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Posts posted by flamingwalnut

  1. Looks very snazzy! One thing I would consider: the silver looks nice and your bases look nice, but together they kind of blend in together. Perhaps add a bit of color to the base (or armor) to make the contrast a bit more? Also, in general, looks like a coating of Nuln Oil can help to make a lot of the details pop! Shades are great for getting into those cracks and giving it some definition. 

  2. 10 hours ago, Ciliegioinfiore said:

    Guys what do you think about gotrek’s point reduction? Any suggestions for a 1000 points list based on him?

    Honestly, he seems sooo much better, but he still has his weaknesses. 1000 points is still a low game to have him, as he will need support and still can only cover so much ground... 

    Emerald Lifeswarm being able to be controlled and moving more is AMAZING for him. We still have the Ghur Battlemage to give bonuses to run and charge.

    On the other hand, Cogs no longer buffs his regular movement and he still costs a LOT. I think he is really worth it, but still needs to be built around and needs to supplement a force instead of be the only hammer in it, so bigger points are better, IMO. 

  3. Not sure why people think the Dawnbringer Crusades are going to erase Cities of Sigmar. They come from Cities to make more Cities. It's an expansion and also a MAJOR way to cement the common Cities into lore.

    And it also helps to explain the dwarf book, too. We don't have a major city in Chamon. But Grungni is building something IN Chamon. So it stands fo reason that that becomes a new city with a HEAVY duardin focus, maybe even putting in something like KOs Barak Thryng to include all Duardin.

    I would almost bet my army that there will be another Cities of Simar book (MAYBE with a name change) and it'll have the additional Cities in as well; Lethis, Excelsis, Settler's Gain, Misthaven, Grungni's Karak. Hell, maybe even Har Kuron as Morathi is still a "lesser of two evils" to Sigmar.

    I do agree, unsouping armies is a big deal and can and will ****** people off. But they have no reason to actually do so! Sure, Nighthaunt got finally removed from Soulblight, but that was ONE small piece and already had a book to go to. They also can still ally. 

    Maybe I am wrong, but while I do believe the rumors to have truth to them (united duardin, kurnothi, shadow elves) I think they will either work with Cities or be SUPER different.

    • Thanks 3
  4. 4 hours ago, Sinarai said:

    I would love to see a paint blog by you, with or without conversions (but if course conversions only add to the fun), so I'm definitely cheering you on for a paint blog here lol any ideas you want to share or keeping them close to the chest (completely understand!)? 

    Yes! Yes! And yes! I really dislike the color scheme of the poster boys of Ymertrica lol i dunno. Too pure for me lol it helps that my Ilithians have denounced Tyrion and Teclis as their gods though lol


    I just live the rebirth and Destruction theme and Volcanoes just fit perfectly in that theme... so wanted to paint them kinda volcanic/you can see the darkness/rage/loss in the colors they have chosen from the Spirefall... but also the hope they feel with the bright greens (and blues) of rebirth/rejuvenation of their own people feel about their future. I try to put symbols/thoughts into most things i do, if even eventually. 


    Keep me poated on that blog! I have a nee large Lumineth kitbash on the horizon, and a Hathorian one. Going to be a crazy few months between those and just normal battleline stuff!

    I am actually figuring out exactly what I want to do for my next project, which will hopefully start in the Animosity campaign I just spotted you in! Small world! Since you asked, I'll share a few ideas I have been tossing around:

     - An Order-alligned group of Skaven running a shadow network to free slaves and topple tyrants (look to my profile picture for my inspiration there... lol) 

     - An engineering guild with a host of weird contraptions and steam punk tech. Very vague in concept, but certainly has potential.

     - The knightly order of my Vampire Queen, who hails from Ghur and specializes in raising and bonding with Dragons.

     - An ancient Duardin line that communes with a Crystal of Hysh for guidance. Has a grudge against the Lumineth for all the damage done during the Spirefall. 

    And all of those are just a taste of who all lives in my wild city, split into 8 sections based off the 8 realms/winds of Magic! lol Very much themed like the old College of Magic from Fantasy. 

    Will try and get a Plog started soon! 

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  5. 3 hours ago, Sinarai said:

    Slowly making progress on these 3 wardens, 5 more for my first 10 after this. Oof lol

    There is a reason i usually paint big models, but we're powering through! I want a battleline lol



    Seeing Lumineth in dark and even broody colors makes me happy. Teclis has always been on my "Love to Hate" list (all in fun) so it is great to see his pure and perfect boys be dark and gritty. Still wonderfully regal, though! Gonna look great as a regiment!

