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Posts posted by Melcavuk

  1. 7 minutes ago, MrZakalwe said:



    The Gladeshards are pretty damned hardcore though even for them I wouldn't pay more than 140. I like that the Hunters beyond repute rule makes them artificially bad at sniping characters. Hmm maybe the 160 is worth it considering how good they'd be at operating as minimum strength units (no point in running more than the minimum - extra shot from the squad leader and hunters rule means minimum strength units have a similar damage/point ratio to massive regiments and are much more able to use cover).

    The Hunters rule was to give them a useful ability against Hordes, designing the faction based on my Partners brief she wants small, fancy and elite units (mostly to limit having to paint hundreds of models) whilst still retaining Aelven charactertistics (so not amazingly resilient, but graceful and fast). The Centaurid have a benefitial ability to target characters so the Hunters was to do a guerilla warfare style ability where a small unit excels at taking on the larger ones, it also gives them a use in the current meta of larger sized units in that theyre specifically better when the opponent plays to max size bonuses.

    160 felt heavy in points to me but at the same time I tend to lean toward heavy rather than light pointing when starting out as its a custom unit.

    • Like 1
  2. Cheers, I'm mulling over concepts but I also dont want to force them in unless I can find a decent niche for them. Thus far many of the concepts I have devised are already accounted for in existing endless spells available, and my volcanic eruption concept falls far too close infunction to the stormcast meteor not to be considered a direct rip off. Until that point i'm just Ogor fluffing out how they explain each of the endless spells (because lets be fair no human wizard is going to of lectured a Suneater caster on what an arcane pendulum is)

  3. 27 minutes ago, MrZakalwe said:

    Seriously nice work- reliable damage on a chariot charge is a nice touch (almost absent in the game).

    Forest shades could do with dropping in points quite heavily. 

    Agreed. They haven’t been standout units in any of the games so far and with only a single shot a piece, no rend and limited survivability they’re feeling rapidly outclassed by all more recent units. The glade shards sit where I think a standard archer battleline for aelves should be.

    • Like 1
  4. Cheers guys, its nice when I can get a project thats nice and easy to roll with, fortunately the relatively simple glow technique for the Suneaters helps tie together models that might otherwise look disjointed as one cohesive army. As I'm slowly filling up the unit roster I've put together riders for my Aldin Draken ranged cavarly and whilst waiting for the release of the Stormcast Dracolines theyve claimed some mournfang mounts for now!






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  5. A little more paint before the excessive heat has forced me to stop for a few hours:







    Also a look backwards with the most recent model from the faction alongside the very first, as I have worked through the models within the faction the paintjobs have been refined and the techniques repeated to the point where they have developed their own style, looking back at the first model I'm still proud of him but definately feel Surt'Ar is a level above.


