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Everything posted by broche

  1. yeah it's not a hard stormcast list, you should have no problem with it. Take the advise above and play smart and you'll get there!
  2. with 2 full boxe, you can also build 4 big stabbas and 30 boyz, and 2 converted wardock i think, wich is a good value
  3. I respectfully disagree, i think they are actually the top destruction army with Goblin spam. Since GHB18 they have a top2 and a top4 in significant size tournament. It's one of the few army that can have a good matchup against both DoK, Stormcast and Death. I'm toying with Ironjawz list for LVO, and it's almost impossible to find a list that can perform ok against those 3 powerhouse (well in fact it's possible but its either just Pig with gorefist or Ardboys spam and i don't have the patience to paint another 40 ardboys lol) , so i might just end up playing bonesplitters the 2nd place (don't remember wich tournamenet was actually a Kop ruk with Rogue idol if i remember correctly.
  4. Oh sorry didn't know that Stabbas are in the foot orruk boys (you can build 2 i think)
  5. Agains stormcast, a single weirnob with geminid will help greatly. It's also cheap enough to fit in a 1500 game. Ironfist and Cog will serve you nothing against Stormcast (as he will deep strike you). However you'll soon realize than sequitor hit much less when they get a -1 attack (divide by half their output) or your dispel the empower. It also offer protection against double turn. Otherwise both @Superninja and AndrewG analysis are correct. I think actually Ironjawz have a hard spot in the meta, as it's really hard to tweak agains Stormcast, Dok, and Dead at the same time. We do have decent casting (especially with real spell) but it's quite useless against Dead. It's however very good against Stormcast and DoK (who have mid-range magic)
  6. personnally going Bonegrinz, i would drop the the 2 x 10 arrowboys (don't seem very usefull to me) and go for 3 or 4 small unit of Big stabbas. Big stabbas tend to die fast (because they hit hard) and does mortal wound in the process. then you get 1/6 to get them back.
  7. yes i think Ardboys should be generic battleline. would open some mixed built Oh and they could make gruntas better just by changing the working on their charge ability: if your charge roll is 8 or more, hoove and fang do d3 damage (somebody already suggested that earlier)
  8. suggestion for GW for point is do a friggin model that take into account all warscroll stats to calculate baseline point value. Otherwise i'm more for: MK at 400 Gordrack at 500-520 and change is command Brutes stay at 180 but get bufffed (at least 7 bravery and another power like embeded ironclad, run and charge or whatever). I'm fine with Megoboss, Weirnob (we will get a new book and spell lore someday) and Warchanter current point, but a like the suggestion of 100 points and +1 for a whole turn. Bataillion should be cheaper: Gorefist: 180 Ironfist/Weirdfist/ardfist: 160 Brute fist: 80-100 Bloodtooth/Ironsuz: 80-100 Note that stacking waaagh or not will also have a huge impact on IJ
  9. Honestly, i think what broke right now is the various stacking. I was hopefull that the would remove the stackin all together in GHB18, instead they went completly the opposite and allowed all sort of disgusting combo (a called it Age of Combo before GHB2018). They went in the right direction with save (removing the +1 from arcane shield) but gave save reroll to one of the few army that can still stack save buff. Save is the worst the worst thing, because something unkillable is dangerous. So obviously anything that affect save (+1, reroll and ignore rend) need to be given with caution, thing that GW don't really do. Same goes for ward save. The first time they significantly affected the state of the game was Sylvaneth battletome. You could now access 2+ rr 1 ignore rend on a big monster. Before that, best save was 3+, with some very rare 4+ rr. They you had the Arrowboys madness, then Tzeech, and then it just got worse and worse (in the sense of power escalation and game state change) So you have either two options to change the state back: Limit buff to once (max +1 no matter the source), or make most of thing trigger on a natural 6. But save paradigm in general need to be fixed that for sure. But for me the broken state doesn't come only from malign sorcery, it can be trace way before that. I also think that realm spell are much worse than artefact right now. They give tremederous advantage to some army and nothing to other, and worse, they are random! At least artefacts are for everybory and you can choose the one that suit you.
