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Posts posted by Gecktron

  1. 37 minutes ago, Badlander86 said:

    Darkling Coven has 3 Battleline choices of Elite troop choices (Executioners alone are deadly and problematic enough) with a higher than average statline, special rules and access to Magic. The can run and charge to close distances and if they spike on charge distances, suddenly shooting and range advantages fall short.

    I've seen GHB 2018. No new allegiance abilities for KO as a faction. I think this isn't a good start to AoS 2.0 for the Kharadron Overlords.


    Please, calm down. The all-infantry Darkling Covens are really no problem for the Kharadrons. Their wizards became more expensiv in the new Handbook and their are really squishy. (Im sure you could gun her down with volley guns alone). 

    I have played against summoning Khorne daemons and anti-shooting Idoneth Deepkin and I have won 9 out of 10 AoS 2 test games so far. 

    Sure, they arent a tournament winning army like old Tzeentch but they are way better than some people here think. 

  2. 27 minutes ago, Barkanaut said:

    Well we're officially low tier now let alone mid. We might end up being the worst army in the game. 

    Thats not true and you know that.

    Kharadrons are still better than every non-battletome army. 
    Also, Endless Spells aside (as I haven't played against them yet, and the fact that they are only an expansion), we are basically where we were last edition. The shooting "nerf" changed nothing. Shooting the enemies directly in front of my units was what I were going to do anyway. 

    Summoning isn't that bad as we still can target the enemy heroes. No heroes, no summoning. 

    On the other side, cheaper sky vessels is is a plus for me as they were the reason I even started playing Kharadrons. 

    • Like 2
  3. I think the Malign Portents Errata is the most important one from this batch:


    Page 80 – Including Harbingers of the Malign Portents Add:
    ‘The ‘Harbingers of the Malign Portents’ rule explains how to use Lord-Ordinators, Darkoath Warqueens, Knights of Shrouds and Fungoid Cave-Shamans in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar which use the Malign Portents rules. The following rule can be used by players who wish to use these models in their armies in open, narrative or matched play games not using the Malign Portents rules.

    Lord-Ordinators, Darkoath Warqueens, Knights of Shrouds and Fungoid Cave-Shamans can be included in any army that shares their Grand Alliance keyword. They are not treated as part of the player’s army for the purposes of defining its allegiance and what allegiance abilities it qualifies for.

    Lord-Ordinators, Darkoath Warqueens, Knights of Shrouds and Fungoid Cave-Shamans can be given a command trait or artefact of power if they share the keyword of that army’s allegiance. However, a Lord- Ordinator, Darkoath Warqueen, Knight of Shrouds or Fungoid Cave-Shaman can be chosen as the army’s general even if they do not share the keyword of that army’s allegiance.

    We can now make the Lord-Ordinator our warlord for that sweet, sweet command ability, even in normal games. 
    Thank the ancestors, because I just finished my conversion for a count-as Lord-Ordinator :D 


    • Like 8
  4. 1 hour ago, Funstock Funhauler said:

    Im very exited for the point decrease on the boats. Arriving with a fleet on the table will be awesome. I’m a bit sad they increased the points on the skywardens, though. Other than as a tax for using warscroll battallions, they most likely will not see any play.

    I had a test run with my Kharadrons for the next edition with the leaked point costs last week at a 3000 points game. Sure, thats far removed from most games but I could make great use of the reduced point costs for our ships as I brought 5 of them (Ironclad/2 Frigats/2 Gunhaulers). I kept the Gunhaulers between my ships and the enemy horde and used them as glorified road block. 

    The flagship ability of the Ironclad really shines with that number of ships, and the Lord-Ordinator buff is still great. 

    • Like 5
  5. 40 minutes ago, sorokyl said:

    Actually, I think they are a good candidate for a battleforce box. If that happens, no start collecting until next spring/summer maybe.   That being said, They are competing for "Order" battleforce slots with Idoneth Deepkin and (of course) Stormcast Eternals, so it's not a guaranteed thing. 

    I have a morathi sitting on my bookshelve in her box just waiting on some sort of deal on DoK units.  5 more months of dust minimum... 

    I think every DoK box set will have the problem that they dont really fit well inside the established system. All hero options the followers of Khaine have at the moment are tied to expensive centerpiece models (either the Cauldron of Blood or Morathi). The one set released last year had basically be our Start Collecting box. A Cauldron and one unit of Witch Aelfs comes out at around 105€. Most SC! gives you around 120€ of value. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, sorokyl said:

    What do you guys think about the next start collecting / battleforce / other bundle boxes? 

