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Everything posted by Turgol

  1. I think this is spot on, except for Mistweaver, who will be Malerion aligned. Morathi is reboot of witch elves faction ("Daughters of Khaine"). With the Cauldron of Blood, Medusa, Witch Elves kit and Tenebrael Shard, plus maybe the sorceress, they just need one or two need new units, one or two new heroes, Morathi, and you are good to go. Maybe the rumour of two aelf factions this year is true: it will be both shadow factions. There is also indeed harpies in that video fighting slaanesh, so maybe new harpy kit (because the current one is hideous).
  2. The article talks about 6 new allegiances being covered and then reveals 5. Death is covered in GH 2017. So unless you give a source, I call that “knowledge” of Death being the 6th allegiance wrong.
  3. Iam 99% sure it will be: -Nagash allegiance -Sacrament, Night and Blood allegiances -Soulblight -Deathrattle This leaves almost all factions (exceptions being deadwalkers and monsters) covered and explains why Deathrattle was left out of GH 2017. And implies new releases will be 100% new.
  4. If the question refers to new AoS armies, almost certain it is Shadowkin. But you have Death Guard, other 40k stuff and maybe other AoS/40k not so new releases in between. Id say it is pretty safe to assume no new AoS released until late june at the least.
  5. As for Adepticon: we "know" a new faction will be revealed, because they teased it with a picture. Looks like aelven mask, although not that shadowy. As we also know that shadowkin are next (Hastings), they could potentially reveal both new aelven faction. I would not bet on two, but one for sure.
  6. Khorne will have "Khorne does not care from whence the blood flows" as allegiance ability. Everytime a unit is wiped, all khorne units gain 1 attack for each weapon for the turn. That is easy to anticipate.
  7. As I already said earlier today, SadPandas description of 2016 as AoS year and 2017 as 40k year is not really precise.
  8. Ironjaws is too specific of a faction IMO to see an update without new models. Unless it is some kind of only EBook battletome. Same for Everchosen, Flesheaters, Beastclaw.
  9. Yeah, it is quite curious: we kept hearing 2016 was going to be year of AoS and then 2017 year of 40k. But really: 2016 had three months of AoS (end april to early july: Ironjaws, WhQ, Sylvaneth, GHB, Flesheater, Beastclaw, Bonesplitters) and was al 40k. With duardin, 2017 has pretty much already been better and we still have at least Shadowkin and GHB 2 in summer, and then maybe unknown stuff during the second half of 2017.
  10. The aelves will very likely be there. They already said they will show armies not to be released for quite some time. As for Shadowspire: already confirmed it will be shown in detail at Adepticon.
  11. As a long time dwarf player and heart broken by ET: Thanquol I take this as an in your face army for skaven. So they owned us because of technological boldness, incarnated on Stormfiend weapons? Just look at the weapons the heavy guys have!! It's glorious!
  12. The clouds background confirms it is Steamhead. This also confirm it is some sort of air fleet army. What I was not expexting is for them to be pirates! Damn, they made my very serious dwarfs into a troll army! Will have to adapt!
  13. But is this the "big news" to be revealed this week. Another dwarven heartbreak?
  14. Oh, but I do think that the airship will be a model, not just some sort of background that ties to a Steamhead army. Maybe the model will not be the super mothership of the fleets though. The hints that we have been given speak of "mechanized cloud armies" and of "golden lights above the clouds of Chamon". Some sort of fleet is given, I think. It could also be that their whole civilization (or most of it) resides on their fleet, like craftworlds in 40k. The golden lights over the clouds could also point to "cloud cities", aka Empire strikes back. There is also "the Iron Karak" mentioned on the AoS intro book: after being rescued by Sigmar, Grugni founded the "Iron Karak", which I guess is the Karaz a Karak of AoS. Fleets or cloud cities must be connected to it. Whether the "game sized" airships travel from cloud cities or some sort of duardin craftworld I do not know, but I'am quite sure airships will be there (confirmed by hastings btw).
  15. Nice, it seems finally they are showing my dwarfs! I have been giving it a thought and I think, based on the information we have, that they will look this way: Airship big box of new release. It operates as some sort of steampunk mothership of the "cloud armies". Gyros are not communication tools of a broken empire like in WHFB, but rather part of the fleets. Of course, the main problem of an army coming on ships is getting to ground. The " balloon infantry" comes here. Earlier rumour called them "jetpack" infantry (for squats), so balloon might be a bad word. But you get the idea: they be transported on airships and join land war without landing.
  16. They should at least confirm the new duardin with a teaser and so reduce our anxiety!
  17. This may be OTT, and I do know that GW have done many right things as of late. AoS release was not, however: it was flawed, badly handled and quite bland. I certainly can understand the bitterness about it: WHFB did need a big shakeup in all levels but destruction under denial and then taking out a flawed product (with insane prices) was not the answer. They have certainly a much better and always improving product now, but back then, it was not that good when compared with what GW destroyed. I like much better what they are doing with 40k now: huge setting shakeup, opening a whole world of possibilities (both for new products and new stories), but maintaining most of the good stuff. I would have loved, for instance, to see the WHFB world expand, dwarves change by Grugni and Grimnir coming back (as they did in AoS!), elves having a new pantheon, the Empire now protected directly by Sigmar, etc., but maintaining some of the story. But seeing it being done right in 40k does not make envious at all. It rather makes me very hopeful that the AoS setting, story and general management is also moving in the right direction. I can forgive the huge blow that was world destruction.
  18. I'am quite surprised by Hastings attitude of late. I do not know if you guys remember, but after ET and for quite a long time, Hastings was extremely bitter with AoS and generally GW. Although I remember he was quite excited with WhQST, the level of entusiasm he has shown this week (check the comments sections on Atia's blog; lots of info on 40k) is simply astonishing. In short: he is defending very strongly GW and both the 40k AND AoS system/setting. He has also declared to be really excited and interested in both systems. I know GW has changed radically as of late in its attitude and everything. But such a huge change must have one of two sources: either future products are awesome or they also bribed Hastings
  19. Atia is much less of a rumour monger than Harry, Hastings (both likely workers at GW of friends with people in the design team), Darnok (Berlin retailer iirc, but with lots of sources), or Sad Panda (unknown identity, but very informed). Atia seems to have some contact with FW people and receives information from other internet people (including WD leaks and such), but I have never seen her inform on far-off releases. So Hastings is really the only kinda active rumourmonger.
  20. I told you: best case scenario, wednesday reveal; worst case: friday teaser. Though that is assuming 18th preorder. If 25th preorder, i would not expect anything on primarch release week.
  21. Keep in mind, though, that this is the "Guilliman release week". As usual on Gathering Storm release weeks, Warhammer Community/TV will be focused on marketing that product, including uploading a video for each of the members of the triumvirate. Not sure if they will feel like losing focus if they reveal the Steamhead the same week. At the same time, we had a very telling Rumour Engine last week, so it would be only natural to make this one a "mystery solving" Rumour Engine. That being the case, on the worst case scenario I would expect mostly silence this week and a trailer/teaser on Friday. Best case scenario, full reveal on Wednesday via Warhammer TV/Community. All of this excluding leaks, of course.
  22. Naah, I actually have an SE army and like most of its range. I still need to get me some sweet Palladors. But that elven mask seems much better than the SE one.
  23. No, it is not the colour, it is the design and conscious lack of expresiveness of the SE mask.
  24. Iam quite sure that the teaser is about the elves. And omg does it look promising. One could say that is abussing masks, but this mask looks so much better than the SE's!
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