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Posts posted by flamingwalnut

  1. I admit, little disappointed. Previewing a second box set after the first is filled with new and anticipated models? 

    That said, the optimist in me likes the new character and hope they can balance out unique buffs. I do like heroes, and having a variety is cool.

    The promise of more to come is nice. At the very least, some rule tweaks and Path to Glory rules will be cool. Or maybe this'll be news on whatever the united duardin rumor stuff is all about. Either way, Slaanesh is poised to be my focus this year, but Fyreslayers are a core army of mine now. 

  2. On 12/12/2021 at 12:48 PM, Hanneskannes said:

    Skaven come in devastating numbers... i feel you^^

    I began this "marathon" like u to start a new army next year. I favour one from following 3 possible roumors. New free People, Malerions folk or at last Chaos Dwarfes if i like theit style. 

    With some Soulblight Gravelords on the side to complete a small force.

    What do you aim for?

    My 1k Skaven force has 9 models! lol Power of Skryre tech!

    As for my future project? No real idea, sorting that out now. Got a few ideas, like Slaanesh of Craftworld Eldar who seem to be getting a lot of goodies, but we shall see. Would love to start a blog like this and others, but that is a lot of work to keep up with!

  3. 8 hours ago, Hanneskannes said:

    Hey mate. Thank you very much. I try my best. At the moment Iam working throuh the newest sprues and ideas. So its kind of working. But Iam a little afraid of the grim rest...

    whats on your desk right now?

    Way too much. lol Got a small Skaven force I was workin on. Got 2 dragon models I am gonna paint up for presents. And then gonna hack at as much backlog as possible before I add a new project for the new year. lol

  4. Haven't done one of these in a while, but figured I should at least try. Got a silly 1k Skaven army I am gonna try and finish for a tournament this weekend. After that, the hope is that I can wrap up at least a few projects to a decent point so I can feel better about starting a new project for the New Year! lol Wish me luck!

    So I got to do:
    1 more Stormfiend
    Unit of 3 Stormfiends
    1 Doomwheel
    1 Bombadier

    Already finished the half done Stormfiend and the Ratling Gun conversion shown below. 

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  5. Personally I love the crazy guys for sculpts, but I also just love the horrifying fanatic church cult stuff. And yes, I do play Sisters of Battle and even a bit of Witchhunters. lol

    I even made a portion of my city fit that, so really it is only a matter of time for a huge unit of 30....but they are webstore (so no discount) and I have been iffy on Hordes which has, well, lessened my drive for Cities overall as we are either a Horde-ish army or a spamming gimmick.

    Not that I get to play much Warhammer these days, just watch. Troubles of working at a game sbop. lol

  6. 20 hours ago, Evantas said:

    If you want to go in on Admech, might as well do a tempests eye look and go all in. 

    Sydonian dragoons work as demigryphs, archaeopters work as gyrocopters / bombers.

    Not sure what works for griffons. But I'll be looking at dropping stomcast riders our of their dragons and putting sorcs and dreadlords on them and calling them black dragons, maybe you can do the same for Griffon riders.

    The dragoons are a bit big for Demis, but the mechanical hound riders would work! Just need some lances/halberds and to remove the more egregious tech. 

    Archaeoraptors are WAAAAY too big for Copters! They are closer to a Frigate/Ironclad. Unless you meant the Pteraxi, the winged dudes. Guess they could be copters.

    Freeguild replacement is hard. Ad mech are ok, though can feel VERY out of place if the rest of your army doesn't have a Steampunk feel. Cutting back the extra button panels, wires, and excess tech can help. 

    Some of the Warcry warbands can work with a bit of conversions back to Order. Might give a better aesthetic you want.

  7. 17 hours ago, Popisdead said:

    I'm wondering that too.  Magic is really good and CoS mages get +1 to cast endless spells.  I played today with a Beast Mage and he got off nothing, even with +3 to cast Cogs,..  


    On another note: if a Runelord takes the Curse from the BRB, which is normally on a 4+, does it replace his curse or is it in addition?  And then more importantly is it cast on a 4+ or a 2+ (as per his warscroll)?


    Thanks kindly

    Taking a generic curse doesn't remove warscroll ones, though he can only pray a certain amount of times. And unless a priest gets a BUFF to his prayers, they are still on a 4+. His warscrolls prayers are listed as 2+ but that only applies to those 2. He uses the general rules for priests for the generic ones.

    On the magic side of things, I think the Warsong/Ancient combo is SUPER good. Need to look over the Sylvaneth lore more, as that will make or break how useful that is. The Ancient is fine by himself, but it is all really expensive to add...

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  8. 17 hours ago, Arathorn185 said:

    Hey guys simple question does CoS have ang way to ger a move 8+ Character character with is legal for retinues and adjuncts? 

    Do you need them to keep up with something specific? Because 8+ is any decent run roll, so keeping up with aura and such is fine on foot.

