write of the same format. Giving me only 2 casts and 3 dispels, but gives me an extra prayer and the SQ, as well as 1 unit of heartrenders to drop

    List 3: Similar, but 1 knight incanter is now shadow warriors for deep strike, and a 2nd blood wrack medusa. Also general now on shrine

    I think I wanna try list 2 next

    List 1: 
    Medusa - General, Devoted Disciples, Shadow Stone, Mindrazor

    Knight Incantor

    Knight Incantor

    Hag Queen on Cauldron – Blessing of Khaine

    Hag Queen – Catechism of Murder

    30 Sisters of Slaughter – Shields

    10 Witch Aelves – knives

    20 Blood sisters

    2 x 5 Heartrenders

    Everblaze Comet

    List 2:

    Slaughter Queen – Devoted Disciples, Blessing of khaine

    Medusa - Shadow Stone, Mindrazor

    Knight Incantor

    Hag Queen – Crimson Rejuvenation

    Hag Queen – Catechism of Murder

    30 Sisters of Slaughter – Shields

    10 Witch Aelves – knives

    10 Witch Aelves – knives

    20 Blood sisters

    5 Heartrenders

    Everblaze Comet

    List 3:

    Medusa on Bloodshrine - General, Devoted Disciples, Shadow Stone, Mindrazor

    Knight Incantor

    Bloodwrack Medusa - withering

    Hag Queen on Cauldron – Blessing of Khaine

    Hag Queen – Catechism of Murder

    30 Sisters of Slaughter – Shields

    10 Witch Aelves – knives

    20 Blood sisters

    10 shadow warriors

    Everblaze Comet

  8. 8 hours ago, Sapca said:

    Your list can be easily adapted to this.

    Allegiance: Daughters of Khaine

    Mortal Realm: Ulgu - Temple: Hagg Nar

    Bloodwrack Shrine (220) - General - Command Trait : Devoted Disciples  - Artefact :  Shadow Stone  - Lore of Shadows : Mindrazor
    Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood (330) - Artefact :  Doppelganger Cloak - Prayer : Catechism of Murder
    Hag Queen (90) - Prayer : Blessing of Khaine
    30 x Sisters of Slaughter (300) - Barbed Whips and Blade Bucklers
    20 x Blood Sisters (480)
    10 x Sisters of Slaughter (120) - Barbed Whips and Sacrificial Knives
    5 x Khinerai Heartrenders (90)
    5 x Khinerai Heartrenders (90)
    Slaughter Troupe (130)
    TOTAL: 1850/2000     EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 1     WOUNDS: 121
    LEADERS: 3/6    BATTLELINES: 3 (3+)    BEHEMOTHS: 2/4    ARTILLERY: 0/4
    ARTEFACTS: 2/2    ALLIES: 0/400


    You get 1 more artifact. Ignax, Thermalrider, Doppleganger, Iron Circlet,... whatever helps most in (your) meta.

    1 more CP

    Battalion is nice, retreat and charge with SoS can be used very very creatively. Due 6" pilein you don't need to charge things... so you can "almost" fight first more than once. Also makes this list 4-5 drop. Also Cauldron can retreat and charge for extra d3 impact damage.

    SQ can unbind. 

    1 Less Witchbrew

    2x 5 Khinerai are nice assassins, obective grabbers and seriously mess a lot of players thought process.

    No 50% meteor or Guaranteed unbind 1x


    Has 150 leftover points. Which allow for:

    1x Medusa (The Withering) +1 to wound is always nice, unbind and another vs horde 'gaze'.

    1x Hag (Martyr's Sacrifice and additional Brew with 60 points left for + 1 CP or Scourgerunner or Geminids)

    3x Scourgerunner for large footprint shooting support

    1x Incantor if you want 100% unbind for some key turn1 casts.

    1x Gryph Hounds to be used as fast chaff (6x 42mm, 18 wounds, 9' move, nosave) their retreat rule can be nice help locking down some units as they can escape combat if not targeted fast enough.


    Also has option to modify core:

    Option2: Leave / Put hag on cauldon (+30) points. And take SQ on foot (-100 points) for battalion requirement. Leaves you with 80 points (10 pirates as chaff for instance).

