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Everything posted by Greasygeek

  1. So ehm.. Was that what we waited two weeks to find out? A logo change and a Stormcast cheerleader?
  2. Is this the spot that was rumored to give info on Nurgle earlier?
  3. Im eagerly awaiting the reveal of a certain rumour image showing what looked like a belly full of boils. It has to be Nurgle or Tyranids. Either way we should know soon.. Maybe..
  4. Finally the new snakebootskin wearing Stormcast we have been waiting for!
  5. That is really great news. So much unchartered territories in the WHQ Universe. Every tool that makes custom dungeon building easier is much welcome. Hopefully they are as unbalanced as the hero pack and the two will balance each other out! Oh and also GW don't forget about the Shadespire WHQ box every WHQ fan has been dreaming about for a while now.
  6. This one is easy. It's very clearly one of those heresy chaos stormcasts that has been floating around the rumour wells of the internet. The veins are nurgle friendly, so is the horn. The scaly armour is a typical Khorne fashion thing and the smiling bird beak at the top is a Tzeentch emoticon. Watch out sigmar boys! Archaon Stormcasts are ready to armwrestle... On the other hand. If I turn my head a bit it actually looks like a big ham.
  7. Just read the pdf. We tried adding difficult terrain. It was thematic but difficult terrain always ended up being a very effective help for shooters. If there is one thing AOS DON'T need it's anything that help shooters.
  8. Same for us. Including mysterious terrain should be restricted to one or two pieces at the most. First of all because adding special rules for all terrain is super complicated and to my experience players often forget or ignore the indvidual rules. Only those very simple rules like Arcane: +1 to casting is easy to remember in the heat of the game. However we do add simple rules for some of our terrain. Like rivers: -D3 to your Move as soon as your unit either start in a river or moves into one. The idea of rules for terrain are cool and add alot to a game but it has to be kept at a minimum and simple IMO.
  9. Yeah I think Blightwar in the end was meant as a way to hold Nurgle protesters at bay. No doubt Nurgle will get an update in a not too distant future. Beasts have had their art redesignet and Horticulus makes little sense if you do not have beasts in your army. We still do not know for sure if the Nurgle wheel means no artifacts amd their was that one article that Claimed Heralds to be wizards which they are not. Nurgle update is on its way that I believe but nurglevember's probably not going to happen. With Necromunda set in november and Shadespire still fresh and also a set of codexes coming the Nurgle release will either be a VERY sparse one or it has to be moved way further than december. Its a shame but the good thing is that it gives me the time to work on my graden scenery. IMO Bligjtwar was meant for something much bigger than three narrative battleplans.
  10. So the mentioning of the Harry Potter Herald might be some sort of freudian slip/hint about the future of Nurgle? What is most frustrating about all of these reveals, articles, art and even the blightwar box release is that they each indicate that something is about to happen for Nurgle in AOS however each bit could also indicate that the Nurgle make-over wont be happening for a looong time and the article and the Blightwar box is meant as means of keeping fans sattisfied. I have actually reached a point with this where The waiting part is all fine but keeping us in the dark is slowly getting annoying. Not knowing if it make sense to start saving up money or if I should just go ahead and start painting my GUO, building beasts, converting Pox Walkers, building A new Epidimius etc.
  11. 'As well as saving you some money, this set provides you with a Herald of Nurgle, providing some much needed magical support to the army' from the Blightwar article. Eh.. since when or how does Heralds provide magical support? Btw. Interesting that this article doesn't answer the one 'Nurgle faction vs alliance ability question' that everyones been asking in here and on FB. Also interesting that Beasts are not suggested as a support for Horticulux.
  12. Well I do hope that I am wrong on this one, but its probably just due to both being repacked into AOS boxes. And.... hmm maybe not since both are online exclusives and isn't delivered in a signature box anyway. Thats interesting since both of these models already contain round bases too so I guess there really is no need for a repack for these guys.