    But yes, with these fun paint jobs and conversions, you earn the compliments. One day soon I might actually get a project log up here, pushing out some of my MANY conversion ideas. For now I admire and take notes. This full army will look amazing!

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  6. Absolutely gorgeous work, all of it. Have been a huge fan of your conversion, painting, and lore work since I found you on that Lumineth hobby thread. If I hadn't said it already, absolute props to all that you have done.

    I am always a big fan of minotaur stuff, especially the kind and enlightened ones. I chalk it up to Warcraft. lol These versions of yours are great and the yak conversions are fun. Super inspiring. 

    The destruction and rebirth theming is top notch and fits the unique Lumineth naturalist vibe. 

    Lastly, I applaud your desire to just...make what you want. Kit bashing can get expensive and just diving in to create what you WANT, no matter what the rules or what is good says, is some serious hobby energy I aspire to! Keep it up, looking forward to more!

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  7. Absolutely inspiring! While I personally prefer working from official tomes just to make things easier for others, I ADORE this project. So many wonderful ideas and absolute dedication to those masterful conversions.

    Is there more conversions of the early city on the way? Or perhaps a full curated library of your work? Would love to see more, can't get enough of the detail and style. Truly inspiring.

  8. On 5/26/2021 at 4:51 AM, Lightbox said:

    So I put together a WIP warscroll for a hero that I'm considering using in a narrative path to glory campaign I'm planning with some friends using 25dp Anvil of Apotheosis heroes as our generals who will get more points over the campaign. Still working out how to make some battleplans to encourage narrative rather than competitive playstyles (aka battleplans that aren't just smash opponent / smash opponent whilst holding objectives) but I'm definitely looking forward to it! Planning to make this character from a blood knight with some standing legs. Still debating whether to be curse of X or mounted for them but I have time to play around!


    My advice to create narrative battleplans? Work out what the objective is.

    Defending a village? Than attackers should get points for destroying buildings and escaping off the defenders board edge to terrorize citzens.

    Fonts of power and rituals make for fun narrative missions. Completing a spell cast or prayer each turn can push the ritual forward (or something similar) and the enemy must stop it. Might want to make additional rules to protect the ritual person while they work...

    If you ponder the narrative of what each army wants and how they can get it, you can often find a story you can tell. Even just some story leadup and special terrain can make for a great narrative battle.

    • Like 1
  9. Great paint job, love the color contrast.

    I personally never do my bases first, though I sometimes think I should. Mostly because it is hard to get much more than texture painted under the model. But I also would rather glue my model right to the base instead of onto the paintjob or texture paint of the base itself.

  10. I've been considering a lot of "Dragon Based" armies lately, due to both awesome lore in my head and GW's surprising lack of dragon focused armies.

    Lord-Celestant on Stardrake would be perfect for that beast of a model, and will likely get at least a rework in the up and coming Stormcast Eternals redo. As for the rest of the army...that gets weird. Gyrocopters aren't bad for little dragons, though they lack some combat punch that a beast with teeth and claws might have.  General/Battlemages on Griffons or of course the Dreadlord/Sorceress on Dragon can work for smaller dragons and such, just converting the Black Dragon mini into a less ridden form. Hydras can make solid wingless Dragonoids!

    For a dragon RUN city, then having plenty of mortal servants for Freeguild/Duardin/Elven guard to run city proper. Simple motifs like Dragon helmets, dragon carvings on shield, or even diving deeper into a primal dragon deals with Realm of Beasts relations, you can have sacred dragon bones and such. Which could even blend into Realm of Death stuff?

    Cities runs a LOT of potential counts as, so honestly, just finding a balanced list and switching up the models as you like will often work fine. Having that big dragon centerpiece and several other Dragon tidbits will often get the point across. Having a Monster heavy Cities army isn't bad and will likely improve with the new fun stuff monsters can do in this new edition. 

  11. This book is even farther away from Necromancer focus than the previous Legion of Nagash, which is a shame. I won't get into the discussion of "So many little, obvious changes to make the book better" but the fact is that, you really want to use the Vampire units and ignoring ALL of them is going to be rough.

    BUT! It's not impossible. 

