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Gorks Pokin' Finger

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Posts posted by Gorks Pokin' Finger

  1. Greetings lads

    this past weekend I took part at the Triumph GT hosted by Mythicos Studios in New Jersey. 

    There was a great turnout of 38 AOS players with a decent mix of armies, including three Ironjawz players. Unfortunately, I had myself a poor weekend on the tabletop, but a great weekend connecting with many players from the community. Several players from Upstate New York, Long Island, New Jersey, even Minnesota attended the event. While there was competition to be had, the comradery shared among the AOS players from the top, middle and bottom tables was something no prize could represent. Great work as always by Martin Orlando and the rest of the event organizers. Next year's Triumph can't get here soon enough

    As for the tournament itself, this wasn't my proudest performance as a combination of  list-building, match-ups, poor decision-making and dice-rolling really hurt the boyz. I'm most upset with myself for forgetting WAAAGH! in most of my games, which hurt me in several combat phases. 

    Here's a  recap of my games

    Last time I played Chaos Dwarfs was with my Dispossessed and they did not fair well. This time, I had an idea of what to expect with the Siege Machines and Bull Centaurs. I gave him the first turn and, as expected, his shooting took out almost half my 10-man Brute unit and dealt some damage to my MK. He also took the middle objectives to jump out to an early lead. I retaliated by charging and contesting the left objective that  the Bull Centaurs and the Skull Cracker War Engine were sitting on. Meanwhile, I forgot to move my other Gore Gruntas on the right and left my Maw Krusha to destroy one of his Fireglaives by himself, leaving him exposed. Banking too hard on the double turn, I lost the priority roll and suffered a hard counter attack across the board. Things seemed bleek because I was never going to crack his center core where his war machines were shielded by more Fireglaives, but I made a bit of a comeback in Turns 3 and 4. Sadly, a few key rolls did not go my way and my boyz could not finish off some units fast enough to seize and score objectives. One highlight was seeing two Brutes effectively butcher 30 Ironsworn before they were blown to pieces. Fair play to my opponent, Rob. He did a good job and am happy that he finished Top 10


    First official match against Kharadron and I did pretty well all things considered. He used clown car list with 12 Endrinriggers and 10 Arkanauts in an Ironclad, with 10 more Arkanauts in cover, a Gunhauler, and 10 Liberators with castellant guarding his objectives. For the first two turns, I effectively played board control and spaced out my deployment so he could not deep strike me from behind. My six Gore Gruntas destroyed his Gunhauler with no problem while my 10 Brutes advanced up the center. On Turn 3, he deployed in the center of the board on his side and unleashed hell. Many brutes died in the shooting phase, but he missed many of his skyhook shots. This would be a theme throughout the game as he failed many shooting attacks with his Ironclad and skyhooks. Meanwhile, his 12 Endrinriggers charged, but he spread them out too thin, resulting in my brutes and gore gruntas to dispatch them. His Ironclad attempted a last-ditch run at my objective with 10 Arkanauts, but I stopped it from happening on Turn 4. After withering more fire, the rest of my forces advanced on  his objective where I was unable to displace his Liberators from cover by the end of turn 5. 


    Very difficult game. Only the second time I played a Changehost and now I am familiar with all their shennanigans. My opponent used multiple blues and horrors to set up quadrants in his zone. He daisy-chained up and down, swapped units left and right, and summoned more than I could chew through. I wish my shaman was more effective, but I knew the moment I took him out of cover he was fried. Perhaps I should have been aggressive on turn one and throw everything at his heroes, but I played the objectives instead. Simply put, I could not kill my way through his lines and my Maw Krusha had no space to advance through his 120+ Pinks/Blues/Brimstones. All the while his casters are doing their thing and blasting me off the table while sitting on his  objectives and eventually taking mine. A silver lining I took away was my Megaboss on Foot slapping his Changeling silly to check off my secret objective. 

    On a side note: Brian Cortese's Ironjawz smashed aside a similar Changehost in Round 3. His strategy is to push everything up the board at their lines, deny them space, and have fun chopping things to pieces


    A frustrating affair in my first game against Deepkin. Not only did the game not go as I expected, but my opponent was very slow and we eventually finished the game in Turn 3 (he is a very friendly guy, but was unintentionally not moving fast enough). It was mostly a Namarti list with 30 thralls, two Reaver units, three Morrsarr Eels, Celestant Prime, Two Soulcryers, a Tidecaster, and EoM of the Sea. My opponent did his best to explain everything his army could do to me before the match, but there were definitely things I wasn't expecting. Most of his army was deepstrike, so I decided to take the first turn and seize the left and right objectives. Because he placed his two ships in the middle, I did not want to deal with those mortal wounds so I split my force up and hunkered down. On my left, the Maw Krusha claimed the objective with 10 Brutes surrounding him, with a warchanter and 3 Gruntas nearby. In the middle, the shaman had 5 Brutes pressed his EoM in the middle, while on the right, my other warchanter was backed up by my megaboss, Gruntas and more brutes. Then he deployed in a long line across the board and charged all three locations. He took out my shaman, megaboss, several brutes, and broke up my formation. I killed all his thralls on the counterattack, but the damage was already done. I couldn't make saves with anyone. He won turn two and deployed Celestant Prime to wipe out my right side. Cleverly, he tied up my Brutes with his Eels so they couldn't save the Warchanter. On the left, my Maw Krusha was forced to stay on the objective if I had any chance of winning the game, so the remaining brutes made a last-ditch effort to kill his EoM in the middle, but failed. It hurt me that an item he used made his EoM immune to attacks for a full combat round, added along with my Brutes failing some critical wound rolls that could have killed him


