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Posts posted by Gecktron

  1. 11 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    In competitive play, I think that with just one frigate or maybe an Iroclad, you have enough.
    For narrative, I'm focusing on 3 Gunhaulers, 3 frigates and 1 ironclad to play a Grand Armada. 

    Btw, a new battletome can just change everything...

    Oh nooo, I wasnt talking about games. I just meant in general. The whole collection!

    • LOVE IT! 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Saxon said:

    Can me please point me towards the generic command ability that works for missile weapons? 

    I see hammerhall has righteous purpose which works for missile only? Thanks. 

    The current Generals Handbook, in the Matched Play section. 

    Righteous Purpose allows a unit to pile-in and fight a second time. So it works only for melee weapons. 

  3. 7 hours ago, Saxon said:

    I played last night against Khorne with 6 banners and had 8 command points at the end of the game. I lost by a single wound!!!!!!! We played shifting objectives and his blood secrator held the key objective on turn 5 and i could only get 4 wounds on him.  I was one failed save away from tabling him. 

    The hardest part i've found with my freeguild heavy list is that having all these command points and abilities does nothing for me other than the typical stand and shoot. Good for shooting units off objectives but it's hard to claim them in a small game. 

    Remember the 3 new generic Command Abilities! Re-rolling 1 to-hit either for missile or melee weapons and re-rolling saving throws of 1. 
    Getting that sweet re-roll on 2+/2+ handgunners is really good. Demigryph knights get deadlier too. 

    In regards to capturing objectives, if you feel like you are not mobile enough think about getting some Shadow Warriors. While they don't have any banners, deep striking is quite useful. 

  4. Greetings fellow admirals!

    Im currently painting my second frigat and that got me thinking, how many ships is enough?
    Currently I own two frigats, two gunhaulers and one Ironclad and im thinking about getting a second Ironclad.

    How big are your fleets? Just one frigat? One of everything? Or armadas so large, even a duardin from Barak-Zilfin would say: "thats a bit much, dont you think?"


  5. As others have said, there are more than enough heroes on foot in the game. Wizards and other support heroes are almost always on foot. 

    I mean, the only new FEC kit is the Arch-Regent on foot. 

    The fact that there are enough small heroes aside, I like the current situation. Big heroes and faction leaders stand out and are easily recongnizeable. Which, in my opinion, is much better than the opposite case where I may confuse my general and a squad leader. 

  6. 45 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    I like the tidbits of lore they showed us so far.

    The only thing I really don’t like is the Battletome cover-image

    Yeah, I didnt liked it back when the Everchosen book came out. I would have prefered something else. 


    Speaking of art, I really really like this one:


    The twisted mirror version of classical "angelic host" drawings. 

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  7. 22 minutes ago, Ghark said:

    Unfortunately, christmas slot is already taken by Psychic Awakening :(

    I dont think so. The last few years, Christmas has been a large update for one faction (GloomspiteGits, Nurgle, Tzeentch) while Psychic Awakening has been rather small on the model side, so far.

  8. I wouldnt bet on it but I could see GW doing something similar like Pyschic Awakening. Now that almost every Battletome is atleast 2.0-ready, a series of campaign books could be a great way to add new stuff to existing factions. 

    This would also be an ideal opportunity to add endless spells/terrain to the books lacking them right now.

    So, more of an 2.5 update instead of a 3.0 overhaul. 

  9. My local group is currently trying to craft some rules for an AoS league next year. 

    Some ideas: 

    - point limits are up to the player but atleast 1000 points, If both cant agree on a set amount it defaults to 1500 points. 

    - 1 game per month 

    - players are locked into one faction for the entire league. We are still debating If players should be allowed to switch armies within their Grand Alliance. So we can get a bit more variety, as some factions are rather limited in regards to list diversity and playing the same list for half a year can get boring quickly. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Aphotic said:

    His wizard tends to be either a hidden branchwych or arlielle, which can ambush, so getting rid of her is difficult. If he ambushes arlielle he holds the bird back so it cant get hit without its buff.


    The +1 to wound doesnt apply to the mount? 

    The wizard has to be within 12" of the phoenix to give the +1 save! If he keeps his phoenix back to stay with the wych, just ignore them. If he is not in range of his blizzard he is basically dead weight.

    No. Warlord traits never apply to the mount as written in the core rules. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, schwabbele said:

    iron oak artisan command trait of living city gives +1 to save and wound

    12 minutes ago, Aphotic said:

    I guess it gets plus one to hit rolls and to wound for the warlord trait; I meant to type 3+. Just seems excessive with all the shrugs and negative to wound etc.

    Ah! Okay, I thought Phoenicium at first. All right! Remember, the trait only gives the +1 to wound only to his halberd, not the phoenix! 

    Try to snipe his wizards so he doesnt get the +1 to saves and whittle him down from afar with mortals or high rend attacks. Maybe tie him down with tarpit units. Dont try to fight him in close combat. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Kuick said:

    Hi there,

    I have a question about the Feeding frenzy ability.