    My first suggestion is: take the warscrolls you like, but theme the models differently. Nothing to say the Coven Throne can't be a Necromancer using Blood Magic. Nothing to say the Vengorian Lord or Lord on Zombie Dragon can't be a powerful necromancer on a twisted beast buffed by the revitalizing powers of undeath. With a bit of creativity and model conversions, any unit can be both recognizable as what it is and also be what you desire.

    If that really doesn't work for you, you're not DOOMED for a poor list. Avengorii focuses more on monsters than vampires. Legion of Night, though, is probably your best bet. 

    Necromancers have the better spell lore and Corpse Carts can buff their casting. Grave Guard can be beasts in combat, as can Zombies with a few non-Vampire buffs. Skeletons are self sufficient, for the most part, and while your units will lack speed, the outflanking of Legion of Night helps immensely. You can add Chronomatic Cogs to make charges faster and your skellies/zombies faster in general and with Morbheg's Claw, a Corpse Cart, and the Mortis Engine, you can have +4 to cast! 

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, Thamalys said:

    Thanks folks - all of your thoughts are very much appreciated!

    It used to be because: (1) they lack, by definition, any personality. At heart, I am a skirmish game player, in that I tend to think a lot about each unit/model. I like a story for each thing in my list. Sure, you can write narrative in your head for Deathrattle stuff as well, but it's maybe not that epic as the deeds of a vampire lord (in my mind at least!). Big blobs of mindless hordes don't do it for me; (2) Deathrattle units are all awfully slow. It's true that with the new gravesites mechanic that's less of an issue, but still; (3) The models were bloody awful. Now, that's not the case anymore, the new skeletons are actually quite cool.

    Alright, so this is something that pains me quite a bit. I have 12 Vargheists (VG), all painted in a color scheme that I like a lot - and I only ever used them in narrative events. Sadly, I don't think they got any better with the new book - they just can't hope to compete against Blood Knights (BK). BK are 195 points for 5, VG are 155 points for 3. They are both excellent hammers, albeit BK deal more damage in almost any situation (assuming the Riders of Ruin will do what we think it should do, i.e. the BKs get damage 2 basically every turn). The one big ol' problem is the save. BK are on 3+, VG are on a 5+. The gap is immense and means that BK can also be an anvil - VG die to a stiff breeze. This is especially key given that both BK and VG can (in specific builds) deep strike 9" away - the big difference between the two is that if you don't make the 9" charge (which you usually won't, unless you invest in the Reikenor+Cogs combo, and even then...) it's a bad day for your BK but an absolute disaster for your VG. You would really only deep strike them if you are about to get the possibility for a double turn, and even then it'd be a gamble. VG should either be 120 points or being summonable. That's my thinking - please do try to convince me otherwise, as I'd love to bring them!

    This is very true... "A vampire rose by any other name would smell as sweet", I guess.

    BK in Kastelai become very interesting indeed. I still think the Souldbound Garments are crazy good for a VLoZD, though.

    It's incredible, isn't it? There is NO point whatsoever in bring those guys along for the ride.

    Maybe ;) At the moment, here's a work-in-progress LoB list with no DEATHRATTLE...

    VLoZ (General, Soulbound Garments, Aura of Dark Majesty, Amethystine Pinions)

    Neferata (Overwhelming Dread)

    Coven Throne (Vile Transference)

    3 x 10 Wolves

    2 x 5 BK

    1 DreadBlade Harrow (little annoying thing) or 1 extra CP plus and an endless spell. 

    But yes, let's say that I was to forget about names and labels and opt for the Kastelai instead. At that point I'd probably want to spam as many BK was possible. However, wolves are probably the best screening unit in the game, so I'd probably still bring them. An interesting option is that of swapping the Coven Throne for Belladamma... well, we shall see.

    At the heart of it all is my desire for a truly elite vampire army, which is doable - it just does not feel very competitive. In fact, I would go as far as saying that LoB is probably the least competitive sub-faction in the whole book, as the battletraits are bloody awful and the battleline bespoke option (Black Knights) is absolute trash.

    Maybe bravery will become more relevant in AoS 3, and I think you guys are right - perhaps this book was truly written with AoS 3.0 in mind and it will reach its full potential only when the new version will land. Who knows. After all, I seem to recall this was the case with the LoN book as well, so maybe we are in for a treat. I should clarify that my intent is not that to complain (I got my plastic Blood Knights, I am good for the next 5 years) but simply that of trying to find the sweet spot between something fairly competitive and my "idea" of Neferata's vampires.

