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Posts posted by Kaylethia

  1. 1 minute ago, Mirage8112 said:

    Hamerhall herald is usually used to indicate imminent pre-orders... so Saturday maybe?  

    Oh, I hadn't realized. 

    My buddy who linked this to me thought preorders might be next weekend. 

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  2. My guess (based on a comment from the owner of my lgs) is that it's AoS Kill Team, leading me to believe that the initial chaos warbands are like Kill Team faction starters, not necessarily indicative of a single unit, or even linked to the minimum and maximum sizes of their respective warscrolls. 

  3. 2 hours ago, martinwolf said:

    I can't really plan ahead because I never know when I get double turned

    You know when your opponent can double turn you though. Then it becomes a matter risk management, can you afford to lose whatever you teleported.

    2 hours ago, martinwolf said:

    that I teleport into 18inch range of Sisters, maybe even closer to the enemy (because two rows of models want to shoot), then I shoot, I kill 3 models, then next turn I get charged and my unit is dead.

    Depending on how you teleport, your opponent is looking at an assumed 6" of movement, followed by 10+ inches of charge. Ironjawz. Outside of being double turned, that should be a rare occurrence.

    That said, I don't know your regular opponents or table setups.

    • Like 1
  4. 47 minutes ago, Aryann said:

    I might sound bitter but I'm really disappointed they don't fix the very obvious things people keep complaining about.

    That is what they did. People complained about shooting, and shooting got weaker (KH going up to 220 points as a reaction to GA: Order lists running Hurricanum with as many bow hunters as would fit). Last year, we got additional penalties to shooting in the form of Citadel Woods, LoS and shooting into whatever is within 3" of the shooting unit.

    Mortal Wounds are the new shooting is my cynical outlook of it. Shooting has enough of a burden on it that you're hard pressed not to take something that puts out Mortal Wounds (Evocators, Drycha, Knight-Incantor and comet), since it's a better return than, say 6 shots with bows, when their expected output with LoS falls roughly into the same category as Arcane Bolt. That said, they have more utility than just their shooting, even if it's shared utility with the other variants.

    • Like 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, The World Tree said:

    People seem to have been thrown by Ylthari, who is part of a dedicated 'Stormhost'.

    Not that strange, as the Farstriders have the Hammers of Sigmar keyword, the Chosen Axes have the Vostarg keyword, etc. GW is much more willing to tie Underworlds warbands to specific groups in the lore, much like they do with named heroes.

  6. That does open up battallions to be structured along the lines of "must contain at least 2 Household units." While at the same time allowing them to add another unit with the same keyword, and have it count toward those requirements. 

  7. 19 minutes ago, a74xhx said:

    I'm fully expecting the warband will be the new way Revenants will work in the new battletome with maybe something extra thrown on top too. Either way I hope any changes are going to make them usable as battleline. I've got 10 Tree Revs I never use. Shame they are nice models. I'll be keeping my Looncurse  Revenants on the sprues until that new tome comes out, then I'll decide whether to tree/spite/ebay them.

    Keep in mind that the warband doesn't have a musician or banner, which give the revenants their teleporting and 6" pile-in.

    • Like 2
  8. 9 hours ago, Frowny said:

    Maybe more magic? Ranged attacks seem promising since they aren't that sturdy...

    Don't they have army-wide anti-shooting?

    For mortal wounds, I've occasionally allied in a Knight-Incantor and Everblaze Comet in a Gnarlroot list. 

    With your particular list, I would probably get more dryads in to blunt their assault. One of my regular opponents runs Disposessed with the pickaxe-irondrake combo, and that'll remove Durthu or Alarielle as well. 

    How well has screening with your summoned dryads worked? They would seem like a good candidate to throw in front of them, as they'd be wasting damage. I don't have a Deepkin player locally, so I know next to nothing about them.

  9. 16 minutes ago, Aezeal said:

    If that is our new The reaping it's a huge nerf btw. The reroll ws the hitting early is probably a small bonus but it's on 3+... which is kinda meh.

    I'm not so sure about that, are have there been any faction spell lore spells that are unique spells on warscrolls as well?

  10. The ability on the regular ones currently has the same name, but a different effect, which I don't think counts as the same ability. Then again, I don't believe we have a precedent for different "this ability" effects in the game. I think this is going to get an FAQ very soon. If you are right, then this is huge until we get a new warscroll for tree-revenants.

    I'd say that you can cast two "The Reaping" spells as well, one for Ylthari and one for our spell lore, since they have a different effect for the time being.

    I think this warband is a small preview into our updated rules, and later on tree-revenants will have the same ability with the same effect.

    • Like 1
  11. 21 minutes ago, Future said:

    So while this unit is on the field tree revs get the fight at the beginning of battle round treatment? That looks super strong. Like an auto include.

    For the time being, only the Guardians. Although it does look like our regular tree-revenants will be getting the same treatment in the future.

