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Posts posted by Chumphammer

  1. 54 minutes ago, Underworld40k said:

    Good afternoon all - long time reader 1st time poster.

    Just seeking some input on my DoK as to what to build. I have a  large collection (which I am increasingly moving out of the grey plastic pile of shame) but have hit a dilemma in building my 3rd shrine option. 

    I currently have 1 bloodwrack shrine and 1 hag queen on CoB built and a 3rd partially assembled which I had ear marked for a slaughter queen on CoB.

    However after some draft games and a lot of list building I am finding myself skipping over the SQ on CoB in most lists - the command ability is excellent but no Witchbrew and an extra 50 points for 3 extra attacks and an un-boosted unbind seems....disappointing? If it had dance of doom I would be all for it but alas. I have however been looking at doubling up on HQ on COB or BWS.

    What are peoples experience and thoughts on them to date? The BWS seems like to much of a bargain not to consider having doubles of and witchbrew going to a roll means that i would seriously consider running to HQ on COB.

    Am i just not getting the most out of the unit or are they feeling more redundant to people now?

    Even Witchbrew now is a maybe choice, especially if not hagg nar as that roll can easily fail.

    If going snake heavy, Scathcoven is great for the BS immunity.

    SQ ability is really useful, but depends how often you think you will get it off. 1st game I played with new book it didnt even get used, plus she never saw combat, so was 270pts of Blessing of Khaine. 

    But, she can be really useful and one shot things.

    I guess its really down to how you play your lists really 

  2. Ok I deleted the other 2 as I just didnt think they had much punch to them.

    I reworked it and feels better with more bodies and options

    So 7 drops, 3 dispels, 1 cast

    Shadowstalkers over Khinari and WE can be used as chaff with bucklers/Maytrs as well as if able, Alpha from sisters with Medusa. 

  3. 1 hour ago, rosa said:

    I would prefer if we get 2 Warscrolls...

    One as the old version, which is totally fine rulewise. Especially for a 240?! points model. One could use the older Finecast model to play him.

    And then the new pumped up version Warscroll for the new model which will be like 400-500 points and does the new model and size justice.

    It will probably be one warscroll and you have to deal with Changes like with Morathi's 3 shes had in the last year.

    The premise of his broken realm seems to be his long game is finally coming to fruition and his masterplan is here. So probably getting a big buff 

    • Like 1
  4. On 3/1/2021 at 11:37 AM, freddypoo said:

    Good evening,  finishing up a 2k list and this is about what I have painted and ready so far.   Really trying to stay snakes as much as possible.

    (spells/artefacts are kind of just place holders for now)


    Allegiance: Daughters of Khaine
    - Temple: Zainthar Kai
    Mortal Realm: Ghur

    Bloodwrack Shrine (160)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Curse of the Bloody-Handed
    - Artefact: Crystal Heart
    - Lore of Shadows: The Withering
    Melusai Ironscale (110)
    - Artefact: Crimson Talisman
    Morathi-Khaine (210)
    - Lore of Shadows: Mindrazor
    The Shadow Queen (390)

    10 x Blood Sisters (260)
    10 x Blood Sisters (260)
    5 x Blood Sisters (130)
    10 x Blood Stalkers (280)

    Total: 1800 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 107



    Question being, should I just fill the remaining 200 points with a battalion (most likely vyperic guard)  and a CP, or should I squeeze in a Morgwaeth's blade coven, bloodwrack viper and a heart of fury?   What about some shadowstalkers?


    Any and all input is greatly appreciated!   Thank you very much.

    I mean you could go Scathcoven for battleshock immunity

    Really depends what  you want. I like shadowstalkers also as they can do a lot of work 

  5. Chuck from Stengthhammer is a big fan of Kraith. Hes playing with other lists for a break before doing Kraith. Hit him up :)

    I think having a Slaughter queen and Slaughter troupe is good. 2 big units 20-30 of Sisters of slaughter so you can buff 1 or both would help if you got the 5+

    Buffing one unit of 30 could be great. Cycle charge mindrazor, using the SQ ability and maybe getting Kraith ability means maybe 3 attacks in 1 round. 


  6. Was having another think of lists and I might try this:

    10 lifetakers incase I can get a cheeky MR. Even if not its only 160pts to throw them at something. 

    2 avatars, 10 sisters and a SQ can pack a punch if needs be, and I have enough shooting to deal with screens and help chip wounds off.

    1 cast, 3 dispels, 8 drops. 


  7. 1 hour ago, Avindskjold said:

    My other thought is to drop magic entirely and go for prayers+cauldron buffs:

    Allegiance: Daughters of Khaine
    - Temple: Hagg Nar
    Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood (270)
    -Devoted Disciple
    -The Ulfúri
    -Catechism of Murder
    Morgwaeth the Bloodied (80)
    - Crimson Rejuvenation
    30 x Witch Aelves (300)
    - Bucklers
    20 x Sisters of Slaughter (240)
    The Blade-coven (0)
    9 x Khainite Shadowstalkers (100)
    Total: 990

    More of a classic Hagg Nar playstyle - blocks of aelves buffed by a cauldron. 4+/5++ helps them stick around and grind down my opponent's line while the Shadowstalkers add a touch of mobility and objective play. I played a test game with a friend and Mindrazor was very hard to get off on 8+. With that in mind, and opting for aelves instead of snakes, I feel like this list can leave the medusa behind. Hagg Nar makes the cauldron reasonably quick, at 9" move with the temple's command ability.