    Option3: Make SQ on cauldron general. Take extra unit of WE's. Leaving you with 30 points, take Prismatic endless spell to counter some shooting or turn1 movement. Keeps you 4 drop and you gain access to quite nasty CA, 3 prayers, cauldron having devoted disciples. always.... I would do this I guess.

    But I kinda want the knight incantor and meteor. Its half the reason I made the list rather than just going for normal boring DoK

    Its for LVO2020, where realm spells are in affect (hence wanting more casters) and not too worried about not having a SlaughterQueen General

  9. Yes yes, DOK dont need support allies

    But I want to continue to test the list I am testing, and am wondering peoples opinions on selections or any I havent thought of.

    I am currently running this: (it is 3-0 atm)

    General: Bloodwrack Medusa, Devoted Disciples, Shadowstone, Mindrazor

    Hag Queen on Cauldron, Blessing of Khaine

    Hag Queen, Catechism of Murder

    Knight incantor

    30 Sisters of Slaughter with Bucklers

    20 Blood Sisters

    10 Witch Aelves (Knives)

    5 Doomfire Warlocks (Shroud of despair)

    Everblaze Comet

    The last 170points have been 5 more warlocks with Withering for 2 games and 3 Vanuard Raptor longstrikes for 1 game

    All in all I love the list, bar the last 170pts. I found the 2nd 5 doomfire warlocks to be bit of a waste (mainly as I thought crossbows where 16inch not 10)

    So tried the raptors for some ranged support, but not 100% sold on them.

    I want my army to be able to do stuff in every phase. Atm I have 3 spells to cast (mainly MR and Comet) and 3 dispels/ 1 auto

    Shooting is where I was lacking, hence the raptors.

    So, ideas I am looking at for 170points are:

    1: Stick with 3 Raptors (170pts)
    Sniping out what the comet wounds

    2: 2nd Knight-Incantor with Dais (140+30pts)
    2nd Auto dispel. 2+ reroll if on a disk with Mystic shield. Gives me 5 dispels if disc up. 12” flying can help throw him in useful places and gives me another caster for comet

    3: 3 Scourgerider chariots (150pts)
    More shooting support, fast and lots of wounds. Downside is that’s lots of wound to feed slaanesh and they are not as accurate as the raptors

    4: 10 Shadow Warriors (110pts) and Gemnids (60pts)
    10 2+/3+ rend 1 can be pretty good if I can deploy them early in cover. Helps with sniping and warmachines with rise in cities. Gemnids is a great endless spell, but wondering if something else would be better

    but now I am wondering if I really need the 1st doomfire warlocks. They are mainly there to (bar being fast and holding obj)

    1: dispel comet so the knight can recast it
    2: Doom bolt something for D6
    3: reduce LD of a unit by 1-D3 for Mindrazor works (depending if I actually cast MR and roll an 8 to cast vs LD10)

    So would I be better to drop the 2nd unit to and just take a Sorceress for 90pts for the 3rd dispel/cast and dispelling comet, leaving 240 to play with, then what do I get with that 240pts lol


    Could look like this:

    Slaughter Queen on Cauldron, general, devoted disciples, crimson rejuvenation

    Bloodwrack Medusa, Shadowstone, Mindrazor

    Hag Queen, Blessing of khaine

    Hag Queen, Catechism of Murder

    Knight incantor


    30 Sisters of Slaughter with Bucklers

    20 Blood Sisters

    10 Witch Aelves (Knives)

    10 Witch Aelves (knives)

    Everblaze Comet


  10. On 11/14/2019 at 5:44 PM, GreatWhiteNorthIronjawz said:

    Inspired by Chumphammer, planning to run this at LVO

    hagg nar 
    Medusa (general, shadow stone, mind razor)

    hag queen (Blessing)

    hag queen (Catechism) 


    2 x 20 blood sisters
    5 blood sisters

    2 x 5 doomfire (withering and debating second spell) 

    5 heart renders 

    Dais Arcanum 


    Looks interesting. No Cauldron though? that +1AS on snakes in great. 2 Units of 20 is scarey lol. I would maybe drop the single unit of 5 sisters for a screen of SOS or WE, just to give you a buffer  from say like 40 Buffed plague monks smashing into you. 

