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Posts posted by mdkinker

  1. 1 minute ago, bsharitt said:

    I am kind of disappointed that the Nurgle side is just their start collecting box with a hero change, but I guess I'd be more disappointed if I already bought the SC box(and I almost did) and wanted to expand it.

    I mean, it's basically the whole range of Nurgle Demons, atm. I needed to get more plaguebearers for the horde rules anyway, and I love the drones.

    • Like 1
  2. The mortar range change doesn't make sense to me. I get the change in which models can take which weapons (though, my goodness those are pretty @Thomas Lyons).

    1 hour ago, Bjarni St. said:

    Another significant side-effect is that the unit now synergises extremely poorly with the Chemist buff that grants one weapon profile +1 Attack.

    Not if they all go rifle. The new special rules seem to emphasize mixed units, though.

    • Like 1
  3. All of the arguments I've seen for keeping the points in the books exclusively don't address the advantages of an online living document for points. This is clearly the direction that is best, and it will help them focus more on what the books actually do well.

    5 minutes ago, Arkiham said:


    Oh I hope Festus! New Nurgle should be coming up, right? Right?!

    • Like 1
  4. I'm glad the Nurgle Greater Daemon is fewer points than the others, glad they didn't apply a blanket set of points as Nurgle benefited least from the bump up to Greater Daemon.


    Troll Hag at 300 is fun. Hopefully see the table. An excellent model.

    And they HAVE to be changing the Mourngul warscroll to put it at 280. Have to...It doesn't look to have changed?

    • Like 1
  5. Official unit max size and max one warscroll per model type cuts down on the horde spam (unless you use multiple horde model types, of course). I imagine the warband-wide battleshock will also play into that?

    Edit: Though, from listening to the latest Black Sun podcast, it sounds like the final scenario is decided by number of units around the relic. And since winning that last battle wins the campaign...

  6. 1 hour ago, PJetski said:

    There is already a rule for this. If you try to move (move, pile in, charge, whatever kind of move) and can't keep 1" coherency at the end then you can't move.

    That rule's related to what he's talking about, but doesn't specifically address his concern. He was arguing that in choosing models that have died you should need to maintain coherency as well (if you can).

    The rule you brought up does make it likely that, if you want to be able to move that unit later, you won't leave a gap that is too big for your models to make up for in their move (though that would be quite a big gap, even for 4" movement units). 

    Ed: there/their

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