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Posts posted by ledha

  1. 3 hours ago, Xil said:

    Just like judgments. You either make all faction spells damage all, which means Khorne judgments damage Khorne too, or neither. 

    Khorne judgments actually damage khorne units around. They just don't debuff them.

    As for Dyrcha, she has now 30 attacks doing MW on a 6+ to hit, and rend -2 (which DRASTICALLY improve her damages). She is fine

  2. 8 hours ago, Warbossironteef said:

    Do people have good reasons for not using them? I plan on bringing a 20 man unit of Sequitors and some skins to be my defense against charges.

    I didn't choose to play an army of heroics dudes in superb and massive heavy armor to field a bunch of frail and naked lizardmen using hit and run tactics while attacking with stone age weapons

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  3. 1 hour ago, jhamslam said:

      40 man plague monk units for 240 and a plague bell that is basically a mini GUO that makes them auto pass battleshock AND gives them a 6+ fnp for 180 is just wtf? Slaanesh seems to have been designed to counter gristlegore but then it has its own mw spam at every phase.



    If you want to cry, compare the screaming bell/plague bell with a lord celestant on dracoth who cost 220 pts

  4. 6 hours ago, Battlefury said:

    Wrathmongers to a certain degree, but really more as support, they're not really main fighters anymore imo

    How ? They kept the same damage output as before while going down 40 pts and doing aoe MW when they die.  And no one would have dare before to say they weren't main fighters.

    They outlive and outdamage pretty much every other unit of their cost (they hit nearly as hard as brutes/paladins/blightkings), while being easy to use (2" range) and having an incredible support role in addition of this (and not in replacement)

    I mean, for 5 wrathmongers, you can get 10 stormvermin, namaarti thralls or grimghast. None of them have the resilience and damage output of the wrathmongers, and bring nothing to the table for the rest of the army.

    • Like 2
  5. 14 hours ago, XReN said:

    After all the nerfs it was 3" from enemy

    You can try and figure out something with Skyborne Slayers, they still get to be set up 5" away from opponent, fill your battleline, make you ignore battleshock and you also keep the bonus from Shock and Awe - which is a new battle trait that gives your models that were set on the battlefield that turn a -1 to hit them.

    Also, the lord celestant on foot was nerfed...

    ... except in the context of the skyborne slayers.

    Before, he gave +1 to hit to units within 9". Now, it's +1 to hit to units wolly within 12" if he is in melee.

    It would be ******...but now he give it in the combat phase, and not in the hero phase.

    So now, the skyborne slayers (which is cheaper than before, and with all its units being better than before, especially protectors and crossbow judicators) mean that your units have +1 to hit the turn when they charge AND the ennemy have -1 to hit them during this turn as well.

    It give to the skyborn a MUCH better alpha strike than before.

    Also, while you don't play the paladins anymore because the evocators are straight-up better... the paladins by themselves aren't worse than before. They are still okay. And a skyborne slayers let you enough pts to fill around 500/600 pts of anything else.

  6. 2 hours ago, BrocknerTheBear said:

    So the daemon prince of khorne....

    Is it best now to take the sword as his main weapon instead of the axe?

    Hitting on 2's and -1 rend when he can potentially pile in twice seems far more useful then hitting on 3's with -2.

    I feel he's either going to be chopping up hordes by tagging a corner or going after hero's with the mortal wound sword so won't need the rend anyways.

    being a demon give him a reroll of hits rolls of 1;. Because of that, i"d give him the axe. 3+ rr1 mean that you'll have a lot of hits anyway, and the rend -2 is VERY precious

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Battlefury said:

    Does anyone maybe have major victories to report? I am actually really not motivated in this army anymore, and thinking about withdrawing from it.

    Just comes from the fact, that the army is just not good designed. I know, a lot of people will defend it and tell me to get good. But that doesn't really help. Getting clubbed and battered for years now and the new book made it slightly better, but still I am not able to win a single game.

    Trying out all those lists, but it's just not working.

    Maybe someone, who can bring a fresh wind into this topic, to get motivated again?

    I play khorne since the beginnings of AOS and it's by far our best battletome. I won most of my matches (around 80%). But the army indeed need some tactical skill, it's not a point and delete army like the FEC gristelgore pain train.

    The most important part of the army is placement. Placement of your units around objectives, around each other to take profit of buffs, around the opponent to affect them as most as possible with our debuffs and aoe (cf wrathmongers), placement of our slaughterpriests around the altars, of our judgements to block the opponent without injuring our own troops.

    I play a slaughterborn mortal lhorne list in goretide. My units need to be wholly within 18" of the bloodsecrator, wholly within 8" of the wrathmongers, and wholly within 12" of the objectives. It's not easy, but when everything "click", it's a well-oiled machine that crush mechanically everything.

