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Posts posted by Melcavuk

  1. Cheers, the orange goes:

    Mephiston Red (air)
    Troll Slayer Orange (air)
    Yriel Yellow (air)
    White scar (air)

    Each getting progressively smaller in glow size as you get closer to heat source

    Then red glaze the outer edges of the flame glow
    Yellow glaze nearer to the fire source
    Reikland Fleshshade gloss on the metallics adjacent to the heat source for the deeper red glow look

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  2. WIP on number two Bal Kasta, both need detailing fleshed out but the core concept seems to be coming together. As part of the fluff evolution in their desperation to find the attention of the Suneater these Akursed Bal Kasta have been subjected to the most extreme of Gothi engineering, their unfavoured forms however prove poor vessels for the sheer power of their god being forced through them from Gothi incantations. The weakest of Bal Kasta burn alive, their god devouring their souls first and their bodies withering away after, but a rare few can endure the constant agonising torment, learning to crave its agony as a mark of recognition from a god that cannot stand their presence much less their prayers.



    Exalted Volsungr makes even the Bal Kasta look tiny


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  3. Work in progress on the first of my Bal Kasta, alot of neating up needed at this stage but I think the concept is starting to come together.
    Bal Kasta -
    The Bal Kasta (Also known as Akursed) are Trophies of the Volsungr, taken from the firstborn of conquered tribes these massive Ogors would be contendors for Tyrant one day in any other Ogor migration, insread in the Suneater tribes they can never hold rank or power. Those tribes who refuse the enlightenment of the Suneater, too blind to see the true path to glory, and who are too weak to avoid subdjugation by a Suneater migration swell within the ranks of the Gullveig of the tribe. But these tribes are hidden from the Burning Gaze of their mighty god, they are not viewed as foes of the Suneater (such a status would make them fearsome indeed), they simply no longer exist in his eyes and therefore can never recieve his blessings. As such the flame still burns them as it would never burn a true disciple of their god, they cannot belch forth his devouring fires nor summon the pyres to his glory.
    Such is the curse of the Bal Kasta, they will live their entire lives in the service of those chosen by their God but never live to see that power become theirs. Great Volsungr will have full regiments of Bal Kasta within their armies, a striking show of his dominance over the tribes as his fallen foes now serve at his whims in Battle, and in time some of these fallen champions may well be put to use. The Gothi Engineers of the tribes have long since mastered the Fyre Powders of Aqshy, using it to power their catapults payload and feed the mighty Pyre Belchers of the tribes, and whilst no true Son of the Suneater would disgrace himself with using it to mimick the mighty fire belch of the Beserkr there is little that Bal Kasta have to lose and many find themselves all too willing to try.
    These brave (suicidal?) Balkasta have two mighty fire belching blunderbuss strapped beneath each arm, their form clad in beaten iron plating that mighty (probably not) resist the flame should the volatile alchemical mixture backfire onto them, each is attended to by their own compliment of Grots tasked with filling and reloading the fire belching cannons as the Ogors simply cannot use their hands for anything other than holding onto this fearsome arsenal. Those who live long enough in battle hope that in time, should their gods eyes fall upon them belching flame from these mighty cannons, they might earn his favour and be elevated from the rank of Bal Kasta, though such a thing is unlikely.
    Tactics: Short ranged and at their best when immobile the best use for Bal Kasta is to use a Waaghkart to throw them up the battlefield, becoming a point defense unit on an objective you need secured and scorching any enemies that mighty dare to come close. The Bal Kastas ideal target is mid weight infantry though they are no slouches in horde control. Supported by a defensive line of Ashen Grots to take any charge these Ogors can then fire over their defenders in unrelenting barrages to fell oncoming units.





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  4. Got ahold of my partners "Proper camera" since I managed to crack the lense on my iphone camera (sad days) here's what I could pull together in terms of proper shots of finished units for my Suneater tribes so far, other than these I have 4 finished ashen grots (36 left to paint), another catapult, the Waaghkart totem, and 7 gullveig to paint but built:









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  5. His spell grants cover which as monster he cannot benefit from, the command ability can effect himself but thematically should be used to inspire others around him though we’ll see in 2.0 if it balances through or not. I agree he’s tough and killy but with no mortal wound protection or damage mitigating and sitting at over 600 points felt reasonably balanced (though I’m open to changes)

    • Like 1
  6. 21 minutes ago, MrZakalwe said:


    Though it should be noted that the Magma Drake warscroll you created exceeds Archaon in a number of areas so without going a bit crazy not much will go toe to toe with it. 