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  6. WIP Surt'Ar, First Prophet of the Suneater Tribes
    Known Names:
    The First (Also known as First Prophet) - Surt'ar is often referred to both as The First and The First Prophet, in terms of the Suneaters both are equally true. When he climbed back through the mighty Jaws of the Suneater he was born again as the very first member of the Suneater tribes, he was also gifted a sliver of the divine power that he pulled from the god that rebirthed him becoming the first ever Volsungr of the tribes
    Forsworn of Vulcatrix - In part Surt’ar owes his unnatural longevity and might to the powers instilled in the life’s blood of Vulcatrix. When the great godbeast was shattered by the puny Duardin god little regard was given to where shards of her form fell. In each of these craters great volcanos blossomed to life pulsing with the scorching heat of every drop of her blood. Robbed of the fight Gorkamorka was not one to turn down a free meal, scouring the realms he found the still beating heart of the great salamander, in one mighty gulp he swallowed it whole. Legend says this heart still lurks within the gods stomach, pulsing undeterred, and from this the First Prophet drank deep of the blood of a Godbeast to sustain him in his long stay in his gods gullet.
    Exalted of the Suneater - Every Volsungr to follow in the Great Prophets footsteps is at best a poor imitation of his power, whilst each stands taller and stronger than any other Ogors they cannot match the sheer potency that came with the First. In this way he is considered the Exalted of their God, the first of his kind and without comparison.
    Surt’ar - The Last Chief of the Iron Klaw clan, and founder of the Burning Klaws this once mortal creature answered to the name Surt'ar before his ascension.
    Ruler Over All - Suneaters despise the cities of order encroaching upon their lands, none more so than Surt'ar whose tribe was butchered by this relentless invasion of order upon the realms. By divine law Surt'ar asserts dominion over all that the light of the Sun touches, by right of his gods power.
    His once mundane Ogor form has long since given way to the unrelenting heat of the Suneater, the very blood in his veins boiled his skin until it sloughed away from a mighty molten form. With age and mastery of the winds of Aqshy Surt'ar has resculpted himself a form, sinews shaped from living flows of magma, the pulsing heart of the volcano fuelling his power and every footstep rendering dirt to glass beneath his feet. In this way he stands at over twice the height of any Ogor, more gargant now than his flesh and blood kin, but he has never entered the long sleep of the Exalted, never had his flesh given way to the stone that slows the muscles and brains of his most favoured disciples. In many Ogor tribes his smaller stature than the Exalted would render him secondary to them in the chain of command, yet none contest his rule over all of the tribes, within his heart pulses the very power of their god, his every word revered as divine law, on the field of battle none match his sheer destructive force, his unrelenting will and fury beyond ages.
    In battle he wields two relics of his power (though some contest these had previously been stolen from other tribes):
    Pok'Gar - The Tongue of Vulcatrix is a whip wrought from the living flames of Aqshy, whilst unlikely to have been formed out of the literal tongue of the godbeast (as such a thing would dwarf even the great drakes of the realms) it is an exquisite weapon of destruction, coursing with a life of its own feeding on the very winds of flame that surge throughout the realms.
    Savar - This heavy magma drenched mace is said to have been formed from crowns taken from conquered kingdoms, each king is said to have burnt alive with all his finery, the great Gothi priests sculpting the bone meal and precious metals with the spark of divine power of their forges into the weapon Savar, butcher of Kingdoms.
    Lost in Ice and Flame:
    The First Prophet disappeared from the tribes millennia ago, stories circulate around his exact reasons why but no Ogor could truly speak to what filled the mind of such a mighty champion of the Suneater. Most assumed he marched forth to the first Pyre, much in the same way the other ancient prophets have done that they might prepare for the final battle at the side of their mighty God, though none returning from the Pyre speak of the First Prophet. In truth his rampage outgrew even the mighty tribes of the Suneaters, he was stronger and faster than any of his kin, his hunger for battle outlasted any of the savage soldiers who fought at his side, he could march for days when lesser mortals had to stop to rest. One by one his migration fell out of step with the great Prophet, they were left to wage war in his wake and decimate those civilizations too small to face the wrath of the mighty one.
