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Posts posted by silverstu

  1. 6 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Hastings suspects an undead one so many unused spooky rumor engines.

    "I'm starting to think there may be a new WHQ AoS coming our way soon(ish) and that this, along with some other recent rumour images, are parts of it."

    I remember there was a rumour after Silver Tower that the next planned expansion was supposed to be an undead setting - Hammerhal was a more of a quick expansion with no unique models. Possibly thats always been the plan but Blackstone had to come out for 40k first?It would fit with the current focus on Death and the Necro-quake etc..

    • Like 4
  2. 2 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    And something like insectoid eyes, lizard-like crest (the metal bits at the ears also fit there), beastman-like horns, kurnothi like antlers, a crescent moon, and even a tattoo onto the bone. No idea what the symbol behind it means.

    There's a lot in there.

    Theres also those ribbons with text on them down the side- Aelf maybe? [the pale blue has me thinking Lumineth but the text might suggest something else?].There seems to be a dwarf rune on the left hand ear panel and a pearl bracelet on the right [Idoneth?] I'd love more Kurnothi [antlers- ,maybe Sylvaneth dryads?] and the horns look like more beasts but I doubt they do them again in two straight editions. Lots to puzzle over..


    I wonder if they will do a road map for Warcry too..

    2 hours ago, Overread said:

    Honestly I think that was the plan and I think GW has abandoned it. 

    Instead of 10 different Stormcast armies with unique models in each one, they've instead opted for 10 different armies entirely. Stormcast end up like every other army in that their "subfactions" are just different flavours within the one battletome instead of getting tomes and models of their own.


    Whilst Space Marines sell like mad its partly a self fullfilling cycle and it brings with it its own problems for GW. Including the fact that a marine fan might well just buy a codex and one or two new models and change their army from one to another without buying new models. Plus it results in a less diverse game, consider that in 40K there are only a handful of Xenos races; yet in AoS there's loads more variety of races and factions. A far greater wealth of potential options and lures and any existing gamer that wants a new army has to spend new army prices not just upgrade a few models and change the paint scheme on what they've got already. 


    Yeah one of the reasons AoS is so vibrant is that Stormcast, while prominent aren't as dominant as Space Marines- I think GW are trying to fix that now by the looks of the Necron Release and there are hints that they have returned to building up the Xenos threat again after focusing on chaos last edition. 

    They seem to be enjoying building small-is factions and then combining two together into a larger force later for AoS, we still have to see if they intend to return to individual factions or just add them as an element to new merging factions.

  3. 1 hour ago, Nos said:

    Yes, exactly. They continue to make the best models. They dont fall out of the sky. They make that product, which is what people want, and pay increasing sums year on year for. 

    Yeah and the art/illustrations/fiction etc to support it- look how well they've built AoS.

    On future releases I'd hope we see some Warcry/Underworlds previews soon after the 40k set hits for a breather! I'd say Necrons and Marines will follow after Indomitus, I think Sons would be a good release in-between all the 40k stuff with the rest of the lumineth coming later [September sounds right]. 

    But yeah really interested and hopeful that Warcry war bands will be interesting [not to take away from the great releases for Necrons/Lumineth/Giants- they just aren't my thing]. I thought the first wave of kits were really nice models but I'm not into chaos at all, id be tempted to collect other factions war bands though, ideally I'd love a dwarf war band of some kind [reimagined rangers!] or Kurnothi, but the Khainite war band looks very nice already..

    • Like 1
  4. 9 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    3rd. Main rules + Warhammer Armies book + Realm of Chaos books.

    I remember those chaos armies.. and I still haven't forgiven them for 3rd! The demon weapons which contained a demon....amongstall the other nasties chaos could field.. 

    Mind you dwarf runes were key to shaping our armies..master runes of death, three runes of fury For an extra 3 attacks... those where the days..

  5. 9 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    I really don't think that's a skaven weapon. Too fine and unchipped. The shape's not right either. Some skaven blades have those barbs/protrusions but they otherwise tend to look more like exaggerated falchions, broad towards the tip.

    Also it's very close to DE wych blades, as seen on the models (image from DeadFingers on B&C) and in Jes Goodwin's old concept art. Similar barbs, same ribbon through the hole. Unless they're reusing 40k motifs for new AoS models (not impossible but unlikely for something so specific), this looks like something new for Dark Eldar.



    A new Lelith Hesperax perhaps?

  6. 13 minutes ago, michu said:

    I'm sorry but the shape of that hilt and blade says Skaven to me.

    You could be right but Skaven don't have fine hands and wear gloves and the shape is too elegant for Skaven, looks more like a Dark Eldar or Shadow Aelves design to me.