  12. I'm down for a "stormhost" treatment for our army. I generally play smaller games, so I can't use battalions. Being able to get additional fluff without spending extra points sounds very cool.

    Also, this looks to me like a concerted push away from tieing extra rules to battalions and therefore semi-mandatory one-drop battalions. 

  13. Warband warscroll is up! Ylthari's Guardians

    I like the fact that we have a cheap option to get a wizard out with filling battalion requirements at the same time, even if they aren't optimal. Definitely using them in smaller games as a fluffy counterpunch unit.

    Possibly a peek into our upgraded rules as well, Ylthari has The Reaping with different rules than our spell lore version, and the guardians have Martial Memories for first strike (not rerolling a dice each phase) and they lost their teleporting (no musician in this unit though). And I'm very hopeful for a generic Thornwych model alongside archer revenants, maybe in the rumored trees versus squigs box.

    What do you all think?

  14. 36 minutes ago, a74xhx said:

    Very much doubt they will be Battleline.

    Not battleline, but they should have the tree-revenant keyword, making them eligible for use in Household. Their usefulness will vary depending on their points cost and their actual warscroll abilities. 

    16 minutes ago, Ruhraffe said:

    New Tree-Rev unit? Did I miss some rumor? Or do you mean the Underworlds warband?

    Yup, I meant the Underworlds warband. All signs point to their warscroll having the tree-revenant keyword, meaning they will fill battalion requirements.

  15. I am now eagerly awaiting our new tree-revenant unit, possibly as a cheap (both points and money) way of filling battalion requirements. 

    Also hoping the warband is hero + three models, just so we can have a bit more variety in our hero options.

  16. 1 hour ago, Xil said:

    As you just talked about our woods and the room on tables, I had a question come to my mind. 

    When placing a wyldwood it has to keep distance to other terrain and also needs to be within one inch of itself (when placing 2 to 3 bases). Does this mean when I place a wood of 3 bases that each must be within one inch to both others or can I draw a line? 

    Each base has to be within an inch of each other base. No lines of three, although two can be deployed like that.

  17. @AaronWIlson That looks really sparse compared to my usual tables. We have a similar amount of scenery, but it's bulky, and we tend to run more scatter terrain as well. I can usually place 2-3 wood bases in a game, usually single, occasionally a double. I'll hit up a friend for a picture or our game last week and edit the post with it later.

    This is a sparse table in these parts:


  18. 34 minutes ago, KasperBN said:

    Just out of curiousity, since I play the Branchwych bomb in my list, can you use Navigate Realmroots while standing on a Balewind Vortex?


    And if we Rouse to Wrath, can they dryads move / charge / Navigate Realm roots ? (which if any)

    My best guess would be no to realmrooting on a balewind. Can't move and instead of moving don't mesh well in my mind. 

    As for Roused to Wrath, the summoned dryads can't move in the following movement phase, which rules out movement, precludes teleporting for the same reasons as above, but they can charge. 

    • Thanks 1
  19. 12 hours ago, KasperBN said:

    Oh and does anyone have experience on dealing with Spirit Hosts with CA to reroll hits? I tried sending TLS with ethereal amulet against them, and even with a Stomp landing, 6 spirit hosts melted him quickly. Have not found anything that can stop them.

    Spirit hosts hit on a 5+, if you stomp hits, that's a 6+ and they reroll results of 1-4 once. 

    I'm guessing you misplayed two rules. Any dice can be rerolled at most once, and rerolls happen before modifiers. With that in mind, they'd be putting out an average of 5-6 mortal wounds. If the TLA isn't working for you, maybe try chaffing them up with dryads. 

  20. 30 minutes ago, Zekefreed said:

    Hey guys,

    Does anyone have experience with lots of tree revenants? I’m talking in the 60s potentially. I feel like tree revenants are actually incredible offensive units I just never take enough of.  Having big blocks of them being able to way pipe and potentially turn 1 charge a lot of stuff could be devestating? 


    Anyone try it? 

    I take a unit of ten in all of my lists nowadays. I like their mindgames and offensive pressure a lot. Either the opponent leaves exploitable openings or you've forced them to play more conservatively. I haven't thought about bigger units yet, but will probably scale to two units of ten soon, so they aren't just tax in Ironbark.

    That said, they're made of paper against anything that doesn't have archer melee stats, so you'd probably have to play a very all-in game.

  21. 15 minutes ago, Ruhraffe said:

    As we are already at the wyldwood rules: If I put up the wyldwood as a triangle

    /  \

    there is a space in the middle. Does this count as wyldwood as well or is it a glade, where the wyldwood rules do not apply?

    Only the Citadel Wood bases count as Wyldwoods.

  22. 5 minutes ago, KasperBN said:

    Final question, asking from a friend with alot of flying units.

    What if a flying unit starts its movement in a Wyldwood, and then charges out of the Wyldwood at something else (across). Does the Wyldwood proc since something charges across it, or does the Flying unit ignore terrain?

    For flying units, only ending their run or charge on a wyldood counts. 

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