    I guess DoK and Idoneth Deepkin are the two things that come to mind, will they get an SC box first, or a Christmas time battleforce box?  

    For DoK, It seems like the SC box will just be the Blood Coven box. You get 3 heroes (the shrine being a centerpiece) and 10 witch aelves.  There's no other "big" piece to put in so the Cauldron of blood seems a shoe-in, but I could see Mellusai or Khinerei instead of the witch aelves. 

    Maybe those two factions are too new for Battleforce and we won't see SC until after the new year. What other factions might we see for battleforce, or what other kinds of bundle products might we see?

    Battleforces for Christmas for either DoK or Idoneth Deepkin are likely. I dont think we will see both as there will be one for the new Stormcasts and most likely another one for Nighthaunts. 

    I dont think we will see SC! sets for both Aelfs this year. Kharadron Overlords got their Battleforce box for christmas and their SC! earlier this year, more or less one year after their initial release. 

  7. The "Exploring the Realms" video from the new Age of Sigmar side is interesting:


    First the Merchants of Pa'Tar. Hinting at more asia-themed models?


    Scrappers Spill in Chamon. A giant pile of scraps/trophies from all the green skins in the region, hinting at a more technical destruction faction?

    Plus name dropping the assassins of Clan Eshin living in Ulgu and the remark that we will get to explore the Realm of Light Hysh somewhere in the near future. 

    • Like 7
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  8. 2 hours ago, Barbossal said:

    I have another actual rumour for the Rumour Thread.

    In the r/totalwar subreddit for Total War: Warhammer 2, a Bone Giant dlc was added to the game as a coordinated promo between Creative Assembly and GW.

    So I have a theory off of this...: Tomb Kings Made to Order for Warhammer Legends, which will subsequently push the TK line out of the next GHB.


    I rather think the promo was the Throne of Skulls thing. Nearly every Warhammer game is on sale on Steam right now.

    • Like 3
  9. 1 minute ago, BURF1 said:

    More magic was pretty split tbh. A decent number of people(myself included) are starting to get worried about magic becoming what shooting was when skyfires and kurnoths were sub-200pts.

    Looks like the new magic stuff will be optional. 

  10. Just now, Infeston said:

    I have to say that GW took a lot of the criticism of the community and put it all in the new edition. I really like the new GW. It seems like they catered to all the complaints the community has made the last years.


    Double turn unfair? Check

    Shooting out of combat? Check

    No new death models? Check

    More magic? Check

    Too much Stormcast? Ohhh. Okey. Maybe not here, but the models definitely look cooler than most of the Stormcast.


    Props to GW. If they will now also release new Destruction models one day, I am completely satisfied.

    They said in the FAQ there will be new models for every GA. So It looks like Destruction Players can start taking out their wallets :D 

  11. 2 minutes ago, xking said:

    I am shocked that it is a new edition. I was thinking it was just going to be a supplement.


    Just now, Malakithe said:

    Well...when was AoS released? How long does 40k go between editions?

    Id argue the magic system will be the biggest change. The rest of the rules will stay more or less the same. GW can't start invalidating Battletomes just yet. 

  12. 19 minutes ago, Karol said:

    the small ship and the gun dudes from the Kharadron starter. Retributors in the Stormcast box, the entire orc, beastclaw and striders box as they give an illusion that those armies are valid or can be bought for cheap. The Runesmitter in the Slyer box. It is even worse for w40k, where boxs drip with dreadnoughts, termintors etc


    And from the list I have seen being played the only save ones are the tzeench, nurgle, lizard people ones. In every other one ther is either bad stuff, or the faction is too bad to play. Like beastclaws have a box that can make the whole army with 2-3 boxs, but the faction is unplayable.

    Hey, I want to be positiv and all but the more I read the more angry I get. 

    What you are saying is simply not true. There is no Battletome faction in AoS thats unplayable. Beastclaw Raiders are still good (they are just not broken anymore). 

    You can play all of them and have fun. Or dont. Some people just collect and for them SC! Sets are great. You save up to 50% on some.

    Saying they are traps is just wrong, both in AoS and 40K.


