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Posts posted by Chumphammer

  1. 18 minutes ago, jhamslam said:

    Its quite strange how everything past like 170 point range has level 2 sorcery now, 2 unbinds 2 casts. But they havent bothered updating any older wizards for this capability.

    I hate this trickle down design by GW , like power creep is one thing, but to so decidely ****** over older armies feels dumb

    I know right? But tbh I think we will next an update in 2020 with endless spell and some tweeks to some of the rules. Nothing too much, but something to update to 2.0

  2. 8 hours ago, whispersofblood said:

    The problem you are going to run into is that there are several factions which can stack cast, and unbind bonuses to 2,3,4 levels, with fearsome spell lores. It's almost not worth investing in magic at all.

    By the time LVO comes around CoS, OW, BR will be in full swing and our only competitive builds will probably revolve around bodies and Hagg Narr again. 

    Yeah, true, but I think magic defense is important.

    Look at the recent winner of blood and glory. With no magic defense that army is going to run circles around people. At least with 1 guaranteed dispel from the incanter if you can keep them alive will ground their units enough to get them in combat 

  3. So had this idea for a list for LVO2020.

    Since Scenarios/ sub missions/Side obj etc are all important, plus it looks like casters get additional realm spells, I wanted to try something  a little different.

    Also, Cities of Sigmar/endless spells really are going to hit hard I think, and this really reduces Morathi’s value. Also, with the pending Slaanesh nerf in December it means snakes might be worth taking again.

    Bloodwrack Medusa, Devoted Disciples, Shadowstone, Mindrazor. (Will hide behind the Cauldron Hag)

    Hag Queen on Cauldron, Blessing of Khaine

    Hag Queen, Catechism of Murder


    30 Sisters of Slaughter (Bucklers)

    20 Blood Sisters

    10 Witch Aelves (two knives)

    5 Doomfire Warlocks (Withering)

    5 Doomfire Warlocks (Shroud of Despair)

    Everblaze Comet

    9 drops

    *Not sure whether to do 2x5 or 1x10 for warlocks. One gives me additional spell selection, a 4th dispel, more movement options for late game obj grabbing. Other is +1 cast/dispel and that 6 Mortal wounds and 8 drops.

    Plan would be have the WE front line as screen, with SOS slightly behind (but 3 inches after)

    Snakes behind that

    In the middle of it all would be the 2 hags, cauldron, Incantor and medusa

    Flanking will be the warlocks but behind the sos

    Gives me 4 casts/4 dispels with a instant dispel (really needed atm I feel)
    40 Bow shots with the warlocks

    Everblaze comet for helping to deal with bunched up heroes

    I might even swap catechism for crimson rej as being able to heal the medusa/cauldron might be very useful.

    Being able to Shroud/Mindrazor for dealing with high LD stuff will help. 


  4. 32 minutes ago, CountryMou3e said:

    @Chumphammer can you link the tldr to your list 


    The list was:

    Morathi (Mind Razor)
    Hag on Cauldron (Catachism, general, Blood sigil: Blessing of khaine)
    30 Sisters of slaughter with Bucklers
    10 Witch Aelves with Dagger
    10 Witch Aelves with Dagger
    5 Life takers
    5 Life takers

    Everything performed well but I am unsure of the lifetakers. I am thinking 5 warlocks due to
    1: Extra dispel
    2: 10 Crossbowshots vs annoying things like fanatics
    3: 14inch movement w 10 wounds 
    4: Actually taking part in the game not just dropping down turn 3+
    5: The two spells it offers. 1 being doom bolt but more importantly having the -1/-D3 Bravery can really help atm due to a lot of LD10 things. Having that on a keeper/Warpseer and then Mindrazor on Morathi would be fantastic


  5. 14 hours ago, GreatWhiteNorthIronjawz said:

    Nice showing! Was that out in Nanaimo? Good weekend for Canadian AoS as we had Onslaught here in Edmonton. 

    Did having Gotrek change how you played with Morathi in terms of transformation timing? 

    AoS is definitely growing in the area. This tournament should have been 36 but we can pull in 40-50 I think for the next event. Plus there are a lot more players in our area just not all attending tournaments.