    7 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Drazhar has fabric tied through his blades. Dark Eldar is definitely a possibility. The only thing it could be other than an Aelf/Eldar is something Slaanesh, though this is an outside possibility. Whatever it ends up being it will have my interest, unless it turns out to be a body on a nurgle base or something. 

    If its 40k could be corsairs? They said its further away so probably not that Warcry war band [I hope we see more of the WarCry stuff soon]. Might be a solo character  ..

  7. 9 hours ago, Beastmaster said:

    I’m actually not so sure how many players buy the specialist games boxes explicitly for the specific specialist game anyway. For most it seems to just be a way to add some variety/conversion material to their own project, whatever it may be. For me it surely is. 😎

    Yeah thats what I find so appealing about them - elements to add to armies/projects to personalise them which isn't always what you get form the more unit based kits for the main games.

  8. I'm really interested to see what Warcry war bands come out- I'd love a KO/dwarf one [maybe a dwarf ranger one referencing Bugman's rangers?].I'd love a Kurnothi one but I doubt they would use Warcry to bring new models out for that until the visit them as a faction/sylvaneth extension. Also though I think, regardless of the faction, they could be very collectable as you aren't committing to building up a small force and there should  be variety across the set.

    It will be interesting see how GW approaches adding new waves/models to existing factions. Although I'm not convinced they will yet, thyecould continue to evolve factions with older factions fading into the background, possible before being revisited again much later.. who knows, but that was the original plan for AoS allegedly and there is no sense that that may have changed.

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  9. The Lumineth box looks more like a special bundle than a discount bundle - if everything was released and you where into that faction you'd spend that - 2 boxes of troops at £30, a character at £15 and a book at £25= £100 plus all the dice etc. Its not a bargain but its good if you like the faction and are gaming with them as you're basically spending the extra £10 on dice and counters.  Plus you are getting them a bit early. 

    1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

    I had originally hoped for an early July release but then August with 9th Edition dropping. Unfortunately it looks like it very well may be September now. To say I'm a little disappointed is an understatement.


    I wouldn't give up hope- Sons are a book and a big single kit pretty much - pretty easy to slot into the schedule compared to other factions so you never know..

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, amysrevenge said:

    As an addendum to my post above, after considering it for a while.

    There aren't that many old WFB armies left to deal with.  So there are fewer opportunities left to do what I labelled as 3, 4, or 5.  They'd have to un-soup some Legions of Nagash or Cities of Sigmar, or un-squat Gitmob or Greenskins or Bretonnia.

    So maybe there is reason to hope for a new tactic out of GW sometime in the not too distant future?

    I was thinking about this- one of the primary purposes of AOS is it allows GW to explore different "tropes" of classic armies- all ghost armies, all slayer armies.. all tree spirit armies for example. This means elf collectors suddenly have multiple choices of [small ]armies to collect, dwarf players can have slayers, steampunk dwarfs or dispossessed and probably "high dwarfs" next... But with their return to the old world they create another outlet for army types- they can have classic wood elves, norse dwarfs, classic dwarfs, Bretonnia etc while still offering fire dwarfs, tree spirit armies.. so maybe see of these army types will just appear in the Old World setting. 

    For AoS I can see them continuing to expand with new armies and then slowly folding older armies together as they go - I reckon Kurnothi will have their own book and then be folded in with Sylvaneth at  a later point. Having said that the benefit of AoS is there is so much they can add to factions rather than redoing models they can bring out brand new models to add to existing factions. The problem they faced with old WFB and 40k is the limited return on replacement models. I think thats changed now as they have moved the sculpting on so much and left ranges largely dormant that they can now return to them with refresh with higher quietly kits and probably a fish approach as seen with the Necron release and Sisters of Battle. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    A Fae-Aelf army is exactly what should be happening for the Kurnothi in regards to AOS as a whole. The Gloomspite and now the Sons of Behemat have had very fair tale like advertising and overall themes so classic Fae Aleves would be right up that alley. Also Centaur Aelves are just too perfect to pass up. I cannot even imagine what sort of beasts they would employ in their service. 

    Yes its one of things I've grown to love about AoS- bringing me armies I had no idea I would love- Steam-punk dwarf sky-pirates- absolutely! A Narnian army of half elves- wonderful! 

