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Baron Wastelands

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Posts posted by Baron Wastelands

  1. 1 hour ago, annarborhawk said:

    . And if I go all Stonehorns, is it worth it to drop Ethereal Amulet to gain the benefits of Boulderhead (+1 wound to SH's, Dig Deep Your Heals, and +1 Charge range battle trait).   No matter what, if we get the charge in, it's going to be a hella mortal wounds.....

    Don’t forget you get Brand of the svard as your artefact as well, which is a nice offensive bonus too -and with Dig deep your Heels can make for a very offensive beast. You trade the defensiveness of the amulet, so it probably depends a bit on playstyle.  I’d say it’s probably worth going Boulderhead personally, but don’t throw your FLoSH into just anything in that case - for big targets and large expensive hordes, consider softening up a bit with BRs first. As long as your FL is alive, he’s a huge and continuous threat.

  2. 5 hours ago, FractalRain said:

    I've had a couple games and am enjoying the new flexibility and how boats work.  It makes boats much more useful!  However, one disappointment was that frigates can only carry 10 models without losing Fly High and halving movement.  As our only units which can ride in the boat come in blocks of 5 (Grunstock Thunderers) or 10 (Arkanauts), you can't really take a hero model with a unit of 10 models to support/buff them without losing Fly High.  It would have been nice if they made the cap 11  models for the Frigate, because at least the Ironclad can take 16 before losing Fly High.

    Just to be clear, it says for the ironclad that you cannot fly high with 16 or more models, so 15 is your max. Can still take 10+heroes, of course, but not 15+1. Unless you take the endrinwork, then you can take up to 25.


  3. 14 hours ago, Phasteon said:

    „On average you will do 2–4 wounds“ – so 3 then? 

    I swear you mathematicians are killing me – I agree when you are rolling 20 dice on 4+/4+ average wound count will be ~5 and you can see that happening most of the time. 

    But stop trying to mathhammer when I or my opponent will roll a 1. 

    Actually, it wasn’t a precise mathematical calculation, I was just trying to help, by letting you know what you should generally expect to do in a turn. Certainly not one shot a monster, except very rarely. “Mathhammer” as a criticism generally implies misuse of averages, etc., which is why I tried to offer a rough likely range. (Better than saying e.g “you’ll do 3.3 wounds” , which of course you will never do). The point about the bomblets though is that cumulative probability applies, which @Stormrage89 has already ably demonstrated, so pulling off enough 2+ in a row to one shot a monster really won’t happen that often. 

    But you play with it a bit, and if you come to a different conclusion, happy days. I in no way meant to impose statistical probabilities on you. 

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Phasteon said:

    Well its always a better chance to not roll a 1 than to roll it, so I expect this thing to oneshot big scary units almost every game

    Then your expectations are too high ;) Try not rolling a one repeatedly a few times.

    on average, you will do 2-4 wounds. Sure, occasionally you will one-shot something, but not every game.

  5. 2 hours ago, Reuben Parker said:

    Most KO lists I make have always trended towards MSU thinking I might look at some big units to maximize the gold shares. 

    2 khemists bottle 


    IC either last word or overburden fly high 

    3*10 arks

    20 thunderers all special 

    12 skywardens full shooting 

    1940 points then endless spell  probably geminids for possible -3 or pendulum / purple sun for damage  

    would go custom sky port but using d3 extra gold shares so the big units can have multiple gold.

    it loses the movement shenanigans of new KO but has the opportunities for pretty insane damage output  



    Be interested in your strategy here  - presuming you are putting the thunderers in the IC, but remember 12 wardens can’t hitch, so what is their role? 3*10 arkanauts doesn’t feel like large units, though it will of course do the job of netting you some gold shares initially; are they objective campers? And why 2 khemists? 


  6. 2 hours ago, Sauriv said:

    I'm building my first 12 gluttons, holy ******, so many special models. Do you guys build all banners (2 beast skull, 2 tribal banner in a unit of 12) ? The unit feels so cluttered with so many special models. 

    Short answer is no, I have 2 units of 12 Gluttons, and each one has 1 banner and 1 skull, and 2 bellowers (just coz they were modelled like that originally).  But, if I was playing super-competitively, then yes, as @PensivePanther says, you are better off putting as many special models as you can in units, as you don’t lose anything by doing so, and there are sometimes situational advantages.

  7. 3 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    The new box is

    220 (edrinmaster with balloon)

    150 (gunhauler)

    200 (6 Skywardens/Edrinriggers)

    =570 points

    An option would be to get the SC

    150 (Gunhauler)

    120 (Thunderers)

    100 (Edrinriggers/Skywardens)

    for 340 points, giving you 940 points (the second edrinmaster probably isn't worth it). These last points could be a Command Point, or allied Gyrocopter to tie into the roots of the Kharadron.