    I played a lot more aggressive with her, getting her into their from lines turn 1 (wither biggest threat or target of opportunity) 

    Knowing that Gotrek can be there in 2 turns to kill anything she hasnt yet meant the opponent has to run away or throw stuff in front of him which gives me more to kill. Meanwhile the SoS are flanking around to support 

  6. The Symbol is very similar to the Star Rune "Elemental Force"

    It is also on some Fyreslayers

    This preview, which as an old High elf player have to admit this is more wood elves, so probably  Kurnothi, especially after we saw those Beastgrave models.

  7. So, I went to my 1st 2day AoS tournament at the weekend (Kippers Melee 2019) which had 36 sign up

    My army can be seen here:


    Game 2: Gloomspite gitz – Places or Arcane Power

    Skragott, the loonking - General, hand of gork
    Fungoid Shamen (great green spite)
    Loonboss on mangler squig (gryph feather charm)
    2x60 Stabbas with 9 nets (shields)
    20 Shootas
    2 x 5 Fanatics
    10 Boingrot Bounderz
    Morks Mighty mushroom

    My only loss, I destroyed him down to the shaman/30 stabbas. My mistake was charging Gotrek and Morathi onto Skragott, but I should have charged morathi 1st so when Skragott died she coulda stayed and Gotrek go after the last stuff, as his damage is far superior. Meant bottom of turn 4 I have 2 points held, but only for 2 turns and 3 turns, and he had his last one for 4 turns (plus the other two for two)

    Meant if he won priotiry, he wins. If I won, he loses as Gotrek rips through the unit and kills the shaman (or Morathi magics it, Lifetakers get them)

    He won the roll and won the game.

    Game 3: Sylvaneth – Winterleaf – Blood and glory

    Alarielle the everqueen – Throne of vines
    Branchwraith – Verdurous Harmony
    Arch Revenant – General, My heart is ice, Frozen Kernal
    Treelord Ancient – Etheral Amulet, Regrowth
    3 x 5 Spite Revenants
    6 Kurnoth Hunters – Scythes
    5 Tree Revenants
    Extra command point

    Morathi went forward and hit right into Alarielle, shooting off the branchwraith with luck. Morathi managed to lock her into combat till the sos arrived to finish her off. Gotrek threatened the other flank while the witch aelves held the other two points. Game ended top of turn 3 when Gotrek pushed the last points and wiped it out with 5 Cannaries dropping to help add bodies

    Game 4: Slaanesh – Godseakers (eeeeeg) – Starstrike

    Keeper of Secrets: General, Thrill seeker, Sinistrous hand, Ghyrstrike, Progeny of damnation
    Keeper of Secrets: Living whip, Entangling blade, slothful stupor
    Infernal Entrapuress: cameo of the dark prince
    Infernal Entrapuress
    30 Daemonettes
    20 Daemonettes
    10 daemonettes
    Epicurean Revellers
    Supreme Sybrarites
    Extra command point

    This…did not go as I expected. I went 1st, Throwing Morathi and 10 WE into 10 Daemonettes and an entrapuress and killing them, while buffing the SOS and setting up a we wall in front of them with Gotrek slightly behind that line, bracing for the charge. His 20 Daemonettes hit my WE line, His kipper hit the sos flank and 30 daemonettes pinched between his 2 units. Luckily, he forgot where gortek was.

    He his first with his kipper general, and fluffed, killing 2. Gotrek went next, taking out the whole unit of 20 Daemonettes. This now mean his unit of 30 hard hardly any in combat, but my sos got to pile in 6 and do a lot of damage to both. Next turn Gotrek ran into the 2nd kipper, killing him, while Morathi took out the 2nd entrapuress in the middle. Sos held up the kipper and deamoneetes but being knocked down to 8, but meant on state of turn 3 he only had the kipper on 1 wound and 15 Daemonettes left, surrounded by a full wound cauldron, the ramining sis, lifetakers (to stop summoning) and Gortek running into them. Cauldron pipped the last wound from the Kipper with shooting then gotrek finished the rest. I had all points by this point, so game ended top of round 3….

