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Posts posted by Kaylethia

  1. 13 minutes ago, Alezya said:

    The warscroll doesn't say anything related to flying units. The only keywords that don"t trigger the effect are hero, monster, and sylvaneth. 

    So  grimghast reapers do have to roll a dice for each model moving across or finishing its move into a sylvaneth wyldwood. :D

    Flying units ignore terrain when moving. Finishing on a wyldwood still triggers it. Additionally, citadel woods don't block line of sight if either unit has flying.


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  2. @Lhw I've run them in battallionless 1k and Gnarlroot Comet spam in 2k. I hope they'll work out well once I finish another ten revenants and ten vulkites for Ironbark too. If it helps, my usual opponents are Ironjaws, Death, Beastmen, Mortal Khorne, and assorted beards.


  3. My mistake, I thought they were 3+/4+. The average in the same. Tree-revenants can pile in 6, instead of 3, as long as their banner is present. A 20 model unit of dryads averages 6-7 wounds against AS4+ on our turn, and 5 wounds on the opponents. 

    My point is that they offer rend, which is usually at a premium (treelords, hunters, alarielle, drycha, all at or above 200 points) for us, and they tie up opposing units even if they're not engaged with them. Shooting units suddenly need different screening. If they use a unit to screen the front and one side of their shooting unit to prevent us from trying to push our revenants into that unit, that gives us the change to send our dryads, hunters, Durthu, etc. into that screen and take less damage back. If they use two units to screen different sides, then we got our opponent to effectively remove one or more of their units from the game without fighting it. By having a unit with a huge threat radius sit in a corner or on a safe backline objective.

    If they don't, we can try for the charge, and even if we don't kill all of that unit, many shooters have 5+/5+ melee profiles, and we limit their shooting to just the revenants for a turn while our more important targets don't get shot to bits and get healed. 

    I'm not arguing that dryads are worse, just that revenants open up options and lines of play that our other units don't. 

  4. On the topic of Tree-Revenants, I've discussed them with a friend who loves mathhammer. He's put their offensive capabilities (3+ hit rolls and rend) on par with Hammerers. Except you get movement shenanigans on top. Following his advice, I've used a unit of ten, and they are very nice. As long as you have good positioning, possibly presenting a more important target as needed, coupled with the ability to take out things that are squishy or weakened, alongside forcing your opponent to divert resources to protect those targets make them a very good hammer unit that takes some pressure off your main units just by being on the field. In 1k games, that's usually one of the opponents heroes or battleline units sitting near their backline, keeping them off objectives.

    I don't know how many here have tried a unit of ten revenants, but I urge you to try them. Five aren't nearly as threatening as ten that can be almost anywhere on the field, with an average damage of 2-6 against AS4 without counting the 2-damage weapon on the unit champion or rerolling a single dice. 

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  5. 11 minutes ago, Grimbok said:

    So either play a demi-godess or one drop battalion...ok... what about lower point games? Of course that doesn’t excist in tournament players mind. Only 2000 points matched play...all the time...

    This is one of the biggest problems in AoS, the tournament mindset and it’s influence on army design and points costs etc... you always say; just play like this, all is fine! But what if I just want to play a varied sylvaneth list and want’s it to function ok and have close games?

    You know, like armies we see on pictures in the battletomes and read in fluff descriptions...

    Sylvaneth as a defensive control army. Not the feel I get reading the tome... 




    I've played 1000-point games where I place a single wood base and go full ham. I've played 2000-point games where most of my army teleports every movement phase. And those have been essentially the same list (gnarlroot, monstermash, 1-2 units of 20 dryads, no dryad spam). 

    To me, at least, Sylvaneth are an army of flexibility, and part of that can include spamming. Whether or not you choose to or need to use that, is dependant on each player and their respective local (or not-so-local) group.

  6. I'm testing a list with 2x20 dryads and 10 tree-revenants in 1000 point game tomorrow. 

    Planning on using the revenants as a highly mobile hammer to hit anything not near a wood, hopefully dealing enough damage to mitigate the counterpunch. 

