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Posts posted by silverstu

  1. 5 hours ago, Chikout said:


    Courtesy of the folks over at Warhammer weekly. According to Tom, next summer we will see a new campaign featuring Malerion, combined Duardin and the introduction of the chaos Duardin. 

    Wow cool!! Really hope so for combined dwarfs [as long as we get some new dwarf sculpts - I love the current Ironbreakers and hammerer sets but we could do with some AoS dwarfs]

    1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

    New Campaign as in new Narrative books?! I'm all about that and glad we arent waiting till the end of this Edition to get the Narrstive moving again. 

    Interesting. Could mean that itll be a Duardin Summer next year which I am all about. 

    Summer of Duardin! I'm all in! Hoping for Squats to return in 40k as well and then the circle will be complete....

    28 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I don't think that having Fyreslayers in a battle box before the release of a combined dwarf book is a big problem. I would bet that a future dwarf book would follow the Orruk Warclans model, with it's subfacitons being playable as their own allegiances. There was no problem having Kruleboyz in the Dominion box instead of a mix of Orruk units, so I don't see why it would be a problem here.

    Yeah I could see Fyreslayers getting a model or two in a box and then appear in a combined tome. Whitefang suggested new things for Slayers but he also heavily suggested a combined dwarf book. The two aren't mutually exclusive and I'm fairly sure I remember him saying just because factions share a book doesn't mean they can't get a new model or two. 

    • Like 2
  2. 9 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    OK, "Will they get a new book soon?" tier list:




    I like your reasoning and I’d especially love dwarfs to be up soon but I’m not so sure. There are dwarf looking things in the rumour engines but I think they are more like Squats, unless the Grungni faction have a more futuristic feel. 
    I think Sylvaneth could be higher as one if the themes of 3rd is Spring has come and life is unleashed. Plus the Kurnothi have been sitting there as a perfect expansion for them. Dawnbringers, Sylvaneth and Dwarfs would be my first 3 Order picks as fluff wise they are set up. 
    i think Chorfs will come but not as a full faction until later in the edition, maybe appearing as a war band or underworlds set. 

    But generally- no idea what’s coming ! I don’t expect any surprises before Christmas the way things are going. But open to being surprised! 

    • Like 1
  3. 31 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

    I personally don’t think it’s going to be spiderfang.

    I mean, the preview video makes it quite clear the spider-thing is very “chaos-related”

    So it won’t be something associated with the main game as much as the shadowstalkers.

    Could be wrong, though.

    Yeah I thought that too as nothing in the trailer pointed to grots. I mean who is the narrator? Could be a spider themed war band like the Corvus one or could be spider mutants..I'd find the spider mutants more interesting. Will there be other war bands though and will it still centre on chaos? I like that it explores a the wider setting I just hope there might be other factions represented in some way. 

    • Like 2
  4. The only thing that says to me it might not be spiderfang was the female voice over - sounded a lot more elfy- spider rather than gobbos or chorfs.. , more Morathi agents/drow ? 

    I do like the idea of a spiderfang infestation in the 8 points though .. and Duardin rangers … 

  5. One thing I also noticed from the Cathay trailer- there where a few chaos forces I didn't recognise - the winged beastial creatures [furies?] and the beastial creatures with glowing claws [didn't look like daemonettes]. The "credible rumour drop" mentioned new Deamons coming- could these be a sneak peek at new undivided deamons? I'm not up on Chaos forces so just wondering..

  6. Just now, Loyal Son of Khemri said:


    now why can’t we get dragons like this in AOS? Think of the conversions…..

    also, those war balloons and terracotta giants were the best part of the whole thing for me. I mean, come on, warballoons and a not-hierotitan to play with? God I hope at least half of this stuff issue into plastic/resin in TOW.

    Yeah it looks like TOW will be amazing! Especially if they apply this design approach to the older armies and factions.. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Yeah. This is the first thing that crossed my mind. I would absolutely love some more Kurnothi. 

