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Bolfrig Bearhide

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Posts posted by Bolfrig Bearhide

  1. 1 hour ago, Beliman said:


    Can a Dwarf character join a WarMachine and use his BS to shoot? 

    Most of the warmachines says that "don't use the BS from the crew" and there is a little explanation about characters using their own BS when using missile weapons, but nothing about using a War Machines.

    Rules as written, I’m not sure as I haven’t checked. 

    Rules as intended I would say no, as the Empire Engineer has a rule allowing a friendly warmachine in his command range to use his BS. 

    The Dwarf Engineer allows a nearby warmachine or missile unit to re-roll 1s to hit instead. 

    • Like 2
  2. Hello friends, I am here to beseech you for wisdom. 

    A friend of mine wants to run some goblin wolf chariots but isn’t keen on the models so has been brainstorming using Thunderwolf cavalry with some goblins riding on top. Apart from the snarlfang riders, does anyone have any suggestions for where to get these goblins?

  3. 3 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Currently you could use the breath weapon after failing a charge xD (couldn’t find anything contradicting it)

    I think based on the clarification in the FAQ that a breath weapon cannot be used after marching as it counts as a shooting attack, the same restriction would be in place after a failed charge. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Kitsumy said:

    well so why isnt lizard one cheaper??? paying the same for the same thing, but worse in the most important part dont seems balanced to me

    Because Saurus characters are significantly scarier than dark elf nobles, so making them mobile should come at a cost. 

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  5. 53 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    Wraiths haven't been a unit in a undead army since 6th edition I believe. 

    The wraith became a character. 

    Edit: just remembered what they were like in 4th edition, 75 points a model, 3 wounds, 3 attacks with double handed weapons, immune to all but magical attacks. They were a bit over the top. 

    They were around as a rare choice back in 8th. Bit of a pain that they were an option when you could only buy the models one at a time, and now you can buy units of 10 they’re no longer an option. 

  6. A shame to see chaos warriors lose a little bit of their god aligned flavour. They no longer have skullcrushers, hellstriders, chaos warshrines or god aligned mounts, all things present in 8th edition. 

    Does anyone remember where it was said that all 8th edition models would be getting old world rules or was that just a rumour flying around?

  7. 5 minutes ago, Dankboss said:

    How backwards compatible is Old World to 8th ed? Because inevitably there will be tons of old unsupported units like from Forge World that likely won’t get new rules. As far as I can tell stats and universal rules check out so far.

    There will be minor work, such as deciding on a specific number of stomp attacks for each monster, rather than the D6 thunderstomp they’d have in 8th, but on the whole it should be reasonably straight forward. 

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  8. 43 minutes ago, Sception said:

    The big adjustment that Oldhammer Vets will need to make going into The Old World if tOW is to be successful is that tOW is NOT a main line game.  We are a specialist game - like middle earth has become, like Horus Heresy used to be /before/ they started getting gw plastic kits, like Mordheim and Necromunda and so on.

    These games get less support from GW, so if the community wants something extra we have to provide it ourselves.  If we want Dark Elf or Vamp Count or Lizardmen arcane tomes, we have to organize and write and update and promote them ourselves.  If we want campaign supplements to cover grand battles and wars outside of the core time period of tOW, we'll have to make them ourselves.  If the core game scenarios and victory conditions kind of suck, we'll have to fix them ourselves, and promote battle packs that indie tournaments can maybe adopt.

    Like early days Age of Sigmar, we'll need the community to lead, and if the community does a good job then GW might follow after.

    This isn't even new to fantasy battle.  Do you remember when the dark elf army book in 6th edition was kind of a mess, and the druchii.net forum base brainstormed and play tested a set of fixes then polished and promoted them until indie tournaments started using them, leading them to eventually being canonized by GW in white dwarf?  Do you remember when Chaos Dwarf rules were squatted long before the end times, so the Chaos Dwarf player community made their own unofficial army book which they promoted and got indie tournaments to allow, a years long show of community support and interest despite radio silence from GW that eventually led to Forgeworlds revised chorf line and army rules?  Remember how Mordheim persists today basically entirely on the strength of its fan community, with nothing from GW at all?

    TOW's launch is very clearly a super conservative, super reserved toe in the water minimum viable product, and that's perfectly fair because GW can't be confident that there's a real market here.  Oldhammer was canned for poor sales, and while there's clearly an interest in rank and flank fantasy games, none of the would be replacements for oldhammer has managed to really catch on.  We kind of have to meet them halfway here.

    More than half way.

    You’ve hit the nail on the head here. The old warhammer fantasy community has been chugging along with no official support from Games Workshop for 9 years now, we can carry on if need be. 

    Does it suck that we’re not going to get full official support for a lot of things? Yeah. But at the same time it’ll hopefully open some of the community up to accepting fan created material. I’m already planning on how to go about creating rules for characters and models that won’t receive old world support, because who on earth actually wants to play a warhammer game that doesn’t include Skarsnik? 

