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Everything posted by Turgol

  1. 1) Not only safe bet but certainty: Deepkin reveal with miniatures (not certain though if exhibition of the whole range) 2) New starter set announcement and content tease. I don’t think there will be a real reveal of content 3) WH: UW 2 announcement, no reveal of content
  2. Any info on rival faction on the starter set? Nighthaunt?
  3. 0% chances of models sneak peak before Wednesday. I am just hoping for a CGI trailer like Shadow Queen before then.
  4. Thorgrim isnt Grugni. Grugni did lead the wind of metal to the Eternal Rune wielded by the High King. Thorgrim was kinda incarnate of metal until Chamon left the eternal rune, leaving him vulnerable to be murdered by Snitch. It then travelled for a while until it was claimed by Balthasar Gelt, himself murdered by Manfred. Grugni is very obviously god and protector of metal now, but unlike Sigmar, Nagash, Malekith, etc, his status does not come from an incarnate past. And Nagash literally ate Valaya.
  5. Eh? Kharadrons have 11 kits total, one being double: Company, thunderers, skyriggers (double), frigate, gunhauler, ironclad, brokk, admiral, navigator, khemist, eindrinmaster
  6. 8 kits is plenty but not enough for a completely new faction if you count blister heroes in those 8. Deepkin is said to be a massive release that will take as much as 4 weeks or more by Temoulon and the guy that leaked the release calendar up to June. Also: Aislinn not dying but getting submerged in the ocean is wrong. Just checked ET: Khaine and it is explicitly stated that he died after the widow maker pierced his heart. So no Aislinn. I doubt Mathlann is involved as (1) he is dead, (2) the Idoneth are a failed Teclis creation and (3) the soul hunting stuff does not sound very Mathlannish. But I know Temoulon stated they “were very Mathlann” so will have to see.
  7. You mean what is trollish about skaven? Come on! Skaven answer the question of “what would happen if rats had a bit more brain, but the same behavior, and wanted to rule the world? How would they act?” And the answer is: like rats! They would be very fertile, very unorganized, very fearful, very treacherous, very messy and unhigienic, deluded by the very fact they are rats, etc. They are by all means brilliant and hilliarious, but trollish.
  8. Indeed. But trolly like skaven were instead of serious Tolkien iteration like the WE.
  9. After the snipets we have gotten in the last couple of months, Iam wondering if the Deepkin are a more or less trolling faction. I know there is an epic story behind their creation, but I refer not to that but rather the concept. So we kinda know: -They are elusive (like fish) -They lack emotions and are therefore cold (like fish) Those aspects seem to me like the trolly factors accompanying a fishmen faction. Sure they made it elvish, soul-stealing and more bad-ass. But still fishy-trolly.
  10. That’s true. Unfortunately, if the rumour of AoS 2 ends up being true, the next arc will be new Stormcast v. new Death. So Slaanesh would be mid 2019 at the earliest.
  11. I am far more interested in both the Shadowkin and Light Aelfs. Not only because of their design concept, but also because both would be main players, while the Deepkin will be side-players just like the DoK, Kharadron, etc. But I resisted buying DoK only because I know Deepkin are coming soon. I do not think I will be able to resist Deepkin based on the expectation of Shadow/Lightkin in a year or two!
  12. I don’t care about 40k, so my predictions only for AoS: -Gamma: Idoneth and two shadespire bands. -Adepticon: second starter set, WH Underworlds season 2
  13. There is no confirmation of Deepkin (or release calendar) source of a new death faction IIRC. Solid rumours actually get only to June (Idoneth and then Orks for 40k).
  14. According to the so far correct leaked 2018 calendar, new aelves (now: Deepkin) is a very large release that will take place from April to June. I guess end April, all May and will end up early June. I wouldn’t expect anything else for AoS until July at the earliest.
  15. So it seems I was partially right: meet the new faction, the Idoneth Deepkin, the first attempt at creating new elves by Teclis, then gone missing and seems like independent. So we will have with certainty four full aelven factions at some point (DoK, Deepkin, Shadowkin, the "angelic" Lightkin) and I guess likely even more. I do think that more aelves is never enough aelves, but I am worried about the more simple factions being used at all (Devoted, Freeguild).
  16. Seems like a wooden construction to hang people to me.
  17. You guys are missing the point. You are seeing faction building as an optimization process from the point of view of players with big collections. AoS was born to sell more kits, because WHFB was so consolidated that the cycle of selling kits was reduced to selling new army book and couple of kits to people with large collection focused on one or another army. AoS (and new 40k) are meant to stop this from happening: have and create so much material that you are not trapped into the new edition, new army book, couple kits cycle. The idea is to nudge people not to only have a couple of armies and wait for next edition update, but keep experimenting with new factions, alliances, etc. Small factions fulfil two roles: keep the illusion that almost all old models have a place and a future in AoS, and keep some room for low cost clever experimentation (FEC, BCR, Bonesplitterz) or salvaging into a really new faction (Sylvaneth, DoK). This is all quite a genius move from the Kirby administration, that was however so cynically and badly managed that blew on their hand. Roundtree’s Golden era for both GW and customers is simply adding good execution and clever price management, plus better consideration of the customer.
  18. My main armies in both WH and AoS have been destruction related (large collection of orcs and goblins, now a complete Ironjaws one as well). I would recommend any destruction and death player to get used to the fact of order and chaos super over representation. It will never go away.
  19. Well, most of your death models will be useless once Cult of Nagash comes and people want to buy it.
  20. Has been insisting for a while on a soon to be released giant snake Morathi.
  21. So we have TGA’s first rumour monger? Long live Moonstone! Seems to be the only really active one as well, with Sad Panda gone and Hastings very much dry!
  22. “Twisted into the form of my tormentor”. I guess snake formed Morathi is confirmed. I guess should start listening to you. Any news on the Malerion faction?
  23. I think you are indeed right and it will be the other way around: Mistweaver is Morathi aligned. With the old Hellebron/Blood Queen model, the medusa and sorceress, you have four heroes already. Throw in just one more and you are good to go.
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