    One of the funnest games I've played that came down to the final dice roll to determine the winner. My opponent, Russ from NJ, used a shooty Stormcast list with Raptors and Judicators, a few Liberators, five Khinerai Heartrenders, Two fullminators, Celestant on Dracoth, Castellant, Knight Azyros and Knight Heraldor. My strategy for Scorched Earth lately is to punch through my opponents side, burn one or two objectives early, and defend the rest of the game. Despite the withering fire, the plan worked, and by Turn 3, I had burned his right objective with my Maw Krusha and Brutes, but only earned one point. The Maw Krusha soon died at the bottom of Turn 3, but my surviving 3 Brutes were then engaged by his Fulminators and were killed. Had I made just one of three saves on the charge, one Brute would have survived and tied the unit up. Instead, he blitzed forward in turns four and five to reach my side. I made two critical mistakes I made that would have stopped his advance. On turn 4, I retreated my Megaboss from the center of the battlefield back to my centeral objective. The left was going to fall to the heartrenders, so I reinforced the center and right objectives to hold on. With his cavalry approaching, I also used my Gore Gruntas on the right to buffer any attack on that side. Had i realized I had plenty of room to move up and close the distance, I could have charged his fulminators and general and tied them down for the last two turns, depriving him of those crucial attacks to break my line. As such, I did not do that, and on the final round of the game, he charged 5 liberators, his celestant, and two fulminators at my central objective with 6 brutes, megaboss, and shaman. After the dust settled, he had one more model within six inches than I did. I failed to kill one liberator and one Brute died from the liberators attacks. He burned the left and center objectives to gain five points, and won the game 17-16. 

    I finished 1-4 on the weekend and placed 30th out of 35th of those who finished. One of the other Ironjawz players, Brian Cortese, carried the torch for us and placed third using a 30-Ardboyz mob with three units of Brutes, GG, two weirdnobs/warchanters and MK. He showed that Ironjawz can be competitive and conducted himself and his boyz very well.

    Hpefully AOS 2.0 will give Ironjawz a bit of a boost, as well as the rest of Destruction, though I fear we will have to wait until 2019 when GW will hopefully turn their full attention to us. We shall see. 

    Until next time lads


  2. Oi lads

    I haven't done too much hobbying since my last tournament in April, but I've done some odds and ends. I will be attending the Triumph GT in New Jersey this weekend. We're expected to have over 40 AOS players from across the Northeast US attending.

    Since the scoring system will use a painting score, I tidied up my Ironjawz army, repainted some wear and tear on the models, added tuft to their bases and applied some minor highlights


    Because my last list was quite successful at 1.5k, I kept it the same,with the only addition being the Maw Krusha. This is the list I am taking:


    Allegiance: Ironjawz


    Megaboss Gorfang Da Immortal (140)
    -Artefact: The Boss Skewer

    Megaboss Azkrug Fangfist on Maw-Krusha Chewy (460)
    -Command Trait: Ironclad

    Jazood Warchanter (80)

    Jazood Warchanter (80)

    Weirdnob Shaman Nogoog (120)


    5 x Zodgrob’s Bashin’ Brutes (180)

    10 x Ugly Bogg’s Kunnin’ Brutes (360)

    5 x Dradruzak’s Fightin’ Brutes (180)

    3 x Korkrok’s Gore Gruntas (140)

    3 x Ruglid’s Gore Gruntas (140)

    4 x Ozdrog’s Rowdy Raiderz (Ironskull's Boyz) (80)

    Total: 1960/2000 Wounds: 137

    Leaders: 5/6 Battlelines: 5 (3+) Behemoths: 1/4

    I went back and forth on using metalrippa or boss skewer, but since I have so many -2 attacks from the Brute Bosses, I figured it was more important to give my Brutes a bravery boost since they will be the bulk of my army. Plus, that -1 to my enemy will hopefully help in taking down hordes when da boyz get stuck in. 

    Also, I have not skimped on the lore. Before each tournament game, I hand my opponent an army booklet that contains my army's lore, its story, character info, and a copy of my army list in the back. For Triumph, I may have gone a bit overboard and made the booklet 18 pages?! Hopefully some people will enjoy the effort and the judges perhaps slide me a few extra points for flavor ? 

    The army booklet is attached below for your reading pleasure

    Wish me luck. I hope to make you fellow Megabosses proud this weekend 




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  3. Oi lads 

    over the weekend, I attended a 1500 AOS Tournament in my neck of the woods on Long Island and decided to bring the Ironjawz out for a run.

    We had a good turnout of 14 players. Good balance of armies across the board and it seemed everyone enjoyed their time. Our community has grown over the past few months, and it seems we might start having bi-monthly tournaments 

    As for Da Bloodbreaka Clan, I'm happy to report the Ironjawz took first place! I finished 3-0 with wins over a heavy handgunners Free People list, a Gnarlroot Household Sylvaneth force, and a Daughters of Khaine army with the Temple Nest Battalion.