    Game 5: Skaventide – Relocation orb

    Grey Seer – Skitterleap
    Warlock engineer – Vigordust, More More warp power
    Warlock Engineer – More more warp power
    Verminlord – General, Master of magic
    3 x 20 clan rats
    6 stormfiends
    1 Warp grinder
    Hell Pit Abom
    Extra command point
    Soulsnare Shackles
    Germinids of Uhl-Gysh

    I took turn 1, buffing and throwing morathi forwards. I wanted to get her into the stormfriends with her reach 2, but with a reroll charge she couldn’t reach them but could the abom. My army pushed up to take the point. Morathi killed half the clanrats and killed the Abom, but it came back on 3 wounds.

    His turn he pushed his warpseer onto the point area but not in combat, and the 2nd unit of clanrats there also. His magic failed big time also. He retreated everything from combat with Morathi. Luckily, he pushed the clanrats too far forwards and into 6” sos pile in, who surged forwards and wiped them out, meaning he failed to take the point for 3.

    He then got the double, and hurt me bad. His magic all went off, shackling Gotrek, Germids taking half my army with debuffs and doing some wounds across the board. His shooting then hurt also, taking the cauldron to 6 wounds, killing 1 unit of 10 witch aelves and 6 sos. His warpseer went into Morathi doing 3 wounds for only 3 back (damn Germids)

    My turn saw me fail to unshackle Gotrek. I pulled my SOS towards the new obj location *which had landed on my cauldron* Morathi hit some more wounds of the warpseer but again she pretty much fluffed.

    I won priority turn 3, and let him go first to ****** him on points (as at this point it was 4-0 on VPs) as the orb went back to the center

    he made me suffer for it, taking out 10 SOS and killing the Cauldron. He pulled his warpseer out of combat and onto the point with 10 Clanrats helping hold it.
    My turn 3, Morathi falls back with the remaining SOS and witch elves to deal with 20 clanrats and the greyseer who had teleported to try and take my back line. I unshackled Gotrek, who got into the side of the clanrats, wiping them out and clipping the  warpseer and taking him to 2 wounds. Panicked, in his hit back he fled with the Warpseer, but totally forgot this meant Gotrek was the only one within 6 of the point and handed me 3points! So at this point it was 7 vs 1. This pretty much ended the game but we played on as had time.

    Orb went back to where morathi was (now on 3 wounds) and he made me go 1st. Gotrek ran at hiswarp seer but failed to get in. Nothing much happened and I hit 8pts.

    His turn he shackles Gotrek again, but loses his last two wounds as the spell hits him also. The abom runs in, killing 5 khinaries that screened Morathi and the WE, and morathi finished off the Abom.

    His left the stormfiends and an warlock on one corner of the board, and Gotrek, 2 wound Morathi and 8 WE on the other and a win for DOK

    So there we go. Played 3 races I haven’t played before and 2 armies I have only lost against. But 5 really fun games and friendly players.

    Depending on LVO scenarios I might actually take a similar list with a few changes since thats its 7-1 and got me a 1st and 2nd 

  8. Had this idea and kinda like it. No Morathi or snakes, just has a good punch with chariots


    Hag Narr
    Slaughter Queen (General, Bliod Sigil, Crimson Rejuvenatione blessing of khaine, devoted disciples)
    Hag Queen (Martyrs Sacrifice)
    Hag Queen (Catachism of murder)
    30 Witch Aelves with Bucklers
    30 Sisters of Slaughter with Bucklers
    10 Witch Aelves with daggers
    5 Life takers
    5 Life takers
    Cauldron Guard

    2x3 Scourgerunner Chariots

    2x3 Scourgerunner Chariots

    extra command point (or lifeswarm)

    Scourgerunners give me some.good fire support and monster take down. The crossbow shots are ok, but 4 shots hitting on 3's and 2 on 2's at rend 1 and D3 damage from each unit could really help


  9. Came up with another list (Having fun just writing them atm)

    Anointed on Frostheart: Veteran of the blazing crusade

    Battlemage (Ghur - Wildform)
    Warding Brand, Ignite Weapons

    Battlemage (Aqushy - Fireball)
    Sear Wounds, Elemental Cyclon, Ignax's Scales 

    Sear Wounds, Roaming wildfire (2nd sear wounds in case I lose the battlemage)