    The Thunderers can board one of the ships if you give the ship the relevant Edrinwork

    Alternatively, try

    - Frigate (250)

    - Arkanauts (90)

    Then you only have 90 points to work with for the last pick, which is a bit sparse, but an Aether Khemist couldn't hurt. Undersize the Arkanauts by 1 to put him in the frigate.

    Don’t undersize a unit of 10,  you’ll lose gold. I like the look of the first option though, aetherwar+start collecting - Endrinmaster. Looks like a fun list, with your thunderers aboard one of the Gunhaulers.

  8. 12 hours ago, Eevika said:

    Much easier to split your army. With two frigates you can also have two units of hitchers. An Ironclad with 20 Thunderers is also almost half your army just standing in one spot so its much harder to grab objectives.  

    Which just makes me want to take 2 ironclads again 😁

  9. 2 hours ago, Scurvydog said:

    A Huskard on Thundertusk is of course a priest, but we have some arguments how he works, as I believe he works like Khorne slaughterpriests for example regarding the prayers he can do per turn. E.g in the hero phase a boulderhead huskard on thundertusk can use pulverizing hailstorm as the everwinter prayer, then he can also do 1 of the prayers stated in his Blizzard Speaker ability.

    RAW I do not see anything to contradict this, as the allegiance abilities state they know 1 everwinter prayer and can cast 1 everwinter prayer per turn if they are a priest (also rule of 1). Blizzard speaker is an ability and not related to everwinter prayers at all, so as I see it this works entirely seperate from everwinter prayers, so he can also cast 1 of thoe as stated on the warscroll.

    Is there anything I missed here which would cause him to choose between using an everwinter prayer and using his Blizzard speaker ability?

    Exactly my understanding.

  10. 10 hours ago, Groomy said:

    Yours is an absolute utopian speculation. I will be truly surprised and eternally happy if arkanauts alone will see six(!) card variations. I just don’t believe it will happen. If I was to bet I’d say each get a generic representation like the UW warband with some extras. So a thunderer, an arkanaut, a bubble boy with spear, couple leaders and we’re done. On the other hand as I write this I wonder how much extra is fair to assume. LoN had a ton of cards while aquamen - not so much. 

    Fair point, and I’m inclined to agree with you that it seems too much; it’s just that other units converted to warcry have had every separate weapon option as an individual card (thinking ironjawz, where Brutes got 5 cards, and DoK, for example. Did the deepkin cards skip options?) rather than following the UW model. And it’s a fair bet that arkanauts will be included, even if nothing else is!

  11. Be a bit odd if they don’t release at least a wave of cards early in the year, I don’t imagine they’d want to much time to go by from the release of the book. As already suggested, I’d expect that KO and Tzeentch will be in the first wave; although they may of course release all 15 at once, I wouldn’t be surprised if they release in 2 or 3 waves.

    Not based on any knowledge, of course, just speculation. Am also interested to see what goes in - take KO for example, it’s a fair bet to think there will be 6 arkanauts cards (2 leader options, 4 weapon load outs), and then you’d expect to see skywardens (potentially another 5 cards for the different load outs, but that seems like a lot of flying options, so an alternative would be “regular” skywarden and “regular” endrinrigger, though what they would do without ships I’m not sure) - but no leader alternative yet, so would thunderers go in too?  Potentially 6 more cards (leader, rifle, cannon, fumigator, mortar, deck sweeper?), which is starting to sound like too much choice!

    Would also expect another book at some point on the horizon with more allies (and maybe more monsters) to cover off the new factions.

  12. 8 hours ago, GuitaRasmus said:

    Why not just thin the pva down, and brush it gently onto the flock? It should soak into it pretty easily. 

    This is what I’ve done on the battle boards. Worked ok in the end, took several coats, watered down to almost milk. More about saturation than coating.

  13. 5 hours ago, James101 said:

    Completely new to Ogors and AoS in general but have been tinkering with lists pre-investing in units. Is this completely mental?

    2 Gutguards seems excessive considering it’s quite a bleh battalion but I think the army is probably CP hungry, I’m already taking most of the associated units and the additional artefacts are useful. 

    Other route I’m considering is BCR Bloodgullet because I think Eurlbad is excellent and underrated. 


    I’d agree with not taking a second tyrant; but if you’re going underguts I’d load up with leadbelchers. Drop the 2nd tyrant and the unit of 8 ironguts, and the second battalion,  and you could take 18 more leadbelchers instead. 😁

  14. 1 hour ago, Warpedstorm said:

    This game has really given me the warcry big again. Thinking bout writing some campaigns expanding from the rule book, adding some more scenery and getting some of the big beasties.

    Any9ne written their own campaigns yet, be interested to hear how they went and any tips or pitfalls.

