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Posts posted by Melcavuk

  1. Depends on your gaming circle. I frequented 2 GW stores when I lived down south, one was all about narrative and open, its games nights were packed out with players laughing and having a fantastic time, the other was a matched play kind of atmosphere, far quieter and had alot more net lists rolling through. The idea that narrative or open play encourages broken attitudes is from my experience not true, meanwhile the competitive nature of matched play can (but often doesnt) result in people using net lists to be "good".

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  2. Hey, I'm the guy slowly working on the Suneater Battletome so here's what I could pickup from a quick look

    Allegiance abilities, what are they?
    Relics, prayers etc?

    Missing key word HERO on both hero choices
    Could do with 1 utility hero choice (either a banner, a priest, or something similar)
    Could possibly do with a mounted hero choice

    The lion trainer has the ability for lion rangers to reroll saves, make sure it specifies Lion Trainer as whilst he is a lion ranger aswell it isnt written as a keyword dependant abiblity.
    The blanket increase charge range on the Tamer for units in range rather than a specific unit could make it somewhat overpowered by daisy chaining units, either make it a command ability or only for units wholley in range

    In terms of naming I know you had little to work with in terms of what was already there but everything having the word lion in it might be a bit excessive, try and vary it up a touch as the unit names tend to all blur together when trying to remember which white lion is which.

    Could do with a support unit, be it a monster, artillery piece or long ranged unit potentially. Something with a bit of kik


    Otherwise it looks good, perhaps a little bland in terms of variety but you didnt have much to work with to start.


    • Like 1
  3. The kit is somewhat challenging, nowhere near as much gap filling as the squigggoth but I did have to greenstuff some of the joints (more so on my second one due to reposing him but thats on me)


    The black scheme would look good, I dont think I've seen one like it yet, mine both gravitated toward yellowy brown with red glowing elements

    • Like 1
  4. Working on converting the first of my Gullveig Ogors as battleline:


    The Gullveig Ogors live in the unenviable position of being part of the Suneater tribes but devoid of blessings of the Suneater, in this manner they are often considered the lowliest of the Ogors in the tribe (but still far preferable to a mere grot). Due to their precarious role within the tribe they often don heavy armour and large slab shields until such a time as they have earned the protection of their fierce and demanding god, such trinkets are unneeded after all by those who bear the mark of the Suneater as that in itself would protect them from harm. Often comprised of the tribe juviniles these fanatical followers seek to slaughter and pillage until they have accomplished feats of such destruction as to earn the favour of their God, many leaving their tribes to join that of the most fearest Volsungs across the tribes, that they might bask in the glory of the greatest prophets and be led to feats worthy of earning their name. Other still become mercenaries, travelling far beyond the borders of their tribe migrations to seek out their own destinys before eventually returning to their true homes in the tribes. 





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  5. 4 hours ago, kenshin620 said:

    Really great work!


    Although that little gap between the howdah and the squiggoth is bothering me a bit, not sure how to solve that though. Really hope a plastic squiggoth would eventually come, though then again gw hasn't even bothered to make a new ork wartrakk in like 15 years or something....

    You mean the half circle drain looking thing? I have a couple of the spare spore squigs from the Moonclan shaman, was gonna paint one up and have him looking out from the drain.

    Bit more work, moving onto details and basing next


    • Like 1
  6. As I wait for my delivery of various parts (Squig Gobba and the catapult put on the Slatr I'm working on a bits list for the other units in the army. So with that in mind in May the plan is:


    Svangur - Legs and hands from the Crypt Horror kit, Torso head and arms from the Dragon Ogre kit.
    Gullveig Ogors - Legs, Torso and head from Ogryn, Arms from the same kit but the Bullgryn arms, weapons and double handed weapons from the Dragon Ogre kit.


    Both come out more lean than standard ogors but the first is half starved and the second is Juvenile ogors that havent completed their trials yet.


    Bit of narrative about the various tribes of the Suneaters!


    Suneater tribes and their reaction to the bastions of order forming. Their activities during the Seeds of Hope campaign and follow-up.