    Id swap one of the prayers for Blessing of Khaine. Very good with Hagg Nar 

  8. 1 hour ago, Avindskjold said:

    What was your list? I didn’t see a link at the top of your post. 
    You said the blood stalkers’ shooting was hit or miss - do you think they’re overrated? I’ve seen a lot of hype for them with the release of the new book. Could they shine outside of Morathi lists?

    Sorry, bad link. I have fixed it so is now in the above post to (to save reposting)

    Stalkers: I think if you are not fully investing in them then yes, they are hit and miss and I wouldnt recommend over 10 (2 x 5 works fine and is just 280pts. Good support units. However, Catachism doesnt work on them, neither does witchbrew or does Zealot's rage.  

    Now, if you invest in them and take Morathi, then 15-20 would work well as you get the double shot ability with Morathi which can make up for the lack of buffs 

  9. Thought I would post up a game from Sunday. 1st game of new book and 2021

    This was my list:


    And he had:

    Blades of Khorne
    Exhaulted Tyrants - The bloodlords
    Bloodthrister of insensate rage: general, thirst of carnage - 270
    Bloodthrister of insensate rage: Halo of Blood - 270
    Exalted Greater Daemon of Khorne: armour of scorn - 520
    Skarbrand: 380
    Slaughterpriest: Blood Sacrifice - 100
    3 x 10 Bloodreavers
    Tyrants of blood
    Extra command point

    We played Focal Points. He had 5 drops to my 7, so he took 1st turn.


    BOK turn 1. (Middle primary obj) 
    So I knew he would be trying to Alpha as much as possible as he can run and charge, so I set back off the 12inch line (I think i was around 8.5 on). He didnt check this, so ran forwards as far as possible and didnt screen this thirsters as he thought he could charge them. It was in the charge phase he realized his mistake as they were min 13 away. He did cap 6pts. 

    DOK turn 1:

    Tried to cast mirror dance but failed, though I got mindrazor off on the sisters. I also got my avatars going ok and put blessing of khaine on the sisters. I did make a mistake and forgot the changes in witchbrew (now wholly within) and got the heart off so it was going to cover half the obj and combat with Blood thirsters.

    I moved up my force with some khinari coming down onto left flank to block up Skarbarn a little and the shadowstalkers heading to contest the right obj. 

    Shooting took some wounds off the middle left Bloodthrister of insensate rage, while the rest killed off some of the reavers to allow me to cap the points uncontested. (the blade covern blood stalker got double 6's both times she shot, so going to need a name for her lol) 

    Combat saw me wipe the center out with the loss off 4 snakes total (He had the  ability that allows him to attack as if no wounds. He made a mistake though and his exalted greater daemon was actually killed before he could attack as is miss calculated by 10 wounds but we didnt know till after the game)

    I capped 4pts and rolled for obj which moved to the left flank. He won the roll off and took it


    BOK turn 2:
    SKarbrand moved to charge in and he failed to cast wrathaxe. The exalted retreated and went back a bit. His 2nd insensate rage BT charged into the snakes flank. And Skarbrand hit the khianri (3 of which dead from his shooting attack) and moved to clip the non general shrine, which he did 7 wounds to. The insensate rage BT killed 2 snakes, and died to fight back (as Crystal touch just can do so many mortal wounds)

    He capped 1pt

    DOK turn 2:
    Mindrazor and Bloodsnake both failed to cast but I got witchbrew onto the Avatar and blessing on the sisters again. 2nd unit of Khinari flew onto left obj with the 2 remaining Khinari retreating to it also. sisters moved up on both flanks with the Shadowstalkers moving to take the right reavers.

    Shooting saw 4 reavers die, and the Exalted finished off. Also chipped some wounds off Skarbrand.

    Charges saw the sisters and Khinari charge forwards and the shadowstalkers engaged the reavers. Avatar charged Skarbrand

    Combat saw the slaughter priest and all remainind reavers die and Skarbrand fell also. We called the game there really 



    Points of note:

    Avatar plus Heart means it sticks around longer. Its also really solid with Haggnar/Blessing/cauldron. 

    I am happy with 2x5 stalkers. I think more would be too much as the shooting was very hit and miss since unable to be buffed.

    Not sure Crimson was worth it in this game. I did heal the Shrine by 2w but that was all. 

    I think I am going to take 5 Lifetakers and 5 heartrenders. Having the different options would have been better for  pipping off wounds at Skarbrand rather than just sitting there to be charged. 

    Didnt get to use my snake which was fair enough. We did a fund roll vs the slaughterpriest and he would have died lol.

