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Battlehammer Jelly Thyme

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Posts posted by Battlehammer Jelly Thyme

  1. Hi all,

    When playing StD you gain the aura of chaos ability - I have always played it as; any unit within the army can have which ever mark of chaos i choose, so one bank of chaos warriors could be khorne while another unit could be tzeetch. this way the khorne unit would benefit from a better attack while the tzeetch unit would benefit from re-roll failed saves of a 1 (as long as there is s hero with in 12") However since using the Warhammer App to build my lists it now says i must choose 1 aura of chaos bonus for the whole army?

    Could someone help and clarify?


  2. Be'lakors warscroll reads

    Shadow Form
    Ignore modifiers (Positive or negative) when making save rolls for attacks that target this model.

    So I read this as he can not benefit from Mystic shields (+1 to save rolls)
    But if I used a re-roll failed save rolls ability would this be allowed or does a re-roll count as a modifier?

  3. 1 hour ago, Mandollies said:

    Well; I just checked the rules thinking it would be an easy no. Except that the Slaves to Darkness rules refer to the Daemon Prince by the Keywords :$ (so technically yes; but wait a month for the FAQ before playing it that way)

    I know the Disciples of Tzeentch ruled no to summoning Kairos with the Guild of Summoners but that was just a specific ruling unlike a general rule to not being able to summon unique characters.

    See I agree with you, I read it as you CAN bring Be'lakor using keywords - however I can imagine that it will be greeted with many objections from my opponent 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    I believe it was 1 per attack

    Although as a reminder a warplightning cannon will always only do 1mortal wounds to gortrek no matter how many dice you’ve rolled equal to the powerdice, since it’s shooting attack(s) is an ability and not really an attack

    Hi @Skreech Verminking,

    I agree with you on that one. and cheers for the heads up on cannon! 😃

  5. Morning All,


    This maybe obvious to some but after a recent game of Age of Sigmar we got into discussion over how we "understand" Gotrek Gurnissons abilities.

    Specifically the Avatar of Grimnir ability. it reads
    If the damage inflicted by an attack, spell or ability that targets or affects this model is greater than 1, change it to 1.

    I read this as if the damage Charaterisitc of the the attacking unit is 2, that this will be changed to 1? 
    so if the attacking unit lands 4 attacks  on Gurnisson and he fails 2 saves rolls, the most damage he can receive is 2 wounds(one per attack) or 1 wound for the entire attack?


    I hope this reads okay? if anyone one can help out please let me know.

  6. 5 minutes ago, TaurielBlack said:

    Hey mate,

    Yeah I do feel they lost alot've what made the Wanderers, Wanderers... But that was mainly due to the Cities of Sigmar book coming out, do I think they're by any means bad? Nah, but I'd have to have a proper tinker with them to find a workable list.

    Something I've tinkered with for fun was the Viridian Pathfinders battalion, with some Sisters of the Watch, a Battlemage and some Evocators on Dracoline, along with a couple of endless spells as back up. But the problem I found was that I had almost no staying power, which hurt the army hard. (I was playing Living City as my city for the use of the old Wanderers bamfing trick)

    If I was to do it seriously? Probably wouldn't use the pathfinder battalion, unless perhaps in minimum units sizes so i could have extra relics etc, but at that point it just seems like a tax. I'd definitely look at running alot've Eternal guard for objective holding, some Sisters of the Watch for some shooting fire power, especially now that they do mortal wounds, and some form of Stormcast for that little something extra in terms of punching power. Though if you wanted to stay pure wanderer units, I'd consider Wild Riders, as they're finally semi usable again. Oh and at least on Nomad prince, and a couple other heroes, at least 1 mage, possibly 2.

    Hope that helps :) 

    Very true,

    Ive got the sister of the watch and i think they are great, last time i played with them i had a friend charge them with Saurus Warriors and with there ability to shoot them on a charge, it cleared the Saurus out.. was so chuffed.

    i was amazed at how well Eternal guards hold objective due to their abilities and having cast mystic shield on  them, they were so strong!
    I did buy a box of Wildwood Ranger (the reverse box) but im thinking i might just make more Eternal Guards.
    i find them with the Sister, with Kurnoth Hunters and a Waywatcher sitting back works well and a spellweaver near by to revive lost models.

    I have invested in a Gotrek Gurnisson to play as my Centre Forward and he does throw his weight around, he just very point heavy at 520.

  7. Hi @Skreech Verminking,

    Thank you for the Welcome, I did look at the Skaven Armies back when i had the exciting decision of which army to build first and i like them for their Heroes and large artillery units but i wasn't a fan of their militia based models. saying that though i do have an Arc-Warlock from the Skaven Army, I just haven't built him yet.

    15,000 WOW! I hope you have them all out on display?



  8. Hi All,

    Cant wait to be part of this large community, ive been collecting and modelling for the last 3 years.

    so far I've only played with a  few friends not brave enough yet to join a larger community.

    im currently running with:

    5,000 points of Chaos
    Slaves to Darkness 
    Little bit of Tzeentch

    1,500 Points of Order
    Mostly Wood Elves/Wanderers/Sylvaneth

    Im eager to see how other players armies look like!


    Many thanks


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