    The List I used:
    Allegiance: Ironjawz
    Megaboss Gorfang Da Immortal (140) - General - Command Trait : Brutish Cunning - Artefact : Metalrippa's Klaw
    Jazood Warchanter (80)
    Jazood Warchanter (80)
    Weirdnob Shaman Nogoog (120)
    5 x Zodgrob’s Bashin’ Brutes (180)
    10 x Ugly Bogg’s Kunnin’ Brutes (360)
    5 x Dradruzak’s Fightin’ Brutes (180)
    3 x Korkrok’s Gore Gruntas (140)
    3 x Ruglid’s Gore Gruntas (140)
    4 x Ozdrog’s Rowdy Raiderz (Ironskull's Boyz) (80)
    Total: 1500 /1500
    Leaders: 4/6 Battlelines: 5 (3+) Wounds: 123

    Here's a quick recap of each match:





    My opponent had 2x30 Handgunners, a unit of 40 Swordsmen, 10 Greatswords, Luminark, General on foot and general on horse

    The amount of fire was intimidating. His Luminark wiped out my shaman on his first turn. It could have been a bad day, but I used his large blocks to my advantage. Because of the Freeguild Detachment Allegiance ability, he had to keep his units close together to receive the benefits. Fortunately, I outmaneuvered him, grabbed the middle objectives first, then  charged everything at him to tie his army up. I wisely charged my Gruntas on the bottom first into his Handgunner's flank, allowing my Brutes to avoid crossfire. Needless to say, those 40 swordsmen were gone after a turn and a half, even with their buffs and defense. The far-side Gruntas could not weaken the Luminark and it eventually took off my Megaboss, but the damage had been done. By turn 4, I was too far ahead for him to catch up. Funny footnote: his general on horseback heroically tried to charge my lines to remove one of my warchanters. He survived, then he pulverized the humie with some assistance from the Brutes. His Luminark also did work in close combat and killed a Gore Grunta outright. Angry old wizards know how to weaponize their sticks




    My opponent had the Gnarlroot Household Battalions. His list featured Durthuu, Treelord Ancient, Branchwych, Loremaster, 20 Dryads, 2x5 Tree Revenants. He also had teleport items or command abilities to help him move around.

    What was a potentially difficult game became a nail-biter that came down to the final two dice rolls.  First turn, he teleported half his army onto my left flank and Durthuu wiped out my 5-Brutes on the left objective. When he is paired with Lay of Hands, he is near unstoppable. I had to sacrifice my Warchanter to score the left. Thankfully he failed his charges. Meanwhile, my Gore Gruntas units charged his weakened corner objectives. Then my surviving 5-Brutes zoom up the middle with some help from Rampaging Destroyers. I won the double for Turn two, charged in, killed tree things and claimed all three of my opponent's objectives. Then I made a mistake that almost cost me the match: I burned them! It did give me a 9 point boost that turn, but now he had no reason to split his remaining forces and  left half of mine across the board. In two turns, he claimed my left with his 20 Dryads while Durthuu and the Treelord wallop my 10-Brutes to take the center. He kills my Megaboss with his shooting but somehow leaves my Shaman on one wound. Fortunately, I retreat my surviving Brutes back along with my two Gore Gruntas. My opponent decides to charge Durthuu at the Brutes and takes them out, but he exposes his weakened Treelord holding the center objective. I charge with the left Grutnas and kill the Treelord to steal it back. The other Gruntas form a line to block any teleporting woods shenanigans from taking the right side. His next turn he throws everything at the center to kill the Gruntas and retake the objective. We enter Turn 5 with me ahead 14-10. He goes first and moves Durthuu 9' away from my right objective. He shoots off the Shadespire Orruks and then wipes out my wall of Gore Gruntas, but because of my positioning, he cannot contest the objective. He rolls two dice to burn his two objectives and scores only four points. My Warchanter boogies for turn five to score me one point and lets me escape with the major.



    My opponent used the Temple Nest Battalion with a Medusa, 3x10 Blood Stalkers and 2x5 Blood Sisters, a Slaughter Queen and a Hag Queen. His genreal had a once-per-turn ability to teleport any unit close to her 9' away from me. The snakes also had this evil ability where any hit roll of one turned into a mortal wound against me. 

    This was the first time I played DoK, but also the first time my opponent played Ironjawz. After we explained all the combat shenanigans each of our armies could do, we were hesitant to make the first move. His high movement and charge range made me advance my entire line up slowly, while he chose to keep his Medusai back, expecting me to make the first move.  He did make a mistake by teleporting 10 Stalkers to the right side, essentially forfeiting the left for me to take. By the end of Turn two, one of my Warchanters was sitting on the right objective, while my other warchanter was close to the left objective. I won the turn three roll and solidified my position. I blocked off my Warchanter on the right side with the three Gore Gruntas while my other Warchanter took the left one . I also held the center structure with my Shadespire Orruks, Megaboss and Brutes, then charged my Gore Gruntas and 5-Brutes at his exposed Blood Sisters. I killed four of them, but all the ones I rolled for both units cost me two Brutes and a Gore Grunta. By bottom of turn 3, I was ahead 4-0. Then he struck. 10 Stalkers charged the right objective and killed the Gruntas. His next 10 Stalkers were about to charge my 10-Brutes, but I rolled Brutal Cunning and sent my surviving Shadespire Orruks into them to lock them for a turn. He also teleported the other 10 Stalkers to the left to kill my Warchanter, but they failed the charge. Turn Four comes and he wins the roll. He finally gets one of his priests onto the right objective and takes it when my Warchatner dies. He teleports his Medusa to the left as well, but he cannot make the charge and fails to capture the left. The Stalkers annihilate my 10-Brutes and locks down the right side. However, the best he can do is tie now. The game is decided after I double turn him from bottom of four to top of five and send everything at the left objective. The snakes die and my Megaboss and Wierdnob both land on the objective to take the vital fifth point. 