    THE PYRE MAWS (SCORCH) -  When the forces of Man, Aelf and Duardin sought to retake the realm from the wilds and chaos that had reigned the did so with supreme arrogance and lack of foresight to the whims of the realms themselves. In the chaos that had descended over the realm the Suneater Tribes had flourished, their trail of destruction cared not if the cities razed were of Sigmars pathetic cohorts or the Dark Gods of the deluded masses, simply that the flames rose high into the night to please the Suneater. To see such glorious destruction come to an end as the forces of Order sought to raise new Cities, their “Seeds of Hope” was an affront to the Great Destroyer, that anything could rise from the Ashes was an insult to the devotion that the Maw Pyre clan had shown in their ravaging of the forests of Ghyran.

    Incensed by this affront to their destructive labours the Maw Pyres migration was ceased, no longer pushing onwards to their homes in the lands of Aqshy and the blistering heats of the volcanic winds in that realm of fire their Prophet turned them back toward these fledgling cities. The wrath of this tribe was unlike anything the mortals had come to expect, the ferocity of their flames tore through the forests of Alarielle in a seemingly unstoppable tide, the very nature of her Sylvaneth making them vulnerable to the heat and flame that sought to devour everything in its path.

    It was then to the great engineers of the Freeguild that she had so often rebuked for their ways of industry that Alarielle went, their smoke belching machinery seemingly more tolerable in the face of the total incinerations of her forest realm. These bewildering machines were put to task by their engineers, digging great trenches through the forest to blockade and surround the tribes of Suneaters as they made their advance. These great trenches were linked to the river Terral, its coursing life giving waters flooding through the trenches and forming a bulwark against the fires and halting the Ogors advance. The wound the Maw Pyres carved into the very skin of the Realm of Life would never fully heal, the heat of their onslaught had burnt deep through the dirt, scorching and sealing the dirt and rocks into blades of volcanic glass that would endure no life to grown in them. To this day this lingering malignant wound persists, a reminder of the outrage of the Suneater Tribes to the fresh onset of civilization seeking to end their joyous infernos.



    The Burning Klaws tribe is said to be the original Suneater tribe, born of the teachings of the first prophet after he was chosen by the great burning god. In the beginning they were few, the ogor firebelly wizards had been spread far and wide throughout the realms as they sought new and more potent elixers to try and mirror their gods mighty powers, however the Prophet was a beacon fire, one great burning pyre that drew all the disperate firebelly tribes from across the realms toward the Shatter Tooth Plateau in the realm of Ghur. It was here, many months before that the Prophet had been reborn in the stomach of the Suneater, here he had faced trial by fire, combat and of resolve, and it was here he had emerged the champion and prophet of the great God.


    In modern days the Burning Klaws are the largest of all tribes, holding dominance in the realm of Ghur whilst many of their kin undertook the great migration to the fires of Aqshy, here they control the greatest site of power in the Suneaters history, one that inspires both the respect and ire of lesser tribes. When each of the great Volsung left the Burning Klaws to start their own tribes they took with them their own interpretations of the Suneaters whims, it was in this way that his teachings of the Pyres changed, evolved or diluted with every new tribe. The Burning Klaws however stayed true to the teachings of the first prophet and are afforded far more potent magicks than their kin, in battle they are known to field elite Ogor bodyguards for their Chosen Prophet, carrying great slabs of volcanic glass as shields to create an unbreakable wall around their foes, penning them in and pushing them ever closer to the pyres. In this way foes that do not perish in battle slowly roast alive in an ever tightening cage of fire and shield.



    When the Great Migration to the realm of fire occurred it was the Ur-gore tribe that led the way, their young and inexperienced Volsung commanded his tribe make the journey that they might bathe in the burning might of the Suneater in a realm that reflected his eternal glory. The first of the great tribes to separate from the Burning Klaws they cut a swathe of destruction from the Ghur gate into Aqshy, however in their wake they often spyed the stunty and arrogant Fyre Slayers, these dwarves held no love or respect for the great suneater but worse they seemed to pillage the Ur-gold left in the ruins of the great advance of the Suneater Tribes. To see anyone finding comfort or solace in their reign of destruction angered the mighty Ur-gores, that their weak and pathetic foes  might profit from the glory of the Suneater was a slight that could not be allowed to endure. It was then only proper that the Volsung found a monumentous act of spite to shown dominance over this foe, when they razed their next village the prophet gathered his Gothi Fyri priests to him and set them to task, a great pit was dug in the heart of the ruined village with every precious metal found thrown in. When they had gathered all of worth he stoked a mighty blaze, calling on the primal fires of the realm and his own gods mighty magics the blaze roared with blistering intensity, slowly melting the precious metals into a glimmering, bubbling pool of burning hot metal.


