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Posts posted by Turragor

  1. 11 hours ago, Rogue Explorator said:

    I think the weirdest part about those Tzaangor is that they aren't marketed for AoS at all. No warscroll or mention of using them in AoS in the new White Dwarf, that I've heard of (will get mine tomorrow). Not added to the AoS area of the NZ webstore. No full pictures of the (clearly existing) fully painted AoS version of the unit. Nothing.


    And yet, those sprues clearly looks like a full AoS kit with some Autopistols and Chainswords thrown in.


    Still, this makes me really happy. Those sprues and the 360 look so much better than hoped. I'll get myself two boxes asap, alongside the Exalted Sorcerers just for the bits and Disk of Tzeentch. I'll find some use for the Marine Parts sooner or later.

    From my PoV it's simple - I think it's a simple matter of it being too tricky to launch both 40k and AoS Tzeentch at once and hit their sales targets for each. They prep'd the models that can work for both at the same time but they can't launch both at once and promote each as effectively.

    Each is also part of a much larger product release plan. For 40k you've got Magnus, Thousand sons and some more Fenrisian stuff (probably books?).

    For AoS you might have the Arcanites opponent - most of the rumouring we've been doing focuses around the Arcanites launching with an opponent.

    Maybe the Tzaangors aren't coming in a separate box for a while? Maybe they're coming in a starter kit with a bunch of other stuff first.

    Also, perhaps the AoS paraphanelia isn't fully ready yet. Maybe all Tzaangor stuff is ready but the rest of the arcanite release isn't.



    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Barimbino said:

    The gems make me think aelves, but the clawed hand makes me think tzeentch.

    Tzaangors have gems on their person.

    Okay so clawed - not quiet human (but we haven't seen elves)

    Eye symbol - Eldar (that shape - so loose Elf connection maybe again) and more often Tzeentch

    9 spirals on the central design - Tzeentch sacred number (there's no reason the new Elves can't worship a Chaos God is there?)

    I am leaning Tzeentch what with current releases. And gut.

    There are a few daemons due for Thousand Sons but that skin tone doesn't match. Another Tzaangor?

    They're all done for 40k no?

    So, I'd have to hazard a guess that it's a new Tzeentchian caster for AoS.

  3. 55 minutes ago, Rogue Explorator said:

    I sincerely hope those Tzaangor aren't monopose after all, there hasn't been a monopose release unrelated to a box set in a loooooong time, so that would set, in my oppinion, a very concerning precedent. Together with the monopose Blood Bowl teams, it feels like GW are testing the boundaries here, which would be a developement quite contrary to the good way they are currently on.


    On the positive side, I think that Exalted Sorcerers kit is, bits wise, of great use to AoS Tzeentch players. I know I'll get one (unless it is Varanguard level expensive) and I have no interest whatsoever in 40k Tzeentch.

    Blood Bowl teams and sculpts have to my knowledge always been monopose. All the teams I had in the 90s were anyway.

  4. 1 hour ago, Broken Netcode said:

    @0.51 theres a thousand sons terminator... possible leak?

    Thats just a power armoured marine with a massive gun.

    I mean it could be a terminator but I believe the classic SM backpack is surplus to requirements when you've terminator armour (something something different generators and ventilation mumble)

  5. 2 minutes ago, Arkiham said:

    Sorry if that came across very negative, I didn't intend it so, I do really enjoy games workshop and love the new direction they're going,  but I'd prefer actual leaks, not snippets purposefully getting peoples hopes up.

    But my example still stands for me at least,  there's only so long waving a treat in front of something holds it attention.

    I prefer to Base my excitement on actual leaks, where you can see things clearly and know what it is. 

    That picture they shared could be a dwarf steam tank for blood bowl for all we know, could be another stormcast  ( excuse my lack of excitement ). 

    I don't want to poop on anyone's fun, but I feel like my opinion should still be voiced for those who wouldn't say it, but feel it also.

    Presented this way only a fool could disagree with you. I understand your perspective 100%.

    That said, I'm trying to work out how it can't be a dwarf with that small head in the corner.

    • Like 4
  6. 1 hour ago, Broken Netcode said:

    When the cat bites you enough times you know not to trust the cat. A lot of people feel that way with GW and theyre actually doing something about it now but it does take time to rebuild it. Let the guy go through rebuilding trust and let his opinions be opinions and not judge him because of it. We are all friends here and it really is a nice friendly community where we accept all modes of playstyle and opinion with an easy discussion. :) 



    I like how you think!

    Give the people time to get over broken hearts.

    On that note,  I also think those with broken hearts as a result of disappointment from our adult toy game should probably take a little fresh air. Relax a little. Listen to some classical music.

    Passion is almost compulsory for us but in the grander scheme of things we do have a less than serious hobby.

    Then again, it takes all sorts!

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Barimbino said:

    Wow, that comes with paladins too? Guess they must have skipped that when they were putting out the box content list.

    Yeah bottom right, looks like 3 decimators (arranged as part of 5, the final 2 behind the other box). No more monopose retributor prime bullshit!

  8. 2 hours ago, polarbear said:

    Ironjawz definitely stands out to me as the most attractive set, pairs really well with the Start Collecting. Are we sure that's 10 Brutes, not 10 Ardboyz? 

    Yes they've big spikey necks collars, all bare heads and the 2 hander has a pose you can't get with ardboyz. Nice box then! I will not be getting it until I have finished painting all my ogors sometime around 2059

    The Stormcast one looks like a very, very nice saving too> 10 liberators (not the monopose), venator/azyros, Celestant Prime, 2 Dracothian Guard, 5 Paladins that I can see.

    That's a must have for anyone even just looking for dracoths and the prime.