  7. An answer to the old discussion on Drycha from the Sylvaneth Designers Commentary:
    Q: Do the enemy units that Drycha Hamadreth attacks with her Colony of Flitterfuries have to be visible to her? A: Yes.

    Depending on how you've been playing her, it's either business as usual or a slightly weaker shooting profile.


    I was actually playing yesterday, and playing this wrong. :D

  8. 34 minutes ago, Lhw said:

    Where in Drycha's rules does it say you ignore LoS? That would be the ability taking precedence. Just because it doesn't mention something, doesn't mean it ignores it, if it is in the core rules. 

    I'd argue that the ability takes precedence, since it changes the entire attack sequence and doesn't select targets or pick units.

  9. @Lhw The warscroll states "When she attacks with her Colony of Flitterfuries, roll 10 dice for each unit within the range shown on the damage table." 

    Perhaps we'll see an FAQ or rewording, but for the time being, I'd argue that it doesn't require line of sight. 

  10. 10 hours ago, Matt Large said:

    side note. Is it acceptable to simply not model Drycha with either option to leave both options open? Or is the consensus that the spite of choice HAS to be put onto her? 

    I've seen tournament-goers say that it's acceptable to model her with both. It has also been acceptable to model the spites and flitterfuries on separate bases and and the one you're using to her base for the game.

    8 hours ago, Darkundo said:

    Guys,  I have a great question about Solemn Guardian ability of Spirit of Durthu. 

    Let me verify if I have well understood it:

    If another hero (within 6") has been hitten and failed his own save roll,  I can roll a dice and (on a result of 4+) i can redirect that damage to Durthu that can make his own roll save. 

    Is this correct?  Becouse,  if it is then it meens that on a 4+ I have a double save roll.  And if Durthu is my general it is quite easy to avoid a lot of wounds...  It seems quite OP to me. 

    Can you confirm? 

    EDIT: after re-reading it a lot of time I think that I only get the Durthu save roll.  Is this correct? 

    I've been playing it as your edit states. A bit of wonky wording for sure. Also note that it is not an optional ability, if you have a hero within 6", you must roll.

    • Thanks 1
  11. I asked this question in the rules subforum as well, but thought a different wording could stand to be discussed here as well.

    How have you been playing Kurnoth Hunters and their Envoys of the Everqueen ability in regards to Heed the Spirit-song?

    I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around how they should work in this case, since it's an ongoing AoE ability with possible redirection. I could see it working a few different ways: 

    • Like in the old version, use command ability, get multiple bubbles of reroll 1's
    • Designate who the bubble is on, TLA or unit of Hunters, when you use the ability (possibly using more than one CP to get those bubbles)
    • Just the TLA, because you aren't measuring for effect range when you use the ability


  12. Is there any kind of confirmation that shooting flying targets ignored terrain effects? As I've read it, flying units ignore terrain effects, but I'm not sure this is a two-way interaction.

    Glad we have confirmation on the woods working this way, it'll make things more interesting for sure.


  13. @IndigoGirls I looked through my warscroll cards (no keyword bold for wyldwoods, bold for stuff like sylvaneth and sylvaneth hero) and the app (keyword bold isn't a thing there I guess, nor is there a wyldwood warscroll present), finally settling on the warscrolls from the web store. The wyldwood references are in keyword bold, while citadel wood isn't. I won't use it until GW has said it one way or the other, but wouldn't hold it against my opponent if they wanted to play it the way you do. 

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  14. 7 hours ago, Craze said:

    I would like to ask the question about Wyldwoods again: Has there been any change on how they work and if yes, where can I find the rulings?

    The change was that Citadel Woods now have a warscroll, where you don't have line of sight if it goes over 1" of the Wood. I've been playing the Wyldwood warscroll without extra abilites, since the wording has Citadel Wood models without keyword bold, while the Wyldwood warscroll itself hasn't been changed.

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