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Posts posted by SwampHeart

  1. Just now, feraxil said:

    What have you noticed giving you trouble/fits in your games?

    The army is a bit unwieldy (keeping the handgunners and crew inside the relevant bubbles) which means it needs to point and shoot in the same general vector so if I position poorly early it can make it difficult to respond to the rest of the game. Armies with lots of teleports (especially late game) can be tricky because its hard to both keep yourself screened and play for objectives. I've played against a decent variety of styles of list at this point (NH, SCE, OBR, HoS, IDK, Big Waagh, and DoK) and honestly I feel like this is rounded enough that I haven't had a headache game yet. You do have to pilot it and really understand how to get the most out of the mounted units to get good results but so far its worked out really well for me (I've taken 2 FLGS one dayers with it so far). 

  2. 1 minute ago, whispersofblood said:

    But at +1 rend your free tool for this situation the dmg is around PA 12 : BA 20.

    That's my whole hang up (and I'm going to stop belaboring the point after this) - specifically against OBR you aren't anywhere as close to knowing you're going to have access to that prayer when it counts because of Crawlers.  

  3. 3 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

    I've been seeing this kind of stuff but It also kinda makes me nervous? To quote a wendy's add "where's the beef?" There looks like there is almost no close combat to speak of!

    Don't need combat when you delete units wholesale. The damage output on those Skyhooks is unreal (18 3/2/-2/d3 shots a turn), plus the handgunner output is admirable (20 3/2/-1/1 shots a turn) with the ability to stand and shoot to clean up most of what's left. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Forrix said:

    My big fear playing Fyreslayers against is losing my battlesmiths. Battlesmiths normally have a 3+ save but need a hero phase to turn on their buff bubble. Unbuffed a Battlesmith with look out sir dies to a complete unbuffed Mortek Crawler 53% of the time. If the Crawler is at +1 hit and reroll 1s (I know that's possible but I'm not sure how realistic that is turn 1) then it jumps to 68%.

    Yeah I agree - that's the major concern (and this has gone way off topic anyway) for me when regarding weapon selection. Feels like poleaxes need less support to get their damage in? 

  5. 2 minutes ago, whispersofblood said:

    IMO 40s will age out of the meta before, GE hits them with a point increase. Also are you keeping in mind the Vorstag fight before Motrek Guard can use their CMD ability in their turn?


    That's entirely fair - my main notion is that I'm not sure about the verdict on poleaxes not being the right answer. If Petrifex stays the dominant build I think getting as deep into MW generation as you can is the right answer. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Gwendar said:

    @SwampHeart I like... but it's a shame I'll likely not kitbash 80 bodies worth of Freeguild heads + Admech guys anytime soon 😉


    You could fiddle around with it and maybe snag from Freeguild guard over one of the big handgunner units for a more effective screen or drop the body count a bit to slot in dwarf infantry instead. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, whispersofblood said:

    That's what you need though isn't it? Unless you believe 40s will stick around?

    A big unit of 40 is definitely where its at, my biggest concern is making sure you get the timing right on the -2 rend crash (also I forgot to factor in deathless minion saves above so it reduces to 26 dead) . It may still be the right answer but it just feels like a bad grind, especially if they get one of the catapults off on a character early. 

  8. 1 minute ago, whispersofblood said:

    I think the key here is pumping your rend via runes and dealing with them all at once. Or pinning them with magmadroth. 

    Even then its rend 2 against a 5+ with full re-rolls. Eyeballing it looks like 20 fighting twice would do about 31 wounds to Petrifex Elite Mortek with their full re-roll up. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Acid_Nine said:

    Can you guys show off of a good mixed list? Every time I try to write one I get bogged down by the fact my general’s command abilities won’t affect them or that I run out of points trying to get other things I want.

    Just as a rough example this is my TE list that I've been having a lot of success with lately.

    -Aether-khemist (Patrician's Helm)
    -Battle Mage - Hysh, General (Hawk-eyed)
    -Celestial Hurricanum (Ignax Scales)
    -Freeguild General on Griffon
    -30 Arkanaut Company (9x Skyhooks)
    -20 Handgunners (honored retinue)
    -2 units of 5 Outriders
    -1 unit of 5 Pistoliers
    -10 Shadow Warriors
    Aetherguard Wind Runners
    Soul Scream Bridge 

    Got some Dwarfs, some Elves, and some Freeguild in there. 

  10. 6 minutes ago, Gwendar said:

    Curious, what would you fill the remaining points with? It's already assumed you'd take a Cogsmith, Hurricanum, Ordinator, 4 Rockets and the Battalion. I would struggle to bring Dwarves in this regard as I would also want to throw in a RL + 20 Drakes w/ Bridge. Maybe a King if you plan to run Hammerers as well but you likely can't afford that. Most seem to gravitate towards pure Freeguild when it comes to GF but surely there could be better options..