  9. 3 hours ago, Nico said:

    The Black Orc Big Mob had a gargantuan in it, so would make sense for a new formation in the box - but would suck if it doesn't get points.

    Has any 'in a box' formation received points?

    As a new owner of an Icewind Assault box can I request that formation gets points? It's terrifying.

  10. 1 hour ago, hobgoblinclub said:


    It's no doubt a spectacular fake. I was fooled last night. 

    The leaker says he wanted to make it to BoLs, as if to prove something about the legitimacy (or otherwise) of the content on there. What has he proven? On its way to BoLs, by his own admission, the 'leak' went via every Facebook group going, it was all over Twitter, and it was posted in this hallowed forum. ? All he seems to have shown us is that BoLs is one of many places those desperate to leak GW news post leaks for those desperate to read GW news.

    If he's shown us that BoLs leaks any old junk, then surely he's telling us the same of the entire nerdy internet. While I don't doubt that BoLs regularly features junk, and the vitriol it faces is sometimes justified, it seems there's something of a pack mentality here. Anyone giving it a kick in the BoLs gets cheered on by the community. 

    He's achieved one thing - he's certainly got me thinking about the community and how spectacularly desperate we are for content. Maybe I'm missing something, but it just seems like someone taking advantage and then deflecting blame. 'Yeah I lied...but...BoLs is...rubbish?'


    The majority of the community sites that post leaks are aggregator sites. They take any and all related content that might drive in the users who then might click other links out of curiosity (or if it's an ad - by accident). It's the business model of the internet up to and including now and the near future.

    There's no official/unofficial source site. It's leaks or official. There is no legitimate leak site.

    In that sense, maybe he meant that the sites will believe anything? I don't think belief is a factor. They don't care about what's real and not I don't think, only what gets an audience.

    In any case his fake was good enough that a lot of people were fooled. A poorer fake might have proved something more?


    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Dawnmane said:

    More clickbaity to say it is a hoax I think.

    I don't particularly care either way.

    Seriously though, how legitimate is this:

    "We then immediately reached out to GW for comment and can now confirm:

    The image is a complete fabrication. It’s a hoax folks. 

    No such product is on the way from GW."

  12. 4 hours ago, MyGeekyPersona said:

    Wow - you have some serious talent! The AoP competition must have been of a really high standard in your local store!

    I really like the pale skin on your slaughter priest - could you share your paint recipe?


    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    Hmm I can't recall the exact colour combo as I mixed some stuff myself. I can give you the basic idea though:

    1. Take a light grey flesh tone (think GW rakarth flesh) as a base.

    2. Mix a little bit of dark blue into it (think P3 coal black or GW incubi darkness or stegadon scale green) and use this to shade the deeper recesses.

    3. Apply more of the mix from 2 on the lower parts of the torso, under the arms, armpits, along the flanks - shady areas that kind of thing.

    4. Tidy up with 1 as necessary.

    5. Mix a little red or dark red into 1 and use that on the 'sores, scars, wounds' rather thinned down.

    6. Highlight up with warmer ivory mixed into the base grey flesh tone.

    The AoP contest was real nice!

    I try to be impartial when I say my army was top 1 or 2 in terms of paint quality but the board was simple and only neat and tidy. It also didn't help the army stand out and these contests are community votes.

    My army also didn't place in a best in show in a recent tournament and it was - again I am trying to be impartial and not over confident here! - one of the best in terms of technique when viewed up close.

    Whether my 'seen a 100 times before in 100 variants and different quality levels' boxart stormcast were one of the best around didn't really matter, the job of armies in community votes is to punch you in the eyes from 5 meters (with AoP the board helps with this tremendously) not be great when each model is closely considered. Ain't nobody got time for that!

    I knew that going into each really and am already pondering an eye catching force for next year.

    I just loved that I got nominated at the tournament and then enjoyed the praise from people who looked closely at the models!

    • Like 1
  13. 35 minutes ago, Double Misfire said:

    Not sure how I missed this thread for so long. The miners look great - as someone who legitimately hates painting candles, well done!

    I painted so many candles I ended up freehanding one on the banner! I only knew how to paint candles by that stage.

  14. An update!

    I've actually done 10 or 11 more stormcast since the last update.

    I also assembled an AoP board. That was a first for me! No medals but in all honesty there was tough competition here in Stockholm.

    I'm currently working on a local store contest entry. Khorne! For a bit of a breather from SC.

    I've built quite an extensive base which is also a first. Maybe a bit cluttered!

    See the images below!


    2016-10-15 12.25.44.jpg

    2016-10-15 12.25.59.jpg

    2016-10-16 17.54.50.jpg

  15. Just now, ElectricPaladin said:

    I would still rather something more nuanced. Stormcast aligned with Death in a way that's shady or complicated. Stormcast who are bad because they're so devoted to Order that they become the enemy of ordinary humans. Not just "lol Stormcast of Chaos."

    I kind of like the setup, that a soul can only be reforged so many times. It gives the Stormcast extra depth. It gives the potential death stormhosts a bit of poignancy right away.

    Not Chaos stormcast but stormcast who are true shells under the control of the master of death.

    • Like 3
  16. They're going to do what they did in 40k with space marines, with stormcast in AoS.  but with death instead of Chaos.

    I am looking forward to a potential traitor stormcast host.

  17. 7 minutes ago, Zitroni said:

    I am German. "to understand" is the verb "verstehen".

    I think 'der Verstand' here is more like 'the mind'. So it is Lord-Mind. Or even better: LORD-BRAIN. ;)

    I had to laugh really loud when i saw that. But i like it. :)

    Holy moly thats even better. I need Lord Brain to lead my Stormcast. A general without compare.

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