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Posts posted by Chumphammer

  1. 2 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    Have you read the same Teclis warscroll? He's absolutely ridiculous.

    4 autospells at cv10, 1 autodispell in addition, 1 autounbind, +1 cast/dispell, unbind, 4+ unaffected by endless spells or enemy spell and deal d3 mw to enemy in what starts at 16", spells+ 5+ ward save in 18", d3 mw for every enemy unit in 18" on 2-4, d6 on 5-6.

    Not to mention making the enemy pay more CP, all units dispelling, mortal wound output (5-6 to hit for spears, archers and cav gives mw with the spell) and staying power.

    Moving battleshock to enemies is also unfun.

    So if you use CP, magic or are affected by mortal wounds, you're not going to have a good time.

    Khorne or Fyreslayers seem about the only bets.

    You miss the part where he is 1/3rd of your army, only has a 4+ AS and 16 wounds, and his abilities go down with wounds. 


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  2. 11 minutes ago, LordAlpharius said:

    On a more positive note, the limited roster might indicate that we will get  an expansion to faction in the not so distant future (especially if Slaanesh is released and Tyrion joins the struggles).   

    Or maybe GHB2020 will revise who can Allie to limit broken combos?

  3. 3 hours ago, Sleepers said:

    Guys I figured it out..

    they mentioned ally’s in the article today.. our mounted melee hero is the anointed flamspyre and frostheart phoenix from CoS. I’d also bet we can take Phoenix guard, anointed on foot, shadow warriors and maybe the assassin? The keywords are a bit all over the place, it’s possible we only get Phoenix temple units, but I would love some shadow warriors to go along with my army so I’m saying they are in! 😂

    Well, DoK and IDK can allie, as can COS take DOK and IDK.

    So I well image them being able to allie with DOK/IDK/COS (Aelves)


  4. So thinking about my stat preduction:

    Aelves will be 3+ to hit for combat and shooting 

    Spears/arrows 4+ to wound with 3+ for hammers (with MW bonus)

    Recon the spearmen , 4+ AS with -1 to hit when using the ability

    Hammers will be 5+ but immune to rend 1 ability

    For the cav I think they will have a 4+ with a 6" pile in mechanic (and maybe bonus to wound/MW on the charge)

    • Confused 2
  5. 15 minutes ago, Tiberius501 said:

    I am really liking how these champions seem to play. I mocked up a quick list for lolz. (Based on the leaked point values a while back).

    - Eltharion 220pts
    - Stonemage 140pts

    - Battlecattle 300(maybe)

    - 20x Spears 240pts
    - 20x Spears 240pts
    - 10x Archers 140pts
    - 10x Archers 140pts
    - 5x Cavalry 130pts
    - 5x Cavalry 130pts

    - 10x Hammers 200pts

    Total: 1880 roughly

    I'd prefer something like this also rather than Teclis as he is a huge point since but 18inch fnp bubble is pretty great. Looking forward to nerding out with the book 

    • Like 1
  6. Hmm, everyone is a wizard. thats gonna be fun :)

    So I am in, 2nd army here we come. 

    I am going to base it on my old High Elf Chrace army

    So: My old giant lion (was a dragon) and then an alt Teclis Model 

    Spearmen with have white lion shoulders and changing the helm plum sideways to be more spartan like. Archers will have shoulders also, with maybe some DOK heads mixed with both units (as hopefully they can allie with DOK like IDK can)

    Giant Cow will have lion heads

    Caverly will be the same aelf but with my lions from the chariots (I have like 20 from my converted dragon princes)

    Getting hyped now, been switching between KO/FEC and LRL for what I want my new army to be, but since getting the converted army in my head I am sold with LRL

    • Like 2
  7. A club mate Alex spotted this, not sure if its been said yet:

    "An acrylic combat gauge is perfect for those little measurements, from pile-ins and unit coherency to just how many of your Wardens’ pikes can stab that Bloodthirster. (Probably all of them! They’ve got a 3” range! That’s bonkers good!)"

