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Posts posted by Gecktron

  1. 33 minutes ago, elfhead said:

    Would be cool to have huge realmgates that could fit ships (in the fluff).

    Naval Realmgates are implied in the Scourge Privateer background text in the GA: Order Book. Some of them should even be big enough to fit a Black Ark.
    Also, we know that at least Azyr, Aqshy, Ghur, Chamon and Ghyran have oceans. I think the Mortal Realms have enough room to house multiple naval factions.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Malin said:

    No new daemons in Death Guard book, are we sure we will get anything new with the book at all? Maybe it will be Battletome only release in the end. Book seems to be expected due to "thin" release which Blightwar turned out to be (no artifacts, no spells, only one battalion). On one hand Battletome only would be good, no need to buy tons of awesome new models...

    We will definitly See more nurgle Units with the Battletome

    -GW established a pattern with the Thousand Sons Release Last year. The 40K Release with a deamon Primarch and two months later the AoS Release with a greater deamon.

    -new artwork heavily features GUOs, all of which are similar in Design but different from the current one, so the Artist needed a new model to base their drawing on. 

    -the drawing from the DG codex has to be the new version of a nurgle beast. They share key features like the snail body, a long slimy tongue and the tentacle like hair.

    -also, Atia on War-of-sigmar basicly confirmed pestigors.

    I think nurgle will get its big release in 2 months. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Popisdead said:


    Josh is coming up fast as #2 to my man crush on Guy Haley as fav BL authors.

    His prolific work in AoS is hurting my wallet and.. I'm pretty good with that :D

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    I just finished "Auction of Blood". What a great short story. We got a look into one of the Seeds of Hope from the campaign last year, a Chaos Dwarfs reference and a kick ass aelve. I finished the story in one go and now I can't wait for the Eight Lamentations Book. 
    Josh is becoming my favorite Age of Sigmar author. 

    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Aryann said:

    That way I can come up with a scenario for Stormcasts-Khorne alliance or Dwarf-Orkz. There can always be a greater evil that needs special alliances to be made. :P

    We already know that the Scourge Privateers (Corsairs) are a faction present in the cities of the mortal realm. In "City of Secrets" they are shown as a mafia like organization. Not as highly respected as the Stormcast Eternals but still a vital part of the society in the mortal realms.

    Just as a example, the Anvilgard Box can represent the garrison of a lonely naval base deep inside a swamp in ghyran. (Thinking a twisted and darker version of the swamps in louisana.)
    A region where nurgles corruption still lingers just beneath the surface. The privateers are trained sailors but even they are struggling navigating the dark waters. Where they are regularly fighting of ambushes from twisted monstrosities. So they request the help of the Judicators. These stormcasts are skilled in finding even the smallest trace of chaos corruption. So together they patrol the waters of the swamp. Slowly fighting back against the things hiding there.
    So when they hear unnatural screams and ominous chanting from deep within the swamp, they don't wait for the forces of chaos to hit them first. They assemble a group of the most hardened veterans to search for the origin of this darkness.

    • Like 11
  5. 14 minutes ago, Circus of Paint said:


    Example, the Merfolk concepts on this thread are great and I can see the effort put into that, but wouldn't they be better as highly-evolved remnants of whatever those sea-based High Elves were called? I was never much of an Elf fan before Age of Sigmar, so the name escapes me! Lothern Sea Guard or something?

    Yes, the Lothern Sea Guard was part of the High Elves.
    But there was also a whole race of Sea elves once in the world-that-was.


    AoS could be the perfect opportunity to bring them back. Or somehow incorprate them into existing factions like the swifthawk agents or the scourge privateers.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, DWCScubaSteve said:

    Sadly due to moving at the time, I was unable to back the Kickstarter Campaign, but I will be looking to start an empire based on the Nippon using the Dragon Empire


    Interesting, I had a similar idea after seeing that kickstarter. But I thought that they would make a fine cathay army. Ninjas and Samurais tend to outshine its neighbours, even though medieval china has a rich history aswell.

    These minitures gave me enough motivation to try to make my own warscrolls.

    I have made two until now, one inspired by medieval warrior monks and the Shaolin. And one thats just the Chu Ko Nu repeater crossbows transported to the mortal realms. I even have a rough idea for a background story thats more than just basicly chinease history. 

    Maybe putting them into GA: Chaos, as tzeentch was know to be openly worshipped by some parts of old cathay. 


    This is just my first attempt for a completely fan made unit, so Im not sure in which direction I want to take this. But I thought about intergrating some kind of order system like the AM in 40K to show how highly disciplined cathays troops are.

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