    I am playing Blades of Khorne tomorrow with my list, and thinking of changing itt slightly. I dont think 2 units of warlocks are that needed, and for 160pts (plus 10 left) i can and something more flexible (since I thought the crossbows were 16inch, but they are 10)

    Two options I am thinking of atm are both stormcast.

    1: Knight-Incantor with Dais disk endless spell (140pts + 30pts)
    2nd person who can cast comet
    2nd Auto dispel
    2 lots of flasks.
    Another caster to use realm spells (LVO)
    With Dais, he can have a 2nd dispel, +1AS and 12" fly. Makes a great unit with mystic shield for a 2+ reroll AS unit that can fly 12" 

    This can give me 5 dispels a turn (2 of which one shot auto dispels) 

    2: 3 Vanguard Longstrikes (170pts)
    24inch range (30 if not moved) can give me snipe capability to support the comet. 3 shots at 2+/3+, Rend -2, 2 damage is pretty good, especially 6's to hit being 2MW. Great way to finish a support hero/do extra damage when mixed with Comet.

    Testing out the Vanguards tomorrow


    So tested out Vanguards. They are ok, but didnt really shine through. Picked up a second Knight-Incantor to try next.

    Also considering 3 Scourgerunner chariots

  11. Yeah hallowheart is prob the best

    Take 3 Mages to support inc healing spell and emerald life swarm

    I wouldnt do cogs, but the battlemage that gives +2 run and charge

    Bubble him in a block of Phoenix guard

    Give him shooting support to clear chaff

    So id do:

    annointed (General)
    Knight incantor (ignax scales)

    30 Phoenix Guard
    20 Darkshards (retinue) 
    10 Darkshards 


    Emerald Life swarm

    Gives you a solid core (unbreakable 30 PG)
    Good magic support
    60 shots a turn from Darkshards
    Dispel scroll from the incantor (with scaled to make him petty tough and can use the hallowheart ability on him)

    Also you have 200pts spare to add in what else you fancy

    • Like 1
  12. My theory:

    Teclis and Tyrion on one model. Player chooses at the start of the battle round if using Teclis or Tyrion (one magic/support, other combat)

    Other is still used, but to a much lesser effect (like Morathi when she changes form. Maybe if Teclis is used, it has 4 spells/3 dispels etc, but if he is not used then he gets 1 cast/dispel) 

    High point value but cool as ****** model. 

    • Like 1
    • LOVE IT! 2
  13. 1 minute ago, Icegoat said:

    I feel like this announcement has destroyed the solid ground AOS seemed to be on. The old world was dead AOS is the setting now. To go back on that now is just odd. 

    If you have an army with old models pre 2015 I think you will be having to switch settings back to the old world in a few years time. Only a matter of when not if that they squat the entire old world range. Every freeguild every dispossed beastman and dark elf will be going in the next three years. I would bet a lot on it. 

    I disagree entirely. We dont even know what kind of game it is, whether an epic size mini model game or using movement trays again.

    Besides, AoS has grown into its own thing with a strong and healthy/friendly community. AoS is fine and will continue to grow in the next two years 

  14. 10 hours ago, Thenord said:

    Really curious ti hear how the 20 sisters work for you,. Been thinking about trying it myself, but I always feel like 10 gets the job done? But it's a really nice discount!

    Personally, I have never lost a unit of 20. they have been smashed up hard, but never fully dead. They are a great unit, only big weakness was the points they gave to slaanesh

  15. 3 minutes ago, Graywater said:

    I really wish blood stalkers were better or cheaper so I could run a temple nest list. The snakes are what got me into the army in the first place. I've been toying with a list that has no aelf battleline. It's clearly worse than lists that include the aelves, but it's different. There were 4 of us daughters players at da boyz and all of our lists were mostly the same with one unit different here and there.

    Yeah. If they could be battle line and were better (like 6's do 2 MW or they can fire twice)

    I would like it if Morathi was your general then snakes could be your battle line also, as makes sense with theme.

    I have Stalkers sitting in a box doing nothing

  16. 3 minutes ago, Graywater said:

    2 mindrazors for redundancy.  I value that over any of the other lore spells. We had access to realm spells for flexibility in casting. 