    Those snakes hit like a ton of bricks. With all their buffs and rerolls, as well as the mortal wounds on 1's to hit, they can be devastatingly effective. Fortunately in the key combats in Turn 4, my Megaboss on Foot saved some Brutes with the reroll 1's to hit. Glad to see not taking the Maw Krusha this time turned out to be the wise move. 

    Now I am going to start using the Shadespire Orruks in my lists more. For 80 points, they are great objective holders. By including them, I don't have to leave behind a caster or a Warchanter to hold an objective. Plus, they count towards the Megaboss Mighty WAAAGH ability. 

    Hopefully you guys enjoyed the reports and learned some tips (like not burning SE objectives so early). I will try to get my lore stories up asap. Next time my Ironjawz will hit the tabletop should be the Triumph GT in New Jersey in June. 

    Until next time


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  4. Hey lads

    haven't used the Ironjawz too much recently. I played some Malign Portents and friendly pick up games with the boyz, but they won't be hitting the competitive battlefield again for another month until I start preparing for the Triumph GT in June. Going to be trying my second favorite army, stunties! My dispossessed will be playing in a tournament this weekend. If you're curious how it goes, check out the Dispossessed chat in a week or so. 

    Speaking of Dwarfs, I am preparing to start my first diorama for Armies on Parade later this year. It will be be a last stand of some dwarfs surrounded by Ironjawz on a hill top, similar to Custer's Last Stand. To help me visualize my work, and to aid the readers of my army lore with locations of my clan, I present a map of my territories for my Ironjawz and Dispossessed:

    The lost northern realm of the Ankor Volghar, currently in the hand of Da Bloodbreaka Clan


    Notable Places:

    Mount Kraktoof- capital of Da Bloodbreaka Clan and gathering point for Gorfang's amassing WAAAGH! The Destruction City has become a thriving, ramshackle metropolis. Brutes maintain animosity within the walls, but fights break out daily. Every-so-often, the city will be sacked by an enemy or its own inhabitants, before it is rebuilt. It has survived Beastclaw Raids, Tzeentch plots, a civil war, and  a Stormcast assault. Within the sacked dwarf hold lies the Screamin' Sword of Khorne, an ancient artifact that rips holes in reality for daemons to enter. Currently locked away due to the screaming daemons that gave the orruk shamans headaches, but sometimes Gorfang will use it to test his boyz against Khorne's best when they grow bored and need a fight

    Skullthumpa Mountain- Home to the Skullthumpa Greenskins who boss around the rest of the lesser orruk, grot and ogor races who couldn't fit inside Mount Kraktoof. Once a prosperous dwarf hold, the abandoned mines have become infested by Skaven, providing ample fighting and training for the weedier members of the Bloodbreaka Clan 

    Kazad Karin - site of the famous last stand by the dawi of the Ankor Volghar that broke the Khorne Lord Siguld's marauding army. After they breached the gate, King Baragor Frostbeard collapsed his keep from within, killing everyone inside and destroying the only bridge across the great fissure. To this day, ground access between the north and south is impossible except for a handful of rune-sealed tunnels. The underway is still in service, but the dawi must use tunnels to surface around the ruined hold. 

    Bar Drog- Dwarf legend says Bar Drog remains haunted to this day by the ghosts of its fallen defenders. The desecrated halls and tunnels are said to be guarded by ghostly dawi who patrol them like they were still living their daily routine. Sounds of battle can be heard by adventurers from outside the keep. Not even the orruks have dared to make Bar Drog their home, for their superstitions are accurate of the horrors that lie within those walls

    Stuntie Hill- Warden King Hjuldahr Agridsson marched his entire clan the Amber Hands north to reclaim the lands defiled by the orruk scum. So arrogant and stubborn was Hjuldahr when he declared his oath that he failed to see the trap Da Bloodbreaka Clan laid before him. Marching onto Mount Kraktoof, the dwarfs overextended themselves and were quickly surrounded by the Ironjawz. Forced to retreat up the highest of the foothills, Hjuldahr and his kin made their last stand against Gorfang's boyz. When word reached the Ankor Volghar of the Slaughter at Stuntie Hill, Hjuldahr the Mad was entered into the book for the senseless destruction of his clan. Gorfang, meanwhile. received another entry into his own section that continued to grow 

    And below is the rest of The Ankor Volghar:


    Notable Places:

    Karak Volghar- Karak Volghar was the first hold established, named after a great beast said to have made its home in the mountains. The Dwarfs came in search of a new home as well as a special ore only found in the Realm of Beasts: Ghur Ore. Its characteristics are similar to gromril, but the ore veins it comes from are living parts of the mountains the dwarfs dwell in. Mining too much has caused numerous earthquakes, some that have shattered Karaks,  including the Great Quake that split the kingdom in two. Karak Volghar still retains her scars around the mountainside, but she has remained a beacon for her dwarfkin. Here, master craftsmen and blacksmiths create invaluable weapons and tools for the realm, as well as the surrounding human nations. Within her walls is a special realmgate system that connects the remaining holds with one another. It is also said they can connect to other Karaks in other realms. King Oldor Frostbeard resides here, preparing to strike out to reclaim the entire realm once more