    My 'at a glance' GWF list is something like

    -Celestial Hurricanum
    -2 units of 30 Handgunners
    -1 unit of 20 Handgunners
    -4 Helstorms
    Soul Scream
    Extra CP 

    There's room to improve there to be sure but that's a 6 drop list with 80 bodies that are reliable shooters, the ability to bridge as needed, a nice little MW generator in the hurricanum, and a brutal 24 3/3/-2/d3 re-rolling 1s to hit first turn shooting phase. 

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  11. 8 minutes ago, whispersofblood said:

    I would say at that attack volume dmg 2 is still more relevent.

    Is it though? OBR only have a 6+ deathless save against MW poleaxes and with full re-rolls you're getting very very few d2 swings actually through. I haven't done actual math but having played OBR a few times now I can't imagine that just trying to get damage through via failed combat saves is the correct play. 

  12. 13 minutes ago, stus67 said:

    The other cities are bottom of the bucket though.

    Greywater is probably right around HH in viability honestly. 4 drop lists, huge reliable alpha strike with amazing range. Still suffers from lower body count and mobility isn't amazing so it misses some of what TE picks up but GWF I think is 4-1 army all day. 

  13. 1 hour ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    You know the HB would laugh at the warriors even with d3 mortal wounds bouncing back..right? EVEN IF all got into combat to swing, that would be about 6d3 mortal wounds, which on average is about 12 damage. half of that is negated. so 3 HB die AFTER they have fought twice before you had a chance to even pick a unit to activate and those 20 warriors are blended. 

    Not sure I follow this math but maybe I'm missing something, my napkin math (just averages) says the following (this is just on the HB warscroll and I'm assuming re-rolls of 1 somewhere).

    Broadaxe - 41 attacks - 3/3/-1/2
    23 Hits (20 hits and additional 3 from re-rolled 1s)
    12 Wounds
    6 Unsaved - 12 damage - 6 dead warriors
    12 dead warriors after double fight

    Poleaxe - 41 Attacks 3/3/-/1
    23 Hits (same math as above) - 12 MWs from 6 to 6s to hit
    12 Wounds (same as above)
    1 Unsaved Wound
    6.5 Dead Warriors - 13 after a double fight

    I'm assuming a warshrine buff + oracular visions + aura of nurgle on the warriors (looking strictly at durability) - this is 280 points in buffing characters (which I believe is similar to the HB buffing compliement). That said I admit maybe I've missed something here that drastically alters the numbers. 

    Out of curiosity if you have both possible 'on 6s take MW' buffs on the warriors the HBs look like they'd take 7D3 (assuming re-roll 1s) for 14 MWs, 7 after save. And then an additional 2 MWs during wounds for 1 MW after save. The result would be 4 dead HBs per activation - so not an amazing amount of defensive output but at least notching out  20% of the unit per time they swing. Granted this all factors in more points (a DP and the Battalion) so its not a like for like but looks like an OK shake. 

    Again I present all of the above with the caveat that what I know about HBs is they will fight twice with LoTL and that they presumably have re-roll 1s to hit from some source. 

    EDIT - Math was incorrect. The above also doesn't include the MW shrug that Shield warriors would get against poleaxes. 

  14. @dekay I agree 100%. This is a drum I've been beating since CoS came out and you're correct we've seen it time and time again. Person says Cities is a bad book, you look at their list - its entirely unoptimized running pure DE or Dispossessed or whatever. The book is called Cities of Sigmar, it is clearly designed to be played using various pieces from all of the units in it to get the most leverage. The book isn't for you to remake your old WHFB into a new and shiny competitive army, if it was for that it would be Battletome: Dispossessed (et. all). 

  15. 10 hours ago, soots said:

    I honestly think Cities is a high drop army.

    Doesn't have to be - GWF can do 4 drop reliably, my TE list is 6 and could go to 5 pretty readily as well. A lot of Cities lists are high drop but it certainly isn't a requirement for the army. 

    11 hours ago, soots said:

    So you will most likely go last, which poses a massive issue for our shooty lists which usually max out at 24" crossbows. This is really bad for Sisters, Irondrakes, etc which need extra help to make use of turn 1.

    Access to empowered Soul Scream Bridge (which is very easy to reliably cast in CoS, likely out of turn one unbind range) negates this concern. It does mean you're spending about 250 points in most lists towards making sure SSB is viable and available but that's a cost worth spending given the ability to punish your opponent for making you go first. And its even better now that SSB entirely survived the Dec. FAQs intact. Also TE negate this weakness entirely by giving you access to KO with m7 in turn one. 

    11 hours ago, soots said:

    T1 Hallowheart Total power x2 spell casts. unbreakable army item. Magic ward. 

    Post nerf there is simply no way HH is the most viable city in CoS. The bonus to casting becomes much more unreliable post Dec. FAQ. 

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  16. 1 minute ago, Tidings said:

    Yep I think that's our biggest strength! The Tier list kinda doesn't matter, because a really good HH list will do better than a poorly thought out LC list, and then the opposite is true too. The top 3 all have ways to be very strong. The other cities need a bit of love imo. 

