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Everything posted by CDM

  1. I think Fimir won't make it but we did have the Fomoroid crusher originally from Warcry which seems to be the spiritual successor. Then again we started with the ogroid thaumaturge and not have three varieties so who knows! I like the thought of them as destruction but how would they differentiate from ogors?
  2. There should of been more! I was hoping one from each realm. Maybe they should of released a box of them like endless spells for 2nd, they could of been 3rds equivalent. Ther is a spider rumour engine still unsolved that has been speculated to be an incarnate. Could of been confirmed but not sure Just checked the wiki Therefore, they are typically found around ley-line convergences or spell-wracked battlefields. However, they may be summoned by champions with sufficient willpower or arcane prowess if the magic of a realm lies heavy in the air.[1] Ley lines were mentioned very recently in the harbingers stories. The wiki entry also mentions there is Incarnates from every realm
  3. I'd like to see another chaos faction with chaos dwarves in, also I was surprised after we got the first darkoath queen during malign portents we didn't get an AoS version of Norsca from TWW in this style, think skin wolves (wasn't their a darkoath underworlds band that was a bit feral?) Maybe large AoS version of mammoth with howdah. Can't wait for the marauders to leave AoS, they've been completely supplanted by the Warcry bands including darkoath (all apart from rules smh)
  4. Well I did say pick a faction from the grand alliance book not pick every unit available. Could easily put restriction in, I'm playing sylvaneth so my keyword sylvaneth units get the relevant faction rules from the grand alliance. I can also ally in a FS battalion as my one ally choice who have their own rules and can only be 40% of the points. There is no value to battletomes or codexes for that matter that can't be easily put into a larger book
  5. This all begs the question of why battletomes in the first place? Lots of playable factions benefits the lore, the setting and the tabletop it however becomes difficult to do everything and release and update everything. The endless battletome cycle is a hindrance to updates. Bring back 4 grand alliance books again (digitally as well) drop the battletome from 4th ed and just have a myriad of ways to play each faction within the GA books. They could easily do this and it would stop this shoving together like warclans or where to put Kurnothi in the future. There isn't enough faction specific rules to warrant a battletome. They could all be in one book. GA order. Pick a faction, is it from a City of sigmar Y/N? , What allies are you taking. Here's your faction rules. Simple
  6. Can everyone remember the time there was no love for death or Aelves in AoS. I legitimately remember the clamour for some form of aelven release as they were being neglected 🤣 It did just come to my thoughts as there is a massive appetite for dwarves of all varieties. As well as a second wave for FS and KO I do believe the second wave of COS will include the mixed units that we want to see plus some standalone Aelves and dwarves that tie in well with the aesthetic. On top of all that, if we don't get anything cog related will we see a Grey water fastness supplement one day? Would love to see some diesel/steam punk inspired Ironweld Arsenal
  7. I can honestly see a triumph of Saint Catherine model centre peice for FEC! Just think of the gore and 'banners'. They'd be so proud of its splendour while the rest of us 🤮
  8. I thought this would a given In this addition. A bestial Warcry box similar to the furies/raptorex and 'beastmasters' box similar to the malign sorcery endless spells, complete with beasts based on the different realms. We then got the incarnate which I thought would be First of several but .....
  9. So weird to see that amazing doomdiver not make it's way to AoS somehow! What a wasted opportunity! Grotbag scuttlers incoming needs to happen! An AoS version of a flying snotling pump wagon would be mint!
  10. Now i see the alternate builds these are an instant buy for me. 2 boxes to go with my cursed city home brew and also they'll look great next to the witch hunters I've got. I was actually expecting a witch hunter warband but this is a great set. I feel like one more of the order Warcry releases will be cities as well ..hopefully the mixed race unit that we all want!!
  11. When are the sons of velmorn released! Have stopped playing cursed city until I can get these!!
  12. Really hoping for at the very least a Warcry witch hunter warband to add to my underworlds one , jelson Darrick and the van densts! A fully fleshed out FEC release is making my mouth water!