    So the spearmen have 3" reach 

  8. Is if gong full flying legion, maybe something like:

    Abhorrant Archregent on foot (General, Hellish Orator and Deranged transformation)
    Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist (The Grim Garland, Spectral host and gruesome bite)
    Crypt Infernal Courtier: Eye of Hysh
    Varghulf Courtier

    6 x Crypt Flayers
    6 x Crypt Flayers
    3 x Crypt Flayers
    Chalice of Ushoran
    Extra Command Point
    Charnel Throne

    Throne can still be in a good combat place and be used to heal the AGKoTG in a hard combat

    I can still summon some decent support also like a flanking a Vargulf&3 Flayers to help assult, or even 3 Crypt horrors and 20 Crypt Ghouls to take an obj


  9. 27 minutes ago, AR605 said:

    With this army you want to go Blisterskin Grand Court for the extra movement and only in that Grand Court your Flayers become battleline. The Crypt Infernal Courtier is mandatory for the Deadwatch Battalion, so keep it in the army... but sort out the Chalice of Ushoran (only helpful for Ghouls). 

    I haven't looked up the total amount of points in that specific army, but the rest of the compositition looks good...

    Doesnt the chalice bring Knights back also?

    Without the chalice, its 380pts free to spend. More Battleline fliers? or stick in a 4th lord choice 

    What about Mortis engine support?


  10. 20 minutes ago, Deadkitten said:

    Both the Infernal Courtier and the Blisterskin court will unlock Flayers as Battleline.  And going all in on Flayers is definitely a build.  Having said that, I like to have a couple of units of Ghouls around just to babysit back field objectives.  But Feastday is pretty sweet.  It's a decent collection, depending on the price.  Basically, you're 80% of where ever you would want to go and just need to figure out the last 20%.  

    FEC is pretty even I have found.  There's lots of builds you can do and they're all pretty good.  Yes, there are some that are better than others but it's not like you'll be embarrassed taking anything out for a spin.   

    Its 450 Canadian (so 325 US)

  11. So, A guy not to far away is selling his FEC, and I am thinking about picking it up as a second army (I play competitive DOK since I started last May)

    We don’t have a fec player in the local scene, and not many at nearby tournaments (same with DOK lol) So it will be fun to play another competitive army that’s an aggressive playstyle.

    Hes selling for 450 Cad (so I think it’s a pretty good deal? So can add a few more pieces if needed)

    Archregent On foot
    Varghulf Courter
    3 Crypt Horrors
    2 Crypt Haunter Courtiers
    9 Crypt flayers
    2 Crypt Infernal Courtiers
    3 NOS flayers/haunters
    20 crypt ghouls
    30 NOS Crypt Ghouls/Crypt Ghast courtier
    1 Terrorgeist (SC Kit)
    1 NOS Zombie Dragon with Ghoul King bits (missing the vampire lord bits and terrorgeist head)
    1 Complete NOS Terrorgeist/Zombie Dragon
    1 set FEC Endless spells, various states of primed to painted
    1 Basecoated Charnel Throne
    1 FEC Battletome in great condition

    I was looking at playing something flying and aggressive, so looked at:

    Abhorrant Archregent on foot (General, maybe Hellish Orator and Deranged transformation)
    Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist (maybe The Grim Garland, Spectral host and gruesome bite)
    Crypt Infernal Courtier
    6 x Crypt Flayers
    3 x Crypt Flayers
    3 x Crypt Flayers
    Chalice of Ushoran
    Extra Command Point
    Charnel Throne

    This gives me around 1670pts with 330 to play with. Does the crypt infernal have to be general for the flayers to be battleline? As in a rule I read it says they do, but with the app it says valid with archregent as general.

    Also not sure between Court of Delusion: The Feast Day or Blisterkin. Blisterkin gives you’re the extra movement and the eye of hysh, but having free command point every turn seems too great to pass up.

    Anyway, total noob when it comes to fec so please feel free to comment/advise


    • LOVE IT! 1
  12. 1 minute ago, Lorax said:

    It is not.  The list I was working from (AosShorts) which had an error on it, and I simply did not know what the right load out was.  Thankfully Unter set me straight on the need for Malefic Mines and the deal breaker battleram.  So it should basically be 1 torepedo, 1 malefic mine, and 1 deal breaker ram.  

