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Everything posted by Greasygeek

  1. Sorry people I meant no harm. I assure you that I do not condole rape or mistreating of women. However I am a very sarcastic person and always try to find the humour in everything. Did not wanted to start a thing.
  2. Well the new tome also lower the points on blightkings so I guess they might appear more often in the future. If we are to rely on STD theeeen please make some new chaos warrior models..
  3. Im sorry mate but my experience was last summer. Bottomline is they are very helpful but in my experience they aren’t very good at listening. It is what it is but to my experience they will sell you anything not listening to your needs. Another story about a year or so. I went to ask them about the rules for buying through a company. I told the guy that I worked with teenagers in a youthclub and we had a very small budget but I wanted to buy a few boxes we used for blood bowl. The guy was very helpful but it took only a few second before he insisted that we couldn’t live without the giant paintset. I have a ton of stories like these and as a result I always advise the kids at work to be very specific when they go into a GW store, cause them employees smell blood.. One kid at the age of 10 got a start collecting ironjawz and went to expand his army. After the employees got to him he came home with a The mawcrusha. You do not have to be very competive to see that it would make a hell lot more sense to add, brutes boyz, warboss, another start collecting or the battle tome. But ehm this that got way out of track.. so hey rumours!
  4. #Metoo? I wanted some inspiration for a torso for a kitbashed nurgle daemen prince. The store owner insisted I should get the Glottkin. So ehm.. I try to keep GW store workers on a need to know basis.
  5. Im pretty sure they have yet to reveal everything nurgle related. No doubt I would love to see a new Epidimius and new Pestigors and or any cheap battleline unit. Poxwalkers anyone? But even if this is all we got coming I am overly cool with that too. Just very excited that we soon get to see new rules, synergies and army options. Can’t wait to get my nerdy little hands on that tome! On FB they said release is VERY soon. To me that use to mean preorder in a week, but I honestly do not know..
  6. Well I kinda expect/hope we might see pestigors and or a new model for Epidimius. He is one of the best hero choices nurgle has and his model is old and outdated. The nurglings carrying him is from a former design.
  7. Sorry good sir but I have to disagree. It did look like the guos horn until we actually saw picks of the new guo.
  8. Though it is totally fair if that is so.. how come you be so certain?
  9. Don’t believe so. The wrapped model had some possible horn on its forehead and none of the new nurgle peeks has anything similar to that,
  10. Never mind that.. you do not happend to need a spare kidney?
  11. OH MY SWEET... SO EXTREMELY... WORDS NOT SUFFICIENT.... Finally! Gotta collect money. Will trade kidney for blightking on drones.. this is so very cool. After building garden scenery for the last 2-3 month Nurgle finally arrives. Already got about 2500pts. Read the Garden of Nugle novel. Im am so very ready for some much needed synergy. Any ideas how that blight tree might work? Was hoping for Nurgle scenery but did not believe that it would actually happen.. man this is awesome!
  12. One of the familiars fim Silvertower also holds a SE helmet in its hands.
  13. That would be so very extremely megacallifratilistic awesome! But that is not happening. It would be the first time ever for GW to not include a good vs evil battle in a starterbox. It would also mean a box without stormcast.. so well.. I doubt it.
  14. Man I can't wait to see how the face really looks. At this glance it looks really weird and not in any way true to its art.
  15. On the topic of a change of narrative/setting/name/rules/logo. Not to be a negative Nelly here but the video about the darker logo might lead to nothing more than another starting box. Remember how Blightwar was previewed? It was hyped to be some of a Nurgle fightback campaign way larger than the three battleplans and two new models starter it turned out to be.
  16. I gotta say I think recent times on the AOS rumors front has lead to a lot of dissapointments but to be fair I also think that many of us (including myself) often create the hype supported by our own rumors and speculations but based on nothing but wishfull thoughts. GW gave us the Mistweaver and rumors by fans about Slaanesh/chutulu Aelves was formed. Since then every piece of possible evidence to prove their coming has turned out to be nowhere related. Same goes for Nurgle (my personal dissapointment): the lack of content in the GHB 2 and the past of Tzaanuary lead us to believe that Blightwar was merly the start of a Nurgle release. It makes sense that new models and rules are coming beside the Blightwar box but NOTHING even remotely solid has backed this up Deathrattle being in the same boat as nurgle. Maybe it's just time for us to slow the hype train down a bit and look at the content we're given instead of those we hope to get. However I also think that GW should really reconsider their sales strategy. The constant flow of rumor pics that keeps us in the dark for so long that when they do reveal one of them it has been long forgotten. Also the fact that AOS feels like it was more or less dropped the moment new 40k released. To me it is way too obvious that 40K is there main product and thats not a way to keep me interested in playing AOS. We have got a ton of repacks but it is starting to look more like a way to resell old models creatively than an intend on supporting the AOS universe.
  17. I think that is reaching for straws... But one can always hope.
  18. Im pretty sure I read somewhere that friday night was for reveals the remaining weekend is for gaming and designtalking.
  19. Im starting to firmly believe that there is no plans for a Nurgle release beside Beasts and maybe the rumored GUO. Thing is that now it is official that the new year will kick off with a daemons of Chaos codex. So that will surely be the place to release whatever daemons we have in wait. And since nothing about Nurgle is being mentioned, when we even have another faction hinted then it suddenly make sense that this is whats coming for Nurgle. No book, no Rotbringers. Though I am still looking forward to the new beasts. Horticulus needs his pets...
  20. So ehm.. Was that what we waited two weeks to find out? A logo change and a Stormcast cheerleader?
  21. Is this the spot that was rumored to give info on Nurgle earlier?
  22. Im eagerly awaiting the reveal of a certain rumour image showing what looked like a belly full of boils. It has to be Nurgle or Tyranids. Either way we should know soon.. Maybe..
  23. Finally the new snakebootskin wearing Stormcast we have been waiting for!
  24. That is really great news. So much unchartered territories in the WHQ Universe. Every tool that makes custom dungeon building easier is much welcome. Hopefully they are as unbalanced as the hero pack and the two will balance each other out! Oh and also GW don't forget about the Shadespire WHQ box every WHQ fan has been dreaming about for a while now.
  25. This one is easy. It's very clearly one of those heresy chaos stormcasts that has been floating around the rumour wells of the internet. The veins are nurgle friendly, so is the horn. The scaly armour is a typical Khorne fashion thing and the smiling bird beak at the top is a Tzeentch emoticon. Watch out sigmar boys! Archaon Stormcasts are ready to armwrestle... On the other hand. If I turn my head a bit it actually looks like a big ham.
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