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James S

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Everything posted by James S

  1. Hey guys! Got fired up on my drive to work and wanted to talk about my games and walk through them. Discussing tactics along the way. This is my first time trying to do I hope it's ok. Please let me know. The goal is to do a weekly Gutbuster discussion on my way to work. So please leave comments so I can discuss them for next week. That's if there is any interest for more vids. Thanks guys!
  2. Got another game today with my Maggotkin buddy. His same list prepping for the tournament. Glottkin w Blades, GUO w Bell, Gutrot w 10 Blight Kings, 5 Blightkings, 30 Plague Bearers, 40 Plague Rats. We drew mission and got Shifting Objectives. I better be good at this mission by now. I won the roll and picked the side with Damn terrain. It's the nearest piece of terrain in the pic below. You can see my deployment. That pic is from the end of his movement turn 1. He deployed first and chose to go first. Turn 1 he moves his entire army up. Puts 30 PBs on my right side objective, this is the main objective this turn. Moved up the rest of us army to claim the others, drops Spume and the 10 Kings in front of my 12 Ogor unit. He makes the 9" charge and places his dudes in a way that doesn't bring in my Tyrant. He only has 1 king in combat. He kills a few Grots and lose a couple to Battleshock. I removed them from the Kings and now my Grots are out of combat. He goes up 5-0 My turn I cast Shackles and place it to the left of the Nurgle Tree. This chokes off his PBs in the corner that I charge two units of three Guts into with a Butcher 6" out. Get Swords off as well and place it between Gutrot and Glottkin. Do 4 mortals to Gutrot. Try to shoot him off and fail with everything. He's just standing in the charge lane between his Kings and the end of the Rat line. So my Tyrant is just standing around now. Run the Grots and move a unit of Guts up to the corner of the building in the middle. 3" away from the rats but within 6" of the objective. Charge the Guts into the side of the rats. Grots stay behind. Roll the dice for my Ogors to make their 3" charge into the big unit of Kings. I roll double 1s. Already used my CP to bully the Grots. That was where the game went away. Started grinding on PBs, lost a couple Guts to rats. Turn two and I win the roll. Main objective stays. He uses Swords against me and I take 3 MW on my Butcher. Get Maelstrom off and sit it right between is casters. I dispel Swords with my mid Butcher and with my last Butcher cast it again. Get the last wounds on Gutrot and now he is out of the way. Placed it right next to the rat flank so that I can sit my Tyrant next to it and protect me from a rat pile in. Movement sees me run away the lone Gut and make room to charge in the other Gut unit. Grots are still hanging out trying to catch that mid objective. I FORGET to move my 12 Ogors. I could have walked that around the Kings and been between them and the objtive before charging. That was a mistake that cost me the game. Shooting is abysmal, kill a couple rats. Charge rats with Tyrant and fresh Guts on the flanks. Kill three rats with my Tyrant. Kill a few more with the Guts, Tyrant takes a beating but the Guts just s couple wounds. The two units of IronGuts are brutalizing the PBs. Enough so that I have more models in range to take the objective. I charge with Ogors and kill a few Kings. I screwed up so bad with this unit today. I end up scoring 3 points. So it's 5-3 going into bottom of 2. My Tyrant dies, combat with the Ogors is going badly, we each have 1 dude left in that left corner out of each other's combat. He kills the unit of Guts with the rats also. They are now free from combat. The rest of his PBs died from damage and battleshock. I own the right side of the board going to turn 3. He now is up 7-3. I win the roll. But the objective goes to the far left