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Everything posted by Mayple

  1. I, for one, embrace our new aquatic overlords. Part of the ship, part of the crew.
  2. With Gotrek (and possibly felix)'s return, we might also see the reappearance of Thanquol, since he was a recurring antagonist in their adventures
  3. Seeing as how the army list is the list that is being posted by GW. Yes. Yes it is.
  4. Perhaps a Squiggoth or a Squigbear. Squigboar. Squigsquid. Squigopus.
  5. Well, we do have the likely moonclan release.
  6. New handcast confirmed!? ''the palm of Sigmar''
  7. Fingers crossed for some sort of Verminus battletome regardless
  8. I think we're looking at this guy from behind. Looks like an Orruk
  9. Oh sweet joy! I've completely overlooked the existence of that one! Skaven literature draught no more! A thousand warptoken thanks to you sir!
  10. They fight lizardmen in the second one, but Thanquoul is accompanied by a bunch of Eshin rats, and no warlock engineers, so I don't think it is that one. In the first one, he's chilling with humans, and in the third, dwarves. It might happen during the end times, but it is not in 'the rise of the horned rat' So. If we figure out which skaven books feature Lustria (which is where they find the device, I believe) - besides the second Thanquoul book, we might find our source
  11. Oh? I read that one very recently. No mention of this occurence (they also didn't bring any warlock engineers as far as I recall) Assuming you're talking about the second Thanquol book (or any of the three, really) now I must know the source! For science!
  12. I've been wondering about that. When did that happen? Which book? I ran out of Skaven books to read Edit: ninja'd
  13. That's a soulstone alright. Eldar for sure. On the other side of that thought: High Aelves have also used gems like that. So with some luck, maybe it's an aelf thing. Probably not though.
  14. Skaven riding something? Handle looks similar to the screaming bell one.
  15. I had a dream last night. The new aelves were released alongside some death stuff. The aelves were made out of, or surrounded by (spirit hosts style) black fog/mist. Some were mounted. Their heads/hair ended in a dark mist, sorta like the dark aelf warlocks. Glowy eyes. Or singular eye, in some cases. My subconcious is obviously getting big aelf cravings
  16. New faction, surely. One who is heralded by a new constelation of stars. To avoid guessing Cthulhu aelves.. ..STAR AELVES!? Wearing capes of shimmering starlight, pew pew'ing dudes with black hole arrows. Fiery hair, glowy eyes, a pantheon of gods.
  17. It is actually Stormcast being ridden by bretonnian horses. Base speed 4.
  18. I heard that some guy on the tga forums said that bretonnia is coming back. You heard it here first
  19. Bought clanrats and stormvermin. Needed 60 round bases! I know the struggle If they end up reboxing everything, I will be one happy man-thing!
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