    Ah np, Wasnt sure as I am looking at KO for my second army and still learning, and i want a heavy ship list also 

  13. On 5/4/2020 at 1:53 PM, Lorax said:

    Hey everyone.  I have begun looking into starting a Kharadron army; the ships are just too cool.  On that note, I am at a loss.  It seems like the debate generally boils down to, if you take too many ships you struggle with objectives; and without enough ships you cant get to the objectives.  That said, I have been drawn to having more ships, but the question is how badly am I going to hamstring myself.  Currently looking at a list like this:


    Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords
    - Sky Port: Barak Zilfin

    Endrinmaster with Endrinharness (100)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Grudgebearer
    - Artefact : Seismic Shock-gauntlets

    Endrinmaster with Endrinharness (100)
    - Artefact : Staff of Ocular Optimisation

    10 x Arkanaut Company (90)
    - 1 x Skypikes
    - 1 x Light Skyhooks
    - 1 x Aethermatic Volley Guns

    10 x Arkanaut Company (90)
    - 1 x Skypikes
    - 1 x Light Skyhooks
    - 1 x Aethermatic Volley Guns

    1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (150)
    - Main Gun : Sky Cannon
    - Great Endrinworks : Zonbarcorp 'Debtsettler' Spar Torpedo

    1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (150)
    - Main Gun : Sky Cannon
    - Great Endrinworks : Zonbarcorp 'Debtsettler' Spar Torpedo

    1 x Grundstok Gunhauler (150)
    - Main Gun : Sky Cannon

    Arkanaut Frigate (250)
    - Main Gun : Heavy Sky Cannon
    - Kharadron Overlords Battleline (Sky Port: Barak Zilfin)

    Arkanaut Frigate (250)
    - Main Gun : Heavy Sky Cannon
    - Kharadron Overlords Battleline (Sky Port: Barak Zilfin)

    Arkanaut Ironclad (510)
    - Main Gun : Great Sky Cannon
    - Great Endrinworks : The Last Word


    Iron Sky Attack Squadron (120)


    I am not going to lie, I basically lifted this from AoSShorts because it had a higher number of airships.  Would the play style be using the ArkCo in the Frigates, getting them to objectives and sitting there; while the remaining fleet tries to shoot and scoot as best it can?  How does this hold up in most of your experience?  

    Thanks in advance, I know a lot of new players ask for list feedback, but I am trying to build a ship-centric list and do some additional thinking before taking the plunge financially.  


    you have  "Great Endrinworks : Zonbarcorp 'Debtsettler' Spar Torpedo" twice, is that allowed in KO?

  14. From the Soulbound RPG (well worth getting btw, love it)
    (If the Cubical7 want this removed I will do so, but just one section of fluff, nothing from the main game)


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  15. 7 hours ago, Emmetation said:

    We've spotted a few. Unfortunately this was introduced in the last export when I corrected some last minute typos and it messed up the kerning. We'll have an updated PDF next week.


    We'll also have an errata form for any issues you spot. Thanks!

    Np my dude. Every game has issues with conversion. Its a well put together book and the art is amazing. Great Job

  16. 13 hours ago, Emmetation said:
    We're delighted to announce that Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound, the first ever tabletop roleplaying game set in the world of Age of Sigmar, is now live!
    You can pre-order the standard edition or stunning collector's edition through our shop here. You can also purchase an A1 print of the Great Parch map, created by renowned cartographer Jared Blando. As well as that, we have some awesome All Rolled Up dice trays, and we're doing an advance pre-order on the Gamemaster Screen so you can bundle everything together and save on shipping.
    All the details can be found here.
    If you pre-order the standard edition or the collector's edition, you will receive the PDF straight away! If you want to buy the PDF by itself, you can purchase it directly through our website or on DrivethruRPG.
    Thanks folks. Excited to hear what everyone thinks and for all the adventure in the Mortal Realms!

    I noticed there are a good few text errors in the PDF. Are you aware of these?

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