    Gathering his most elite kin to him the Volsung and his priests set to work, shaping and warping the molten metals with agonising efficiency into glistening golden tattoes across the skin of the Tribes chosen. The very touch of the metal was a torturous burning unlike any they had endured before and yet the Ogors endured it as they would any gift from the great Suneater, and when the Volsungs will was completed his tribe marched to war once more, now emblazoned with rippling metallic tattoes formed of the very Ur-gold that they Fyreslayers had sought to pillage from the ruins of their migration.


    Such arrogance and spite has left to a fierce conflict between the Ur-gores and Fyreslayers, the latter desperate to reclaim the Ur-gold of their god.



  7. 19 minutes ago, Gecktron said:

    Great Project! Your descriptions really invokes a picture of this faction  in my head. Keep it up!

    Short question: Are you planning on putting something on the "Not-Squiggoth"? Looks kinda blank right now.

    Cheers, yes the flat platform is mounting a converted version of the Ogor Grot scrap catapult, warhammer world was out of stock of it unfortunately so I should be recieving delivery by the end of the week to finish off building him.

    • Thanks 1
  8. The first two Gothi Fyri have taken shape, each bearing their own unique totems of the Suneater that prove their devotion to this violent God.

    It is said in Suneater tribes that no Ogor has ever held the rank of Priest to the Suneater, they claim that the deep and booming voices are too like the sounds of volcanoes erupting for the mighty god to distinguish them from the volatile realm of Aqshy and hear their pleas, meanwhile it is the shrill and piercing cries of the Grots that are unlike any other within the realm, able to pierce through the seismic rumbling and volcanic eruptions to irritate the god enough to earn his attention. It has been this way since the very beginnings of the tribe, those grots of particularly loud, shrill or annoying voices picked out from the crowd at a young age and thrown out into the wastelands to earn the attention of their God. Each is forced to live in exile until they return with a convincing token of their gods favour, though what is considered convicing is often left open to interpretation, some hunt the great phoenixes of the realm to try and carry off a cloak of flaming feathers as the warm (and burning) embrace of the suneater. Others climb to mountains top to pluck a shard of the great salamanders burning rocks from the very lip of a volcanoes edge. Ofcourse many more simply wait for a more competant grot to complete such a heroic feat and then the mob descend on them in a flurry of rocks and fists to steal their icon, such acts often amuse the Suneater enough to let pass... and in doing so he loses but a single priest and gains a handful more as their victims trophy gets divided up between them.

    In battle the Gothi Fyri cut small figures, often able to hide behind the ranks of Suneaters that they might search for favour and blessing from the great god, it is this cowardice and cunning that makes them particularly adept at their jobs, often finding the resolve to channel the gods will when it benefits them most.




    When one looks upon the Slatr Warbeast it is hard not to be wowed by the majestic nature of this primal creature, it is not by any stretch of the imagination a creature of traditional beauty but one evolved perfectly for longevity and resilience. Indeed it has never been recorded of such a creature perishing due to natural causes lending credance to the theory that such a beast may be immortal lest for death by less natural themes. Its flattened and bullish face is akin to many a nightmare as a child with the full stretch of its maw measured at over a cart in width and atleast the same in  depth to the gullet though I have yet to find an apprentice willing to test that, when looking into its eyes you are struck by the sheer simplicity of the creature not burdened by higher thought or malice. The juviniles of the species are often found in migratory herds travelling alongside the Suneater tribes ofv Aqshy, seemingly drawn mothlike to the pyres to their privitive gods that these tribes are prone to igniting, indeed the subdued state these creatures enter in the prescense of such a blaze has allowed ramshackle howdahs to be assembled across the beasts broad backs. It is then sadly witnessed that when these savage tribes march to war they goad the Slatr alongside them, bombarding their enemies from afar with crude catapults launching burning debris down the battlefield. Such burning projectiles seemingly spur their mounts onwards chasing the bright lights racing across the sky



    Currently waiting on Warhammer World to get my delivery of the catapult in to finish of the first Slatr.