    There are quite a few more fated quest campaigns that anyone can do in the Tome of Champions book, you could try those, assuming you haven’t played through all those already? There’s also slightly tweaked campaign rules in there which give the chance of permanent injury, light territory rules, and limit warband growth more carefully. Also updated glory points. 

    Having said that, writing your own isn’t going to be very hard, if you look at the way they write theirs; the main thing that differs is the story behind convergence battles, the actual rewards and scenarios don’t differ much (in games mechanic terms) from everything else. As long as you don’t start handing out +3 attack swords or free-quad-command-traits you’ll be fine.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Kramer said:

    what do you think? Full video and gnoblars on the community site  

    I honestly hope it grows on me. The tyrant was brilliant in how it took the existing style. The hunter looks more like a non GW ogor. GW ogors in contrast always have the, relatively, small nose and gut plate. The hunter has that big Brutish nose instead and the gut plate is hidden. 

    hope it’s just me thoug and everybody else is really excited about him. 

    Bear trap crossbow is dope though 

    I really like him. Hunters didn’t have gutplates anyway, rather beastskulls, and I think the overall pose of this model is way better than the old (metal then resin) one. I know what you mean about the nose, but you can probably do a headswap if it’s going to really bother you. I think wait until we get a 360 view. Not sure what’s on his back, but the rest of his body (bracer, boots, etc) I think fit really well with the existing aesthetic.

    I love the sabre too, in fact so much I wish there had been two rather than one and the three gnoblars, simply so I could use them in place of the existing ones (and I could use them as ordinary sabres in case I don’t want to use the whole Warband in AoS). Easy to fix though, GW will just have to release plastic frost sabres to match this one! 

  16. Have been having fun catching up with the numerous debates as we wait for any information, but feel the need to chip in as follows, sorry I’m late to some of the party!

    1) I’m confident that GW does not hate any part of it’s money-spending customer base. (Not to mention that the beast “GW” is a category mistake, but let’s not get into that! 😁)

    2) I’m also confident that (the people at) GW do not hate any of their own created factions. (They may possibly have hated Bretonnians, but I think a much more plausible explanation is that the aforementioned money-spending customer base didn’t like them very much, as a whole rather than individuals). Neither of these points take away your deity-given right to feel hard done by your own hobby, of course.

    3) on the subject of perfectly balanced games, there are lots out there (look up “Chess” if you don’t believe me). We (and now I’m speaking for the whole player base, see what you’ve done?) don’t like those very much because they don’t allow us to do one or more of the following: I) play with a unique army that no-one else quite has and feel proud of our individual creativity; II) represent stories and/or cinematic battles with some degree of immersion, in which we like some randomness and against-the-oddsness, perhaps particularly when we win when we shouldn’t; and/or III) min/max the hell out of the system to create an army with a competitive edge because the rules aren’t perfectly balanced and allow us to do so and feel clever about it. No judgement people, I have done all of these things. I once designed a skirmish game where statistically everything was absolutely balanced. It was really, really dull.

    4) On the subject of Mawtribes, I have to say I’ve been having a blast with the new book. I’m not sure it’s true that the majority of the player base want super competitive balanced tournament rules only, but it might be true of the majority of the most vocal set. All I really wanted to say here is that if the new KO book does as good a job as the new Mawtribes book, then I for one will be super happy.

    Finally, I am overall already feeling quite positive and even excited about the changes I’ve heard, even if I have to rewrite my lists and change my playstyle (though I am not repainting my ships!) and I remain hopeful for a good week. There was a poster on this very forum, not so long ago, (apologies, I don’t remember who), who posted a topic called “l hate my Kharadron”. This still makes me laugh, it’s such a brilliant title for a post - not because of the poor hobbyist who wasn’t enjoying playing the army, but because it perfectly represents what is sometimes so odd about this hobby. I love my Kharadron, win or lose; and if he/she still has their figures, then I secretly hope this book is especially for him/her!

    Eyes to the skies, folks!


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  17. 10 hours ago, Charlo said:

    Really dumb but potentially fun objective based list to play?

    Basically you sit on points and spam mortal wounds and buff yourself with your multitude of command points. Snipe heroes with the Blood Vultures and a big ambus is easy to set up with the larger sabre unit and hunter in the late game. Slaughtermaster is there to stand by the pot and maybe get entrails off to do some damage. Between Vulture, Torrbad, Everwinter and Frost Blasts and the Prayer I think there is some hilarious potential...



    9 hours ago, Arkahn said:

    Why not Boulderhead ? You dont really need extra CPs from Winter Ranger. You'll get  +1 for the prayer, extra wound on each TT is still good. 

    And maybe split your cats ? Like 6 2 2 2, it might give you extra screen, mobility... 