    30 Phoenix Guard

    20 Dark Shards

    10 Dark Shards

    10 Shadow Warriors

    10 Sisters of the watch

    2 Gyrocopters

    3 Scourgerunner Chariots

    Purple Sun of Shyish

    Emerald life swarm

    Quicksilver Swords

    Kinda same idea as before but Scourgerunner to help vs big things at range (like keepers) and sister of the watch fire support also.  Gyrocopters are really good vs hordes

    Gives me a good all around list I feel, competent in every phase. Got some real movement flexibility if needed or can hunker down behind the PG wall

  10. 1 hour ago, Duke of Gisoreux said:

    I really like your list, but what's the purpose of the command trait? Seems like a waste as Phoenix Guard is already immune to battleshock with an Anointed nearby. The trait would only increase the range and provide battleshock for the Darkshards.

    Edit: I just recognized you didn't include the Whitefire Retinue Battalion. Don't you think it's worth it?

    Thanks :)

    1: Main reason was the wholly within 12, and this can limit how far I push up away from my character line. 18" gives me a lot more range with added security. I have seen soooo many people ****** themselves over when its "wholly within 12" it makes me paranoid lol. Open to suggestions on other abilities 

    2: I think its alright, but I dont know if its really needed. my sorceress is already going to be on +2 due to stabbing darkshards. I am also getting + to cast from Arcane channeling. So vs most armies I should be fine with what I have, and I dont really need the item as Gotrek/PG doing most the work.

    I thought about COGS, but I just dont feel I need it for the 80pts when I can already get +2 run/charge on just Gotrek. I have played Gotrek in 4 games now and hes always gotten into combat Turn 2. He is just such a target that soaks up so much fire and attention and can take anything my PG cant deal with (especially with Purple sun already hitting them things) I also dont want my opponent getting the buff from it also 


  11. Redesigned my list.

    I wanted something that can:

    1: Move forward and be a threat/pack a punch
    2: High amount magic support
    3: some decent shooting in support

    I also dont want to by more models really, so using what I have with my high elves

    Anointed: General
    Veteran of the blazing crusade 

    Battlemage (Ghur - Wildform)
    Warding Brand, Ignite Weapons

    Battlemage (Aqushy - Fireball)
    Sear Wounds, Elemental Cyclon, Ignax's Scales 

    Sorceress: Adjutant
    Sear Wounds, Roaming wildfire (2nd sear wounds in case I lose the battlemage)

    30 Phoenix Guard

    10 Phoenix Guard: Retinue

    20 Darkshards
    *full command*

    Gotrek Gunnisson

    10 Shadow Warriors

    10 Shadow Warriors

    Purple Sun of Shyish

    Emerald Lifeswarm

    So 30 PG in front with a hole for Gotrek to run through

    Annointed behind with the mages

    10 PG behind their body guards

    Darkshards next to or behind them (close enough for sorceress to use her ability) I know we have access to better shooting, but needed more core and 200pts for 40 3+/4+ isnt bad since the PG will be holding them up while arrows rain down. They are good to help clear the way for PG Gotrek.  Also cheap kills for sorceress 

    Life swarm/Sear wounds to keep Gotrek/PG alive (and the battle mage taking the wounds to increase casting. Hopefully scales mitigates that)

    Purple sun for close range killing big things

    Shadow warriors for capping  obj or taking our weak solo characters

    • Like 2
  12. Character assassin strike:

    Assassin in with shadow warriors (with artifact of 6's to hit are d3 wounds, stacked with its normal ability)

    Sorcerer with spell portal

    Sorcerer with spray

    3x10 shadow warriors 

    Cast portal out of range (+2 if some unit to stab) and set up portal on character to use spray 

    Shadow warriors pop out (in cover if possible) and shoot them off the table. If lives charge union with assassin

    Not guaranteed but can turn 1 kill a lot of big threats


    • Like 1
  13. Thought i would look at a Phoenicium list with some of the stuff I have on hand:

    Phoenicium City

    Anointed (General) One with fire and ice (Golden Mist) - Will sit in the rear of the 30 PG
    BattleMage (Lore tbd) Ambertide (To cast lifeswarm plus support spell)
    Anointed on Frostheart
    Anointed on Frostheart
    Anointed on Frostheart (3 bird strike force. If vs non shooting They might flank the PG block and move up together if vs huge combat army. If not they will head off together and hit the biggest unit)
    30 Phoenix Guard
    10 Phoenix Guard (Retinue, sit behind big PG to defend command and support when needed)
    10 Darkshards (using HE archers for this unit. I wanted some little fire support)
    10 Shadow Warriors (these guys are great! I wanted 2 but out of points)
    Emerald life swarm

    So main idea same as WH. Frosthearts go get in the face of people. They get +1 wound for Phoenicium, and with lifeswarm (and mists if in range) they can stay around. That is a lot of Rend 1 2 damage attacks.

    Anointed on foot and mage move up surrounded by PG in a block that wont budge, again being healed.

    Shadow warriors are a great little unit now, and will either drop to take out unit holding objectives (as many times its 5 heartrenders or 10 weak models) or go for annoying units like ranged shooters or support wizards.

    Darkshards are there as I have the points spare for a small core unit, and I wanted some fire support. 20 shots 4+/4+ at range 16 isnt bad, and can be good to help deal with flanking small units so my main PG block doesnt need to divert attention. The 10 PG as the same, able to react to flanking threats and protecting the command team


  14. Was playing around with the app and came up with this:


    Anointed (general)
    Battle Mage (Adjutant, Ignax’ scales, Sear wounds, Crystal Aegis)
    Battle Mage (Ignite Weapons, Warding Brand)
    Battle Mage (Roaming Wildfire, Elemental Cyclone)
    Hag Queen

    30 Phoenix Guard
    10 Phoenix Guard
    10 Phoenix Guard (Retinue)
    30 Sisters of Slaughter (Bucklers)

    10 Shadow Warriors
    10 Shadow Warriors
    3 Gyrocopters

    Purple Sun of Shyish
    Emerald Lifeswarm

    Gives me 2 big blocks which are immune to battleshock and rerolls to wound. sos to give the 6 inch pile in when needed over charge.

    Two small units of PG to support or hold obj

    Lots of magic support, purple sun when closer and can do some damage, lifeswarm to keep those annoying PG coming back

    Shadow warriors to take down obj or solo heroes

    Gyrocopters to help clear vs big blocks 

  15. Did a 1 day 2k charity tournament on Sunday.

    As was going to be facing armies I havent played yet, thought Id take something like my Morathtrek list

    Ended up being

    Morathi (Mind Razor)
    Hag on Cauldron (Catachism, general, Ignax scales)
    30 Sisters of slaughter with Bucklers
    10 Witch Aelves with Dagger
    10 Witch Aelves with Dagger
    5 Life takers
    5 Life takers

    Not the best picture, Will try and get a better one at Kippers at the end of the month:

    I will do more of a write up when I get the lists from the people, but I went 3 - 0 and won the mini event.

    Game 1: Bonesplitters (Star Strike - 19 vs 18)
    Game 2: Free Cities - Greywater (Shifting Objectives, 19 vs 6)
    Game 3: Free Cities - Living City (Relocation Orb, 3 vs 2)

    Gotrek lived through all 3 games (down to 2w, 3w, 4w over the 3 games) but he only got his point back game 1. Yeah he got into combat and killed stuff each game, plus he was a massive target for the enemy (especially in game 3, where Duthru and 2 x 10 sisters of the water ambushed in to take him out, failed, he took out duthru and sos took out sow)

    I am still in two minds which list to take for kippers, whether I wanna just have a semi comp list and have fun, and save doing something more hardcore for LVO when I have had more exp, or go for something tougher.

    The list I was thinking is:

    Hag Narr

    Morathi (Mindrazor)
    Slaughter Queen (General, Crone Blade,Blessing of khaine, devoted disciples)
    Hag Queen (Blood Sigil, Martyrs sacrifice, Crimson Rejuvenation)
    Hag Queen (Catachism of murder)
    30 Witch Aelves with Bucklers
    30 Sisters of Slaughter with Bucklers
    10 Witch Aelves with daggers
    5 Life takers
    5 Life takers
    Cauldron Guard

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