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    The Lord Aquillor felt wearied, for days his party had followed a trail of destruction that carved a scorched scar across the face of Shyish, villages that mere weeks before had been vibrant hubs of life that greeted them with looks of joyed salvation and relief now merely blackened husks of their former selves, silent but for the creaking of buckled wood straining against its own weights. The farming village of Tarrin was simply the most recent and yet for a reason he could not quite place it struck a chord within him that made the world seem that much heavier a burden, in the night before his vanguard had approach the flickering glow of the burning village from afar as though some cruel guiding star spurring them onwards through the night, the still air of the Realm of Death carrying the earthy scent of burnt wood occasionally punctuated by the stomach turning richness of burnt flesh.


    When they reached the village outskirts the Aquillors eyes were drawn to the pyres encircling the village, a warning beacon perhaps... a last call for aid or the desperate attempt of a mortal soul trying to stave off the very darkness of the night in some last showing of defiance. His face was warmed by the still glowing embers buried beneath the crumbling wood, and yet this gave him no joy or relief. Mustering his resolve he tore his gaze from the pyre and brought his mind back to the task at hand, casting a glance down the debris strewn dirt path that led to the heart of the village and to his men that had moved up ahead. No building within the village had been spared the blaze, this destruction was unlike anything he had seen before, it was... absolute, precise even vindictive in its completeness, everything that could burn had been touched by the flame. And yet there were no bodies, a fact that instead of relief left him feeling hollow and apprehensive.


    Following the dull crunch of his mens' boots grinding the charred debris into the dirt he picked his way further into the village, spurred once against from his darkening thoughts by a call from his second he leapt deftly over broken cart and cluttered remains, racing toward town square. When he approached his pace slowed, his second stood over a small cloaked form laying on the ground... its size was little more than that of a child yet so damaged was the cloak by the fire he reticent to turn it over. “Please not the children... his murmured softly, no amount of wars could ever ease the agony of such a discovery. Removing his golden helm and taking a knee in the dirt beside the broken and huddled form he reached out slowly, cradling it gently in his arms as he pulled the hood delicately away from its warped and burnt visage.


    “Holy Sigmar...” The lord Aquillor cast the creature back down into the dirt, the leering visage of a grots twisted grin visible through the burnt skin, any relief he felt for the fact it had not been a human child washed away by the shock and disgust at the look of elation on the dead grots face. How any creature could look so over joyed at such an agonising demise was beyond him, but what worried him more was the totality of the villages destruction, Grots were capricious, violent yes... even malevolent and destructive but this blaze had an intensity, a completeness entirely out of character with the wanton and random destruction of their species. Whats more the creature cloak smelled sickeningly sweet, a smell he could remember from a life once lived so far away, like the ruby sands of the coast in Aqshy... a smell too far removed from this still and rotting realm.


    Casting his gaze up from the creatures form he looked upon the town square for the first time and found the answer to a question that had nagged at his mind since they entered the village... “Where are all the people”. Piled, cluttered and thrown into great mounds in the centre of the village lay the charred remains of its populace, propped in seemingly ritualistic pyres of corpse and wood they formed a circle around a crudely carved boulder that was entirely out of place in this village of man. Its effigy was... Orruk... Ogor... some hideous beast at least, a primitive carving of their deity no doubt and yet its eyes seemed to burn into his very soul, an intense and unsettling glare from its stone features. Captivated he approached... picking his steps carefully to avoid desecrating the fallen villages, drawn to the monolithic stone head by some force he could not truly understand, was he drew close he extended a hand... at once curious and ill at ease with the situation his fingertips tentatively neared the effigy.


    It was barely a brush of skin on stone... a second contact and yet he regretted it in the heartbeat. The glowing embers from the great stone maw roared to life with a heat and intensity unlike any flame the Lord Aquillor had ever known. The rush of air reverberating like a bestial roar echoing between the charred shells of the burnt out buildings.



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  10. Cheers I’m really happy with how he’s turning out.


    introducing the top half of my first Gothi Fyri grot priest for the Suneaters. This one wears the garb of the Phoenix or more precisely that of any bright enough coloured bird to be mistaken for a Phoenix. A sign that even those great birds are but a meal for the Might Suneater.


    His lower half will come from the moon clan herald tomorrow 


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    • Haha 2
  11. More work completed on the Prophet on Magma Drake!


    Horns have now all been touched up though i may go back and push the contrast when I'm done with the rest of the model. Have also added more edge highlighting across the rider, completed the straps on the saddles and tweaked some of the flame glow. Next I'll be working on the base before revisiting the riders accessories (rack of meat etc) and the dragons collar.








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