    Kazad Wyr- constant mining has isolated the fortress city from the rest of the realm save for a land entrance and a realmgate. Mining is henceforth banned and the underway sealed due to extensive damage and thwarted skaven assaults. Some of the finest warriors for the Throng come from Kazad Wyr's training grounds, including he 8th Ironbreaker Legion. South is the Great Lake of Stone, where several brewing clans pride their work. The Amber Hands hailed from this region

    Karaki Karak- "Ranger Mountain." Here the famed rangers of the throng train and operate. They maintain the passes throughout the realm, acting as King Oldor's eyes and ears for any possible threat. They scour the Yhetti Valley to drive out any grot infestations or take down the Yhetti's when they become active in the winter. Famous among all the Rangers are the Budricksson Clan. While they are skilled weaponsmiths, like their leader Thorr, many more take the pact to become rangers. Thorr's brother Logan leads the Rangers.

    Barak Urbaz- one of the glimmering lights within the realm, the port city has never been conquered. Boats from across the continent, as well as strange outsiders, make sail to this harbor, hoping to trade goods in exchange for their work with an anvil

    Durrazzan- the oldest allies the Ankor Volghar, the humans consider themselves closer to their dwarven allies rather than their human kin in the lowlands. They worship Grungni along with Sigmar. Hardworking miners who share some territory with the dawi, the humans have fought in every major war when asked by the Karak Volghar. The Blades of Durrazzan are famed for their skill with the Zweilander 

    That's all for now everyone. I hope to have my battle report/lore story I had recently against a high elf player. With me well

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  5. Hey guys

    here is my latest lore story based off the past two tournaments I attended

    I hope you enjoy it

    The Imbecilic Triumph 

    The buzzing had finally subsided. It was about time, Zodgrob thought. Any more blows to his skull with the butt-end of his basha and it might begin to hurt. His scar-ravaged forehead was now colored with dozens of black dots, all smeared with a mix of lavender and olive colored blood across his dark green flesh. The blood slightly burned his skin, but did little more than to annoy the orruk. Zodgrob was cunning enough not to inhale any of the flying Nurgle dots, particularly because he felt they tasted terrible. He preferred insects that the Moonclan Grots harvested. Fungus-covered centipedes, roasted crickets, and notably the spider meat dipped with a hint of squig fat. The thought of these delectibles made Zodgrob's mouth water, but a nearby commotion brought him back to reality. 

    Megaboss Azkrug Fangfist was arguing with fellow Brute Boss Ugly Bogg regarding where to find the next fight. Both seemed eager to best the other in shouting louder than the other to prove their point. 

    "I says we needs to keep fighting back that way. Korkrok says more enemies be gathering to fight the ded fings, so that's where da fighting will be the bestest!" bawled Ugly Bogg. He was looking worse for ware ever since a bloated, tentacled green beast licked his face. As if he couldn't get any uglier, Zodgrob joked to himself.

    "Well you ain't got a clue what's going on! Ruglid says no humie, daemon or orruk can survive dat way. Ova there belongs to Nagash," yelled Azkrug. "I says we needs to go back the otha way. Thunda gits be holding some fort on top of a big shiny rock not far from here. Theyze always gives us a good scrap."

    This loud debate was taking place atop the fresh corpses of Megaboss Orgukh, his Maw Krusha, as well as his rebellious boyz who tried to overthrow the bosses of the FangFist. It was a decent scrap, Zodgrob thought, but now elements of the FangFist were embroiled in animosity. While the main threat was neutralized, many of the lads were getting anxious. They had tasted success and victory early on in their campaign, but successive defeats to the Plague God's forces had halted their momentum. When orruks aren't moving, they'll fight the first thing they see: which is most of the time other orruks. 

    It was rather fortunate, or unfortunate, that Zodgrob was able to help fight off Orgukh. He had accompanied the Megaboss and his boyz on a special task just a few weeks ago.

    When the FangFist returned to Shyish, they traversed into the Willowing Woods to find whatever shiny stuff they had left behind from their previous campaign. Instead, they discovered the tree people had taken their loot. They didn't inhabit these woods last time the Ironjawz were here. Or perhaps they did and merely watched Da Bloodbreaka Clan purge their woods of infestation. Regardless, they had taken the orruks loot, but seemed desperate to drive them out with haste. While Azkrug and Bogg brought up the main line, the Moonclan Shaman Keeb (or Geeb) found a secret path for Zodgrob and his boyz to sneak though to bash the big tree boss while he wasn't looking. Before Zodgrob could scream and ruin the surprise, the Spirit of Durthuu was crushed beneath a giant green foot. It still lived, but Zodgrob and his Brutes finished it off  before it could recover. Enraged, the smaller tree things counterattacked in large numbers. When the battle was over, Zodgrob was the last one standing.  Despite multiple branches impaled through his body, the brute seemed oblivious to his injuries.


    Before Da Bloodbreaka Clan could finish off the remnants of the sylvaneth, the last Tree Lord made a bargain. According to what it told Azkrug, the tree people were being hunted by the thunda gits of Sigmar, who burned swaths of forests down and slew them without mercy, because they claimed they were tainted by death magic. In exchange for their loot, the Sylvaneth offered the orruks another fight if they helped fight off the stormcasts hunting them. It was Megaboss Orgukh and his boyz who volunteered to fight, arguing the bulk of the FangFist could continue following the visions Geeb (or Keeb) was talking about. Azkrug concurred, but told Zodgrob to assist the Megaboss and his lads. They would meet up later near the big shiny rock north of the Willowing Woods. 