which is his. I take the turn. He moves the Swords away from so I can't dispel. I dispel Shackles so I can move freely to the mid objective. Send both Gut units and the Butcher. I recast it all around Glottkin and in his rat conga line. Buff up my Leadbelchers with Cauldron +hits to ready the charge. I charge the Leadbelchers and set them up on the right flank of the rats, helping me score the mid with the Grots and now Guts that have come over to charge his hiding unit of 5 Blight Kings. The last Ogor charges the other flank. After this combat and battleshock ther are less that 10 rats left. But i lose the last Ogor and 1 Beltcher. My Guts get bogged down with the Kings. I never remember to activate my Irongut ability the ENTIRE game. I just can't remember to do it in the hero phase. Can't remember to use the Damned terrain either. That "beginning" of the hero phase kills me. So I score two more points, now 7-4 for my opponent going into his turn. Maelstrom exploded and does some damage. So no more unbinding right before his turn. Bottom of three he unbinds Shackles to free Glottkin. He runs his rats away to the main objective. He triple charges my Leadbelchers, Grots, and a Butcher with Glottkin. Kills the Leadbelchers, and does a couple wounds to the other units. Somewhere in here the GUO goes to stop my left side Butcher from advancing on that objective. Does a couple wounds. I finish up the last of the Blightkings in the middle. I still hold the other two. So he goes up 10-4. Turn 4 is big. Not only do I lose priority, the objective stays on the only one he has. So he will autoscore his 3 points. I try to use he out of action Swords to clear the rats but only kill a couple. No way to stop him from scoring that point so we call it. What a doozy of a game. I made some awful mistakes this game. Geez. I think my mind shut off after that double 1 to charge. I tried to get my stuff together I just didn't get any luck with the objectives mid game. Held two out of the three for two turns and didn't get the main for that period was pretty much game. Especially after he was able to jump out to such a fast start. Competent players will get up early in this scenario and it's much easier to do as a low drop army. Think I played my Endless Spells much better. Still doing MW to myself but I guess that's the price I'm going to have to pay. All three did their job, Maelstrom being the least useful mainly because I can't roll an unbind to save my life. Two units of 3 Guts backed up by a Butcher made for a pretty good beatstick. Using the Shackles right to keep the return damage low was extremely helpful. Hope you enjoyed the battle report. Was another great game. Hopefully I can get these stupid mistakes out of the way now, before the tournament.
  3. Hey @PlasticCraic! Yea man. Getting a lot of time on the table and really pushing what I can do with the Ogors. Not choosing who goes first is one less decision I have to make. Lol. I'm really hoping to go second if I get the chance depending on mission really. I am a believer in getting on objectives early and scoring as much as possible. Hindsight on that double turn, I most likely would have lost my Butchers even if I hadn't made that measuring mistake. Need to play them back a bit more but still in Cauldron MW range from the Grot wall. I think. I loved the way the BOBO did their roll off. That was next level stuff. i would have to give up to screen units to get the Stonehorn in. I'm afraid it would be deleted first turn. One of the cool things about this army is there really aren't any value targets for your opponent. Forces decision making on their part to decided what they think is dangerous. Then I react accordingly. Next for the list is a game tomorrow. More practice will hopefully lead to more better playing. Lol. I'm still learning how to use the Endless Spells right. Especially shackles. I seem to get my own army gummed up in them a lot. Tips are always appreciated.