    For the Deathrattle issue of personality, they don't HAVE to be devoid of personality, even the lowly warrior.

    There are entire Deathrattle Kingdoms, and while the Wight King obviously has a kind of personality, each Warrior can have all sorts of personality to them.

    I find, for skeletons, to have a echo of their past lives. One skeleton can be aggressive and loud (I imagine some sort of supernatural wail), one can be a quiet shield wall with a tactical mind. Or maybe the Grave Guard are the soldiers and skeleton warriors are poor conscripts, fated to never see their homes again as they are lost to another lifetime.

    The rules aren't always perfect, but Age of Sigmar does so well with a blank canvas. So much magic and oddities and exceptions to be made. Always worth a shot! 

    • Like 5
  13. As someone who played Legion of Blood in the old book, with up to 15 Blood Knights at a time, I feel ya. But I got to say......since Legion of Blood has changed so much, what ARE you really attached to? 

    Neferata can be used in any Bloodline. She doesn't benefit from Kastelai battle traits, but she can be played there. And then you get Blood Knight battleline and some cool buffs. While Legion of Blood has some awesome tricks, as you noted, Kastelai does too and you can save up to 400ish points on Dire Wolf battleline with them as well, letting you fill out with bodies you actually want. 

    At this point, while there are some cool traits and artifacts, I feel like you are attached to a name and not a concept. Neferata's Vampire Guard comes from Kastelai and her own Legion is instead her showing off her legion of loyal and disciplined Deathrattle legions, which are perfect tools and loyal subjects to build her crafty wall around and keep those backstabbing rivals from getting at her for any sort of advantage. 

    So expecting Legion of Blood to be Vampire Legion is missing the concepts for loyalty to the name. Legion of Blood is a different beast than it used to be, because the focus has shifted. 

    • Like 4
  14. 5 hours ago, Lightbox said:

    For my soulblight they are led by a pair of twins. Cassia von Ravenspeak who is my vlord on zombie dragon (also have a horse mounted version of her) and now I have a model for her sister Lucia von Ravenspeak. Lucia is my 'Vengorian lord' or rather she's the graceful vampire stood in front whilst her corrupted shados takes hideous form representative of her monsterous nature to destroy enemies. Still working on fleshing out lore for the twins but will definitely be making anvil of blood versions of them too!



    Wow, that is a cool conversion and I LOVE your lore! I also have some sisters in my lore (which may get an overhaul) but only 1 is a vampire and it was a way to have background lore for armies of all alliances. 

    Can't wait to see it painted up, as the actual Vengorian Lord model is like a shadow familiar/construct? That is a fantastic idea! 

    Will see if I can put some lore soon. Sadly, while I still got a few models I need to finish, I probably won't be getting any new models for a week or so. So this army may be more of a slow grow than I intended, but hey, I got....a lot of stuff to work on. 

    • Thanks 1
  15. 5 hours ago, Sception said:

    The mortis engine rider has never been a necromancer in the past.  It would be cool if he was one going forward, I've often said I'd like to see a caster hero version of the mortis engine.  But as it is, no.

    That said, while I don't think they've been specifically shown, necromancers have been mentioned a few times in SG promortional material, and the new book is confirmed to maintain a whole separate lore for Deathmages, so shown or not they've effectively confirmed regardless.

    I had to double check, because I SWORE Mortis Engines were a mount option for Lord Necromancers in Fantasy, but nope... That is...such a weird thing. I have no idea why, it would fit PERFECTLY!

    But Corpse Carts COULD be mounts. Basically, while my focus is on Vampires and Wights, I really do love Necromancers and would also LOVE for them to bring back hero Corpse Carts and even introduce Mortis Engines. Given the expansion with the Blood Palaquin, there is NO reason they cannot. It requires nothing but a small bit to make up a Warscroll. Fingers crossed! 

  16. Hm, well, I admit, I was a little uncertain about this being SO close to Legions of Nagash. BUT, the more I dig through the specific changes, the more I like it. 

