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Posts posted by pseudonyme

  1. 7 hours ago, Sabotage! said:

    Oh shoot, that's a good question. I think we'll probably see DoK or IDK and possibly Sancrosect and Nighthaunt, but those are just my thoughts and anyone else's guess is as good as mine. I think they usually show them off late November.

    I don’t see Sacrosanct and Nighthaunt SC coming as they are already in the 3 core game boxes. Neither Idoneth because they were released too recently in my opinion.

    DoK is probable and why not Disciples of Tzeentch: with some kairic acolytes or   Tzaangors, 3 skyfires and hero o choose between the ogroid, the Tzaangor shaman and the gaunt summoner.

  2. 9 hours ago, Overread said:

    Aye, though that's standard for Shadspire; all the warbands are unique poses of models. Makes them great not just for the game but also as champions/heros/characters in regular games.

    I was not talking about multi poses but but unique type of models. Which make me wonder how they will be used in AoS.

    Concerning the troggoth, remember that they specified that it was a new kind of unit. So maybe it will be an aditional buy.

  3. 1 hour ago, KevenM said:

    I'm going to go with Bonesplitterz warband for Shadespire/Nightvault on this one...


    2 hours ago, robinlvalentine said:

    Following the theme of recent posts, maybe this is a spear sticking out of a new Bonesplittaz terrain piece, to go with an updated battletome for them? A big totem or something?

    It definitely looks too... flint-y to be Moon Clan. 

    Or that

  4. Ok... Being on vacation I have just binge-listened to the last 2 episodes.

    Too much hilarious stupid things to praise on those 2 episodes, but here’s some comments:

    • I am a fan of the whole show, but just can’t wait for the faction introduction. Both brayherd and flesh eater courts  where hilarious
    • Surprisingly, my wife did not frown to make me stop your podcast and even chuckled the whole time. She laughed a lot during the flesh eater courts segment (« does he have hemorroids now, why? » ?)
    • Can’t wait to see the Zelbo elf original drawing 
    • My wife suggests that I participate in the painting contest by painting a zelbo elf. I will participate with something else, but I think it should be the subject of an entire contest: imagine an army of zelbo elves!!!


  5. 7 hours ago, MacDuff said:

    I totally agree - AOS clockwork machines would be AWESOME!

    As someone said back when this robot faction rumour appeared, it could be a great Destruction army from the realm of metal. Nature fighting its fleshy invaders. It could be a great twist for the Desctruction grand alliance as a whole.

    • Like 2
  6. 7 hours ago, Skabnoze said:

    I have all of the old trolls going back about that far as well. 

    The more I look at the new proportions for this troll the more I think it may be distinct to whatever this unit is and not be the new direction for Trolls.  Earlier in the destruction forums I was remarking that it is interesting that the older trolls all had thinner torsos and big fat waists with a big gut.  This guy is the opposite with a larger torso and a thin waist.

    However, if you ignore the details on the model and look at the silhouette of the body he is shaped less like a muscle-bound brute and more like a mushroom with the way his upper torso flares and his whole lower body tapers.  His waist is completely straight and his legs shaped like the stalks of a mushroom.  I am pretty sure the artists did this quite intentionally to subtly reinforce the fungus monster concept.

    The kind of things I don’t catch. Thanks to point it

    Îlike the model, it is just the face that bugs me because I really prefer the current troggoth faces. But anyway, will by the warband ?

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