  4. Evening all! Got a game in today against a tournament ready Clan Pestilence list. 200 wounds of it. We drew Shifting Objectives for the mission. He won the roll off and also deployed first. He was three drops with two battalions. This is the second game with my new list. He let me go first. I tried to set up for his charges and also score points. Put Shackles right in the middle of the mid objective. It made movement here an ass pain, but I thought it was worth it. Did lose an Ogor to the proc late game though. I made a huge error with two of my Butchers and didn't measure them from the Grots. His turn he took all the objectives back with a tide of bodies. The Butchers got pulled into combat bottom of 1 as my Grot wall took major casualties. Had four left. He double turned me going into 2. This was brutal and I think where the game was won honestly. Two Butchers died and took some other losses. Bottom of 2, my Ogor unit is drawn into combat also. Tyrant makes his way in and drops 18 damage on activation. I work on clearing out my right side. Using all my Gut units on the left to tie up rats as best I can. Losing 9-7 end of the turn. He wins priority. Turn 3 the main objective stays in my right side so I have bodies controlling. That is until he retreats a big unit of rats and spending a CP for 6" run. They moved 15". It was crazy. I thought I had built a good wall but he just went around it all with so much movement. He now got He main also. He scores 4 more points. Bottom of 3 I retreat a single Ogor to the left objective and take it. I have his rats on that side tied up away from the objective. Finally get off Quicksilver Swords and do 6 mortals to his General. He saves one and has one wound left. So that slows my Ogors and forces them to pile in to combat. I am able to lock a big block of rats in a bad position with them also. And this is where it all goes to ******. Kill 4 rats with all my shooting. Charge my Tyrant, Leadbelchers, and Butcher to clear the right side objective that is the main one right now. Tyrant rolls all 1s, Leadbelchers kill 3 rats, and the Butcher kills 1. He didn't even lose any to battleshock. He holds the objective still end of my turn. I only get 2 points. He is up 13-9 at this point. Turn 4 objective moves to my left side with 1 Gut on it. He wins priority and takes it. He has enough bodies to just take it with a retreat move on that side to ensure atleast 3 points. I concede. Gave it a great try. The MSU did exactly what it was meant to do and that is slow down blocks of baddies. Getting doubled and never a chance to double back was hard to recover from. Swords was good again, just took 3 turns to get it going. Never got Maelstrom off. Learned a hard lesson on measuring my Butchers. That was an awful mistake that cost my army a lot. Got pretty frustrated with myself on that one. Hopefully I can learn from that mistake. Hope y'all enjoyed the read. Critique and advice always welcome. Only a couple more weeks till Wargames Con. Pic is from bottom of turn 1 where you can see my errors. Lol.
  5. I've used multiple BSBs in lists. They are pretty nice for the points. Going Destuction allegiance doesn't really change much. Overall I rate it good. But being compendium, I don't bother. I have 0 play experience with Greaseus.
  6. Afternoon all. Got in another practice game today against my Maggotkin buddy. I scrapped that last list and started over. This list has some MSU elements but with a big core. Pretty happy with it. Played well and was surprisingly resilient. List will be attached. Mission we played was Better Part of Valor. Scenery we rolled was inconsequential. His list was GUO w/ bell, Glottkin, Spume w/ 10 Blightkings, 40 Plague rats, 30 Plague Bearers, 5 Blight Kings. He finished deploying first. Chose to go first. Turn 1 he got every buff up on the rats and launched them across the table. Brought in Spume and the Kings on my right flank 9 from my Guts holding the objective. He gets the charge with those Kings and burns my objective turn 1. Terrible start. The Rats hit my Grot wall but catch one of my Gut units due to poor placement. He kills the Guts on mortal wounds alone from Blades. Also wipes the Grot wall. My Tyrant was behind the line and moves in. Does 12 damage, killing six because of the +1 wound Spell. He uses his command point to stop battleshock. This is big. My turn 1. Cast Shackles on my right flank blocking the way between terrain and board edge, spaced enough that they are stuck in its 6" bubble almost all game. Get Maelostrom off and sit it right between Glottkin