  9. 8 minutes ago, Sception said:

    is there a confirmed base size for the tomb kings sphinxes?  are they on 50 x 100, or 60 x 100?

    is the casket of souls coming back?  if so, what base size?  it would look ridiculous on a massive 100x150, but it's too wide for any of the smaller official base sizes that were listed.  it really wants to be on, like, an 80x80 square, but that doesn't seem to be an option.

    are the 25x50 mm cavalry bases /actually/ 25mm wide now, or are they using the old gw cav bases that were closer to like 23.5 mm wide, a difference that becomes rather obnoxious on unit trays that don't account for it?

    Sphinxes on 60x100. Casket is as it was before using its footprint as its base. 

    And I guess we’ll see about the 25x50


    Unfortunately, no sign of the Heirotitan, though maybe it’ll be under the Necrolith Colossus entry. *huffs copium*

  10. 1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    The most egregious part of that list are the dice costing £26. 

    I know they've been combo raising the price and shrinkflationing their dice for a few years now, but that's a crazy price, even if they are an optional accessory. 

    I’m going to assume that the dice sets include the spells and magic item cards with them. They’re nowhere to be seen elsewhere and, as you say, without them the price would be egregious. 

  11. Generally liking the shooting phase. Kind of wish they’d done away with having to hit on a 7+ and that, and making it so that a 6 always hit but I can live with it. Including an AP value in fine with, speeds up having to do the maths in your head. Not keen on only the front rank being able to shoot, however. Does make me feel like my little 10 man units of thunderers are actually just 5 guys where the first casualty has 6 wounds. 

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  12. 6 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Congratz, they‘ve kept the worst rules of 8th edition turning the old world into the same static sloth fest - I‘ve lost all interest now.

    I am sad.

    What exactly are you talking about here? There seem to be big changes from 8th, charges being M+D6 rather than 2D6 and units not being able to be deeper than they are wide being the biggest. Stopping units from being able to be 5 wide and have a stupid number of ranks would end up speeding up combat, not leaving it as a slog as before?

    • Like 2
  13. 10 minutes ago, michu said:

    More Q&A info 
    - no finecast kits, returning minis that were last seen in finecast will be metal.

    - free rules will include legacy characters like Karl Franz

    - no colleges of magic, hedge wizards instead

    I wonder how the no colleges of magic will interact with the legacy stuff. Will all the old wizard models be treated as hedge wizards or will they include the college wizard rules, but only have them in the legacy section?


  14. 19 minutes ago, michu said:

    Clarification from Eddie

    I wonder what this entails then. Could the Tomb Kings vs Bret box actually exist but only come with the rulebook and models?

    My expectations have been slightly hampered anyway. As much as I am fine with having a few new resin models, the two shown today would have been what I expected to be in that starter box. It would feel weird showing off a couple of characters that I would assume would get released after this starter box, but nothing from the actual contents itself.

  15. 3 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    That's because most people interested in TOW already have (sometimes quite big) collections from the days of WHFB. Following that logic, GW has decided a starter set would be superfluous since who would buy a starter when so many people already have minis ?

    This will make the game hard to access imo. Which I feel like the WHFB fans would like. You don't even need to gatekeep on the internet and in clubs now that you can't pass via a starter to start playing the game ! 

    Come now, there's no need to start this old argument again.

    The lack of starter set is a shame to hear as I was more than ready to empty my wallet for it. Good to hear that 'start collecting' sets are going to be a thing though. Now I'm just praying for some new Tomb Kings core infantry

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  16. You effectively ignore the movement tray for all rules purposes, it is just there to make things easier to move. This can become a slight pain once things start dying as you may have to place units on top of another units movement tray, but on the whole its reasonably manageable

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  17. I'll be interested to see if they take the opportunity to create rules for some of the units they've introduced in Age of Sigmar that could fit in the Old World. I can't see why most of the nighthaunt range couldn't have a place in Vampire Counts armies, or even things like the dankhold troggoth or the new raptadons  

    Adding to this I thought I'd have a look through the range for any models that don't have a direct correlation within the 8th edition armies that aren't necessarily too 'Age of Sigmary' and see what people think.



    - High Gladiatrix

    - Raptadons



    - Darkoath Warqueen/Chieftain

    - Tzaangors of all varieties

    - Slaangors

    - Slickblade/Blissbarb Seekers

    - Blissbarb Archers

    - Pusgoyle Blightlords



    - Entire nighthaunt range minus special characters



    - Sneaky Snufflers

    - Boingrot Bounders (?)

    - Dankhold Troggoth

    - Brutes

    - Gore-Gruntas (?)

    - Mega Gargants


    That's everything I've found that I feel wouldn't be too out of place


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  18. It could just be that they weren’t sure if the new goblin wolf riders were going to have been released yet when the Bretonnia pictures were taken. 

    I wouldn’t be surprised if they were looking around for models to have lined up against the newly painted Bretonnia and had the studio Orcs and Goblins army lying around, and didn’t really think about what models they were using. 

    Saying that, cold one riders are a tricky one, I’m curious to see how they get around that one

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