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Posts posted by amysrevenge

  1. I've made a terrible mistake.

    I'm not going to win a single game at our event this month.

    It's blindingly obvious to me now, but it completely escaped me at the time.  There's nothing in there to fight with.  It's all shooting and gimmicks.  Needs one more "boots on the ground" unit at least, and fewer Stormcast characters.

    The problem ultimately is one that I accept - I really want to use some expensive models that I've got painted in a way that i like.  The Steam Tank, Celestial Hurricanum, and Irondrakes end up being well over 50 pools all on their own, and they are the bits that I like the best.  But then to try to cram a useful Stormcast fragement in there in the remaining 40-ish pools is just too hard.

    In hindsight, if I wanted to use those three units, I probably should have just taken the Celestant-Prime and more Dwarfs.  Trying for a 50/50 blend of two distinct armies doesn't cut it, but going like 85/15 I think would be great.

  2. The big question, now that I'm done everything (pics tonight maybe - I'm pretty much done with a very simple display board)...

    What do I do for the purpose of Battleline units?  There's just one in my 125 SCGT order list (5 Judicators).

    Options include:

    • Do some Liberators (zzzzzz snore booooring)
    • Rebase some Quarrellers that are very old and I don't like the paint job, but they are done
    • Paint some new Quarrellers - not a project I'm really interested in.
    • Find some other Order Battleline units to paint - booo, I was hoping to move on to something else.

    I suppose Liberators is the easiest way to get something that looks OK and matches the rest of the army.  :(  But then I can move on to other projects.  Too bad Prosecutors aren't Battleline units, I've got 6 of those on my table in progress already...

  3. 28 minutes ago, Garxia said:

    Even if at first sight it sounds a bit limiting, I really like that they benefit mono keywords army.

    This can help combating the cheese of spamming the best units of every faction and not being penalized for sticking with a fluffy army.

    In theory I agree.  In practice, though, some of the very best armies are already single-faction (thinking of things like Stormcasts, Seraphon, etc.) and so they only get better, while some of the others are only functional in combination.  Many "traditional" armies are several keyword factions joined together already - you can make a balanced Seraphon army that plays well in every phase of the game out of a single keyword, but you really struggle to do a Dispossessed one, and it's practically impossible to do one out of former Empire or Dark Elf warscrolls.

    Sort of like how in previous editions, in theory objective-based scenarios were supposed to be a great leveller, but in practice it was the armies that were already very good that ended up also being the most suited to objective-based scenarios.

    Anyway, this isn't some great mystery, so hopefully its all taken into account.

  4. Here's my list (125 SCGT)

    • 40 Moonclan Grots - 14
    • 9 Grot Fanatics - 15
    • 1 Mangler Squig - 10
    • 2 Grot Warbosses on Great Cave Squig - 8
    • 3 Grot Shamans - 9
    • 5 Grot Squig Hoppers - 4
    • 9 Sourbreath Troggoths - 30
    • 6 Leadbelchers - 14
    • 1 Tyrant - 6
    • 1 Thundertusk - 15

    Just to give me something to work on, I need to finish off the Leadbelchers and Tyrant, and re-base the Thundertusk.

  5. Event Title: Warhammer'd - Calgary
    Event Author: amysrevenge
    Calendar: Events Canada
    Event Date: 07/23/2016 12:00 AM to 07/24/2016 12:00 AM

    Its that time of year again, Warhammer'd will once again make its Glorious Return, July 23rd and 24th , in Calgary Alberta, at Glamorgan Community Center. But this year things are a bit different, It will be  AGE OF SIGMAR!
    Warhammer'd at first glance looks a lot like a tournament, however it is first and foremost a community building event.  The idea is for players to play in something unlike the rest of the events that Ultimate Gamers runs throughout the year. It will be a casual setting with an emphasize on community, hobbying, and of course gaming.
    NOTE:  At this time the event is SOLD OUT, but if you're interested, drop me a line anyway.
    NOTE 2: I'm not the TO, but he's not super active on this forum like I am.

    Warhammer'd - Calgary

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  6. I'm hoping that if there is a tax, it won't be that onerous of a tax.  If they divide models into Hero, Monster, War Machine, and [everything else] for instance, and then require a minimum amount of [everything else] then it's not the worst.

    But mostly I hope for almost no restrictions beyond points.  Even SCGT is a bit too limited for me regarding things like maximum duplicate warscrolls.

  7. I'm experimenting with Secret Weapon washes to do the cloak and swirls.  In my mind, the cloak and the swirls are all part of the same item - the model has captured the Prime in the middle of his arrival, and the swirls are in the process of forming into the final bits of the cloak.  A Prime who is already there doesn't have the swirls underneath, he's just a tubby guy in armour flying around.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Dangermouse425 said:

    Can we put up the rule text in the OP too? I can't see it being a copywrite issue with the information being freely available.

    Maybe just a summary?  Something like:

    Celestial Hurricanum - portents of battle - +1 to hit bubble

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  9. I also picked up about 120 wooden cubes, about 1cm in size.  I think I'm going to try to batch-paint one (or more) for each base, blue (water) with green/brown (land) and white/gray (clouds) to look like globe/cubes, and name my chapter something with World Cube in the names.

    Depending on how I can make them look.  If a couple of test cubes look dumb, I'll scrap the idea.

  10. Did a bit more work tonight at the club instead of playing.

    First a Knight Azyros. Looks pretty good.

    Second was dead easy. Mate had a spare mace, simple weapon swap.

    Third I quite like. Got to use the body of poor Liberator Prime #1 after all, to make a 10th Retributor. I had to use bits from 3 different arms to get the angle right on his left arm. Lots of greenstuff to fill in on the back, but not much shows on the front. I used a Prosecutor Prime head, so his backstory is that his Wings got scorched off by a Hellcannon and ended up not making the return trip to Azyr with him when he got croaked. Rather than give him a new set, they decided to give him a unit of Retributors to lead.




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