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Everything posted by Hollow

  1. Exactly. As @Chikout said, if the system continues to receive "huge releases" (and all rumours are pointing to AoS having a lot) then there needs to be some space made in the range. I'm saying the game would stagnate if there was never any room made.
  2. I think the solution is staring the player base right in the face. To recalibrate the rigid adherence to how units are represented on the tabletop. If you have Bonesplitterz, use them as IronJaws, If you have BoC, use them Darkoath. I would rather a situation where 10% of the existing line was "cut" annually to make room for new stuff, than the range to stagnate and only receive 1 to 1 updates and eternal support for the entire existing range. I really do not think that is healthy for the game big picture. Not at all.
  3. and? Not to be overly flippant, but unless you are only playing in official GW tournaments and events I'm not sure what GW "Says" means anything in regards to modelling. I think what they have said is actually pretty fair to be honest. Rules, A year, Legends. 3 months before the edition even drops.
  4. Stormcast Eternals - Range reduction pending a large update. Skaven - Rage reduction pending a large update. Beasts of Chaos - Range remove from AoS and move to ToW Blonesplitters - Range removed 11 Warcry Warbands removed from Slaves To Darkness 7 other models removed from the AoS line.
  5. My cursed city models are used in my SBGL and CoS armies.
  6. We are fundamentally different in how we see miniature purchases and what GW as a company should be expected to do in regard to "support". You have approached super niche esoteric armies and are acting "surprised Pikachu face" that they aren't getting full support? Also, how are any of these projects "dead"? you are clearly motivated by the lore, background and modelling opportunities for these projects. You can easily convert, model, paint and proxy any of those aforementioned projects and would be actively encouraged to do so by all. What's the problem?
  7. The fact that AoC already has Tzaangors and Slaangors in Disciples and Hedonites makes me hopeful that we will see Pestigors and Khorngors for Maggotkin and Blades. With the new rules for how armies and built. Having a single Beast character and a god thematic unit in each of the mono-god books would allow for a Beast Regiment to be taken.
  8. Says who? I could easily see the removal or consolidation of existing factions in future editions of the game. I think when it comes to support, 10 years is meeting expectations.
  9. The current BoC range is fairly generic, the faction was never super popular but has a core of followers that has kept the range in service for the last decade with minimal support. ToW studio feels that there is a space within their range to support the kits and have the models service the game (they came from) Bonessplittez are a fairly generic, dated fantasy troupe in a game with 2 other well-supported Orruk "factions". I feel like of all of the product lines across AoS the ones that have been listed are the easiest to justify.
  10. I wonder if this means that Endless Spells are going to be sticking around?
  11. But many of the Beasts in the BoC range literally come from other ranges. Chaotic beasts are a concept seen across all the mono-god Chaos factions, as well as STD. The opening of the AoS 4 cinematic had the protagonist fighting Tzanngors for goodness sake! "Beasts" are a part of AoS but they are just not being presented as a singular BOC faction (for now) These models were going. ToW has continued their life-span.
  12. I think you have this completely backwards. BoC weren't given the chop from AoS to service ToW. ToW has picked up what AoS was going to chop anyway.
  13. If I were a betting man I would say that Warcry will have a set number of Warbands for sale at any one time and then do splash release runs of certain bands every so often (like the recent run of Underworld warbands) I can see warbands that fully fit a faction being more integrated into their respective faction.
  14. I just want to state clearly that this move makes me the opposite of angry. Look, I get it, it sucks if you have a particular model, kit or faction you really love and it ends up on the chopping block. However, I think issuing rules at the start of the new edition and having those rules be viable for a full year, then moving them to Legends (after selling and supporting said models for 10/15/20+ years!) is a completely reasonable thing for GW to do. I'm actually a little disappointed not to see either the Duardin or Dark Elves from the coS range listed.
  15. Yeah, can't help but feel just a tiny little bit vindicated. I found it pretty surprising how many people pushed back on what was clearly going to happen with BoC, Bonesplitterz. I've been arguing for weeks that this was going to happen. BoC to ToW. The Skaven are no surprise. A decent amount of SCE which shows to me that the AoS design studio is trying to stay on top of bloat for the range (which I think is a good thing)
  16. I could also see a "Warband Regiment", allowing you to take a hero and 3 warbands.
  17. From a purely thematic and "RP" type of direction, I like having a Hero coming with their own Regiment. It would make sense if you were an actual general trying to muster an army in the Realms. Approaching various warlords, captains, leaders etc and convincing them to join your cause, or to give ownership of certain units to fledgling commanders. I like the idea of it, let's hope the practical gaming part works out.
  18. Funny, I love the duel wield ones (Although would want to work on their poses a bit)
  19. I find it funny how GW loves to change words and have a million different names for things.... just because. So the new Spearhead (Previously Vanguard) boxes are essentially Regiments. (1 hero and 3 units) I wonder if we will see some different kinds of "regiment" boxes sold for factions.
  20. Apart from all the obvious practical reasons why SCE are the poster boys of AoS, I like them as a concept. I think warriors from across the realm who are chosen by Sigmar and stolen from Nagash at their point of death, only to have to fight and die again and again and again... cool. Sure there is a Saturday morning cartoon level of depth to it all but Warhammer has always been a bit like that.
  21. I could see a future edition (Not this one) where they look to completely redefine how they "present" factions/lore/art etc. For example. An edition where a unit Battlescroll comes with the kit and is available for free as a PDF online (and available to buy in physical decks) and then published books consolidated factions based around race, culture, fitting and focused more on lore, art, collecting/modelling/painting. Funnily enough, they could go as extreme as going back to a single large Grand Alliance book and then card decks for each faction. If the desire to print Battlescrolls in Battletomes goes away that's a lots of pages of printed material.
  22. I don't think there should be faction terrain either 😅 I DO think there should be proper Biome or Realm-themed terrain sets though.
  23. If you like them that is fair enough. I see it as a case of having them means we don't get other things. Resources are finite. Logistics, design, manufacturing what it takes to produce, stock and support endless spells means less kits/units for factions. If the question is "Would you rather AoS support the endless spell kits, or get rid of them and release 9 new kits for various factions? I know which I would rather have.
  24. A wee personal spicy take regarding Endless spells. They suck! The models are not good quality. The thematics and aesthetics are incredibly hit-and-miss. They take up valuable inventory, logistics and shelf space. Get rid!
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