    While the signs of treachery were apparent to most of the orruks who stayed behind, Zodgrob was unsurprisingly oblivious to Orgukh's true motives. So it was that the megaboss attempted to send Zodgrob to his death when the Stormcasts in white armour arrived. Rather than following the Sylvaneth's plan of stretching the stormcasts' lines before attacking, Orgukh riled up Zodgrob into charging straight into the heart of the enemy lines. He obliged and directed the orruks to abandon their position and charge forward. To Orgukh's surprise, Zodgrob punched a hole in the Stormcasts' shield-wall and the orruks piled in to commence the scrap. The megaboss piled in moments later, but was knocked out of action when he was impaled by a liberator's sword.



    The orruks were almost ruined by the arrival of a magmadroth ridden by a bedazzled wizard, but Zodgrob fought it off highhandedly. In one instance, Zodgrob wounded the beast, spilling its life-blood onto the nearby Lord-Celestant who perished in the lava. When the Sylvaneth finally committed and secured their victory, the Ironjawz had sent the majority of the thunda gits back into the heavens. The boyz celebrated and soon left the Woods to find the rest of the Bloodbreaka Clan. Unfortunately, Zodgrob forgot to take the rest of the orruk's loot as they left, leaving Orgrukh furious when he recovered and realized they had left empty-handed. 


    A few days later, Orgukh's force reunited with the rest of the FangFist. While they were battling Stormcasts, Azkrug's WAAAGH! encountered a WAAAGH! led by another Fungoid-Shaman who reverberated Keeb's (or Geeb's) visions. However, when the opposing Megaboss refused to join the clan, Azkrug respected his decision and killed him swiftly for the rest of his boyz to see. After stomping out the few holdouts, the opposing boyz wizened up and joined Da Bloodbreakas.


    After a few victorious battles against living humies and dead humies, the FangFist encountered a large Nurgle army. The fighting was fierce and rambunctious, but after two decisive fights, the Ironjawz were forced to retreat. That was when Orgukh and Zodgrob rejoined the clan, and it was the time that Orgukh chose to strike at Azkrug. 


    Orruk fought orruk in brutal combat, just the way they liked it. Zodgrob himself was having a wonderful time smashing boyz skulls in, but Ugly Bogg had to remind him not to crump too many boyz. Otherwise they wouldn't have a WAAAGH! left to stomp on everyone else. While Orgrukh's lads had the early advantage, Azkrug's boyz eventually swung the battle in their favor. It soon became clear this would be determined in a battle of bosses. Orgukh was a strong fighter, but he wasn't particularly cunnin'. It wasn't surprising to Zodgrob that the battle of the megabosses ended in favor of Azkrug. The rebellious megaboss, so eager to claim supre left himself vulnerable for Azkrug to deliver the killing blow. 


    Now standing and shouting atop Orgrukh's remains, the bosses of Da Bloodbreaka Clan had to restart the WAAAGH! or else they would fall once again to animosity.

    "What don't you get ya ugly git? There's plenty ov good scraps that way iffen we don't go looking for da godz to fight!" stated Azkrug.

    "An' I finks we can be real cunnin' and sneak up on them while theyze busy smashing each other up!" retorted Bogg.

    "Well I'm da biggest, so I'm da boss, and weze do as I say."

    "Yeah? Well look where that got us. Most of da boyz here be lookin' for da big fight. What better way than going right to the heart of da realm?"

    Now they were getting annoying. Tension was rising among the boyz, yet all Zodgrob could hear was complaining. He loved the commotion of battle, the constant loud banging of choppas, the roar of emotion, the lust for battle. This was just getting irritating. 

    "You wants that, doesn't you Bogg? Go fight da godz and then youze kicks me when I ain't lookin' and becoming da new boss. Youze always been jealous you ain't da big boss. Probably more jealous Orgrukh beat you to it. Huh?"

    Ugly Bogg scowled at the accusation and drew his choppa. "Come on den! I ain't afraid of you Azkrug. You don't even want to be da boss. Youze more than happy to follow Gorfang all the time than to seize da big boss title yourself. I likes you for yer cunnin', but I hates you fer your un-orkiness to fightin'."

    "Who you callin' un-orky you grot lovin' snot runna?"

    "Oi, will you two just zog off it already!?" shouted Zodgrob as he jumped onto the deceased Maw Krusha. 

    Both megaboss and ugly brute boss spun around, weapons still drawn, as their doltish companion approached them.

    "I don't care who weze fights next. Same goes for da rest of da ladz 'ere. Who we following? Gork or Mork?"

    "Gork," replied Azkrug

    "Mork," replied Bogg

    "Yer both stoofid. It's Gorkamorka! That's who our shroomie's been chattin' wif. I rather hear what he has to say than listen to you two pansies bicker about whose way be right? It's about fightin' an' winning weze cares about!"

    After a few moments of silence, the brute boss turned to Geeb (or Keeb), who had snuck onto the rear of the Maw Krusha during the confrontation and began to carve out some flesh to eat. 

    "Alright little shroomie. Tell us where Gorkamorak wants us to go next."