    It was an alliance of Aelves and Sylvaneth who stunted this rampage, though the battle waged long into the winter seasons it was as the weather began to grow cold and the great flames of his forms waged war with the icy elements that the alliance of Order began to gain the upper hand. Grew flocks of the frostheart Phoenix flew high above the Magma drenched gargant, a swirling tempest of lashing ice and snow caged him in. Great war beasts of the Aelven empire dragged mighty chains forth, raised high by the Arcane powers of their masters to lock onto the rampaging Prophets limbs, inch by inch his volatile form was dragged forth, his feet digging deep into the battle worn fields as he lashed out at his would-be captors with massive blows of his flame wreathed weaponry.
    It was with a final roar of contempt that the Prophet was pulled from the field of battle, sent tumbling down into a darkened chasm with even the brilliant light of his form disappearing into the darkness of the depths. Yet the Aelven empires knew that such a creature could not truly be killed by such trivial means, at best they could cage him until a weapon could be forged to slay the great beast, and for this their greatest sorcerers set to work shaping the very landscape around them to become a cage hewn from nature. Three great rivers were rerouted through the realm, the dirt roiling upwards and great tracts carved through the hillside, sending their murky waters tumbling into the great chasm to quench the flames of the Prophets rage, hissing gouts of steam spitting upwards into the skies above. Time has long since forgotten the battle, and the prisoner since caged, pilgrims even starting to reverse the geyser of Ghyran as a holy site of Alarielle interpreting its hissing as divinations of their gods will. And with ages these volatile days became something of myth, eventually lost to history in the Age of Chaos as all things are in the death of civilisations.
    Hidden at the foot of the Arboreal Mountains in Ghyran lay the nameless city, its new denizens dubbed it the Phoenicium and so content were they in their own victory in liberating this ancient stonehewn marvel that they asked not what it had been called before, nor why its echoing halls bore the arcane symbols of magics long since lost. In the years since the War for Ghyran and the liberation of the Phoenicium the architects of Azyr are still finding new marvels lurking within the expansive labyrinth that runs beneath the mountainrange, their arcane historians tracing back runes and wardings to some of the oldest civilizations in the realms all focusing power throughout the complex as though a lightning rod to the very heart of Ghyran.
    Yet still they have not found the chamber of whispering, long since hidden from the prying eyes from mortals yet the voices within carry out into the echoing tunnels that form the Labyrinth. In the dead of night the young say they can hear the soft murmurings of lost voices, as though a lullaby reverberating through the stone itself, at once echoeing from every wall and none at all. This hidden chamber lay within the very heart of the city, no windows or doors piercing its marble walls, there was afterall no surface untouched by the wardings erected by its architects, the height of the chamber seemingly pierces high into the mountaintops, no ceiling visible to the naked eye and no light able to pierce such lingering darkness.
    At the heart of this rounded chamber lay the Altar, a roaring flame hovering above ground level, shifting and warping as though tugging at some invisible bonds that refuse to release their grasp. Around it three Oracles kneel in constant prayer in flowing waters of the restorative fount of Ghyran, their ancient skin showing no sign of age beyond a few decades though their eyes, blinded to the physical world, seem yet to carry wisdom that kings would never truly achieve. Here they have remained, their ward and duty demanding their every attention since the inception of this great work, it was the oracles who ensured neither man nor aelf would pierce the great stone walls of the Nameless city in the age of chaos, it was they who ensured the cage would not be broken by mortal hands.
    Each oracle courses and sways as though the very rivers of Ghyran themselves, the waters around them raising and falling with every motion, rushing toward the altar in crashing waves before receeding to the very edges of the chamber, their lips moving in constant prayer, soft lullabies seemingly to soothe the restless flame thatlurks at the chambers heart. Here they would have remained undeterred till realms end... but Nagash's great work was ignorant to their very existance let alone their purpose, he did not think of the repercussions when he sent his wave of malicious energies coursing through every vein in the realms. most villages merely felt the briefest of tremor, soon forgotten with the arrival of the restless dead urging more to join the ranks. The Whispering Chamber however, this great conduit of arcane power to the very heart of Ghyran was shaken by the convergence, even ignorant to the chambers existance the populace of the Phoenicium felt as every stone heaved and twisted in the impact of volatile magics, within the chamber itself the oracles screamed out as one in piercing agony, their heads flung back and sightless eyes burning bright with the same radiance as the flame, all water in the chamber bucking and recoiling from the flame as the oracles were riddled with torment.