  10. What not to love with 12 big stabbas!
  11. Yes it does. Only exception is that he can be ally and still be your general. I figured out that since most of BS command trait are really not that good, I prefer to have the option to run/retreat and charge with Orruk and the Big Stabbas is potentially very good. Also with realm spell it give you a wizard that can cast 2 others (non-BS) spells in same turn. For 80 pts he is a bargain. in fact you just want to keep your wizard with hand of gork and the one with the +1 to hit, and maybe the reroll 1 out of dispel range. Arrowboys have a 23 - 33'' threath range (depending on what you do with your ruk / hand of gork). So you just need to keep your wizard in the back, close enough so they can buff the Arrowboys but stay out of dispel range. If he move in dispel range then he will be in range of the Big stabbas, wich is worse for him. he stay too far from the action, you can just ignore him. You don't care too much for mortal wound anyway. There is two problems that can arise with Nagash (or other big monster from Death) is realm spells. Ghyran have the annoying flesh to stone, and Hysh and Shish have a -1 to hit. He can also use the spell portal to reroll save, so Shysh can become double problem if he get ignore rend as well. In that case you're probably just better off killing his unit and occupy the gravesite using your mobility advantage. Also, second item would definitly be the Aetherquartz broach
  12. ok ok I get you're point, but we don't have the same definition of game breaking. A Stonehorn isn't breaking the game cause it can move 16 and fly. He just become better (or playable). Jade diadem on pheonix, problem isn't the diadem, it's the Phoenix that is breaking the game. 12 life at 2+ 4++ for 280 with a -1 to wound bubble is just insane. We can hope this kind of ability to disappear in the future. exiletorch, amberglaive, hypersnare seeds and arboreal stave are easy to avoid as they have really limited range. I agree i'm not a fan of those kind of ability, but those kind of ability already exist on other form (brutish cunning, soul of the stormhost). Bottomline, they are bad item. nobody seem take them. Rend 3 just increase damage output of a weapon. Really, nothing breaking the game in here. Most of the time it's just worse than buff to hit or damage. That left us with Etheral amulet and Cloak. Both excellent item. Maybe they should be FAQ (limit etheral to 4+ and no reroll?, or cloak to once per game) Broach is different. All army get a pool of 5 + X CP during the game. With broach, you get (5 + X) * 1.5. In comparaison, the free poeple trait that give CP give you 1.66 per game.
  13. what do you mean by affect the game on a too serious manner? you bolded thing like rend 3 weapon. For me it's just a good item, not much too get over excited. Same goes for thermarider cloak. Sword of justice is really gimmick. Most stuff you wrote i don't even remember or see it in any list so either poeple missed something or it's really bad. Going thru blood and glory top list, i saw: 2 x thermal rider cloak, 2 x dopleganger cloak, 1 x ignax scale, 1 x etheral amulet, 1 x SoJ. So 7 out of 18 artefact are from malign sorcery. And idonteh IMHO it's really a arguable choice between Dopleganger and Cloud of Midnight. Not sure how that break anything. What breaking the game right now are: 1. Hag'naar: I can live with a hard hitting army. A hard hitting army with a 5++ is another story. Flawed design from start on that one. 2. Idoneth high tide: Having a whole army strike first just don't work (especially when you can stack attack on hard hitting model that have 14'' move and can deep strike, and can ditch mortal wound defensively). You can see it like Smash and bash, but smash and bash have a condition. 3. Nagash: with +3 to cast/unbind and NINE cast / unbind, Nagash basically negate the magic phase for a lot of army. When you add Malgin sorcery and actually add to his know spell, it just doesn't work. I think it can easily be fix by applying the artefact rule to spell (each Wizard can know an additional spell from ther allegience lore or army realm) 4. Stormcast: Graviel stacking +3 to charge. And bring back unit on 5+ ability, another bad designed ability. High variance game-winning ability are never good.
  14. Playing a tournament tomorrow, i would play this, taking the big wurgog mask on a Weirnob, and probably either the mystic war paint or +1 save or wurgog (but probably warpaint). Current meta have very low shooting, so it's much easier to screen your support character (and helped with look out sir). Also with stacking of Command, you can just burn 3 CP in T2 to double arrowboys efficiency (each 5-6 generate 3 extra attack). A single volley do 50+ damage, and you can do it twice. In t1 with the Ruk and Fungoid, you can cover an average of 17'' with both run, and still charge 9''. Agains low damage output army like Death you can pin them will you grap objective/shoot them to dead. (Just need to stay further than 30'' from Nagash). Tricky matchup is Idoneth with their ability they can protect their important units Allegiance: BonesplitterzSavage Big Boss (120)- Granite ChoppasWurrgog Prophet (140)Maniak Weirdnob (120)Maniak Weirdnob (120)Fungoid Cave-Shaman (80)- General- Allies30 x Savage Orruks (300)30 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (420)5 x Savage Boarboyz (100)5 x Savage Boarboyz (100)6 x Savage Big Stabbas (300)Kunnin' Rukk (200)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 80 / 400Wounds: 202
  15. Well in that case personnaly i would not play the Warclan. It's a lot of point to get blood waagh and an artefact. But if you want to stick with bataillion, i would try a Giant over brutes (better move, and give +1 to hit to morboys when he die). I think I might even try troll before Don't get me wrong, i love brutes, but i did not find they synergize well in BS. i've tried them 3-4 times, and was always disapointed. Without buff they don't do much. But you have the Warboss with flag, so maybe they're not as bad as I remember.
  16. Broach will get FAQ thats almost a certitude. when you mean remove 50%, you mean the bad one? cause much artefact are either pretty crappy, or ok at best. They few that stand out were already nerfed except the broach. The few good one left are like Ghyrstrike, Gryph feather charm, etheral amulet and ignax scale but nothing so much game breaking here.