and his GUO. Fail with Swords. Destruction movement failed me all game. Never got one single movement off. Cauldrons did reliably well giving +1 hit to a unit a turn. This turn giving it to the 12 Ogors. I had 3 Leadbelchers sitting in front of my 12 Ogors. I moved them to the left to open a charge into the rats. Ran my Guts on the right flank away from the Kings. Set up to buy my time blocking a lane between scenery. Two units of Guts on left flank move up to set up a turn 2 push onto his objective. My Tyrant flees and joins these units. Shooting does nothing. Ogors charge into the rats. Kill 22. Between the explosions and hitting back he kills 4. Lose another three to battleshock. He has no CP for the rats and the horde flees. Board is now open. He wins the turn. He won every turn. Chooses to go first. I move the Maelstrom dead center between two scenery pieces in front of Glottkin. He now has to go around his own tree. He burns his back objective on my right side and moves up his Kings which he charges in. They will be outside of the 6" of my objective. His big unit of Kings on the other side of the board are slowed and stuck. Tried to make a charge around terrain either Glottkin that fails. He fails to kill any of my Guts and I kill two Kings in return. My turn 2. Get Swords off and throw it at Glottkin. Takes 4 wounds. I get two healing Cauldron rolls that heal multiple units and my Tyrant. Do some moving around to protect my objectives. I forgot to mention his 30 PBs are on the far objective on my right side. They did nothing all game. I move the Leadbelchers and what was left of my Ogors up to ready for turn 3 push onto his center objective only protected by the GUO. Charge Tyrant into the 3 kings in combat with my Guts. Charge in other left flank Guts into Glottkin to hold him. They are +1 to hit from cauldron. Start with this combat and do 9 damage to Glottkin. His swing back kills two Guts. Tyrant ****** the bed and does no damage in his combat. Just takes some in return. Down to his last wound. Other Guts in this combat clean up the remaining Kings. Turn 3 begins and he wins the roll. Goes first so I move the Swords across him next to the last Gut blocking his movement when the Gut dies. Do 3 more wounds to Glottkin. He moves the Maelstrom out of the way but still ends within 12" of his own casters. He moved the 10 man King unit when I fail the 3+ snare and tries for a big charge. He comes up an inch short. Whew! That was almost into my mid objective. He moves up his GUO to stop me from getting to his objective. He's just standing in front of it at this point. Not much else happens. He kills my last Gut in combat with Glottkin but is still stuck. My turn 3, highlight is I charge the GUO with my 5 Ogors. Use my pile in to slide down his base and get two Ogors into his objective. I burn it. He kills two Ogors during that melee. Still have three tying him up. End of turn and he concedes. Another match where I thought it was over turn 1. Losing an objective and getting the rats all in my lines was brutal. But the Grots did what they do best and died so my Ogors could live. My Endless Spells are set. Much utility. Maelstrom never exploded but I didn't want it to. It was a great blocking piece and chance at unbind. Swords are great for 20pts for an army that can't reach out and hurt people. Hope to get a lot of play time next couple weeks in prep for the tournament. Still a lot to learn on playing MSU. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated!
  7. Yea I don't want to be that guy that sees Seraphon across the table and just shakes hands so I can go enjoy myself. And that is honestly where I feel I am against them. Im using what I have painted right now. Last couple weeks had a lot of personal stuff happen and got no hobby done. My main list I was prepping for is half built and not painted. I don't know how much time I'll have left to try and get anything else done. Also need my list turned in by end of month. So I'm pretty screwed. I went from super excited for this event to not at all. Especially knowing all the last month of practice games with a list were for nothing. Im playing my hyper competitive buddy tomorrow and he wants to make changes to the list. So we will see what happens. I'll post results.
  8. Give it a go and let us know how it performs. Only way to figure out what works for us is to try different things. My only issue with MSU is that it involves a lot of decision making which is a weakness for me. But that is something I have to deal with. Maybe it will work better for you.
