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Everything posted by Spinsane

  1. And this can be easily explained by the fact that a digitam Battletome CAN be updated post-sale, whereas a print book cannot...
  2. I've always been Under the impression that the main/only reason they (GW) said bases were not part of the models is just so people wouldn't have to rebase their armies, which they assumed would be the main factor limiting adoption of the game (it wasn't, as we know). Now that the game has become significantly more popular, requiring "proper" basing might be coming up eventually...
  3. Making B2B measurements would make a lot of sense, and the timing would be perfect. Just look at the Frigate's melee weapon. With a 1" range, it most likely can't ever attack anything unless they ARE standing on the frigate's base... The Endrinriggers look like they might also struggle to get to 1" of many opponents (that's what picture #1 on page 69 of the latest WD makes it look like to me, anyway).
  4. That's some disgusting fetishism right there..
  5. People who say Death is fine compare Death - the full Grand Alliance - to Stormcast, and say Death has plenty of options. But Death is not just a faction within a Grand Alliance, it is the FULL GA. Compared to Order, or Chaos, even Destruction, Death has very little options and extremely limited variety and choices.
  6. Could this somehow be, unfortunate as that would be, related to the upcoming Death Guard release? There's been somewhat of an association of Nurgle with slugs in the past (with Beasts of Nurgle long sporting one's body, for example, and one hanging around with Festus) and I find that going from slug to snail doesn't require much of a stretch...
  7. Sorry, I know, I guess I should have began my post with "I agree, I find..."
  8. So, the Cool-Aid man is a follower of Khorne?
  9. I find such a simple-minded view of Slaanesh to be, well, tunnel-visioned, in a way... The lore has pretty much always said that Slaanesh's followers crave extreme stimuli because they just can't feel anything else anymore; in their pursuit for more extremes of pleasures, they get desensitised (sp?) to the point where unless they experience the most grueling of pains or the most extatic forms of pleasure, their life feels like that of a bland monotonous drone. They don't actually crave extreme pleasures for the sake of depravity, they crave depravity because Slaanesh has deadened their senses to a point where the only way for their pleasure centers to feel the slightest tingling of sensation is by engaging in some form of extreme sensory overload...
  10. Hi everyone. My name is Mat, and I am a Warhammer-holic. <Chorus>Hi Mat!</Chorus> --- I wouldn't call myself a Rage-quitter per say. Last WHFB army I had was a Dwarves Duardin infantry army back in 6th ed (ahh, the old White Dwarf remains one of my favorite GW Dwarfs to date). At one point a poor job (and resulting Financial stress) resulted in my selling it all off instead of bothering with it during a move. I've been unsuccesfully trying to drift out of the hobby ever since, constantly falling for the newest shiny instead before once again promising to finally get clean, for real this time... A few months ago I finally managed to get a good foothold into the hobby again thanks to Guild Ball, since the smaller size of the teams meant I was, for the first time in years, able to get a full team on the grounds and ready to play fairly quickly. Now that my wargaming enthousiasm is back, AoS has finally managed to get my interest back and I've just started thinking about an Ironjawz army; I fell in love with the line when it was first showcased, and I am finally jumping in now. I'll try to get a blog going once I start collecting them, which should begin as soon as I get my tax return in...
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