    I had a game yesterday with a guy who's used to play FEC. He told me that I can't use the feeding frenzy ability with my "Blisterskin" allegiance, because this ability is exclusive to Court of delusions.

    But I don't see anything about it in the BT 😕 Is he right ?

    Feeding frenzy is part of the normal Flesh-Eater Courts allegiance. Just like your Blisterskin army. Blisterskin is just a sub-faction. 

    Maybe he mixed it up with the old battletome. 

  13. I took my Hammerhal force for a spin at a local 1250p tag team tournament this weekend. 

    I played this list: 

    Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar
    - City: Hammerhal
    Mortal Realm: Ghyran

    Freeguild General (100)
    - General
    - Trait: Blood of the Twelve
    - Artefact: The Twinstone
    Knight-Incantor (140)
    - Spell: Lore of Cinder - Cindercloud (Hammerhal Wizard)
    - City Role: General's Adjutant (Must be 6 wounds or less)

    3 x Demigryph Knights (180)
    - Cavalry Halberd
    10 x Freeguild Greatswords (160)
    10 x Freeguild Guard (80)
    - Swords and Shields
    - City Role: Honoured Retinue (Must be 5-20 models)
    10 x Freeguild Guard (80)
    - Swords and Shields
    10 x Freeguild Handgunners (100)
    10 x Freeguild Handgunners (100)
    10 x Freeguild Handgunners (100)

    5 x Freeguild Pistoliers (100)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Everblaze Comet (100)

    Total: 1240 / 1250

    I had fun playing my army. But once again I was made painfully aware of my lack of speed and range. My 30 Handgunners are quite powerful and well protectet by the 20 Guardsmen and the Greatswords, but everyone but the Longrifles lack the range to fight an opponent that doesnt want to be caught. 

    One game I spent three turns moving my gunners up the field and I only got to shoot once with one squad. 

    I liked the Demigryphs but I definitly need more than just 3 to do some real damage. Im planning on downgrading my Knight-Incantor to a Battlemage and dropping the Comet. 

    Here have some pictures from that day: 


    Also, while looking at the banners I remembered that I rolled really good. I had 3-5 CP every turn! That is one of my favorite CoS abilities. 

    • Like 3
  14. 12 minutes ago, Rupert1983 said:


    Hi there!

    I'm new in Aos, although not new in battle kind of games.


    I start playing with daughters of khaine and I have a few general questions:

    1. When model is equipped with several melee weapons, does this model attacks with all of its weapons or just with one. F.e.  Sisters of slaughter - two weapons, whip and knife - do they attack with both?

    2. Witch Aelves - weapons - Sacrificial knife has a characteristic of 2 attacks. Special rule “paired sac knifes” states that the model makes +1 attack. Does this mean that this unit can make 3 attacks or this “bonus attack” is already written in weapons characteristic of knives (2)?

    3. SLAUGHTER QUEEN on CAULDRON - it seems a little bit tricky, because the model is a single model composed with a queen, 2 aelves and avatar of khaine (statue). And now, wrath of khaine ability: do this model has it? Because I have the Avatar of Khaine on the battlefield as a statue on Caldron or I have to use a separate warscroll named “avatar of khaine” to possess this ability?
      Other words, can Caldron of blood ALONE (without any extra Avatars), use a Wrath of Khaine, to animate the statue and then attack with Burning blood and Khain’s sword? Or I need to have caldron and Khain’s avatar warscroll, the use Khains wrath to animate both, Avatar of Khaine and Avatar of Khaine statue on Caldron?

    4. Avatar of Khaine = Avatar of Khaine statue ???


    Thanks for your help and patient 

    Best regards


    1. A model attacks with all weapons its equiped with. So the Sisters of Slaughter attacks with their whip and knife.

    2. 3 attacks if equiped with 2 knifes.  

    3. Yes. The Cauldron also includes an Avatar as you cant field a Cauldron without the Avatar on the back. You have to animate the statue to make use of its attacks (or wait until its animated automatically in turn 3). The Avatar of Khaine (the statue on its own) is a seperated unit. You only need the warscroll of the unit you are fielding. 

  15. 14 minutes ago, Panzer said:

    So basically what I said. Release new models. Not sure what your point is.

    The amount of new stuff. Your post read like you were expecting re-designs of almost all Fantasy armies, while I agree more with the other post. Maybe we get a few new Tomb Kings/Bretonnia and the rest will be single models. So not 3-4 Dwarven infantry sets but maybe a new Anvil of Doom, etc...

  16. 32 minutes ago, Panzer said:

    Unlikely. Those models are really old compared to todays standards. GW is releasing systems to sell models. Putting in the effort and ressources of 3+ years to create a new system just to sell outdated models makes no sense whatsoever.

    Creating new models is really expensive. Its not viable for GW to pump a lot of ressources into a game that may bomb. 

    Just look at 30K. That game was/is a cash cow and GW only produced a handfull of plastic kits! 

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