    The original beast masters had hawks, wild cats, hounds, boars and bears so they could add those. Large bear-type creatures would be excellent, and obviously giant eagles are possibility. They could have packs of these running with the faun/centaur elves. Really interested to see what the range build up like and what the heroes look like. Obviously Kurnoth/shard of Kurnoth would e the centrepiece. Anyway I doubt they would release two aelf factions in the same year so they would be a way off yet unless they appear in Warcry or Quest.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, KingKull said:

    I've been holding my breath for a Wild Hunt AoS army for too long now, here's hoping that the Beastgrave warband isn't just a cruel tease that'll never turn into an actual army/more models (looking a t you Darkoath)... 

    Me too- thats what I'm worried about as well! But Whitefang on here seems to have a sense of things [maybe I'm giving him too much credit!:D] and he's fairly positive they will get a book etc.. and Atia on War of Sigmar mentioned a Centaur army coming when they were initially released.. Hope they really push the wild nature of them, I didn't like it when Wood Elves became green elves rather than the Fae- the Wild Hunt models seem to have recaptured that feel.

    2 hours ago, GeneralZero said:

    Did you notice guys that none of the new miniatures has a 3D view? I find it very convenient especially when I'm building and/or magnetize my miniatures...

    I hope that this is not the new GW way of presenting stuff . I miss this 3D view 🤔

    Its probably down to restricted access to the studio and reduced staffing - the photos seem pretty minimal relative to the normal product listing so imagine they will get back to as soon as they can. Photos sell models after all.

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  13. 3 hours ago, Popisdead said:

    Regarding (the) Owls (are not what they seem), last book of 8th was Wood Elves (other than the campaign books that ended with a bang) and some of the semi reliable rumour mongers on ... portent? warseer? commented on seeing Owl-like Beastmasters,.. now since GW is bringing Wood Elves back as Pan-aelves it wouldn't surprise me to see some of those old rumours maybe manifest.  

    Why (bother steer this thread back to rumours instead of Psychic Awakening)?  Cause GW starts as concept art, Jes Goodwin did most the Elf range from 1987, so it wouldn't surprise me to see him revisit this in concept sketches to push forward ideas stagnating at the end of 35 years of Fantasy.  A lot of wrong rumours are play testing stuff that doesn't manifest physically, but in early pdf form "use ogre sized model with these stats" very early on.  It also helped seed who leaked cause not everyone got the same stuff play testing back then.  How the Beastmen leaks turned into a firing and PK needing to finish the book.  Sometimes we see stuff with crazy dates.  John Blanches KO concepts were dated during 8th ed.

    Since the (sylvaneth) warband for pan-Aelves has everything being tied hard into nature, incorporating Owls isn't a surprise.  There have been owl bitz for the 2005 WE release, the 8th ed release (3-eyed owl in the treelord kit).  Just wish it was an AoS summer not 40k.  ah well.  You sit around this hobby long enough to see the same things over and over again just in a drifting mauve ocean of collected unconcious where the white lodge resides.  Drycha was a champion in the 4th ed book, hero in the 6th ed book, better hero in the AoS books, even names like Calaingor, Durthu, spell names, etc.  Just revamp the core drive.

    I don't remember anyone on Warseer mentioning the Beastmasters -but it was a while ago! I agree with you- the Kurnothi definitely have elements from Jes' early wood elves - I loved the beast masters, and there is definitely something of the wardancers in them as well.  I remember Harry on Warseer knowing about AoS well before it hit-  he knew about Stormcast and I remember a really strange sprue pic appearing which everyone thought was Squats/Demiurg -Harry just said "even stranger"- looking back it was a  Kharadon sprue. So I wouldn't be surprised if someone saw Beastmasters back then which might only be surfacing now. Pretty sure Primaris where mentioned well before they appeared- their rumours got mixed up with the Heresy marines. 

    I think the Owl is more Kurnothi than Sylvaneth as the Spites and critters of AOS Sylvaneth have been insectoid generally. The Kurthothi seem to be the Fauna aspect of life.. Really looking forward to seeing how they turn out!

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  14. One thing I'm really pleased to see them take form AoS in 40k is how they approach ranges- the Necron release looks similar in quality to the AOS armies in terms of the character of the faction as well the quality of the sculpts. AoS releases have to build the entire feel of a faction from scratch and in my opinion, they do this incredibly well with the clam pack characters and little touches on bases right up to the centrepiece models. The necron update looks to have all these elements- I'm hoping they take this approach as they refresh all the factions [especially Nids!].


    I know they have 2 Psychic Awakening books to get out yet but they have a month to drop them before 9th- seems easy and sets up some of the factions for the new edition. They will be wanting to get 9th out on time-  its probably sitting in the warehouses right now and has been for a while. They Ardmore likely to move the Lumineth/WarCry etc around a bit. The disruption to production probably is more going to be felt 3-6 months down the line..