    Could be .. it did strike me as aelf but the arguments for Warcry are possible too, I think there was an icon on the last Warcry map that had blood drop in it so possible..

    Edit: so there are a number of symbols on the Catacombs map- Crossed pole arms with a blood drop [Soulblight?], Anvil and Hammer with iron halo [Chaos dwarfs], Skaven Symbol,  Skull and blades [looks very Kruelboyz], a Chain, A scorpion, possibly on a web, A Statue with a crown in a chaos star, a Spiral in a star/halo and a great axe on a shield. 

    Hopefully we'll get a sense of what they are doing with Warcry soon -possibly a new series of war bands?

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Ogregut said:

    The blue one is a sister of battle, you can't mistake that haircut! 

    Yeah Thats exactly what I thought - plus the vent from the backpack. Looks like the middle one is Black Templar. Not sure on the left one- maybe another Sister from the Killteam set [rumoured to be a new squad type..]. Those leaks are looking pretty strong.

    Interested to see what comes for Warcry- wasn't there a map for the last release? I remember it having an icon of an Anvil and Chain - I hoped for Dwarfs - it could be Chaos Dwarfs ? Wonder what else we will see- hope there are some good hints if not full reveals of what is coming. No offence to their fans but I'd love to see something else than Stormcast and Kruelboyz.. [order dwarfs/Kurnothi/Nids/Squats would be perfect, if unlikely].

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    If you want a headstart, kyoushuneko made a lot of space dwarf stls. https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-april-sci-fi-2021-release-space-dwarves-167919 is part of that.

    I'm really keen to see how GW redesign them-they've done some cracking new dwarf sculpts recently - the KO range, love the Fyreslayer Underworlds set, Gotrek, Bugmansson and Dagnai are all fantastic. So the prospect of new AOS duardin and squats is pretty exciting. I'm even intrigued as to how cool they could make the Chaos Dwarfs as well ..


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  10. 39 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:


    Thank you for clearing that up.  Up until now I’ve struggled to know the difference of each of the above.

    apologies for the not rumour / nothing / stirring / false rumour.

    Ah mate come on- yes this is the rumour thread but there is a hell of a lot of speculation and wish listing going on [all part of the fun -I do it myself]. 

    What you heard sounds interesting. I was looking at the unsolved rumour engines and there is the scarred horse leg and was wondering in StD might get an update- multi pose kits to go with the start collecting that was released [last year?]. So your dragon fits with that and I think Warcom hinted at more dragons appearing in the realms as well. 

    Cheers for sharing [if you hear anything Dwarf related I'd be thrilled ... 😉]

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  11. 15 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:

    Next slaves to darkness battletome will have a new chaos dragon model with build options for each if the god specific factions.

    age if the beast will unleash more dragony goodness (or chaosness) onto the mortal realms. 

    rumour or speculation/wishlist?

  12. 7 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

    Ooh, Chaos Duardin are seeming ever more likely! Between them and dragons they are making my resolve to not bother with this edition waver! I thought the hobgrot lore was encouraging, but had figured regular dwarfs more likely. Its crazy that we've had rumours of United Duardin, Chaos Duardin, and 40k squats all within a few months. I don't think it'll all happen, but if it does it would be about time for us dwaf players to get our time in the sun again!

    Yeah its pretty amazing looking forward as a dwarf fan- particularly looking forward to Squats [the moment I saw KO I knew that GW could make awesome Squat models] as well as new Grungni Duardin

    6 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    I’m now thinking maybe the squat rumours are actually the chaos dwarfs….

    NO!! Don't you dare take them away from me! Plus there is room for all!!

    [But seriously rumours wise squats seem to be coming and not massively in the distance]. 

    4 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    The Age of Aelves is over, the time of the Duardin has come!!

    At last! The true order has been returned!

    • Like 4
  13. 5 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    It could be really nice if the leader was a shaman, to help that "clone" problem  of Big Yellers with 2-3 shamans

    The Shaman is a very nice model so a variant would be good. I wonder if it might have something to do with beasts though as that grot has a trap?

