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Everything posted by Jgroover

  1. Jgroover


  2. Finished my latest additions to my Ironjawz, a Warchanter and two squads of five brutes. Took a long time but were very fun models to paint. Trying to decide if I should go back to finish my last 3 Gore-Gruntas, some Ardboyz or the Megaboss. Let me know what you think! Keeps me motivated to finish this army.
  3. I think the most effective Swifthawk list you could run at 2000 would be as follows: Allegiance: OrderLeadersHigh Warden (220)Skywarden (160)- Zephyr TridentSkywarden (160)- Zephyr TridentArchmage (120) (General)Battleline20 x Reavers (640)5 x Reavers (160)5 x Reavers (160)10 x Spireguard (120)- Swifthawk Agents Battleline10 x Swordmasters (200)- Eldritch Council BattlelineBattalionsGuardians of the Dawnspire (40)Total: 1980/2000 You would run a fast mounted ranged deathstar consisting of the 20 reaver unit, the two skywardens, mounted archmage and use all the foot troops and the high warden to attack enemy shooting and delay enemy charges. This unit can theoretically put out 120 shots per turn at 4's to hit and 2's to wound resulting in an average of 50 wounds caused per turn in shooting. With the mage bubble and inspiring presence it won't die incredibly easy. Where it falls apart is, if they make their saves, or just hunker down in cover by an objective, you're just going to be standing at length shooting while they win the game just sitting there not dying fast enough.
  4. On those lists, why would you split the reavers evenly? Seems like you should put 15 in one, 5 in the other. That way you can get 45 shots with the battalion ability instead of 30. Seems it would be better to split the spireguard for battleline.
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