    The major things, like Zombie Dragon battleline and the Vykros having multiple generals (I assume like the Slaanesh sub-faction, which I love) are awesome and fall right into what I am looking for. I legit wanted a Zombie Dragon heavy army originally, and it was a reason I got into FEC in the first place. I have sold off my FEC and even chunks of my Legions of Nagash, so this is kind of the time to re consolidate and reconsider... But...with what? 

    Obviously there is a LOT more to check out here, but even if this is a retweak of LON that bumps up the overall power of warscrolls and such, that is not a BAD thing, not at all. Wholly Within and is perfectly fine, I've used it with big blocks in Cities of Sigmar and I have no real issues. 

    The real question at this moment is how "fast" do I want this army. Not in the army speed, but how quickly I build it up. lol I will likely start with painting and setting up what I do have and then considering the current Start Collectings still on my local shop's shelves. 

    What do people think of the current Start Collectings? None of them work 100% barring some 1/4 allying in of Nighthaunt or FEC. But we can get Zombie Dragon/Varghests in one, Coven Throne/Black Knights in another, and the best is the Mortarch, Skellies, and Black Knights for the third.

    Tempted by the third one, but uncertain of how much I care for Neferata (Mannfred will get none of my respect lol) and Arkhan might be a fun bit for a Necromancer or Wight King. But I have 10 sword and board skellies and 10 Cursed City skellies...so another 10 would be 30 and I am pretty sure that "odd" number will end up being worthless. RIP... 

  17. 19 hours ago, Akylas said:

    I definitely agree with the idea vampire lords should be stronger, and would be willing to pay more in points for that strength and/or more customization options.

    I bought models in the wfb days but didn't start playing until AOS 2.0.  I think I just always had this idea in my head of Vampire Lords being rare but very powerful.


    Nothing too set in stone but I have some ideas about my army. Some basic thoughts for characters to lead the army. I used Inkarnate to make a map of the cheesily named Valley of Woe, a backwater area that was sacked and forgotten in the age of chaos, and only now starting to come back. My wife's Nighthaunts and my Ironjawz are also going to be tied to the area. 

    If it's feasible I want to be able to field a wight king and skeleton + necromancer and zombie army as well as vamps.

    Once the book's in my hands I hope to get a more concrete idea of where I'm going.

    Are you planning to rework some fluff for your chacters for the new stuff?

    At the moment, not quite sure. I am SUPER curious about the new bloodlines and where they may take the idea of Vampires. As well as what kind of lists I want to run. 

    One thing I want to flesh out and use more is the hordes. My first foray into Legions of Nagash actually had very FEW hordes. I have min squad skellies and several dire wolves. My Coven Throne, Blood Knights, and Zombie Dragon were the big, elite hitters. The new zombies (and idea of zombies as an almost beastial horde, sounds like a lot of fun. I have a bunch of old zombies at a friend's place, so it's a great start, even if those are really....bad and old. lol 

    But will post more lore and stuff on the forum as I get closer. I want to catalog all my lore soon, maybe get back into a lore building project. 

    • Like 1
  18. Whew, read through all the pages. Feels wild.

    I am stoked for this army but a lot of the final "what do I WANT from this army" will rely on the rules and army composition. I love the 1 in 4 that they did with Cities and would to see that here in some subfactions or what have you. The breaking the Grand Alliance barrier by including Cities of Sigmar as a 1 in 4 or something would make for some GREAT conversion options.

    It's funny, though. My first actual "purchased for AoS" and not a Fantasy carry over was Legions of Nagash. Bought Dragon Princes for Blood Knights and used Spiders from Spiderfang for my Dire Wolves. It was wild!

    It was also my first major step into Narrative gaming for real. My Vampire Queen was from the Realm of Beasts and was eager to take back her kingdom from Chaos. Lots of Dragon themes and bestial magic. Was so much fun. It also makes me happy that I can lean into this theme even more with the Vykros!

    I hope the Coven Throne is buffed and good. It is by far my favorite piece and almost had me starting Vampire Counts when it came out. So beautiful and would love to return to it and clean up the paintjob and maybe convert it some more!

    What kind of narrative ideas and themes have you all made for your vampires before? Or are you starting fresh after tasting the new lore when the book drops?

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  19. I find them to be almost completely different units. Their REAL differences are their defining feature: Deep Strike vs Overwatch.

    Handgunners make a good bunker and castle, even a screen against alpha strikes. Shadow Warriors sneak onto far away objectives and threaten squishy wizards. Personally, they are far too different to compete for the same slot.

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