    Nagashes powers flooded the chamber, rising through the arcane sigils across the walls, every inch it crawled higher fresh fissures began to form within the ancient marbling of the chamber, ageless symbols broken unable to contain the shockwave of magic that had been unleashed upon the realms. One by one the Oracles slumped forward, the heat of their body sending great clouds of steam racing skyward as the waters of Ghyran evaporated, tendrils of the flame inching their now lifeless forms toward the rooms central altar.
    Deep within the lost forests of Ghyran there is more worrisome news, the water levels of three rivers that forged a winding path through the hills of the Realm have dropped, with every passing day less water reaches the chasmic prison of the Prophet. And those Pilgrims who visit the site no longer hear the whispers of Alarielle from the Geyser, instead they speak of a roar of endless rage and the clanging of chains...
    Destroyer of Civilizations:
    Had Surt’ars rampage not been cut short in the Age of Myth there is no telling the damage he could have dealt to the growing expanse of order, indeed the Suneater Tribes claim that they would have better held the tide of chaos than any Order alliance had their Prophet been at the head of the Migration. Yet imprisoned he was, for an Age he was alone, cursed with his rage and the burning fury of his god, subject to the unrelenting torrents of the great Falls of Ghyran in a prison of water and arcane sorcery. All that time did nothing to lessen his hatred for the Aelves and their kind, the constant torment honing his blunt anger into a weapon of precise destruction. Now freed unwittingly by Nagash and his Necroquake this titan of destruction has clawed his way out of the pit for the second time in his life, ready to seek out his kin and see what has become of his legacy. Once more at the head of the great Migrations of the tribe it will not be long until he steers it into the very heart of Sigmars cities, that true destruction might reign in the realms once more.
    On the Battlefield:
    Surt’ar is one of the few mid-sized heroes within the Suneater tribes, where as his lesser Volsungr seek out the power of the Magmadrake to lend to their own in the heat of battle, and the mighty Exalted are entombed in the volcanic rock that an Age of rest has rendered upon their forms Surt’ar represents the ideal his kin strive for. This makes him unique in the alliance, whilst large he is not fully considered a monster, toeing the fine line between monstrous infantry and the larger beasts in your army.
    Surt’ar is at his very heart a combat berserker, designed to charge into the very heart of your enemies forces and carve down their heroes, yet with his smaller stature he lacks the resilience of some of your larger heroes and for this reason is ideally supported by Gothi Priests who will further enhance his combat potential either with vital healing prayers to keep him in the fight longer, lending Volcanic blows to enhance his weapons to sunder even the toughest armour into dust or choking his victims in ash so that they might not fight back.
    Utilising Surt’ar alongside the powers from Pyres allegiance ability will be a furious assault upon your opponents defences, coupling his ability to increase the attacks characteristic of a nearby unit along with the Pyres ability to run and charge in the same turn can turn a unit of Fyreborn Fanatics into a blender of flame and beaten steel.
    Unlike most named characters Surt’ar does not show affinity to any particular Tribe within the Suneaters, each of them has been birthed from his own Burning Klaws and it is his energy the powers the Volsungr in every migration. With rumours of his return spreading throughout the tribes Gothi priests can be heard wailing into the mighty Volcanoes of the realms, that he might hear their cry and emerge from the roiling molten rock to lead their tribe into war.
    Model Inspiration:
    I had a few concepts in mind for when modelling Surt’ar and in my eagerness I explained each in turn to my partner, whilst perfect at humouring my creativity she can often see things in the design stages that escape my notice due to enthusiasm. In this case it was simple “So its another big monster?”, yes… yes it was, every model I have made for this faction so far has been the constant strive to go bigger, go tougher, but The First isn’t about size its about power and rage, adding another monstrous miniature to the battlefield would make the force unwieldy, whats more it does little to differentiate what makes him different from the rest of his kind.
    For this reason, we’ve actually opted to go SMALLER (ironic that’s in bigger text, right?), currently Surt’ar stands only at twice the height of an Ogor, indeed even with his own trophies adding to height he is smaller than both the Volsungr on Magma Drake and stands just over half the height of the Exalted Volsungr. This is nice for a couple of reasons, firstly he stands it in an army of “bigger” by being unique and midsized, secondly it means I can lop off the behemoth requirement for him and am considering removing the monster keyword too.