  9. Had a game this afternoon against a tournament ready Seraphon list. Thunderquake with Astrolith and Dread Saurian. Played the bouncing objective scenario. I tried a MSU style list with a few different Endless Spells. Came in at 1990. Lost 8-4 at the end of turn 4. Talk about a game where I felt I was never in it. Skink chaff after chaff just kept my units stuck. The idea of the MSU is to stick units in combat with you. Couldn't do that at all this game. Would just teleport out. On turn three the objective bounced into his monster castle so that was game then. We just played it out so he could practice. I don't want to play by play this one because it was just bad. So I'll go over what I took away. First game not taking Ravager. Didn't roll a Destruction movement until turn 3. Endless Spells, never got off Shackles because it just got dispelled by the Slann. Turn 1 got off the Palisade and the Maelstrom. Plopped the Palisade right in front of one Bastilidon and it stayed there all game just being a nuisance. Maelstrom much to my dismay exploded at the end of 1 and I was never able to recast it. The hard 7 sucks ass when that is the bulk of your magic defense. The Burning head ended up doing more damage to me than my opponent. The rerolls to hit on Ironguts were nice though. Took 3 turns to cast it. So all in all I had no answer for that list. He just generated summon after summon and his shooting was brutal. I asked him what I could have done and he said my army is just too slow. A mission where we have to chase an objective 12" at a time seems a bit much. Hopefully someone can share some insight on this mission and maybe help me with what I'm doing wrong. Todays beat down really wore me out and was an eye opener to how much summoning can control your entire game. Maybe taking the Swords is my best bet for sniping out the Slann. Gonna give it a try again tomorrow. PS: with MSU, I had no battleshock issues which was nice to allow our CP for charges and run rolls.
  10. This was the standard way of making pile in moves in AoS 1.0. Nothing changed until this FAQ that states if you are within an inch you have to go to that model. That means no more shuffling around large units of Ogors to get into combat. That's pretty huge. Small units and 2" reach are just went up in value. @Davros, just because you interpreted it one way doesn't mean the community as a whole did the same. In the competitive environment you do everything that is possible within the rules because your opponent is doing the exact same. That's just the way it is. For sure now with 40mm bases and 1" reach, MSU will be a thing for our Ogors. Guts can get around this with that 2" reach which now made that a lot more valuable.
  11. The Big FAQ is up. Big changes to pile in.
  12. @Kramer, AoE stands for area of effect. The idea behind the Butchers in this build is to sit them mid table projecting their possible 14" Cauldron buffs with just enough overlap to heal each other. I honestly think with so many small units on the table, rolling the 2 for the heals could be just as good as getting +1 to hit. I honestly don't know in the hyper competitive meta if we will even be able to get casts off or defend against them. I have had my share of games where I couldn't roll a 7 for the Maw. Now trying to get an endless spell off turn 1 could prove extremely difficult. Really appreciate the feedback. Will be trying the list on Monday against Maggotkin again so we will see how it fairs. His list has a ton of casting.
  13. So work decided to ruin my tournament plans for the weekend. So while driving I started thinking about MSU and how our Ogors could fair using a completely different style of play. Many of the things that I believe will be prevalent in the competitive scene will be the hard casting from Nagash, Tzeentch, and Seraphon. Runner up quite possibly could be Stormcast with the amount of stuff they have available. Then we will have the melee horde meta of DoK, Skeletons, and Anything that comes in big blocks of battleshock proof. Got me to thinking how do we handle all this? What if we made a lot of small footprints that just slow down these tactics? Well placed small units can make big blocks all but useless. What happens when Nagash casts debuffs on one small unit that's not doing anything to begin with? Or Medusa stare rolling an entire three dice. It sounds neat in idea, but I imagine hard to play right and pull off. Hard counters are any of the big God heros since this tactic won't work. They will kill the small unit and move on and receive little damage in return. On the flip side, I think this play style will work well against things that can deepstrike. Really just thinking out loud and wanted to get thoughts from our competitive guys. I love running big blocks of Ogors, but I'm wondering if it's a trap. Especially now in a game where a single debuff can ruin our chances of doing anything. Added a list to kind of show the thought process. Lack of battalions for second artifacts is really hurting us. Two Tyrants with split load outs would be so big for us. So as you see there is a ton of redundancy. No CP to start since this army now has no battleshock issues. CP can be saved for run and important charge rolls. I changed the loadout of the Tyrant. I dropped Ravager with the idea that it's not as important to get the movement to get our huge blocks into position. Now that he isn't a lynchpin to battleshock protection, should hopefully slide under the radar until he unleashes so wicked damage. Two Butchers are there for AoE buffs and to dispel while maybe getting off a Maw. Put the ES in for extra dispels. They will be targeted first. Uses the Ironfist Ogors to hold objectives or set up charges for our other harder hitting units. We have so many tools that we can deny entire board sides. It's also like an onion that has to be peeled. We still have the ability to overwhelm objectives with bodies as we see fit. 20 Grots are strictly for back table denial and objective holding. Its a million drops but we rarely will win that anyway. List also doesn't care if you got first or not. Please share thoughts and ideas. It looks like a huge ass pain to play.