    The imprevisibility of the army, with out of phase activations, including in the ennemy turn and "strike after death" mechanic are its saving grace. I play with bloodwarriors, skullreapers and wrathmongers. When i make good save rolls, my opponent take damage. When i die, my opponent take more damages. It's beautiful to see.

    The army still have lots of problems against shooting lists, but you can't be good against everything. The deal is to catch and kill in melee weaker opponents, and to play and avoid stronger opponents, ganging them up at 2/3/4 units against one.

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  8. 12 minutes ago, Smooth criminal said:

    We can't win against Fyredudes and DoK head-on. We have comparable offensive power, but they are much better defensively, as soon as they get to fight they blow us out. We have to outcombat them with chain pile ins and long pile ins that only demons provide.

    Also don't forget for skullreapers you can reroll successfull hits to fish for 6s, that almost doubles their mw output against those enemies with good saves.

    I think priest may be better used to pull units outside of their wholly within buff bubbles rather than trying to shoot things with blood boil.

    Fyredudes have a bit of a weakness that they have that one big burst of speed in the beginning, but later when they disperse to objectives they are left with move 4" so it's hard for them to relocate. Maybe summoning small demon units to screen against their big blob of berserkers while you score is another way to win without beating them in combat.

    summoning units are more than 9" of the ennemy and wholly within 12 of your character. They won't screen anything, actually, and after the second turn, in practice, you can more often than not only summon them behind your own tropps. they could actually help your opponent to come faster to you with a move+easy charge if you managed by miracle tu summon them between your ennemy and your troops. It's a waste of points in 95% of the time

    Best way to screen blobs of berzerkers are khorne judgment. Fyreslayers have 0 way to cross them, they have a VERY big base, and they can't kill the spells.

  9. 14 hours ago, Salami Vendoe said:

    Serious question: what would it take for vanguard chamber to be viable? 


    - Give retreat+shoot to vanguard hunters instead of run+shoot,

    - Bring the palladors down to 160 and give them +1 attack,

    - Let the aetherwing have their special rule watchful guardians without needing to be close to the vanguard raptors, but close to a vanguard unit instead.

    - Put the longstrike to 160 pts, 180 pts for a 6 wound unit doing 3 wounds in average is grotesque, Or let them ignore "watch out sir ! ". They are character snipers after all, they shouldn't need 3 turns to snipe one. Or to be taken in units of 9 in anvilstrike to go from "horsesh***" to "holy hell what the f*** is this broken abomination".

    - Bring the aquilor down to 160 and transform his CA to a free ability with a global range. Give him a CA allowing him and another unit to strike first in melee, or to shoot in the ennemy shooting phase.

    - Give +1 flat damage to the zephyros and neave, make them (or at least the zephyros) loose their leader slot. It's a pure fighting hero, she should be up to the level of the grimwrath berserker to be worth it. 

    - Make the riding the aetheric winds ability of the palladors/neave move more than 5" away of the ennemy units instead of 3", but allow a charge after the move


    Those changes looks crazy, but the vanguard chamber army have a low-model count and don't hit that hard, if you go up to eleven in the mobility option, then only they can be something else than a bad joke. Right now they can't even harass the ennemy at all, they can't escape from melee and attack, and melee armies are faster than them.

    With all those changes, they could actually put up a fight against armies such as skaven, fec, fyreslayer or LON. And i'm sure you can already picture them being much more interesting to play.


    • Like 4
  10. 3 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    I don't think Sequitors were ever insane

    Evocators are still very good (arguably the best unit in the whole book) but theyre in-line with what other AOS 2.0 armies are doing for 200 points.

    Unless they change the warscrolls (or battalion rules) then Retributors would have to cost 160 to make them a worthwhile choice over Evocators at 200

    Give +1 wound to all paladins and +1 attack to retributors and protectors.

    Change the decimators in 4 attacks 3+/3+/-1/1 rerolling hits against units of 5 or + (like grimghast or skullreapers)

    Keep the same point cost.

    Boom. Now paladins are usable and in line with evocators.

    • Like 2
  11. Sequitors and Evocators were insane one year ago. Now, i feel sequitors are just the baseline unit in place of liberators, because every recent army can wreck them without difficulty. Evocators hit hard, but they are slow without investment, very previsible (they aren't a super fast moving flyinf unit with double pile-in striking first) and tend to die fast. Plus, unlike many stormcast units, evocator loose efficiency proportionnaly to their losses.

  12. 3 hours ago, Aryann said:

    Did somebody succesfully interrogate any GW employee about future releases? What battletomes are next or something? 

    They didn't told anything YET, but we have high hopes that the waterboarding session will bring some answers. Stay tuned.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Chikout said:

    I must admit I find a little strange that some AOS fans have no interest at all in Warcry. We know all the Warcry warbands will get AOS warscrolls. Due the nature of the kits, they will not be limited in the way the underworlds warscrolls are. There is no reason why they can’t all be min 8 models, max 24. Along with the beasts that’s at least 8 new warscrolls for AOS. The eventual slaves to Darkness book could end up being one of the most varied in the game. 