    Crystal touch was baller. Did 9MW 1 turn and 6 in another.  I guess if they die quickly its not great, but since all the defense on them they stuck around well. 

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  10. 10 hours ago, Uncannieryames said:

    Could easily drop the shrine down to a regular Medusa and ditch the life takers for a avatar. I forgot the avatar gained that ability this time. The question is wether it's worth losing the utility of the flyer unit to harass the enemy in the early turns.  I'll probably test it out both ways when I get a chance

    Yeah its a loss of a harasser unit, but it's also another 4x 3D R2 attacks as well as the 6 shooting attacks

  11. 7 minutes ago, Nuitari said:

    Ok, if You played vs opponents that fight vs Gotrek - No questions

    He is so slow,  threat you can easily avoided.

    Mindrazor is now 8+ so you cannot count on it.

    Dubble shooting is great, but in fact, your opponent have to kill 10 snakes, deal 3 dmg per turn to Morathi and avoid Gotrek - thats all

    I can't imagine how I could win with this list 


    Guess we just have different experience and play style 

  12. 6 hours ago, UnholyRevenant said:

    How have people painted the endless spells. I've got mine sitting with a friend who does commission work, and I cant decide how to paint the snake. All red with all red blood effects is a tad to much for me. The others I like the stock colour scheme. Just cant decide on the snake.

    I just base coated mine in wraithbone. I am going to cover in the blood angels contract, then highlight in a few reds. Then the blood for the blood god glaze to highlight the blood. I want to use resin also to make a pool of blood on both the hand and the snake to make it look like they come from blood 

  13. 2 hours ago, Lightbox said:

    So I'm considering for a simple fun 1k list of the following:

    1x Melusai Ironscale - General
    1x Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood

    10x Blood Sisters - battleline
    5x Blood Stalkers - battleline
    5x Blood Stalkers - battleline
    5x Khinerae Lifetakers

    So I know heartrenders might be better for just 5 but I do not have any currently, I am also missing any form of mage but I think at 1000 points I can potentially get away without one. I wanted to focus a bit more on the Scathborn to get the most out of the command ability, likely throwing my cauldron and the 10 sisters into something meaty to really get some pain going.

    For mages, you have a SQ so get at least 1 dispel which tbh most old 2k lists only had before Morathi-Khaine

    With Changes in witchbrew I like Scrathborn now. Being to make your battalion immune to battleshock is very useful with our 2W snake ladies and a 4+/6++ can still be a pain for people kill a whole unit down. 

    5 lifetakers can be fine. Best used as support hero harrasser and obj taker since if they have to wait to attack they are probably dead. 

    Only real change I would, if any as I would probably play as it is, is make is switching the Ironscale for Medusa. I think being able to run and charge is good, but because it has to attack 1st to give them the +1A I think you could take too much damage back to your snakes before they can take advantage of that. Medusa general could still give them the command trait +1A, but also keep pace with the unit and have her shooting ability to help clear some things (10" 5+ MW is so good vs big blocks of things like Mortek Guard which could be tough to clear) and also gives you 2 more dispels and 1 cast, so maybe Mindrazor. Stick her in the middle of the snakes for protection.

    If running Ironscale, i would maybe switch one unit of stalkers to sisters also. Means you could attack with 10 snakes 1st with Command +1 attack, then Ironscale, then use the ironscale buff on the unit of 5 

    Tbh try the list as it is and see how it goes

    • Thanks 1
  14. 5Kaven5lave has most covered there. Being able to retreat out of combat to move further into the enemy so you can take out a key support hert, or even tie up more units can be awesome.

    the SOS trick is also great if you have a more important combat you want to run 1st so you can take advantage of the 6" pile in

    another is new Mindrazor. +1 damage on the charge now so if you can keep cycle charging that unit with Mindrazor you can rack up the damage 

  15. 40 minutes ago, Peegee said:

    Agreed ☺️

    But you can take it in Scathcoven on the other hand.

    Yeah it is a shame you cant take the Shrine in Vypyric Guard. With Morathi-khaine not being able to have snakes as battleline, not having the medusa on shrine makes it really less survivable if you are running snakes. Not as bad for Khelibron but a no for Haggnar. I hope they FAQ it. 

  16. 8 hours ago, Nuitari said:

    24 bodies, how you want to secure objectives?

    Dmg output in this list looks poor too.

    Nice idea but this list has nothing: No bodies, no screen, no damage. 


    1: Some objectives only need heroes. Plus if you kill whats on the point they cant take the point

    2: poor damage output? Gotrek can clear entire units. Morathi's command ability giving the snakes an extra round shooting will help clear chaff screens or whittle down units. Morathi targets support characters or big threats. I have used Morathi and Gotrek before (old Morathi) and they throw out a ton of damage. 5 sisters with Morathi's +1A and MR can throw out a fair bit of damage on the charge also. 

    3: This isnt a list I would take to a tournament where I was aiming to well. Not all lists have to be 5-0 tournament lists. This list is designed on the amusment factor of having a 2 drop list with 3 heroes that cant be killed easily (especially if I can heal Gotrek) 

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