    Keeb (or Geeb) gave Zodgrob a nervous look, then ripped a chunk of Maw Krusha meat out of his mouth and swallowed it quickly. He sat straight up, leaning on his mushroom-stalk staff, his shooms bulging from his head oddly lighting up with power. The shaman replied, in a deep squeaky voice,"Oi, the godz sure have somefin to say about you lot. They not impressed by what they been seeing."

    Geeb (or Keeb) coughed, then reached inside his robes for something. He pulled out an alien mushroom, deep violet in color, with grey spots all around: the fabled deffcap mushroom. A food so rare and so daedly that only the brave and loonie grots would devour the poisonous mushroom. They hoard as much as they can and never trade them to anyone else. Keeb (or Geeb) had been hesitant to trust Zodgrob at first because he tried to steal some deffcaps from the moonclan grots. Zodgrob had also tried to eat the mushrooms growing out of the shaman's skull merely out of curiosity and hunger.

    Addressing the bosses and the gathered crowd around the dead Maw Krusha, the Fungoid-Shaman threw the deffcap into his mouth and chewed. Moments later, he began to spasm. He jerked left and right, but remained in control of his motions. Geeb (or Keeb) said, "There's still plenty of fighting left in the realm of death, but death is spreading all across the realms," the shaman said, as he began to glow an eerily sickly green. "Da Godz do battle here, but enemies march to war across Zarcosia. Them gits are being drawn to da big fight, and yer big boss got the right idea in gettin' them before they get 'ere. Go back to da Red Rock, fight wif Da Immortal, and remind those snobs that green is best!"

    After Keeb (or Geeb) had finished his spasms, Zodgrob finished the debate. "You 'eard little shroomie 'ere. We going back to fight everyone! Cmon lads! Da boss needs us! Lets get movin' before Da Godz need to remind us wif a good thumpin'!" 

    Perplexed by the sudden leadership shown by Zodgrob, Azkrug regained the upper hand over Ugly Bogg and assumed control once more. "That's right lads. We got business back at Mount Kraktoof. Nobody better than us. Weze got stunties to crump, humies to smash, spikey boyz to stomp on, and anyone else we see, well beat. Why? Because weze Ironjawz. And weze always da best!"

    As the FangFist began the long trek back to Zarcosia, the thickheaded Zodgrob thought long and hard about his next dilemma. 

    "I wonder if little shroomie tastes just as good as humie-stuffed squig. Oi, grot. Where you run off to?"

  6. Greetings everyone

    Last weekend I participated in a local tournament in New Jersey that featured 14 AOS players. We played three games at 2k with secondary objectives, which saw the following armies participate: 3 Khorne, 2 Nurgle, an Everchosen, two stormcasts, two nighthaunts, a Gutbusters, and three Ironjawz. I finished the tournament atop the mid tables somewhere between 5-7. The winning armies were 1) Nurgle 2) NIghthaunt 3) Stormcast. The tournament was well organized by fellow Ironjawz player Brian Cortese and the folks at Top Deck Games. 

    Here's a rundown of how my Ironjawz faired

    Round One - Ironjawz vs Maggotkin of Nurgle - Duality of Death - Major Loss

    Quite the grueling game for my lads as the rotting green overwhelmed the Greenskins and forced me to concede on Turn Four. My opponent took a Great Unclean One, Rotigus, The Glotkin, and a Gaunt Summoner on a Balewind Voretex. He also had 10 Blight Kings, 10 Plaguebearers, and 40 Plague Monks.


    My plan was to race my warchanters up to claim the objectives before he could get to them with his GUO's to sit on because they would have been practically unmovable. Unfortunately, his Gaunt Summoner, along with his Nurgle magic, made short work of my support heroes, as well as my blob of 20 Ardboyz. He also managed to get the double turn and charge his 10 Blight Kings into my 10 Brutes. The charge hurt and left all but one Brute remaining, who then fled from battleshock



    With my big unit gone and the left side teetering, the last chance I have is to wipe the Blight Kings during the double turn, claim the objective, then charge his glotkin before he has a chance to get me. Unfortunately, my Maw Krusha wiffed and failed to finish off the Blight Kings, even with the aid of my Gore Gruntas. By the bottom of Turn three, he was able to charge everything forward, including his 40 rats, who were bolstered by their abilities and nurgle powers which led them to do 80+ attacks or something that practically killed everything on the left side


    By turn four, my opponent was too far ahead and I would have had to kill at least two GUO's in two turns to try to turn it around with just a Maw Krusha and three Gore Gruntas. My opponent ended up winning the tournament and played some good games from his other two opponents I chatted with. I may have some reservations on the type of list used, but he played it well and earned his wins


    Also wanted to showcase this awesome third party GUO my opponent proxied as Rotigus. He said this comes from a third party company, though I forget if he named the exact one. Either way, a cool looking GUO to look at as it tore through my Orcs

    Round Two - Ironjawz vs Ironjawz - Knife to the Heart - Minor Victory 

    My first tournament mirror match, and it was the one scenario that both of us would have a hard time gaining a major. My strategy from the onset was to rush everything forward, try to punch a hole somewhere, then rush back my reserve Brutes to try to cap the match. Unfortunately, that plan fell apart on turn one


    What I wanted to do was try to angle my Gore Gruntas on the flank to threaten his center and support characters. However, he rolled three 6's on his Rampaging Destroyers and was able to throw his 6 Gore Gruntas up the flank to charge and lock in our cavalry. Two turns later, and we had both lost our fast options to cap the game. At that point, we both knew it would come down to kill points.