  13. I mentioned the other day that I think chaos needs a whole reimagining of their battletomes. with beasts put into their respective battletomes, new pestigors in maggotkin, new khornegors in BoK. Scrap most of the rest of the range and leave in TOW and bring in Ulgugors, Gyrangors etc. Keep cygor and ghorgon and bring in some other big beasts like new Shaggoth (one of my fave models) and dragon ogors.
  14. I feel like an addict. I keep twitching and opening warcom up every minute looking for more new plastic crack
  15. Hobgrots are the best part of the Krulboys! I think they look great and it was awesome to see another destruction race, I don't think they're anymore than a nod to chaos dwarfs though! Hopefully they broke away and stole some wargear. -Gnashtooth cavalry -Hobgrots slinging grenades off Mirebrutes -Trappers and beastmasters? Still feel there's a missing faction somewhere for destruction. I'm genuinely shocked we haven't had a rogue idol or two. Bonesplittaz out of warclans, add a rogue idol, the ogor fire breather, add a few git mob models and some crazy contraptions like the doomdiver and jobs a good un
  16. I thought this leg may have been crab but it looks nothing like the one In the underworlds set.
  17. I also need to know! Trogs have been a surprise hit over the last few years! Would like to see Mirebrute and a troll witch in gloomspite with the others. Sloggogoth feels a bit attuned to Krulboys to be shared.
  18. Not excited for the marines release at all. I have by and large preferred the scale of primaries but my god some of the designs have been abysmal. The floaty tanks looks horrendous as do those floaty troops. I can't really see how they can add anymore to such a huge range. Wouldn't it be nice if they just introduced a couple of really well done heros and maybe a flyer. Just been over the space marine range. Could they be bringing the older non primaris upto date? We've been shown the terminators, could they be doing some others? The scouts are the some of the worst looking models in the range now
  19. I agree. However there were lots of new units in the leviathan box so a decent amount of new kits and some welcome updates to older kits. I was hoping for a new Malanthrope, the dimeachron looks like the variant of the norn so that's good! Tyranids have a really good range now though.
  20. When Warcry showed that it was positioned as more kill team adjacent than Necromunda it did revitalise some hope in me of a mordheim revival. I always thought Mordheim could work in the AoS setting being some wierd side realm. I would of preferred Mordheim over tlTOW though to introduce the setting again ( although WHFB setting was mint!) and brought WHFB and it's rank and file battles back in an epic/warmaster size.
  21. I saw Umbraneth on the Warhammer community website independently of whatever was mentioned after. I read the whole article and it was there. They then removed it, someone on 4chan then knocked one up apparently. I only saw the claims of it being faked weeks after, I know what I saw! I went back to the article and it wasn't there. The shadestalkers are the first Umbraneth (even their weapons have Umbra in the title!) Just like Skaeths wild Hunt were the first Kurnothi (although these were officially named). Whether they call them Umbraneth later is really irrelevant it works as a placeholder
  22. Agree ignore he is just speculating like we all do! ( Except I saw the word Umbraneth in an article on their site! after the hubbub it was removed swiftly, I didn't know about this for a while after the article but I definitely saw it!) I'm disappointed the wanderes were removed they are amazing models and give a unique take on the force as well as the shadow warriors. I feel there will be elf and dwarf release for citirs in the future and this removal frees up space for that.
  23. It feels like we may see the last of Skaven and Beastman in AoS In terms of how they currently look and this cities release just has me thinking of the future of AoS. Is it time to say good bye to how we've been handed factions so far? With the myriad of chaos cults that have been introduced into AoS it's a shame they haven't updated them and could see them being retired in part to WH Id like to see pestigors and plague rats in Nurgle New khornegors for Khorne Rest of the beasts of chaos relegated to the old world and replaced with a realms of chaos faction. Bring the chaos cults from Warcry into this book and add in unique realm based factions. New realm based beastmen and Skaven representing the different realms. I can see a place for Skyre and Moulder as their own thing in the setting but why not have new Skaven assassin's be a part of an Ulgu chaos force with new Ulgu beastmen, a new shadow monster, the unmade and a suitable cheif! A few kits per realm and you'd be good to go. Im still holding out hope for some steam punk ironweld arsenal and cogfort related release with this new cities update but in the future a special unit from all the realms would be awesome! I think they can really tap into this and give us a sense of the different cultures in these cities.
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