  14. @PlasticCraic, looks like a great game! Gyrestrike is too good for our Tyrant. I wish they would get rid of the randomness of the Big Name and we could fit them out properly. Glad to see the Endless Spell doing work. I'm still working on that heavy ES list and will be taking it to two small tournaments this weekend to see how it goes. Then back to the wall of bodies grind. Lol.
  15. Got another game in today. Played against Maggotkin. His list was Archaon, Glottkin, GUO w/ bell, harbinger, two units of 5 Blightkings, 1 unit of chaos warriors. GUO had stave, Glottkin had Blades. He was 7 drops to my 8. We played the Total Commitment battleplan. My list is the same, except I'm trying out the Quicksilver Swords. For the most part I deployed well, except I had my Leadbelchers just a smidge to close to my Grot wall. They got pulled into combat turn 1. Opponent placed 1 unit of Blight Kings on one objective and a unit of Kings and warriors on another. He filled the middle with his monster mash. I deployed one unit of Ogors far left with a Butcher and the other Ogor unit close to right middle. Tyrant and two Butchers were with this unit. Leadbelchers directly mid behind Grots. He rolls the wheel and gets movement buff. Takes first turn, does all the hero buffing, and rockets Archaon into my line. Fortunately the Glottkin fails his charge so him and the GUO are stuck in mid table, left side Kings move up and are next to Glottkin. Archaon is now alone in my Grot wall. He proceeds to eat 30 of them. I remove all from the left and middle opening up my Ogors to double charge. He also kills 3 Leadbelchers during that combat. My right side is now defended by the rest of the Grot wall. This would become a no issue as he didn't get into them with his Kings until bottom of two and couldn't chew through them fast enough. Also had my Tyrant in front of the objective just incase. So my turn sees me cast Swords and peel 4 mortals off Archaon. I dump everything into him. Arcane blast him for 1 mortal, and shoot him doing 1 damage. Note: I placed the Swords in front of Glottkin which stuffed the lane he was going through. Get two hit bonuses on one unit of Ogors. Double charge in. First unit with the buffs leaves Archaon on 1 wound. He hits the other Ogor unit and kills six. I attack with the Leadbelchers and get the wound off. Archaon gone. I use my pile in to move up the board with the 1/2 strengths Ogor unit. He wins turn two, decides to go second. Moves the Swords out of the way and attacks my full strength Ogor unit. Does 1 wound. One cauldron does nothings, 1 heals, one gives hit buff to full strength unit. My far left side Butcher starts hauling ass up the table. My Six Ogors move to set up a charge that will tie up his Kings so the Butcher can continue. Grots move over more to reinforce the right side. Do some shooting, get maybe a wound on the Kings across from them. Charge the unit of 12 into Glottkin. Charge the 6 into the Kings to hold them. During movement I put my mid Butcher a little off the side but up enough to try and stop the GUO from any advancement. In combat I get 18 attacks through on Glottkin. He fails 4. Brutal. After the 5+ from the Harbinger, who is staying behind him a little bit, I only get 4 damage through. He only kills a couple Ogors in return. My unit of 6 and the Kings just punch each other a little. His turn saw him charge into my Grots and my Butcher with his GUO. Butcher takes some damage, Grots take some also. My Ogors lose a couple more to Glottkin, I do a couple damage in return. Somewhere in that turn he healed up everything with the straight line Spell. It was rough. He wins turn 3, decides to go. I use the Swords and do a few more mortals on Glottkin. He attacks. Kills some Grots, still hung up with them. Have less than 10 but they are holding. Moves his Harbinger back to his right objective. That way he can contest my Butcher. I kill two of his Kings in combat with my half strength Ogors. This opens a hole for me to retreat in my turn on his objective. Still stuck in with Glottkin. Kills another couple Ogors. Butcher survives fight with GUO. Had two wounds left. We get to bottom of 3, and my opponent conceded. He had no way to killing my stuff fast enough before I got on his objective to get the points. Great game. I was so overwhelmed at first and the Grots did what they do best and kept my army alive. I played the objectives best I could and used everything I had to slow his army down. I'm torn between the Swords and the Shackles. Both are so good for me. Shackles for board control and the Swords for actually touching heros in the back line. Thoughts? Hope these aren't too long and boring. If they are, let me know. I'll try to figure something else out.