    Sadly, if I understand your question, Knight Azyros WOULD fit, but he can't be your general. If you wanted a fast ADJUNCT, he works, but not as a general in CoS as coalition units can no longer be generals.

    You COULD create an Anvil of Apotheosis character for your specific need. So, depending on what ya need it for and who ya play with...

  9. Since Destruction hasn't had Centaurs until now, my hope is he heralds more variety for Destruction. Love me some Greenskins and Ogors, but we need more. 

    For a bit of a spitball here, I would like to see/expect to see:

    Beastmen perhaps be the first cross Alliance army and start to mingle with Destruction, too. 
    Literal army of Elementals (GW, pleeeeeease!)
    More generic God-ish beasts, preferably ones who fit all of Destruction. Would love to eventually just have a roster of massive beasts to throw around in any Destruction army.

    Perhaps even with 3.0 being more Destruction focused we get generic Endless Spells for them, like we did with Death endless spells in Forbidden Power. Makes sense and could be fun. 

  10. On 7/30/2021 at 1:49 AM, BaronBanana said:

    I'm playing Settler's Gain in a Path to Glory league and I was wondering if Avalenor and the Stoneguard would compliment CoS models

    Sure! Avalenor is an epic beast and the Stoneguard are more elite version of Hammerers. Certainly perfectly fine additons, though the Stoneguard don't get all their toys and aren't AS unique with proper duardin running around. lol

    But make your army as you please, you are working with solid units!

  11. On 7/27/2021 at 5:32 PM, vorathian said:

    is the new krondys dragon only for the hammers of sigmar? if so that would be a real shame.

    No idea, we haven't been told, but I doubt it. Hammers already got their Lord Commander and nothing about either suggests a very particular allegiance.

    But until the book releases, who knows.

  12. Definitely HEAVILY considering going hard on Dragons. Stormcast were in a weird side spot for me, supplementing my Cities until I see if they can finally make pure Stormcast interesting for me. 

    Now this. Oh my... Been wanting a dragon army for a WHILE, though mine had more ties to Soulblight....might have to figure some conversions...? Who knows.

  13. That's a fun inspiration for your orks! It's weird, that 80s fantasy style was never nostalgic for me as it is for those who grew up with it, but it was ALWAYS in the background as I grew up. lol

    The Kruleboys are a great way to bring out these inspirations. And I am quite fascinated about your painting process. Fun to see something new.

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  14. On 7/30/2021 at 12:52 PM, Nos said:

    Hi All  

    Apologies but this is on hold as my heart currently belongs to the crooked vibes of the Kruleboyz. You can see how I'm getting on with them here if so inclined: 


    Hahaha, just as I find this blog. Hey, I am right with ya, follow your dreams and passions! I have been going through the same, trying to motivate myself with schedules and pledges and while it can be fine, when it burns out, it burns hard. Your hobby should never be your job. Some people make it work, but god it is a hard road to travel.

    I'll be excited to see the Kruleboys grow, they are a cool force! May your hobby make ya smile.

  15. The GW box for Timeworn Ruins on their website matches the rubble. Bit expensive for bases, but it can add to your bigger models and characters

    To help tie the infantry and such together with whoever gets the rubble bases, paint any non-rubble ground with a cohesive Texture paint or something similar. A cohesive color and texture can do wonders for tying an army together.

  16. On 6/25/2021 at 7:39 PM, Baron Klatz said:

    Honestly I'm wondering if GW's getting ready to throw us a curveball. Despite the soup theories Kharadron in both the corebook and white dwarf aren't fans of Grungni and need to be tricked by him while certainly a very popular faction on their own so aren't that threatened by it.

    Meanwhile Sylvaneth are more and more showing their love for the little lads be it in Soulbound or their new allies focus being only the Duardin for CoS.(hilarious to think how they'd rather take them over Wanderers whose aelfy throats they still want to throttle)


     I'm wondering if we're due for a big surprise with Dispossessed being replaced with Clans of the Realms that are Fyreslayers + stuff like Grungni's new stuff (Gholemkin race of metal people) and other Duardin of the realms like the Rootkings & their Sylvaneth friends-


    -while the Kharadron and their sky empires are just allies to the clans and lodges growing their empires in the forests, volcanoes and eldritch living mountains of the realms.

    That way Fyreslayers get a huge revamp among other magical duardin above those of the mortal city kind(our fire-breathing ones, those that are full of life magic and ones made of metal replacing the old guys that can just turn into Kharadron as mortals+) for that Lumineth treatment as aelves made of light magic that all know magic and glow in the dark > mortal high aelves while Kharadron keep doing their own thing and occasionally get talked into helping their distant kin by Grungni's personas.

    Just wanted to hop in and weigh in on all of this, since whatever comes of "New Duardin Stuff" basically determines what kind of force I could be slamming money down into. lol The quoted bit I'll get to in a second. 