    Edit: okay, I need to calm down. Different cultures and all. I just think this hyper competitiv outlook doesnt really fit Games Workshop games as they tend to be more beer-and-pretzel style games

    • Like 3
  13. 4 minutes ago, Karol said:

    I said most of the time. They are most often a trap, give you stuff for "cheap" techniclly, but those stuff you get for "free" you will never use.

    I looked through all the Star Collecting sets avaible for Age of Sigmar and all of them besides the first Stormcasts one (3 snapfit paladins doesnt work without the big Starter Set) and the Kharadron one kinda (Gunhaulers are bad now but will most likely be fixed in the next Handbook) are really good and useful. 

    • Like 1
  14. 11 minutes ago, Greasygeek said:

    Well no but since its the famous GW hypetrain you really can’t be sure that it really is impressive. May I remind everyone about the Malign Portents countdown. That being said I am as eager as anyone to see what the fuzz is about but if past experiences have taught me anything it is to not get excited before we know for sure that something is actually up.

    The last time we got a teaser video before an event was back when the entire Adeptus Custodes army was shown. So everything is possible.

  15. Just now, S133arcanite said:

    So there's clearly something big for AoS...


    May I be the first to unrealistically guess that EVERYTHING suggested over the last 10 pages of this thread will come true?? 

    They said "the future of Age of Sigmar", my guess is the rumored new starter box with Nighthaunt and the new Stormcast Chamber. 

    • Like 1
  16. 46 minutes ago, Ar-Pharazôn said:

    If I can swing back to the Malign Portents story, this isn't the first time we've heard of cog forts, no? What if like the Kharadron, Humans in the setting are made to be more deliberately steampunk, except where the KO use ships and such, the Freeguild/Ironweld utilize constructs and walkers?

    You are right. This wasn't the first time. They were first mentioned (but not called Cog-forts) in the Shadow over Hammerhal material where they protect Hammerhal Aqsha and then again in this function in one of the earlier Malign Portents stories where they got their name. 

  17. I liked this story. A city from the first season of war campaign, alarielle and the Ironweld Arsenal, whats not to like?

    Also some of these descriptions made me thing we will see them as units sooner or later.

    For example: "surveyors in hook-nosed masks strode through the murk upon mechanical striders"
    "Like the others, she wore a panelled overcoat of mustard-yellow and crimson, over thick breeches and leather gloves. "

    Plus the mention of a Cog-hauler and the fact that this is the second story that has a Cog-fort as its center. 

    • Like 2
  18. 7 minutes ago, Karol said:

    Cool. Wouldn't it create the problem though that everyone would want to play their games in a different way, so to actually play the game a new player would have to start with a vast collection. Am not saying that 2000pts is not a lot, specially for the armies with legions of models. But at least they just have to buy one list. Don't people worry that one opponent says 3 Heros, 1 warmachine, no monsters and another one goes 2-3 monsters, 0 machines and 1-2 hero, and a third wants 3 machines or 3 monsters and no more then 1 hero.  So to have just 3 opponents willing to play they would have to buy 3 heros, 3 machines and 3 monsters, and that is assuming their armies have valid machines and monsters. Because I have no idea what a new player would suppose to do when his opponent has 0 monsters and 3 machines, and the new players army only has valid monsters and no machines.


    You are taking this too literal. These are just examples of balancing. 3 heroes, 2 Monsters doesnt mean exactly 2 monsters but 0-2. 

    Also in regards to getting new players into the game, I'd argue talking with them how you want to play is the best way to ease them in. 

    "Oh, you only have 5 Chaos Warriors, a few Knights and a mage? Sure, I bring a few liberators and a hero and we just have a game without allegiance abilities, relics or special spells." 

    Or If they are a little more advanced smaller games like 500-1000 points (or 30-40 wounds) works as well. My gaming group is nearly 1000 point games only. Besides our Path-to-glory campaing were we just roll a few die to determin our army. 

  19. 3 minutes ago, Karol said:

    How do people actually play narrative, without points it would be just the guy with the biggest wallet dominates everyone else, even more then in matched played? Or better yet how do they start it, if someone starts narrative this means other people have to had already been playing it, this means they are late to the arms race and would be facing people who have 3-4 times the size of collections. They would have to be constanlly be buying more and more stuff to keep up with others, while in matched played they just have to have one good 2000pts army and be done with buying stuff.

    Using other methodes of balancing like wounds, number of warscrolls or even just talking about what both players field. 

    You can also always use the sudden death rules, which can work surprisingly well. 

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