  16. Had my battle against Temple Nest DoK. Played the Shifting Objectives mission. His list was Medusa on Cauldron, Medusa on foot, Hag on Cauldron? The one with the +1 save shield, 3 units of 10 melee snakes, 2 units of 5 shooty snakes, gemenids, everything -1 to hit in shooting. My big name for the battle was 2" to movement. And since the tournament I'm prepping for isn't allowing realm artifacts, took the 5+ mortal wound ignore artifact from Destruction. Lost on turn 4 when my Tyrant got destroyed by Medusa on Cauldron on the charge on my 3 point objective. Failed every roll I made to save. Turn 1 my Grot wall disappeared. The Medusa used their ability to just decimate my horde. It was pretty bad. The snakes came in and cleaned up. His army chewed through 60 wounds like nothing. Got the turn priority turn two, he moved the gemenids and back over my Leadbelchers. They were debuffed the entire game pretty much. Had to make a double charge. Got both big units in. Unit I started with deleted his first 10 melee snake unit. His other unit on activating, killed 6 Ogors. That was tough to swallow. I only killed half his unit in return. This would grind out and I would lose them as the Medusa got into combat. Bottom two, he gets Mindrazor off and I fail to dispel. Next unit of melee snakes charges into my 12 strong unit. Deleted them. Butcher behind them just hanging out. I win turn three 3. Cast Shackles between mid objective and far objective he controls. Make a nice wall of movement debuff. Butcher left to die. Big mess in the middle objective. He steals far objective with shooty snakes in bottom of turn. Sends the 10 melee snakes to kill my Butcher. Turn 4, he wins and has to give me the turn or else I use his endless spell to dump on his units. My Tyrant gets in and kills the shooty snakes and recaps. His unit of melee snakes fails long charge into mid unit. All I have left on mid is 4 Beltchers and 1 Butcher. Bottom of 4, he sends Medusa into my Tyrant. Kills him and takes the objective sealing the game. Well I gave it my best shot. Was up 15-14 at the end of 3 turns. Just fell apart after. My Tyrant was lousy. Or more like my save rolling for him. Didn't know about that Medusa ability that eats hordes. So now I know. Also, I have no answer to kill that Hag on Cauldron when it is tucked nicely behind his melee units just giving out armor and battleshock buffs. Another game where I felt like I screwed up deployment. Opponent told me I should have refused flank one side and made him come to me. Just can't see it if I can't hold atleast two objectives. Always up for thoughts and opinions. I did feel like I was in the game until my Tyrant died. So I guess that's worth something.
  17. Have yet to get a game against it. Pretty sure all their bravery debuffing will be brutal. Hopefully can get a game in soon!
  18. Yea, running the amulet today. Downside is the Tyrant is my only can opener so 3s/3s makes him less predictable. Playing Temple Nest DoK in a couple hours. Will post with results this evening.