    This army has some clear issues that you point out: 1 hag is an issue, no battalion is an issue, and morathi I think is a trap.

    More witchbrew is obviously good and I'd love catechism.

    A battalion for a starting CP and another relic slot for shadow stone would be excellent-I failed mindrazor so much.

    Morathi doesnt really answer anything that more sisters of slaughter don't. I was disappointed by her performance for most of the weekend. I had one game in which she did 2 damage all game.

    Honestly I made this list to try to be a little different. I've been a bit disheartened by how much daughters have been "figured out". We have a clear best list or two, so I wanted to bring something with my own spin on it to be different while still being strong. I probably should get more sisters of slaughter, put the bloodwrack on a shrine, and get another hag instead of morathi. But I like her, the melusai, and the khinerai. And that's anthony Lawrence's list, and I dont want to just take his. On the flipside, Morathi and the heartrenders really mess with people's decision making and force them to make mistakes. 

    Yeah, I feel you. And the realm spells really can impact a game. Atm I have been playing this and really enjoying it. Only played two games so far (both Won, top of turn 3 and 4) because I wanted to try something different and flexible. 

    Bloodwrack Medusa, Devoted Disciples, Shadowstone, Mindrazor

    Hag Queen on Cauldron, Blessing of Khaine

    Hag Queen, Catechism of Murder


    30 Sisters of Slaughter (Bucklers)

    20 Blood Sisters

    10 Witch Aelves (two knives)

    5 Doomfire Warlocks (Steed of Shadows)

    5 Doomfire Warlocks (Shroud of Despair)

    Everblaze Comet

  17. 3 minutes ago, Graywater said:

    I recently went to da boyz, a 2 day event in upstate New York with around 60 people. Day one was in chamon and day two was in ghyran. Came 3rd overall with:

    Allegiance: Daughters of Khaine
    - Temple: Hagg Nar

    Morathi High Oracle of Khaine (480)
    - Lore of Shadows: Mindrazor
    Bloodwrack Medusa (140)
    - General
    - Trait: Devoted Disciples 
    - Lore of Shadows: Mindrazor
    Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood (300)
    - Artefact: Iron Circlet 
    - Prayer: Blessing of Khaine

    20 x Blood Sisters (480)
    30 x Sisters of Slaughter (300)
    - Barbed Whips and Blade Bucklers
    10 x Sisters of Slaughter (120)
    - Barbed Whips and Blade Bucklers

    5 x Khinerai Heartrenders (90)
    5 x Khinerai Heartrenders (90)

    Total: 2000 / 2000

    Why the two mindrazors?

    interesting only the 1 Witchbrew/Buff, Snakes with Morathi and no Battalion. 

    Congrats on 3rd

  18. Had my first game vs Bonedaddies last night:

    top things of note:

    1: ability to give multi units reroll 1s on saves (with +1 save faction is tough as mortek guard get a 3+/3+/6+ most of the time

    2: battalion with Immortis and Morghasts Archai. They can absorb so much damage ad transferred wounds are ignored on a 5+ (so with saves, 
    transfers and undead rule they can absorb tons, plus Archon just heals them back)

    3: the 30pt endless spell is a pain for just 30pts. Doing D3 wounds to units around it and D6 vs it chosen target (all on a 2+) is pretty good for 30pts as you have to waste a spell (due to portal) to dispel it or just ignore it 

    4: being able to give
    Morghasts Archai +1 rend for rend -3, 3 damage each attack really hurts. They can also get reroll 1's to hit.

    So 4 with halberds are hitting you with

    Reach 2, 3 attacks hitting on 3's (rerolling 1is), wounding on 3's. -3 Rend and 3 damage 

  19. 44 minutes ago, Icegoat said:

    The rumour engine is tyrion

    Ya know, you are right. 

    Tyrion, Lord of light, Captain of Hysh, Master of the Morris Dancers

    Image result for morris dancers


    The tassels give it away. Perfect counter to Chaos as none are getting STD's anytime soon...

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  20. We have had new Slaanesh and Khorne, so my 2 cents is its Tzeentch cause they need an update I think

    If left field, Serephon.

    I think we will see them both of those updated before new Aelves (as much as I would love new Aelves, We had IDK and DoK not that long ago)

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