    Yes, I’ve been toying around with a Torrbad list too, but using Boulderhead as suggested. I’m just not sure the skal fits, and if you had yhetees instead, you can drop them all as part of the Torrbad.

    My current list thinking is:

    FLoSH (general, lord of beasts, brand of the svard, black clatterhorn)

    HoTT (call of the blizzard,  blade of all frost,  Alvagr ancient)

    3x TTBR

    6x Yhetees


    1980 points, 2 drops

    Haven’t had a chance to play it yet, but mainly because I’m still nervous of taking it without a butcher in the list. Kinda think it’s odd not to take a FLoSH with Boulderhead though. I’m sure the amulet would probably be better on the HoTT than the blade, but I want to try the combo of blade with Alvagr ancient!

    And while the Boulderhead command trait will undoubtedly be used on the general first, if he goes down it will allow an injured TT to shoot at full strength too, if needed, which sounds promising late game.

    Not sure whether to split the yhetees into 2x3, make them chaff (and change the prayer) or keep them as they are mainly as bodyguard.

  18. 2 hours ago, Jmason said:

    How many gnoblars are included in a box of ogors?

    In a regular gluttons box, 6. 3 of the guy carrying a large bundle, 3 of the guy shouldering a club. Oh, and 1 extra look out gnoblar for the standard, though he’s a little smaller - so technically 7.

    • Thanks 1
  19. On 12/24/2019 at 1:09 PM, Attackmack said:

    Thinking about it...I was gonna du flocking with soil and grass to give a bit of color, but looking at the board now I wonder if it wouldnt be better to do mud and water? Almost like a swamp or very worn down ground?


    ive worked a little with resin water effect previously and think i can pull it off.


    Looking really good so far. I think if you can do it, mud/swamp would look excellent amidst the ruins, and tie in nicely with your wood effects.

  20. 40 minutes ago, Verminlord said:

    my gnoblar conversion army.

    That’s all the justification you need, right there. 😉

    Tbh, I haven’t used them much, but when I did, found them a bit lacklustre, even against (almost-) unarmoured hordes. With (very) good rolls, they can do well, but mostly do 1-2 wounds before armour, 2-4ish against hordes. I also can’t think of a combo that makes them much better, given the current options. But that shouldn’t stop you from trying!

    • Thanks 1
  21. On 12/14/2019 at 11:35 AM, Gecktron said:

    Greetings fellow admirals!

    Im currently painting my second frigat and that got me thinking, how many ships is enough?
    Currently I own two frigats, two gunhaulers and one Ironclad and im thinking about getting a second Ironclad.

    How big are your fleets? Just one frigat? One of everything? Or armadas so large, even a duardin from Barak-Zilfin would say: "thats a bit much, dont you think?"


    Never leave home without two ironclads (unless you actively want to win regularly, but that’s against the code). Frigates are for beardlings.

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  22. 7 hours ago, Malakithe said:

    Okay went a bit of a different direction with this list. Should look appropriately terrifying on the table. Maximize on those Trampling Charge and Grasp of the Everwinter roles. MWs all over the place  

    Allegiance: Ogor Mawtribes
    - Mawtribe: Boulderhead
    Mortal Realm: Shyish

    Frostlord on Stonehorn (400)
    - General
    - Trait: Lord of Beasts
    - Artefact: Ethereal Amulet
    - Mount Trait: Metalcruncher
    Huskard on Stonehorn (320)
    - Blood Vulture
    - Artefact: Brand of the Svard
    - Mount Trait: Old Granitetooth
    Icebrow Hunter (120)
    2 x Mournfang Pack (140)
    2 x Mournfang Pack (140)
    2 x Mournfang Pack (140)
    2 x Mournfang Pack (140)
    Stonehorn Beastriders (300)
    8 x Frost Sabres (160)
    Eurlbad (140)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Wounds: 108

    Reply seems to have disappeared, apologies if both appear. Was suggesting that as hunter and cats don’t benefit from anything in the mawtribe, and your goal is to maximise trampling charge etc, and that I think you want to maximise monster heroes in boulderhead, I would drop the hunter, cats, and one of the mournfang pairs for another FLoSH with the black clatterhorn trait, and potentially move the brand to him. Also only three 3 drops in all.

  23. 4 hours ago, merlin85 said:

    New player here, just got myself a troggboss and 9 fellwater trolls for cheap. Looking to get to 1000points for starters.

    Any suggestions what to get next? Was thinking some shamans for magic and maybe 3 rockguts?

    Help is greatly appreciated 🙂

    Solid plan. A fungoid shaman and 3 rockguts and an extra cp will take you to exactly 1k, and give you a reasonably flexible army. I’d split the 9 fellwater into a unit of 6 and a unit of 3.

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