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Everything posted by BURF1

  1. So...Morathi is locked up with Slaanesh inside her, and they just never noticed the Morathi part? The hard truth is your speculation is one of the few things in setting that AREN'T possible.
  2. Slaanesh has a physical form that they captured well AFTER Morathi reappeared.
  3. It makes perfect sense. Why would they be folded into Legions of Nagash, if they aren't technically a legion of Nagash, but an allied cohort? And even then, they had books for every grand alliance at one point and those are ALL being broken up into new books. The contents of legions of Nagash don't automatically discount a new faction the same way Grand Alliance: Order didn't stop Kharadron from coming out.
  4. I could see it. Morathi is probably pretty pissed at Slaanesh for...eating her and Nagash ALSO hates Slaanesh for stealing Aelven souls. I could see a mutually beneficial partnership there.
  5. There's another much more well known rumor monger saying the same thing on atia's site. You can see the screenshot in this thread actually.
  6. Because the aelves live in the realms of light and shadows and have since the death of the old worlds? I'm not super up on my lore but I'm pretty sure we haven't had much in the way of aelf sightings outside of warhammer quest.
  7. Which is a crying shame considering that kit is every single thing thing that was wrong with Kirby GW . 60$ for 10 25mm models you need at least 60 of to be useful? Check. Dual kit to both trick people into thinking the price is more reasonable than it is while also forcing you to buy even MORE? Check. No options outside of musician/banner/Champion? Check. ONLY 5 DIFFERENT SCULPTS IN A 60 BOX OF 25 MM INFANTRY? Check. The only way it could be more Kirby is if it claimed it was a model model and not rules model and bragged about never doing any market research.
  8. I know we've been spoiled with the GHB so far but GW does NOT have a good record with releasing Matched play style content in supplement books. I'd rather they focus 100% on narrative than accidentally destroy the game like they did in 7th ed 40k.
  9. They've already teased what the next 4 warbands are; Skaven, new khorne, new Stormcast, fyreslayers.
  10. I just don't want it to be another dwarf. Neither the fyreslayers or the Kharadron would have horns like that and ANOTHER dwarf faction in AoS would be a bit excessive, especially before we see new elves or death.
  11. it's a GUO...or maybe not, horns are right but that thighgap says no
  12. Considering how ridiculously well they all sold (especially sylvaneth) I'd be surprised to see something similar not return. I mean...for a few weeks after they released even element games and frontline couldn't get 2 to rub together.
  13. Via Urban Dictionary; Stink Bone: The medical term used by white trash when referring to the pelvis. You learn something new everyday.
  14. Technically you can tell gender too but...that seems like an excessive amount of effort for a 28mm model.
  15. With this much lead up, it looks like it will be quite a bit bigger than Blightwar, especially since every GA is getting at least 1 new hero.
  16. Who wants new heroes? Death does! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/08/31/breaking-news-studio-preview-from-the-nova-open/
  17. Battalions all went up 100 spearcutors went up 20 stardrakes came down 40-60 tempestors came down 20, nothing else confirmed I saw, might have been revealed since.
  18. You don't actually have to paint them that color. The idea that your pretty outfit determines your rules on the table is asinine and has no place in warhammer of any variety.
  19. It's not just that. Unless you spend a good 20-25 minutes sanding and greenstuffing, the starter set libbys are VISIBLY worse than the multiparters. Honestly was thinking of picking up that box and just tossing the old pushfits.
  20. Guys, guys. You're forgetting the important thing which is NEW. FEMALE. STORMCAST! oh, also some nurgle stuff. If you're into that kind of thing.
  21. And I'm just sitting here like 'FEMALE STORMCAST OMG!!!'
  22. We actually have seen the prices in USD. Don't try to use conversion rates with GW. Also, Bloodletters didn't need to be cheaper, god I hate daemons.
  23. Because the units/army change in the battletome?
  24. See, you say that like that's not 460$ minimum when you can build a deathlords army for 100$ less and still have some skeletons and hexwraiths left over, or a full beastclaw army for less than half that, or fyreslayers for 100$ cheaper, or ironjawz for 50$ less. Don't get me wrong, it's great that they did the box, but if they could drop the 170$ Magmadroth+vulkites down to 85 then getting the Daughters box down to 70-80 shouldn't be unreasonable. As an aside, when I first saw the daughter box I went 'aw cool! I'd love to start that army! if it's like 40-50$ I'd totally buy it! And it should be right? The infantry should be like 35 and the shrine should be 50ish so with a decent discount...' then I looked up what those boxes actually cost and was full of sads.
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