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  7. Those beastclaw the join up with a Suneaters migration do not escape the blistering heat and blidning light of the glory of their gods attention, even the icy blood in their veins slowly transforms to the roaring magma flow of his divine lifes blood. Their forms riddled with this coarsing volcanic energy slowly begin to unravel, piercing light tearing through rough hide to unveil the destruction brewing within:












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  8. Cheers, its a good hobby for us to do together as we have very different tastes, my Brutish and destrutive Ogors against the Nimble Aelves (with a truly abusive number of bows).


    Next conversion up is a tame one for me, Huskard on Thundertusk for a batallion to join my Suneaters. Minor conversion for me but all pomp and grandeur stripped off of the model but he's gained a hunting horn and a weapon with long enough reach instead of his embarassing arms reach. He's carrying supplies from a long hunt to join the Suneaters migration, and has the compulsary grot companion that fleshes out the major parts of my Suneaters.





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  9. 11 minutes ago, DionTheWanderer said:

    I wish I'd seen this *before* painting my Wanderers army...! 


    Looks good though, would happily play games against an Army like this, and I think the lore is excellent.

    Thanks, its still heavily work in progress as i also complete my own Suneaters Ogors tome, the fun thing is that the recent history and unit choices for both will be decided in a narrative game between myself and my other half as the Shatterhawk Nomads have found themselves in the way of the Burnin Klaw Ogor migration, both being native to ghur the ensueing war is where both subfactions have been locked in the aftermath of the Necroquake, with every falling Nomad hero causing Wyldshard plants to erupt from the barren earth beneath their feet the Suneater Ogors are struggling to summon enough flame to keep the forest at bay. 


    With two such opposite schools of thought between the armies it lets us flesh out, play out and evolve both armies plus we get the playtesting of the rules done in the process to balance the warscrolls :P

    When finished both tomes will have wargears, spell, prayer and trait cards to be used in battle along with properly made tomes (when I find a decent artist)

  10. So as a projects with my partner and as a natural enemy to my Suneater tribes Ogors we have started work on a new Aelven Battletome inspired by the Wood Elves/Wanderers of old but with a darker and more Age of Sigmar magical lean. Below is what we have so far for comments and critique:


    Some call them Wanderers, Nomads, Forest Aelves, it is said within the borders of Ghyran their name has been struck from every record in that woodland realm. Those that call them wanderers know little of the reason why, of the darkness that took root in the very souls of these forgotten Aelves in times long since past, over the disease of the Wyld that now lurks in every drop of blood coursing through their every changing forms. It is said that these Nomads travel ever onward not because they wish to, but because they must, every footprint seeds the nightmarish plants of the Wyld land, a curse that travels with them wherever they go.

    Born once long ago to the Goddess Alarielle when all of her Aelven kin sought to take their share from the gullet of Slaanesh, they were her loyal huntsmen within Ghyran. Children of Kurnoth and Alarielle both, these Woodland Aelves found the forests of Ghyran their sanctuary, stalking beasts that upset the natural order of their home and enforcing the will of their Goddess upon all who strayed within her sacred borders. Their lives were full, peaceful and safe in the knowledge that their Goddesses powers within the walls of the forest were absolute, it was this knowledge that led them to rebuke Sigmars offer of sanctuary when the tides of Chaos first began to encroach upon the realms. It is said that these Wanderkin stood as Alarielles sentinels on the very edge of her forest kingdom, keeping watchful gaze across the horizons for any sign of the tide of chaos. Few know what shook the faith of these Aelven hunters, perhaps the sanctuary they had become accustomed to had softened them, perhaps they knew not the true savageries of war, whatever their reason when their faith was tested it was found wanting. In the dead of night these Nomads abandoned their posts at the edge of the forest, fleeing with all speed from the tide of darkness that had drowned the horizon and blotted out the stars themselves. The wrath of their Goddess would send tremors throughout every root within the Realm, every tree shook with her rage, her children had forsaken her.