    I am still hopeful that "Duardin Soup" doesn't mean "Fyreslayer and KO become sub-factions and get nothing ever again." Not only is "Ever" a lofty and over-the-top statement because just because something doesn't get something in a year or two or more doesn't mean it will never come back. Yes, I know GW have squatted armies and wiped model lines, but they've also reinvigorated model lines that were known for their "Never get new models" memes, such as plastic Sisters, Genestealer Cults, Mechanicus, and items like the refresh Lumineth got. Now plastic Death Korps of Krieg have the internet ABLAZE. They KNOW that injecting some love DOES work on selling models.

    The question is instead of a when. They can't release every model at once. Even outside of production, they have a storyline they are keeping to, space to let people build hype, time and space to focus on the new stuff, balancing out different model lines (Aelves have gotten a lot, yeah, but it HASN'T been aelves 24/7...)

    But that is all whatever talk, why I have hope is that Duardin Soup doesn't HAVE to be "cram 3-4 factions into one tome." Cities has been a HUGE indicator of that. The 1 in 4 model is perfect for splashing in units that are closer than allies. They even did it recently with the Beasts of Chaos/Slaves to Darkness FAQs, adding them to Mono God lists in new ways. If we do get a completely new tome, I wouldn't be surprised to see KO, Fyrelsayers, and MAYBE Dispossesed in as 1 in 4. What does go into the new tome...?

    Well, this quoted bit up here makes PERFECT sense to me. Sure, Grungni has talked about unification, but he is also hard at work on some project in Chamon. You don't have a GOD work on something to have it be nothing. Sigmar made the Stormcast, Morahi made the Scatheborn, Teclis had both Lumineth and Idoneth. Grungni will made a new race and amping up the Duardin connection to their homes makes perfect sense. 

    Now, yes, this sounds JUST like Lumineth, bond with the elements and stand stronger, which would be doubtful for GW to repeat themes twice. (Bit of a shame, Lumineth's structure is PERFECT for Duardin, but hey....) But Dawi don't sit and commune with the land and find serenity in balance. They WORK and BUILD and CREATE! Grungni is the MAKER god. So instead of proving themselves to the elements and the land, they forge both the land and themselves. 

    I think Grungni is making more than just Golems. I think he is also making a BLUEPRINT, a way to showcase how to truly THRIVE in the Mortal Realms. He took a page from Grimnir's children and using his tech, he crafted Ancestral Spirit Golems and potent devices, crafted not to be untouchable, but to be perfectly replicated. Bringing in Duardin reforged in resolve and spirit (renewed Dispossesed) alongside Duardin literally reforged in body. And that could be the Chamonic way, these golems and devices could be shifted to take on whatever realmstone and magic they can. Adapt and stand strong. 

    The Root Kings of Ghyran, the Fyreslayers of Aqshy, the Rune Golems of Chamon, the Spectral powered statues of Shyish, the Gem Golems of Hysh, the Umbral golems of Ulgu. The Aelves have a perfect balance, the duardin dive deep into it all, go all in wholesale and take it up. 

    It makes sense. Fyreslayers aren't a dead faction, they are the first step. Each realm can have bolstered forces tuned to their Realms, Duardin and their ancestor golems side by side in a multitude of ways. GW experiments with what worked, expand on what they have, and work with their rather large setting. We get an expansion of Duardin and they get to help a few factions that lost their way. And everyone doesn't lose a thing. 


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  17. 1 hour ago, Sinarai said:

    Ha, thank you! It is definitely a bit over the top I admit lol but meh, makes it even better imo! 

    In my heart i want to respond with something longer, but im so tired my brain is moosh.


    Basically i love your comment, fur coming soon

    Your whole project had been going for gold. And it's your "why not?" attitude that has pushed it to awesome results. Props for just diving in, following an idea and really going hard.

    To weigh in on the sculpting, fur fits your theme far too much so do it, love the ears, and honestly: I think the Ghorgon's feet work fine as is! 

    You said this beast was a bound enemy of your diety? How much are you planning on adding, like chains of brands? Personally, he almost feels like a neighboring tribe. 4 armed elephant has some MAJOR Hindu vibes.

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  18. You ABSOLUTE mad lad! Love it! A bipedal wooly mammoth bound to the will of your Goddess? That sounds absolutely wild. And that's also the kind of wild and crazy thinking I can appreciate from the lore. 

    As with many of your other things, I am certain your green stuff fur will make a GREAT impact to this model. Already I like the idea, though your use of MASSIVE horns and tusks on models they weren't meant for is rather hilarious (in a good way!). Definitely an over-the-top army, and that makes it just fun to watch it come together. Props to you! 

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  19. On 7/17/2021 at 1:52 AM, Sinarai said:

    Working on this Unit for my Hathorians called Mountain Guardians !  Have the base of the model done, now lots of greenstuff work to give them that Hathorian look. Also designed a warscroll for them

    C&C always appreciated 



    Been meaning to catch up with your stuff! Animosity is hard to keep up with! lol

    Been waiting to see more bull infantry! These ones look fantastic, how did you build them? Also, does EACH ONE have a mountain spirit head!?! Either you got a good bits dealer or are made of money! lol

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