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Posts posted by flamingwalnut

  1. Feather for Free Guild...that quiver is very elvish...

    What if they start introducing mixed races, as ways to add to both general factions/aesthetics? So, the Herald of Order is a half-aelf, perhaps? Mixing things from assorted parts of the Grand Alliance would be tge easiest design space, though the DarkOath only fits that if you count her as Chaos Undivided...


  2. 14 minutes ago, Greasygeek said:

    So ehm.. Was that what we waited two weeks to find out? A logo change and a Stormcast cheerleader? 

    To be fair, she is for Chaos, part of the Marauder redesign that started with the Chieftain in the Silver Tower.

    How long does Blood and Glory last? If it is all weekend, this could just be the tip lf the iceberg.

  3. Thry darkened the logo, ya know, for dark times ahead! ....eh.

    I like the chieftain. I always felt the Maurauders were one step away from their own army. Seems they will be the Chaos portion of Malign Portents, for all that may be worth? Would love a quad army campaign release: a big, juicy campaign book and a battletome for each Alliance. Fits with thr Heralds theme.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Aryann said:

    I thought about this idea a while ago but I'm not sure if it's still possible when we have some insects already present in other factions (Sylvaneth, Nurgle, Spiderfang Grots). 

    Spread through out, but not a major focus. But you're right, might be reaching. Spiderfang have the biggest chance of expanding on that theme, though in all of these spiders/insects are a support or as additions. But actual bug men troops? Might be a stretch, but would be awesome.

  5. 18 hours ago, Turragor said:

    The text snippets that come with these are absolutely part of the fun:

    So for my money you've got 'ancient hero', 'cryptic' - it's undead.

    Flying machine though?

    That image has an insectoid look about it.

    Undead riding animated husks of insects? Think of WoW 'nerubian' which, funnily enough, are often named crypt lords or crypt fiends.

    Edit/ you know like this kinda thing:


    A Nerubian-esque faction would be FANTASTIC! We don't have an insect BASED faction (Spiderfang is the closest...), and it is a cool theme. This last rumor pic really does give me some serious insect vibes.

  6. Beast of Nurgle tail?

    I dunno, looks like it has scales to it...and those spindly things around look like tendrils or veins. Maybe the Nids are getting a new toy? Though, haven't heard of them getting new toys and we are SUPER close to their release.

    Other AoS guess is it is a shell thing for a undersea monster...ya know, for Cthulu Aelves. :P

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  7. Fair. Metal and Light are the only ones that seem even remotely non-Destruction, at least. Either way, I like the idea of summoning them as the basic idea of a Wizard in Warhammer systems seems to focus on mastering powers they don't understand.

    Anyways, I hope the Forge World team add some nice spice to the rules, hopefully with a cool faction or weird addons.

  8. Would love for them to finish the Incarnate cycle, as it is an awesome idea. I am hoping they stay neutral, as the idea of theming an army around a Realm to use them would be cool. I am also a sucker for Collegiate Arcane, so there is that...

    In reference to the Merwyrn, an awesome idea that they could do for Scourge Privateers is for them to be able to take any "Aquatic" monsters with an accompanying "beastmaster" sort of unit. Then Forgeworld can lowkey suppprt them while releasing monsters for other factions. Just add the aquatic label to anything that fits and BAM!

  9. 1 hour ago, Double Misfire said:

    Back to rumors...

    I assume a Death based spectre thing, like ye olde candle in the dark deal. My HOPE though is this could fit into some old Empire aesthetic. There is a lot of candles and skulls and wax seals from the Empire (aka Fantasy Imperium) which could translate to Freeguild or, dare I say it, Collegiate Arcane. Total wish listing, but an expanded Collegiate Arcane with Mage Guards and magical constructs, etc. would be my dream!

    In other bits, I look forward to the obvious holiday boxes and new Start Collecting with my empty wallet. lol I'd say KO and Swifthawk Agents are key contenders. Moonclan and other Skaven clans would be awesome, but would probably require new miniatures.

  10. 8 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    You're probably not alone, but given the luxury/premium nature of hobby wargaming,  it always strikes me as odd when I see fussing over such relatively small amounts needed to spend on the basics of an army. 

    I'm not wealthy by any means, but $100 for a few units of dudes? Seems fair to me. 

    I believe they were referring to Blood Knights from Soulblight, which is ONE 5 man unit for $100. THAT is ridiculous.

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