    And 90% of that scroll is a flat copy from the Magma Dragon scroll. He gained 0 more wounds and his realm based boosts became restricted to Pyre proximity but gained casting abilities and a command trait. Point for point the magma dragon without rider might well do more damage (100 point difference for no boost in survivability)

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  7. Making up the final Grot Warscroll for my Suneater Tribes is the Totem of the Suneater, a destruction warshrine that moves with the migrations of Suneaters. The rippling heat and power of the shrine can turn away blades and burn up projectiles before they reach the fanatical followers of the Suneater, but its true potency lies within the trials of flame. Gothi attendants stoke the flames around the giant stone effigy before swinging it forwards, should he prove willing the Suneater musters his energies to belch forth huge gouts of flame from the pyres to engulf loyal warriors, consuming them and letting them emerge unscathed from other pyres of the Suneater. Those who are unworthy however will find themselves consumed by the Suneater in his eternal hunger.





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  8. It is said that from the day they are chosen the Volsungr, great prophets of the Suneater tribes are gifted with the touch of the volcano, indeed many have been witnessed in battle belching forth great gouts of flame and magma to douse their enemies and leave them to an agonising death. Such things (the gothi say) are the blessings of the Suneater, that his mightiest warriors might one day rival the destructive powers of the volcanic mountains of the realms). They are seemingly untouched by flame  from the day of Ascension, feeling no heat nor pain at its prescence. Indeed many take to bathing in the Magmaflows to cleanse their unsightly crevices of parasites that no Gothi can even be convinced to remove. 

     As a Volsungrs migration spreads across the realms, leaving a blistering scar of scorched earth in their wake, they share in the power gifted to the Suneater with every pyre to his glory lit, the further they travel and more pyres they ignite the more powers bestowed upon them, to some comes the choking cloud of ash that shadows their every movement, choking out any foes who would dare approach. To others the calloused and coarse skin becomes as hard as the stone of the mountain itself, yet more manifest a mighty bellow that can fell trees and shattered the most hardened rock as though the power of a volcanic explosion. 

    It is said that the most aged of the Volsungr reach such power that they need no migration to follow in their wake, they have become the mountain and their Gods chosen warriors, in time these ancient warriors leave their tribe to the next prophet, migrating across the realms to rest at the Maw of the Suneater, the birth place of their tribes and await their gods command. They take no guard with them, nor trophies or treasure... such things mean little to these mighty avatars of their god, instead only their most loyal of Gothi priest are permitted  to (and insisted upon) accompany them to their holy site.

    As years turn to decades these warriors fade to myth, yet now as tremors of change ripple across the realm the Suneater stirs from his pit, with a mighty bellow his chosen warriors march forth once more. This once mortal forms changed entirely as their hardened rocklike skin has grown to immense size, no longer can they merely belch the flame, their entire visage has eroded to the rippling orb of flame to drown out even the Sun itself, so much has their power intensified that every crack and crag in their rocklike skin seethes with blistering heat. They are accompanies, as all Volsungr, by their most loyal of Gothi borne high above the battlefield on the shoulder of their prophets. These Gothi are perhaps the most unsightly of the pair, a Grot unlike any other... one that has allowed to both grow fat and old, feasting on the food and treasures their champions no longer require.



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  9. The Wanderers will be black/grey and dark/light green fade as primary colour scheme, they'll be painted by my girlfriend (my involvement is purely in making the models, the concept and painting will be all her) to be run in a narrative campaign as the anti thesis to the Suneaters. The Aeloran Nomads whilst somewhat parasitical survive as part of nature, they are about balance (both good and bad) and have survived this log by avoiding prolongued conflict, the Suneater migration however is carving out a scorch scar leading directly toward the heart of their woodland realm and the well of their ancestors souls. So the campaign will centre on this conflict and help shape out the background to both factions

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