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Posts posted by Toddy

  1. 2 hours ago, Nos said:

    If you give someone everything they need in one form of the game why would anyone feel the need to commit to a new one? If AOS 2.0 has all armies settled and on a par, why would someone want to start over with 3.0? 

     Because new shiny! 😀

    In all seriousness though, people love new stuff (be it new armies/models or tweaks to the rules). It keeps the game from getting stale.

  2. 50 minutes ago, Laststand said:

    They literally just put Skaven back together again to make them playable. It would be counter productive to split a 40 unit range into 4 or 5 new subfactions of 10 or less units each. Its a waste of design time to then create 4 sets of new units it can be spent on genuinely new factions or creating 2 new units and making every skaven player happy.

    I agree, that would make no sense at all.

    I don't mean just take the existing range and break it back up again. There's a lot of scope for fleshing out each of the clans separately with proper model releases over time (and by time I mean the medium-long term). The book that just came out is, as you say, just to make skaven playable (for now). I'm referring to the post-consolidation period that we are still going through.

    It's an easy way of adding more factions (and therefore more profits!), While minimising the amount of new models (and costs) necessary.

    Plus, who doesn't want a whole faction based around ninja rat-men ala Clan Eshin 😃

  3. 1 hour ago, Zadolix said:

    I think it will happen. Out of the 8 units listed under Ironweld 5 of them are manned by Duardin. The fact that we work alongside the tall people makes adding it to us quite seamless. They may decide just to give us the Duardin manned units and give the free peoples their gunmaster, helblaster and helstorm back.

    Would make a lot of sense. And open up gyrocoptor squadrons 😃

  4. Was interesting to see the Ironweld Arsenal chucked in with the Dispossessed for the survey.

    A mistake or portent of things to come?

    Makes more sense really. The steamtank being a Dawi invention after all. Taught them manlings everything they know about artillery too... 🧐

    • Like 1
  5. There seems to be an awful lot of speculation that GW will merge factions who already have battletomes...

    Seems extremely unlikely to me, the only previous 'battletomed' faction to be merged is Pestilens. and I think the only did that is because it would have being too much effort in the short-term to bring it up-to-date as a full faction. While their model lines are a little small, bonesplitterz and ironjawz only need (and will likely receive) a bit of terrain and an endless spell.

    I fully believe that once all the current model lines have battletomes or are retired, GW will actually break up some of these soup-tomes (like legions of nagash and skaven) into full sub factions. They're only here to make the model lines playable in the meantime.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    1. Yeah, I think Dispossessed going for the army wide look set by the long beards etc is very cool. However it seems GW might be pulling a 40K one, where every faction left will get a tome soon. Which makes new models seem less likely to me. 

    Oh I don't mean they'll get a new kit. They'll just be retired. I mean, how many 'infantry with hand weapon and shield / two handed weapons' options does one model line need? Crossbows and generic rifles don't seem fantastical enough for the new world. Especially when Irondrakes exist.

    I'm hopeful for at least one new 'big centre piece' model for us though. That seems to be a staple of AoS factions, and we haven't got one. 

    • Like 2
  7. I suspect the Warrior/Quarreller/Thunderer kit will be retired. They don't really (conceptually) add anything to the range not covered by our 4 'elite' infantry blocks, which all have lovely modern kits. 

    Dwarves riding bears always looks ridiculous (e.g. LotR and Mantic).  New cavalry units of *any* type seem in short supply since AoS started (only the IronJaws Gore-Gruntas?) I can't see GW going down that route.

    Golums seem all but inevitable (😃) perhaps with Duardin riding on top, ala the Araknarok? A tunneling machine would be awesome. I'd love a new Miner kit too, but pickaxes might seem abit twee in the New World...

    • Like 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, Seraphage said:

    @Toddy that seems like a good list. Few points :

    1) 30man blob is costly for meat shield. Don’t underestimate it also, it can deal a punch ?

    2) Use warriors of 10 for meatshield !

    3) Irondrakes are one the best units in game. Take at least 20 with ya !

    4) I love Warden King and his buff is awesome but probably costy as he goes does fast. Play with him anyway cause the full of cool is always the best !

    5) Magmadroth can be really useful in many scenarios, excellent choice !


    In summary then, would you then swap the big blob of warriors for a smaller one and take more Drakes?

    • Like 1
  9. Looking to grow my collection to support 2000  points, and thinking of this list as a target. Feedback appreciated :)

    Warden King (Grudgebearer, Ancestral Pickaxe)



    Auric Runeson on Magmadroth

    30x Warriors (axes + shields)

    10x Warriors (axes + shields)

    20x Hammerers

    10x Longbeards (great axes)

    30x Thunderers

    10x Irondrakes




    Rough plan would be to shield the Runelord buffed Thunderers and Drakes with the big warrior blob while they rain some death. The smaller warrior blob and longbeards either acting as chaff or sitting on objectives. In the mean time the 'coptors would make a nuisance of themselves and perhaps contest remote objectives. The King + Hammerers would drop in either on an awkward objective, attack the enemy rear lines or simply get in the way through pickaxe teleportation.

    Finally the Magmadroth is there is distract the enemy, provide some more speed, and a source of mortal wounds (as a suicide charge at something beefy if necessary).


    • Like 1
  10. A few questions from a beardling who is just getting started with Dispossessed:

    1. I've seen people include which Grudge they pick as part of their army list, but it doesn't need to be picked until the battle starts (doesn't it? I don't have the ghb infront of me) So we should be able to pick a grudge that matches our opponent?
    2. For Warriors, on the face of it the 2hw have a better stat line, but given the to-wound rerolls when attacking in the opponents turn, does the math work out better for 1hw or 2? Has a statistically inclined person out there worked it out? (For Longbeards it seems even more clear to always take 2hw  + shields, doesn't it?)
    3. Mobility seems to be the  major issue in the army list. The Pickaxe looks as if it should help, but otherwise it looks as if allies are needed to get the army moving. I'm looking at Gyrocoptors/Bombers initially, but has anyone tried using KO gunboats? Anything else?
    4. The lack of wizards (in an age of endless spells!) seems to be another issue. Seems a shame that the only allied wizard available is the Stormcast. Is he essential  for keeping Endless Spells at bay or are a few Runelords enough?
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