    These accursed Wanderers fled, the tide of chaos ever at their heel as the forests they once knew as sanctuary became drowned in an onslaught of flame and axe. Finding all gates to Azyr sealed to them they took the only route that had been left open, travelling through the Primal Gates of Ghur they fled beyond the very edges of the mapped world, into the swirling madness of the Maelstrom at realms edge. Here, amidts the shifting Wyld winds that ravage the very distant corners of Ghur they found sanctuary… for a time.


    When the Realms fell to chao those Wanderers who found themselves abandoned by their volatile and spiteful goddess fled across the realms, the tide of chaos ever biting at their heels as they sought a place to call their own. Yet godless and without allies every door became closed to them, even the mighty gates of Azyr were found sealed by the time their beleaguered populace came unto it. It was then that they were driven onwards, ever further out from their cities in the heart of Ghur towards the volatile and unknowable forests at worlds edge that they might endure the elements longer that they could the blades of their foes. Their hidden refuge at realms edge has, for the longest time kept the nomads hidden from the wars that ravaged the Realms, but the very magics that have shielded them have taken a heavy toll upon their bodies and souls. An intelligent and deeply invasive bestial wind called the Wyld at the edge of Ghur has seeped into the very fibres of every muscle, the primal drum beat that forms the very pulse of the realm now resides within the souls of every Aelf in their ranks threatening to overwhelm reason or logic with every beat of the endless rhythm.

    As the Wyld seeks to claim their souls the desperate Nomads sought ways to stave off their final bestial forms, that they might retain their Aelven grace and nobility for few millenia longer. Through many trials that claimed more and more of their population with every passing year eventually a symbiosis was found, the strongest souls within their ranks could merge their souls with the savage beasts of the realm, burying their own soul within that of the mighty beasts to hide it from the Wyld that sought to snuff them out. Such an act would preserve the Aelven soul but the toll it took on their partnered beast was heavy, no such beast could endure more than a few years of the merge before the Wyld claimed it entirely.

    It has then come to pass that the eldest amongst the Aeloran populace have formed such a bond with hundreds of beasts, each becoming inclined to merge with a beast that matches their personality beyond all others. At first such pairings seemed solely matched by personality, the most vigilant paired with the mighty raptors that claimed the skies of world edge, the fleet of foot would pair with the mighty stags that leapt deftly through the forest and the greatest hunters would merge with packs of the savage wolves that hunters in the darkest corners of their realm. As the years have worn on however the Aelorans features have begun to shift and alter to match that of the beasts whose souls have touched their own, the Birdkind develop accute vision, their bone structure lightening as though able to drift on the wind instead of falling. The Doekind develop extraordinary muscle structures allowing them to dance across the very tree tops with every deft leap, and the Wolfkin become hunters beyond compare.

    The Aeloran carry with the Wyld wherever they travel, it has become a disease that spread like wildfire throughout their populace and even the blending of souls can only delay it so long. They have become blighted, never able to settle for long lest the carnivorous plants of the Wyld itself spawn in their very footprints, beset at all times by the predators within and without they lead nomadic lives, ever in pursuit of the great hunt that they might find a beast able to endure the blend long enough to hold their degradation entirely.




    On the following pages you will find rules and abilities for your Aeloran Nomad army. These include powerful allegiance abilities and items, new battle plans, and war scrolls and battalions that describe the hidden empires of Aeloran Nomads in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar




    From potent enchantments to bestial traits there are many benefits to the Aeloran Tribe allegiece. These can be found below:



    Every unit and warscroll battalion in Warhammer Age of Sigmar owes allegiance to one of the Grand Alliances – either ORDER, CHAOS, DEATH or DESTRUCTION. Many units and warscroll battalions also have more specific allegiances – for example AELORAN NOMAD or CENTAURID. If all the staring units and warscroll battalions in your army are from AELORAN NOMADS, then it has the AELOAN NOMADS allegiance. An army with the AELORAN NOMADS allegiance – sometimes known as a AELORAN NOMAD army – can use the potent allegiance abilities found in the following pages.