    I think Hammerhal has some legs and GWF has one of the nastiest alphas in the game. I just don't think they've got the same breadth of tools as the top 3 cities. Phoenicum lives pretty happily in the 'fun for casual play/FLGS tournament' band and Anvilguard is Anvilguard. Its really sad because I think Vitriotic Spray + Portals is amazing and could probably carry the city but then you just look at what all you give up to get there and feels so lackluster. That said just typing this I wonder if there is value in a 3 prong Anvilguard shooting build where you look at some Helstorms, some Longstrikes, and some maybe Crossbowmen or Darkshards so that you can really effectively unpack an enemy army in one turn? 

  17. 8 minutes ago, Tidings said:

    Yeah that can work, depends a lot on the opponent and matchup. When I play against other city lists they really only get to shoot at my Phoenix Guard most of the time cause of screening (against LC or bridge).

    Its not fool proof at all but one of the best ways not to get shot at is simply to not be on the table for the first turn.  LC overall I think is interesting because it has the potential to be very good or mediocre and its all very dependent on what the rest of the meta is doing at the time. Honestly that's not untrue for most of the rest of Cities though, its very much so a big tool box army that can lend itself to playing against the current meta. 

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  18. 55 minutes ago, Tidings said:

    I don't know that LC would beat out TE, because good opponents often screen you out of ambushing anywhere important

    I think the key here is that I still value shooting over combat even in LC so even with good screening you should be able to pop out still in shooting range and not having given your opponent a chance to deal with your shooters before they show up. 

  19. I've had a chance to play games with LC, TE, and HH. I've played at least 7-8 games with each (about 15 now with TE) and in my experience I'd say the current rankings are:


    But that said they are very close. I found HH was very potent but I ran into an issue where against shooting armies I was getting my characters smashed to bits before I could really get into the meat of their usefulness (specifically Longstrikes dropping in and popping away, very difficult to screen out due to their range). I definitely think the tiering is going to be very meta dependent as well - right now shooting is in a very powerful spot so TE gets a bump but that could change with a KO change obviously. If shooting continues to shift to the fore then I think LC bumps ahead of the other two for the fact that we have access to so many cheap drops to allow us to stack hidden paths that we'll have one of the best beta strikes in the game. 

    Also I'd advise against trying to reason with a certain poster in this thread - they effectively exists on TGA to make a statement and then will argue with you about that statement no matter what evidence you might provide. There is no conversation to be had there. 

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  20. Just now, Maturin said:

    Wouldn't you send the mages with the handgunners though ? so they can blast what's left T2 ?

    Just depends on the rest of their set up and what the rest of the table looks like. Bridge/Hallowheart in general are toolbox setups, you can't play them one way consistently, they just give you a lot of options on how to tackle the table, you've still got to use the right tool though. 

  21. Just now, Maturin said:

    Sure, but even if you use bridge, depending on your list you don't have much to do T1.
    Let's say that you've got 3 mages. T1 you cast : Comet, then soulbridge, then pha's protection + Warding brand on the screen you put in front of  your mages, then Umbral Spellportal, then either roaming wildfire or elemental cyclone or casandora etc through the portal and you're done.
    If you do not hit hard enough with the shooting phase, then you're going to get crushed at his turn. I recon it's still cool to be able to cast that many spells, but I feel like playing the objectives game is complicated when you go for hallowheart. It's a fast army thanks to the bridge, but it's very risky to separate your army, don't you think ? Well with my list anyway.

    Not against specifically Greywater where the only goal is to kill their artillery. You don't do it every game but you do it when it means removing their alpha. If you cast Pha's, Ignite Weapons, and Warding Brand on Handgunners who go across the bridge you're golden. Hallowheart is tough to play objectives but you specifically stated Greywater is a hard counter to Hallowheart and it simply isn't - you've got the buffs and capacity to hurt their alpha faster than they hurt yours and you can play a longer game than they can. 

  22. 23 minutes ago, Rune said:

    There are some pretty awesome defensive spells, as well as a couple of endless spells you want to use that turn.

    Bridge + geminids + perhaps Balewind Vortex + perhaps comet.


    Then there are warding brand, crystal aegis, ignite weapons as well as Pha's Protection and Shield of Thorns from your battlemages.


    That's 9 good spells on turn one if you are forced to go first.



    I'd also add a maximized prismatic palisade for an additional -1 to hit (potentially). 

  23. 2 hours ago, Maturin said:

    Yeah, the only problem being that our main strength is magic, and our first magic phase will be wasted because of the distance. I'd like to keep a minimum number of drops, so I can alpha strike. I don't believe we could withstand some lists hitting us behind our screens.

    Our main strength is magic, not just offensive magic. Just because you can't do a ton of MWs in a turn is irrelevant, if you can use your magic to effectively neuter his alpha then your strength won. 

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