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Posts posted by Grudgebearer

  1. 16 hours ago, Kubrick54 said:

    Only lost a handful of Thunderers the whole tournament. Basically, I would set up the Thunderers as far away from my target as I could, lapping around the ship but leaving the front of it open. I deployed the Khemyst alone in front on the 9 inch line. Have to find the sweet spot eveytime. That way, if my target survives, he more often then not has to charge the Khemyst (-1 attack) and the Frigate (possibly having them strike last) so I can retreat with the Thunderers. It happened this way in the doubles event against a horde of Plague monks. Did wonders!

    What was your loadout for the Endrinriggers?

  2. The list looks really awesome, would love to hear the tactics behind that list. It's obvious that it's a Clown car list but it would be interesting to hear what the role of the ironclad is in that list and how the units are distributed between the two ships. 

  3. Because the plastic glue does not melt the two different kinds of plastic from the stand and the miniature together as well as it should, therefore I can second on using regular super glue. And if you are doing so, you can use an activator spray to dry everything instantly. 

  4. 5 hours ago, TheNotebookGM said:

    Absolutely! Meeting Engagements is a 1k format featured in the latest GHB. What mean is that in both meeting engagements and some battleplans the armies are deployed a minimum of 24" apart, which can be a struggle when it comes to scoring objectives on a 4" base move. Vostarg mitigates this slightly with the 1st turn move but in those scenarios even that is sometimes not enough to make you competitive for objectives. 

    That said, once you get to the objectives it is going to be hard to move you off of them. 

    Ok, I see, thanks for the explanation, do you Think that a Mag would improve the list? For the Lodge I would like to stick with Hermdar since the to Wound buff makes the list mich more tanky

  5. 4 hours ago, TheNotebookGM said:

    Gonna be very crunchy but you're going to struggle with 24" deployments and meeting engagements.

    Would you mind explaining that, I'm a rather new player and don't get exactly what you are meaning :/

  6. Hey guys,

    I know the question popped up before, but what would your most competitive 1k list look like, if you were attenting a tournament, I have some difficulties deciding between more bodies or more heroes. At that point Level its quite Hard to fit anything into a list :P

  7. Thanks for the reply but I still don't see how you could get to a 2+ reroll 1s.

    Starting from a 6+, Smith gives +1, Forge Brethren give +1, fyrewall and ash Horn trait let me reroll 1s, so I am now on a 4+ rerolling 1s. Could get to a 3+ with the runesmiter on droth once per game ability.

    Am I forgetting something :(?

  8. 15 minutes ago, TreelordRecent said:

    Welcome to Sylvaneth!

    My advice depends a little on your budget because sylvaneth can be an expensive army. But here are some suggestions:

    My advice would be to get 1-4 start collecting boxes. You get tree lords/ TLA/ Spirit of Durthu, lots of dryads and few branchwyches. 

    2-3 awakened wyldwoods

    Then you can consider getting alarielle/ Drycha/ Branchwraith and Kurnoth hunters. There are obviously killer lists you can make with a horde of 60 spite revenants. But that will cost quite a bit and it will be pretty unidimensional, especially if you don't like spite revenants! 

    What kind of play style do you like? and what units do you like the look of? 

    Thanks for your reply,

    Money is basically not an issue, have been in the hobby for too long to bother about spending too much for miniatures :P

    I generally like all the models, but would like to use spites as battleline rather than dryads (if that is a viable option/substitution)

    I also really like the look of the Hunters with greatswords, more than the scythe Ones. 

    And as far as I have read its good to buy some wyldwood boxes :)



    Looks like a solid list, I've been tinkering up a similar one just dropped the Navigator and the small squad of thunderers in favor of more arkanauts, running tue Full blob of 40. However, I'd be really interested in how the list is working out for you. What is your plan for the small thunderer squad?


    • Like 1
  10. 40 minutes ago, Thomas Lyons said:


    Their points are going down almost across the board in the new GHB, including 40 point drops for the larger vessels, Khemist down 20, Skywardens back down 20, Thunderers down 10, as well as other similar tweaks. They should be very playable moving foward.

    More significantly, I had previously said they were coming this Spring with Sylvaneth - I clearly got my wires crossed on which duardin were being refreshed this Spring (given the Fyreslayer tome). KO book is wrapping up, so expect it in 6-9 months I would guess.

    Other significant news includes the three new command generic command abilities include reroll 1s to hit, reroll 1s to wound, and reroll 1s to save. Sounds like we'll all be capped at only 1 additional command point (purchasable for 50 points in matched play).  Dok took a hit, but it wasn't tragic (Hags at 90, etc.). Interestingly, alot more points adjustments by 10s instead of 20s (eels up 10, etc).

    That's all I have right now.

    That Sounds really awesome, hope that this is true 😊

    • Like 2
  11. 9 hours ago, Azamar said:

    I think hearthguard are a little dependent on having heroes nearby to really shine, so you might struggle against an army that can take out your two heroes quickly, especially magic heavy armies.

    might it be worth trying to squeeze in an extra hero? Or having at least one unit of Auric Hearthguard to try and keep tour heroes on the table a little longer? 

    That's a good point, I could switch out the runefather and the big hearthguard unit for a runefather on droth, making the list looking like this:


    Runefather on droth 

    -ash horn ancient 


    10 HGB with broadaxes 

    10 Vulkites with Handaxes and shields

    10 Vulkites with Handaxes and shields


    That would give me a pretty tanky droth with a 3+ save rerolling 1s and making the rest of the army more tanky as well. However, I will have less damage Output. 

    I'd love to hear Your thoughts on this list and I am open to any kind of suggestions to further improve that tournament list, to make a good showing for our Faction. 

    I've also considered using a runesmiter and some invocations, however I don't know whether that would provide enough damage output.

    Thanks for any advice and help guys :)!

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