  19. Well, tournament pack is out for Wargames Con and no Realm artifacts will be allowed. So I pose the question, stick with the Rock Eye or use the 5+ mortal wound save on my Tyrant General?
  20. One can only hope! Awesome! I'm hoping Nagash is easier to take down now with the mystic shield nerf. Im so used to the big dogs being so hard to kill that I would avoid them. Now I'm thinking it might be in our best interest to go after them. Of course a good player will keep them protected and make it hard for us. Lol.
  21. Here in San Antonio we throwing around the idea of using little piñatas for the monsters.
  22. Maneater models are big so they are fine on 50mm. And the only Butcher you should be using is on a 105mm oval now. ?
  23. Yep. We got super lucky that they made the fix so fast. Granted there were a ton of errors throughout, but it worked out well for us.
  24. The way I said that came out all wrong. I meant playing the army now with my list feels like I'm playing a new army. I would never give up on my Ogors! I love the challenge! It sure does get daunting though when you are playing one these new books though. Lol.
  25. @TrippG11, took a modified version of then Tyrant you proposed. Ravager and Ghyrestrike. Rolled a 1 for my Big Name. Lol. Anyhow, fulfilled the role I needed of getting the 3+ Destruction movement and the ability to pull off some great damage with lucky rolls. With the set you you are on a 5+ always for double damage so I think it's worth it. Obviously he can't just run into combat as he dies terribly quick without the 3+ save big name. Keeping Grots immune is priority one. Had a game today. Maggotkin with Glottkin w/ Blades, GUO w/ Witherstave, 40 plague rats, 40 Marauders, 30 Plague Bearers, Spume/5 Blight Kings, and 5 Censor Bearers. Used my WiP list from above. Mission was new with objectives in the corners 1pt for yours, 3 for theirs. I finished deploying first and took turn 1. Moved up my table wide Grot wall. With 18in deployment your armies are on top of each other turn 1. Just a heads up. I charged his line on top of 1. This was a big mistake. I should have let him come to me and spread his army out. I had set my two units of Ogors up for the charge and now they were out of position. Took a couple combat phases for him to eat through everything. On the bottom of 1, I pulled a couple Grots out of my line which allowed Spume to tie up one of my Ogor units. Another mistake. Turn 2 I won the roll and chose to go. Cauldrons did well and got the Bulls in combat with Spume to a 2+ hit. Finally get off Shackles being an irritant for my opponents rats. Other Ogor unit smashes into the damaged Marauder line. Get the Plague Bearers in as well with my charge. Another mistake. I thought I was doing right by holding them in place but splitting my attacks killed any effectiveness of the unit. So now both my units are held up. With just a few Grots left, I missle my Tyrant into the Blightkings on his back right objective. They were staying behind while Spume was ruining my plans. Tried to Maw Spume as well. Failed casting with a +1 from terrain. Tyrant kills two Kings, wounds another. Weight of dice take down Spume. Other Ogors kill hardly anything with no buffs and the Stave forcing rerolls. It was bad. In the end my Ogor line was stretched across two combats and one side was being held by one Marauder I couldn't kill. On his turn two, he spells and muddled what I had left of the Grot screen. Even with half movement, the rats get a big run roll and charge into my Butcher and Ogors that were held by Spume. Last couple Censor Bearers charge into my Tyrant and wipe him from the board. Glottkin charges into my now exposed left center Butcher and Leadbelchers. This was terrible and where I knew the game was sealed. This round of combat saw me lose two Butchers and my Tyrant. Ogors and Belchers still hanging around but tied up doing nothing. Roll for turn three priority and my opponent gets it. With him getting the double I concede. Tough match made even worse with bad decision after bad decision. I need to learn to play more slowly and defensively. The army lasts. I just need to play it as such. Using the battleshock immune 60 Grot wall is going to be the key to me picking and choosing my fights on my terms. Always open to advice. i feel like just starting playing a new army. That's how wrapped up my head feels right now.
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