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Posts posted by Melcavuk

  1. 4 minutes ago, flamingwalnut said:

    Understandable! I have been rather inspired to try and take in a more ambitious project as an ACTUAL slow grow, considering I do have plenty of army to play with in the meantime. And I do agree on the Engineers idea, sooo much more space in the Cities book for pretty much everything, which is funny because there is so much in there to begin with. :o 

    Yeah Cities has that level of potential because it is exploring a whole myriad of races, cultures and subcultures in a book that does fantastically to encompass the overarching concepts but can really drill into the subsects. Prayers, the Church Azyrite, Mercenary and freeguild companies, Engineers and gunnery schools etc can all be explored in detail and have whole forces designed around them. The Project started with simply wanting to make a Steampowered walker and grew around it, and as events shape its lore it goes in new directions to find new ground to break. The next project will be making the Queen in God sized mode for the Siege of Midnight which is exciting to show an Order god looking big and destructive (Mortathi as inspiration)

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  2. 12 hours ago, flamingwalnut said:

    These are all absolutely GORGEOUS models. The conversions are beautiful and the paintjob is very stark and interesting. Love it all. I would love to do things like this myself, but the massive mix of kits must make all of this super expensive... You must have a fantastic bit box.

    Are you planning to consolidate this into Cities of Sigmar warscrolls? I see a few (awesome) characters that certainly are some bizarre counts-as, though man are they gorgeous enough for me to not care. lol Sorry to hear that your city appears to be anti-Sigmar. The bombardment is obviously a misunderstanding. lol

    Cheers, it can be expensive but hitting each unit as a seperate project tends to build the bits box over time and let me make use of the spares in the next conversion. The last few characters have been birthed from some spare time and the bits box (anything based on sisters of battle, and the Forgemaster all emerged from the bits box). Most of the army finds atleast reasonable counts as in the traditional warscrolls whilst the rest are run entirely under the Midnight City fan supplement designed to reflect a city of Engineers (currently greywater covers artillery well but doesnt really do engineers justice)

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  3. Putting some paint on my Forgelord, a hulking goliath of a man older than the mountains themselves who has seen more than his share of war, he made home in the City of Midnight alongside those who were lost in part due to its lack of strategic significance and remote location. He had been content to serve out his days at his arcane forge, yet with the Siege Azyrite intensifying and Hammerhalian artillery causing a cave in on his forge this goliath emerged unarmed and unarmoured yet wielded his wrath to tear armour from Sigmar chosen 






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  4. 32 minutes ago, Mooseterious said:

    Looks great! Will you be playing them as an already existing faction?

    I keep cycling through existing factions but the primary issue is finding reasonable mounted heroes to count as, Slaves has mounted Melee heroes but nothing really to suit the Brewer on wolf (he shouldnt be a beat stick hero). Tempest eye Cities can fill out the troops well but again struggles in terms of mounted heroes (they arent durable enough to be stormcast). Currently looking at Legions of Nagash but I'm not sold on it as it feels like I'd be making alot of comprimises, so I've got their own custom allegiance for now whilst I play around with it.


    Also, adding in Grotrek. Counts as Gotrek if I do run them as Tempest eye, otherwise he's going on a chariot of his own but will have an onfoot version where he might leap off the chariot midgame. 





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  5. You gain bonus, by gaining limitation. If you remove limitation, remove bonus.

    If you can run Stormhost A and still take best command trait, to end up at Stormhost A + command trait A then there will be no reason NOT to pick a Stormhost, as you will only get Command Trait A. By this example event attendance will result in a net reduction in list variation:

    Currently lists are either HOST A shootcast, or Command Trait A staunch cast.

    New lists would always be HOST A COMMAND A staunchshootcast.

    Essentially excerbating existing imbalance by removing limitations, whilst in an ideal world this would promote choice and diversity in a competitive environment you're simply removing limitation to create a single "master" list. As i said if you're narrative gaming its entirely your perogative but in terms of competitive gaming it wouldnt promote the diversity you're aiming for.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, JackOfBlades said:

    You're making up a fallacy of the excluded middle.

    And your entire premise is based on a list of perfectly balanced units, command traits and subfactions that dont currently exist. As I have tried to explain multiple times citing examples of what we have now, the restrictions currently prevent cherry picking best of best from every catagory.

  7. 1 minute ago, JackOfBlades said:

    So basically, poorly balanced generic traits were patched over by the new system of subfactions?

    In an ideal world all command traits would be equal, and we wouldnt need points because people would be able to have a discussion pregame to create a cool balanced game, and there would be no unit limitations because players would be responsible adults able to pick a cool themed list without gaming the system. This was AoS 1

    Ultimately it was found people were unable to do that, so we have post GHB AoS, where restrictions are key.

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  8. Additional command traits opens up a whole world of new issues, it means you can end up stacking things that are designed to never be in the same list, from CP farming whilst boosting damage output to multiple massive combat monstrocities. If you want to play narratively there's nothing to stop you using the rule to generate a new general when yours is slain and randomly generating a new command trait for them to reflect the in game promotion, but opening it up to further combinations would just cause more issues (again Staunch defender in every Anvils list as you havent made anything more desirable, you've just let them take more of the already desirable options)


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  9. 12 minutes ago, JackOfBlades said:

    But this is bad design from a narrative point of view, even if it works "competitively". It basically means you are allowed to power creep in exchange for eliminating choice and others have to do it too to keep up, or if it's not power creep then it's just clunky restriction (because the game can't be balanced otherwise or something?). What good does that do anyone? You could just make all the traits equally good and let players make their own combinations. It already works like that to a larger extent in 40k.

    Are you though? You can either take subfaction bonus A which is good, or command trait B which is good but cant do an A+B combo, and infact by the current limitation it means relic X which might not be as good sees more play when you want to take command trait B. By your way of reducing limitation what you're actually cultivating is an even more limited list pool because something will always be "better" in its catagory, advocating free choice all the way across means that you simply take the best from all columns. And 40k is a hot mess right now I'd hate to see traits of that pulled over to "improve" Age of Sigmar.

    In a perfect world everything would be balanced or atleast equal, which is how AoS was before the implementation of GHB and Points, however players felt that restrictions, pointing, balancing, guides and limitations were needed to make the game enjoyable. Because people want a game to be "competitive" you are forced to bring in barriers and limitations to prevent certain combinations, the other option is to have a far more reduced pool of choices from the outside.

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