  17. Honestly, buy big stabba. They will synergize better with your army. You can buff them with spell, the 3'' reach is really good, and they will do more damage in the end (4 big stabba is 8 damage unbuffed, but at rend 2. 5 brutes is 10-13 if you get reroll). But 4 big stabbas will dish out 4d3 mortal. And if you get to a monster, yum yum.
  18. So for Ironjawz i think what it mean is that if you use the MK , you need to compensate the fact he isn't a good bargain with cost effective unit. Doing a quick classification, i would rate our units choice roughly like this : Good: Ardboys, Warchanter Fair: Gruntas, Megaboss, Weirnob Bad: Brutes, Maw Krusha, Gordrack, bataillion. Allies list (fair or better, on top of my head): Fungoid/grot shaman, Moonclan Grots, Orruk Warboss, Wyvern, Troggoth Hag, Rogue Idol) So paying a 40 extra for a MK don't have the same impact if your list include 60 ardboys (great bargain) than if you take it along 25 brutes (roughly same cost as your 60 ardboys, but 45 less lifes). Strong list tend to favor a high proportion of cost-efficient unit so to compete we have to do the same.
  19. but is the MK overcosted or Dragon lord undercosted I feel like Mk should be more a 400ish and Dragon lord a 380ish. But dragon loard is kinda limited right now (lack of model in order draconis) but yes he is a really good model. And he is nowhere as undercosted as the frost phoenix.
  20. Yeah Maw Krusha is expensive. But he is your best waaagh source, give you move, and mortal wound output. But you still need to make sure you have enough bodies to cover the board. I've build an interesting list with a wyvern and a footboss. Wyvern is cheap and close to MK in survivability. She fill the waagh and flying need, so it's a good compromise
  21. Agreed, but I think you can still have some fix in the FAQ. 1. Idoneth: right now Heel are just stupidly underpriced compare to anything else in the army. However small fix like limiting Volturnos once per turn or units or limit the +3 charge to once would make them a bit more fair. 2. Daughter: Beside their cost issue, Hag naar is just plainly stupid. Everyone unserstood that from day one, and it's the only thing player take. It shouldn't existed from the start, so they should just errata it. 3. Stormcast: Limit Graviel to once per turn. Sequitor is also a badly design warscroll IMHO, should be something like more the ardboys (shield absord some wound when you channel) 4. Death: More tricky to fix. I think what push Death over the top is realm spell as they already have their lore, good casting and big caster. I think Realm spells should have been more like: Choose a realm, you can take artefact and you may use spell of that realm instead your spell lore (maybe with each wizard knowing an extra spell instead of all of them)
  22. checking top list of B&G, pretty depressing... Death took 1-2-3, otherwise you have your usual suspect at the top: DoK, Idoneth, Stormcast... Sylvaneth sneaked 1 top 10. Even going down, you don't see much else. Meta is really skewed right now, hopefully next FAQ will mix the card a bit.
  23. I would also be fine with count total number of units on the board, but +1 attack in 10-15''. That way you could justify mutliple megaboss
  24. Most max size units taken right now are usually no brainer and 30-40 life strong (Fury, Plaguebearer, skeleton). A max sized unit around 300 seem to be the sweet spot as is still leave you enough room to cover the board. We saw some list with block of 30 arboys taht seem decent enough IMHO. But ardboys is really a mid-range units. 30 ardboys will kill mostly everything or hold an objective for a long time. Problem is that it's 450 pts, and with there low mobility they are kind of stuck of where they are. Bottom line, Ardboys at 160 are currently a great bargain. Factor in the fact that Waaagh ability need you to have lots of units, that make 30 not that appealing, not really the fact that discount is too low. Also most of list include a Maw Krusha (cool model, but expensive). So if you take MK + 30 arbodys, that already 1000 pts that cover 2 space on the board. I think exploring more list withouth the maw krusha would open more possiblity for max strenght ardboys units for exemple, take the following list: Allegiance: IronjawzOrruk Warboss On Wyvern (240)- AlliesOrruk Warboss (140)- Great Waaagh Banner- AlliesOrruk Warchanter (80)Orruk Warchanter (80)20 x Orruk Ardboys (320)20 x Orruk Ardboys (320)20 x Orruk Ardboys (320)3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)5 x Orruk Brutes (180)Ironfist (180)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 380 / 400Wounds: 178 merging the 60 ardboys in two units have some advantage: 1) you save 60 pts, so an extra CP, and maybe a triumph. 2) Big units are easier to buff, and help trigger smash and bash Is it better? i don't know, but it's cleary arguable. Brutes and gruntas, you'll rarely see max size units. Unless they reduce the max size by one block. 15 brutes at 160 per block might be interesting. But yeah brutes are slightly on the expensive side right now. I think Brutes had more value when Waaagh was actually limited (that might happen again) Personnally what i would like to see short term would be: - Ardboys by 5 (already suggested earlier) open possibility - Gordrack command once per turn instead of once per game (maybe keep the once per game on a bataillion). That would actually make him worth is point. - Migthy waaagh be a bit less restrictive (maybe something with model instead of units) but maybe less stackable
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