    Really looking forward to what AoS has coming down the line with these hints of Warcry/Underworlds or Quest.. all looking very interesting..

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  15. 39 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

    A group of friends were talking about this the other day.  The lockdown has messed up the release schedule quite a bit, but the release of a new edition of one of their core games will have had too much investment in the form of resources and logistics in place to delay it for anything but a pandemic.  Unlike previous editions of the game, the Psychic Awakening books are still usable with the new version of the game, so all we should face is a month or so of continuity issues in the story arc.

    Yeah I think they will push out the Psychic Awakening books quickly - its mostly rules and fluff content with few models suits easy enough. The whole series has been building towards 9th and I reckon they have a lot to release off the back of it with the new factory becoming operational, all the things we expected with Psychic Awakening in terms of range refreshes for some of the factions are probably all planned out. Thats the 40k side of things, they need to get the Lumineth and Sons out before they can touch anything else for AoS and we have no idea what's coming beyond them. I'd say the Lumineth box set will be out pretty sharpish, Sons might fit in around 40k at the end of July. 

  16. 1 minute ago, godhand said:

    New edition was announced, "release of many new models", Necrons were mentioned in particular. New Rules, lots of Point Changes, Codexes will stay valid as PA naturally. FW stuff will change mostly. Wave of new Codexes incoming and something about a new Crusade mod for narrative play.

    Sounds interesting - I'm glad they mentioned new models- I hope we might get a wee taste of some of them in the reveal [please have new Nids... or Squats or exodites/corsairs].

    Much more interesting potentially than just announcing a new edition [providing there are new xenos models ]

  17. Yeah it looks like a shame- Kharadron Riggers, Thunderers and the Ironclad all to go up -I reckon those troop boxes will go up to £27.50 .. no idea what the larger boxes will increase by.. I just buy less then

    Good to see the preorders are back - folks can finally get their hands on some things that have been out there for awhile but not available and the next releases can arrive..

  18. 13 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Oh the topic does remind me there's Kharadron lore stuff we haven't gotten yet like "shield ships" mentioned in their tome.

    And I remember Deepkin players on this thread showed there was a picture on release that had part of a black and yellow fish beast model that was never put out with the rest. Might've been a goof up with a custom model or decision to save it for a future warband release.

    (If any Deepkin fans here know what I'm talking about could you be kind enough to fish up that pic? I can't find it.)

    There is loads of scope to deepen the ranges for the factions - although GW has yet to show an interest in doing that beyond a character/spells/terrain. Hopefully they will start broadening them out through Warcry until they get proper expansions. 

    11 hours ago, Carnelian said:

    Interesting. For me my one criticism of the Gotrek model (other than having to magnetise him to both base sizes) is that he should be totally nude

    Fyreslayers taught me the importance of trousers for dwarfs... :D

    11 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Aetar of Ghur sound incredible.

    Too right! Alongside centaurs and deer/elves that would be quite a faction! Add in packs of hounds/cats/wolves/bear and some large monster sized beasts .. be still my beating heart..

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  19. 1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:


    Another avenue are the Aetar of Ghur, sentient large bird people with nobility who wear jewelry and armor that live up in the peaks where they've avoided chaos. With their princess aiding Hamilcar it does put them in a good spotlight for support down the road especially with Ghur and Gordrakk making waves for the plot. (Hoping something for Beastgrave for now)

    Ooo those bird people sound interesting- I was wondering if we would see feather winged Kurnothi as a nod to the Warhawk riders as they seem to be beast elves..That is the elf faction I'm most interested in. 

    3 hours ago, Sete said:

    Fyreslayers need Gotrek design.

    Butt naked dwarfs dont tickle my fancy.

    Pants, even if with a loincloth over for style points, shoulder armour, bare chest and boots. 

    It's the only army I seriously dislike.


    The Fyreslayers, to me, are dwarf spartans/the 300 -not slayers - slayers have Mohawks not crests and are punk-rock/deranged dwarfs. I really, really love that Gotrek sculpt -just perfect. I think it was alluded to that they are working on a dwarf faction but I don't think it will arrive for a while- maybe next year..[pure guess work].But seeing the Gotrek sculpt, the iron breaker and hammerers and of course the Kharadron I'm really excited about any future dwarf faction [and actually would love proper squats if they redid/reimagined them for 40k..].

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  20. The other thing to remember is while their warehouse is open they are operating at a much lower level, getting normal orders out is taking a lot longer than normal- they might want to wait until their packing an shipping capacity is up or they are through any backlog before they put up new stuff. 

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