  13. So might this be the blight spawns memtioned in the table of contents? The tongue also suggest it could be a new beast model. Tentacles, tongue, snail slime.. you k ow what.. this might be it!
  14. Those are some very nice dice indeed. Btw. Am I the only obe who he very exited to see what the Deathguard codex brings, though I have no interest in 40k. However this book might also a glimpse of the future of Aos Nurgle. I specially remember one of the early art images showing a bunch of spacemarines fighting the death guard. That image had some giant armored worm or centipede looking creatures crawling around. I am most exited to see if these might be new beasts, something else or just art..
  15. Yeah I just watched a preview of it. So I guess that means we won't see any tome before october at the very earliest and thats assuming they release it at the same time Shadespire is out. Looks like the Blightwar serves the same purpose as skirmish and PTG. To keep fans occupied while the focus is elsewere. Well the good thing is that now at least it makes sense to begin working on beasts and Epidimius. But I must say that I am a wee bit dissapointed. No doubt Nurgle will be updated but it feels rather uncertain now that it will be during or right after the Death guard release.
  16. So anyone know the contents of the new WD? Anything to confirm or shut down some of the many Nurgle rumors?
  17. Man I would really like to have some of these Nurgle speculations confirmed soon! These ladt couple of weeks have been rather confusing. First it was obvious that a Nurgle update or at least battletome was on its way since we found out that Nurgle had no alliance abilities in the GHB 2. Then the Blightwar messed with those rumors since it contained the missing abilities. Which also happens to be one out of two reasons foe me to get the set. THEN rumors are spreading that the Blightwar abilities are meant for Blightwar only! NOW we have fluff bits revealing more stuff to speculate on. IT WOULD BE REALLY NICE TO HAVE THIS SORTED OUT SOON! Is Nurgle getting a update/battletome within the next couple of month? Before all this stuff went loose I bought lots of bits and models to start working on my own Epidimius but now I am unsure if it is smarter to just wait and see. Same goes for beasts. gaaaah just frustrations to be kept in the total dark.
  18. Man I hope that you are right. But we have had nothing to confim this right? In other words dage we be this optimistic? After all the Blightwar set does seem to make up for a battletome.
  19. Hmm that Blightwar stuff has me conflicted.. Pro: - New allegiance abilities! Wohooo That wheel look so cool and I am very intrigued to find out how it works! - Snail daemon is AWESOME I beg for his profile to make him worth it. - preorder next week! Perfect I would have expected any AOS Nurgle updates to arrive late september. Con: - Does this mean that we are not to expect a battletome any time soon? And if not. Will the Blightwar alone be enough to help grandfathers finest?! - Already got 6 flies (only using three), 30 plaguebearers (do not need anymore) and 6 bases of Nurglings (would love to use them, but it rarely make sense). - was this it for Nurgle? No GUO no Maggot worm scale beasts? (those from the 40k art). No new beasts of Nurgle? No new profiles or changed profiles? No new Epidemius model? No Pestigors? No way to counter shooting. If Snailman is able to compensate for all of this, will he then become mandatory for any Nurgle army? I guess there is still deathguard yet to come and that might provide AOS with a few monsters too but none for the Rotbringers. Hmm I got about 7 mixed feelings about this Blightwar release..
  20. So despite all the debate their has been, it appears that no changes has been made to shooting? Are we then to expect most shooters will become more expensive? Or did they just decide that shooting is as fair is supossed to be?
  21. Yikes! Nearly dropped my baby when that was posted. Aaaaand here we are! Just bought the bits to build my own epidemius but with the fresh article from Belloflostsouls and this cryptic nurgle news showing up, I am unsure if we might expect a new model within the next couple of month..
  22. Wonder if the new battleplans and cards go well with Skirmish too?
  23. Man I am really looking forward to see how they are going to boost Nurgle. I am having a hard time winning against a mixed Death player who I meet on a regular and now I can look forward to seeing him bring in even more troops.. It's i hard being loyal to Nurgle faction...
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