    How can i be excited about warcry ? I just know it's a skirmish game with chaos dude, we don't have any other information.

    As for the warbands having warscrolls... well, the shadespire warbands have warscroll too, and no one care about that because they are terrible.

    I would have preffered a new complete and "true" unit for skaven, fec, fyreslayers and sylvaneth than the warscroll of warbands from a spin-off game.

    • Like 1
  14. Well, that was disappionting.

    Stormvault are still in TEASING  after 6 months.

    Another TEASING of warband of warcry, aka a spin-off game that i don't care about

    The TEASING of a single mini of a warband of ANOTHER spin-off game

    And that's all. We are still waiting for the darkoaths. Since the gitz, and with the sole exception of slaneesh, we had nothing except reddition of armies wth 1 terrain, 3 spells and one new model. Last year we had Nurgle, DOK, LON and idoneth back to back + malign portent.

    We have only a super long teasing of specialist game and nothing properly NEW about AOS.

    Disappointed. 30k had more new things than AOS/40K combined. 40k having... two tanks (including the copy past of another one), imperial knights WITH SPIKES and about the SoB... the same mini as shown nearly one year ago, but with paint !

    • Like 7
  15. For slaneesh, i think the humble bloodwarriors in a slaughterborn battalion will be our best friend.

    It's not a issue striking after your opponent if being killed let you strike anyway. They have the tendency to bounce against heavy armored units, but slaneesh is quite frail, and they could even put some good damages on a keeper of secrets.


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  16. 3 hours ago, PJetski said:

    Are you reliably passing over people with the Tauralon? I haven't been impressed with that ability, so it's interesting to hear people are making it work

    passing over can be done by flying 1" across them, then flying back on your position.. Nothing for you to cross them with your entire base.


    3 hours ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    Adding the tauralon.....well, personally, I don't think it is wise to spend so many points on boosting the ballistas....... It seems to me that the whole list is centered around the ballistas, but ballista is very unpredictable, since the D6 hits is something you just cannot control.

    the balista+ordinator+tauralon is "only" 880 pts. The tauralon aslo give me some welcomed magic power, is very good in some battleplans (a flying wizard ? YES) and make the sequitors battleline. I have also a good frontline with 25 sequitors and 10 evocators + castellant, which is enough to trade blows in melee.

  17. I don't have any problem with Gristlegore and Tyrant of Blood ****** lists, mostly because i play a quadlista list in Astral Templar with Tauralon. With a few good rolls, more than half of the beasts are vaporized in the shooting phase alone. Rapid fire hitting on 2+ is marvellous.

    If you don't like the Meta, counter the Meta.

    • Like 1
  18. 8 hours ago, Smooth criminal said:

    I'd say the Fyreslayers FAQ means that if you get two prayers from the table you still can chant only one.

    Currently priests don't have the wizard thing where all spells are pooled together.  In fact there is no such thing as "prayer" in core rules, they are all unique abilities either from warscrolls or from allegiance. The warscroll prayers and allegiance prayers are separate entities. 

    Maybe they intend to make priests same as wizards, but then they should change it in next ghb or release global faq. This very specific answer for a very specific question about specific trait does not automatically translate to everyone suddenly getting robbed of their second prayer chant. It doesn't even make things clear about Fyreslayers themselves. Can they chant their base prayer+allegiance prayer? Who knows.

    the fyreslayer faq say this about the battletome prayers (in the special case of a priest knowing 2 battletome prayers instead of one). It doesn't prevent a priest to use one prayer from his warscroll and a prayer from the battletome. 

  19. 4 hours ago, Ravinsild said:

    Hey man. I pay 140 points for a Support Hero and the only thing he does is add +1 to the melee attack characteristic of all units wholly within his 16'' ability range and make wizards re-roll successful casts which half of the time my opponent rolls better and thanks me :( 

    and it's still one of the best support hero of the game. Compare to the khemist giving +1 attack to one weapon only of one unit. For 160 pts

  20. 3 hours ago, Solaris said:

    What I'm saying is that I'd prefer them to remain strong, and for other factions to be brought up to their level.

    Do you know how we call this ? Powercreep. If you always bring up everyone to the level of the most powerful book, you end up in the same situation as 40k, where the rhino came from 50 pts to free, and the marine from 25 pts to 13, because EVERYONE had to be buffed again and again and again to stay relevant.

    Bringing everyone up will just end, in 5 years, in a AOS situation where liberators cost 60 and paladins cost 110 because we will need to brought everyone up, repeteadly. And we are already seeing things like this (like lvl 2 caster being cheapers than previous lvl 1 casters, or things like screaming bell being cheaper than a celestant on dracoth)

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