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Everything posted by Mayple

  1. I've been wondering about that. When did that happen? Which book? I ran out of Skaven books to read Edit: ninja'd
  2. That's a soulstone alright. Eldar for sure. On the other side of that thought: High Aelves have also used gems like that. So with some luck, maybe it's an aelf thing. Probably not though.
  3. Skaven riding something? Handle looks similar to the screaming bell one.
  4. I had a dream last night. The new aelves were released alongside some death stuff. The aelves were made out of, or surrounded by (spirit hosts style) black fog/mist. Some were mounted. Their heads/hair ended in a dark mist, sorta like the dark aelf warlocks. Glowy eyes. Or singular eye, in some cases. My subconcious is obviously getting big aelf cravings
  5. New faction, surely. One who is heralded by a new constelation of stars. To avoid guessing Cthulhu aelves.. ..STAR AELVES!? Wearing capes of shimmering starlight, pew pew'ing dudes with black hole arrows. Fiery hair, glowy eyes, a pantheon of gods.
  6. It is actually Stormcast being ridden by bretonnian horses. Base speed 4.
  7. I heard that some guy on the tga forums said that bretonnia is coming back. You heard it here first
  8. Bought clanrats and stormvermin. Needed 60 round bases! I know the struggle If they end up reboxing everything, I will be one happy man-thing!
  9. Might be a joke that went over my head, but let's assume it wasn't: Ratmen not invited? Might point to a larger united Skaven allegience, perhaps?
  10. It would be a great blindside release, for sure. I don't think my wallet would survive it
  11. Dread Saurian is 400. My obsession with it is finally paying off!!
  12. They aren't turning back though. This is just an example of the stormcast fighting alongside their allies in the grand alliance - just like that time when they fought against Nurgle with Sylvaneth. An impermanent grouping of forces at best, but it is something Sigmar MUST do to keep his allies happy. An ally that don't help you out is no ally at all - same goes for the corsairs, they either got some favours, or gold out of this, or got strongarmed into the fight.
  13. Corsairs! What! I am excited and confused, all at the same time!
  14. I got a sort of 40k servitor-vibe off of this, but if it is AOS related, my bet is that it is death related. A cultist of death, perhaps? Keeps the remains of what-have-you to spread the glory of Nagash.
  15. I think that more or less confirms cthulhu aelves. Finally some rumor we can work with
  16. Definitely stormcast related unless GW is deliberately trolling us. Perhaps this is a model tied to a Stormcast/Duardin alliance along the same lines as the Stormcast /Sylvaneth thing. They wouldn't ally with Kharadron, would they?
  17. Taking a second look at it, could it be knee/elbowpad sort of thing? With the knee/elbow bent?
  18. Looks like a battering ram. Or a really weird helmet. ..Shadowkin?
  19. Timetraveling shadowkin that realmgated into the future and killed a space marine? Malerion confirmed. send help
  20. Weeell. This combined with the other two hints (torn cape, lion head) certainly starts to give it form.
  21. The dread saurian can't be gone! It's my favorite model!
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