    When your army qualifies for more than one allegiance – e.g. all of the units are AELORAN NOMAD and ORDER – you must choose which allegiance your army will use before each game. These restrictions aside, you can use allegiance abilities whenever you play games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.




    Battle Traits: An allied army fights with units and cohesion, granting it additional boons. See opposite for the battle traits available for Aeloran Nomad armies.


    Command Trait: Each leader has their own style of command. See opposite for the command traits available to Aeloran Nomad generals.


    Relics of the Hunt: These arcana trophies are claimed by the mightiest of warriors within the Nomadic Empires. See pages XX-XX for the magical trophies Heroes from your army can possess.


    Wyldform Magicks: Those skilled in the Arcane Arts or with a primordial link to the Wyld are capable of bringing its magic to bear in the heat of battle. See page XX for Wyld-based spells available to Wizards from your army.



    The Aeloran Nomads have their own evasive and savage methods of destruction and waging war across the mortal realms unlike any other. The battle plans on pages XX-XX allow you to wage was just as the Aeloran Nomads do.



    On pages XX-XX you will find rules for player a Path to Glory campaign. These enable you to field your Aeloran Nomad miniatures as a formidable war band and fight an immersive campaign in which your forces grow stronger with each victory. Included are war band tables to help you collect your army, as well as rewards tables for your champion and their followers



    This section describes formations made up of several units that combine their strengths to gain powerful new abilities. By fielding these formations, you can muster your own Tribe on the table top. There are rules for fielding some of the most notable empires of Aeloran Nomads, each possessing its own strengths and distinct character.



    This section describes the characteristic and abilities of the individual Aeloran Nomad models and units.


    The Aeloran Nomads lead savage lives, beset on all sides by the primal beasts from the maelstrom at the very edge of the known realms. Every fibre of their being has been infected with the ravenous energies that fuel the realm of beasts, threatening the burst forth from their unwilling hosts should they fall in battle



    An army with the AELORAN NOMAD allegiance gain the following abilities.

    The Savage Heart – To survive the Wyld is to understands ones place within the food chain, the Hunter must consume the prey, and the prey must be consumed. Roll a dice for every enemy model that flees due to battleshock whilst their unit is within 3 inches of an AELORAN unit, for every roll of a 4 or more the AELORAN unit regains a wound, if there are no wounded models in that unit you may instead restore a number of models to the unit lost earlier in the battle with a number of wounds upto the wounds restored.

    Wyldform – The eldest of the Aeloran populace have begun their final descent into the Wyldform, every drop of their blood carrying the changing taint from world edge with them into battle. Should a precious drop of this blood hit the ground it bears the spores of the predatory plants of Ghur, erupting forth to reclaim the lands. At the end of any turn in which an AELORAN NOBLE is wounded but not slain, roll a D6 for every AELORAN NOBLE that was wounded adding the number of wounds lost. You may add one base of WYLDSHARD BRAMBLES within 3 inches of that model for every roll of a 5 or more. In addition is an AELORAN NOBLE model is slain, immediately replace the model with a base of WYLDSHARD BRAMBLES.




    In addition to their command abilities, if they are a Hero, the general of a AELORAN NOMAD army can have a command trait from the list below. Pick the trait that best suits your generals’ personality. Alternatively, you can roll a dice to randomly determine a trait. If, for whatever reason, you must select a new general during the battle, immediately generate a trait for them.



    Command Trait


    Aspect of the Scorpion – Your hero channels the poisonous nature of the monolithic scorpions at world edge. Pick one of your heroes weapons (this cannot belong to their mount), if your hero wounds but does not kill an enemy model with this weapon that model suffers an additional mortal wound at the end of that phase.


    Aspect of the Stag – This hero channels the grace and speed of the great stags of the forest. Add 3 to this models move characteristic.