    • Like 1
  14. Looks good- hope they reveal hints of the expected war bands soon.. fingers crossed for some new Grungni dwarfs...

    Probably get some sort of CoS/Dawnbringer set? The new style stormcast will be a safe bet- what else do you guys think? Ogres? Sylvaneth/Kurnothi maybe with the wood elf vibe? Some sort of Skaven clan - a moulder one with rat ogre,wolf rats and giant rats would be cool and I could see Eshin up to no good too. 


    what do you guys think might be coming?

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  15. 12 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:


    Really hopeful about those squat "not only kill team" rumor. I'd love if GW will take some cues from kharadron if they want to revitalize the squat concept.


    Yeah after seeing the Kharadron [and buying them!] the idea of Squats is way more appealing- hoping they will do a similar job with them. I'd be happy with a Killteam, delighted with more.. and think of the kit bashing potential ...between both squats and KO!

    • Like 1
  16. Yeah I agree those rumours look like they've taken a few things already circulated and fleshed them out a bit. As much as Nids and Guard would fit a Christmas release the more reliable rumour guy has Custodes and GSC as the Christmas release plus the inclusion of Nid rules in Octarius book1 makes it look likely that the Nid book is a good bit out [these rules to get by in the meantime -GW are hardly going to invalidate a book 2 months later]. 

    I also don't buy the Cursed City loss thing and Fyreslayers and Kharadron combined release would be more believable if they had mentioned a 3rd faction of dwarfs tying them together. I believe Whitefang on the combined dwarf book and that is significant because of the new faction of duardin, not just that KO and Slayers share a book. I don't feel that the combined book is soon though .

    I do expect Squats next year, even just as a Killteam/gang. 


    Hopefully a new preview/reveal will shed some light on what os coming and confirm/deny the various collections of rumours. The Christmas codexes will be the first test ,

  17. 18 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    The arm really is dwarfy in its proportions, though the gear looks pretty 40k. The cross-hatched grip on this tool/weapon feels like it might be distinctive.

    Another squat for necromunda? Or something more, given there was mention of forthcoming 40k squats in that disappeared bunch of 40k rumours?

    Yeah could be a Squat killteam coming which might tie in with those 40k rumours [which were taken down pretty quickly -the source had the DeathKorps vs Orks a year before release]. So it's possible along with the other 2 dwarf type rumour engines. 

    I'd love something dwarf-y, squats would do fine if it wasn't new Grungni faction dwarfs..

    • Like 1
  18. 28 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

    It makes for good minis but with the StD example it does lead to them having these cool new minis that are then unfortunately 'locked' in a larger and more expensive kit while the tired old 'normal kits' trundle on. That's not the end of the world when it's a character or single monster but when it's two battleline units that are core to the faction's identity, it stings.

    And then there's also the issue of them being pretty firmly monopose - not even monopose in the exaggerated 'everything that's not a 4th edition tactical marine is monopose' sense that gets thrown around, actually the same 5/10 minis - and with fewer options than their warscroll permits.

    If you want 10 chaos warriors and 5 knights, cool, but if you're making a force that needs more than that it's hardly ideal. The only comparable situations are the 40k sisters and the two parts of the Shadowspear box being repackaged, though they're better in that at least you can get 'regular' battle sisters/chaos space marines/vanguard marines as independent kits with the full range of options and in less restricted poses.

    If anything it highlights what a weird affair the whole StD SC kit is, in that StD is popular range and the SC box contains units that can be used in four other factions but didn't get what we saw other ranges get.

    I think they like to try things out every so often - I think this might have been a case of we have some cool StD models and we want to try a new format for start collecting lets give it a go. As a start collecting I think its great, but yes they need to release similar multipart kits- then actually the start collecting adds extra variety to the range. I'm sure they'll arrive when they revisit StD [I wonder with a tie in to Warhammer Old World? Although that might be too far off].

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