    Aspect of the Raptor – Channelling the great raptors that claim the skies of Ghur these heroes descend on wounded prey with unrelenting speed. You may reroll failed charges for this model if the charge move will end within 3 inches of a model already wounded that turn.


    Aspect of the LionThe nails and teeth of this hero have sharpened to the needlike points of the feline predators of their homelands. In the combat phase you may add one to the rend of and attacks that roll a 6 to hit.


    Aspect of the Hydra – This hero has gained a sliver of the mighty regeneration power of the Hydra, seemingly regrowing lost limbs in the heat of battle. In each of your hero phases you may regain 1 wound on this model lost earlier in the battle.


    Aspect of the Ironhide – Channelling the tough hide of the Ironhide Rhinos of the Ghur mountains this heroes skin has toughened to deflect blades. Roll a dice whenever a wound or mortal wound is allocated to this model, on a roll of a 6 that wound is ignored.








    The table below provides points, minimum and maximum unit sizes and battlefield roles for the Warscroll and Warscroll battalions in this book, for use in Pitched Battles. Used alongside the rules for Pitched Battles in the Generals Handbook, this provides you with everything you need to field your army of Aeloran Nomads against any opponent










    Aeloran Noble on Wyldrunner Chariot






    Aeloran Wyldshaper on Griffin






    Aeloran Lord on Wyldmare






    Aeloran Huntmaster






    Aeloran Gladeshards





    BATTLELINE if AELORAN NOMAD Allegiance and your general is an AELORAN NOBLE

    Aeloran Reavers






    Aeloran Forest Shades






    Aeloran Chargers






    Centaurid Hunters





    BATTLELINE if AELORAN NOMAD Allegiance and your general is a CENTAURID

    Centaurid Stargazer






    Centaurid Gladiatori






    Avari Sunrakers






    Avari Starcaster






    Shard of the Wyldhart




















































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  11. Anyone who has seen my conversions (if you havent then treat yourself and look) will know I'm really passionate about my hobby, but whats more impressive is the support from my partner in joining my in pursueing my hobby (if you want to know how supportive just tally up the rough cost of all my conversion bits :P). In joining my in gaming with my custom Suneaters my partner asked that I work on putting together a custom battletome for her own nature Aelves so together we've been working on the background whilst I cobble together conversions on the condition that when I build them she paints them. As someone to whom painting doesnt come naturally the commitment she shows seeing it through is really impressive, so here's the first painting units dubbed the Aeloran Gladeshards (central model painted by myself, the rest my partner copying the scheme).
    Along with a handful of other conversions we are working on for her unique faction
    And whilst I wait for the Dracoline mounts to release for my Aldin Draken Models they are temporarily pinned on Mournfangs so I can get some test games in:
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  12. Test scheme for the first of my Gladeshards, the aim here is to get a scheme my partner can easily replicate without feeling overly pressured due to less experience in basing. Whilst it isnt to my usual level of heavy detailing I've limited it to basic techniques executed to provide a nice colour contrast, something that will provide good looking table top standard army.




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  13. 5 hours ago, Thundercake said:

    I think the centaur is great. Top body from a Deepkin?

    Tzaangor Skyfire, deepkin and melusari both came up a tad too thin in the hips compared to any of the mounts, the tzaangors have a bit more muscle which helps the blend. The head is Elf bloodbowl team as its slightly larger than normal aelves.


    Frustrating models to photograph but the best I could do, 3 Centaurid Hunters and an Aeloran Noble on Wyldrunner



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  14. As part of our shared hobby whenever I convert/write/rules out a unique custom unit for my growing Suneater tribes I also help my partner make one for her Nature Aelves to produce two unique but polar opposite forces on the battlefield.
    So here is the first stage of the concept for Centaurid Hunters for my partners Aeloran Nomad army (Wanderers for the AoS). Pretty happy with how the model has come together and the motion of the sculpt, but any feedback or critique is as always welcome.




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