    Meanwhile, he left a screen of Ardboyz while his 15 Brutes with two choppas waited behind them. I sent my Ardboyz in on turn three to open up space for my Brutes to get in, along with my Maw Krusha. Eventually, we were at a standstill where the grind of battle was deciding factor. It was awesome


    He wisely retreated his remaining Ardboyz after my charge so his Brutes could get in, but it allowed me to get into his left flank. I fortunately won priority for Turn Four and charged his Maw Krusha with my own and killed him in one turn. My opponent in turn threw a Foot of Gork at me that dealt 8 wounds 




    Eventually, I was able to swing around, kill one of his characters, and kill another unit or two to snag the minor victory. That center core of his was too difficult to crack and it almost cost me the match. What also helped my opponent out was an Orruk Warboss with Banner that allowed him to reroll failed wound rolls of one. That was big for the Brutes with two choppas who refused to die no mater what I threw at them. Definitely a character I will consider taking in the future

    Round 3 - Ironjawz vs Ironjawz - Starstrike - Major Victory

    Another mirror-match and the one to decide who the best boss of the tournament was! 


    My opponent took a very similar list to me, but had one unit of 10 Brutes with two choppas, a megaboss on foot, a moonclan shaman and an ironfist. He won first turn so he moved everyone up to secure the middle line. He even managed an 11 inch charge with his Brutes into my Ardboyz and killed my Wierdnob Shaman in the process. A poor play on my part in deployment 


    Not a great start, but he moved his army up a bit too far, and in the bottom of Turn One, I counterattacked. First, my Maw Krusha moved up, roared, charged and killed the rival megaboss to show him who was the best boss on the battlefield


    Meanwhile, I buffed my Ardboyz and they hit the Brutes back hard, taking a decent number out. On the flanks, my 10-Brutes charged his Gore Gruntas on the left, while the right was well contested with my lads gaining the upper hand


    On Turn Two, the first comet fell on the middle house on the left flank. While he won the roll to start the turn, he could only charge his megaboss on foot into my Ardboyz to try to turn that skirmish around. All around him, his boyz began to waver. On my turn, my Gore Gruntas claimed the comet and I pretty much crippled his army. My Brutes gained more ground towards the cursed hill next to my Maw Krusha, while the battle for the right continued to fall in my favor. The middle still held, but I outnumbered my opponent, and with mystic shield on the Ardboyz, the Megaboss and Brutes coudl not do enough to make a dent


    By the start of turn 3, my opponent conceded. He did not have enough to compete for the remaining comets once they fell: one on my back left corner and the other in his center back, which at that point, I had more models in his backfield than he did. 

    At the end of the tournament, I finished with a  Major Win, Minor Win, and Major Loss, finishing atop the middle tables. Not a bad showing, though I wish me and my destruction comrades didn't have to beat up on each other so we could have finished collectively higher. Nevertheless, I will take the top boss title for the time being. This is likely my last time using this list for now. I think I will change it up for the next tournament I have in the spring. There are a few options I am considering, including the use of Brutish Cunning.

    Any advice or suggestions is appreciated. I should have a lore story up this week. In the coming weeks, I will try to get some Malign Portents games in and get good old Gorfang some action. Gorkamorka knows he's been itching to see the battlefield again

    Anyways, talk to you lads soon



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  7. So if GW handles the return of Slaanesh like they've done the previous Chaos Gods, we can expect Dec 2018/Jan 2019 releases for 40k and AOS. Where does that leave the Skaven and Beastmen then? Would both races receive similar treatment over the next few years, each set up to be the big bad on the rise?

    I could see one or both coming out the same year GW decides to dedicate time to Destruction. Perhaps after the consequences and desecration laid by Nagash and Slaanesh upon the forces of order, the Skaven/Beastmen will try to assert control, but Destruction will rise to meet this threat

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  8. Hey lads

    last weekend I attended a local tournament in Brooklyn, NY, organized by Martin Orlando. After three rounds at The Brooklyn Strategist, I placed 3rd and earned best painted army. The winner was a Maggotkin of Nurgle army followed by a Mixed Order list that had 90 or 120 Fyreslayers, a Luminark of Hysh, Aelf Lord on Frost Phoenix, along with one or two more units and heroes.

    It's been a busy few weeks for me at work so I haven't had the chance to write any narrative for my battle reports, and with another tournament coming up this weekend, I figured I would combine them at a later date and get you all the play-by-play of my matches

    Round One- Ironjawz vs Sylvaneth - Battle for the Pass
    Result: Major Victory

    This was the second time I have played Sylvaneth, but did a bit of homework for this tournament in case I played them again. He took Durthuu, Tree Lord Caster, an allied Stormcast Knight Heraldor, three units of Kurnoth Hunters (1 bow, one scythe, one sword), 30 Dryads, and two five-man units of Tree-Revenants. While I was delighted Battle for the Pass was the first battle plan, that deep deployment had me nervous he would try to send his Revenants into my backfield to steal my backfield objective. In response, I held back a unit of Gore Gruntas to act as a reactionary force in case he tried this tactic.


    Other deployment notes: I kept my Megaboss on Maw Krusha on the right with all my Brutes, along with the Grot Shaman, while my 20xArdboyz, second unit of Gore Gruntas, and Wierdnob Shaman were on the left next to an Arcane Tower. My original plan was to seize the middle objectives fast to draw him out of the woods so he had to fight me on my ground.


    Turn One- My opponent, Harry, finishes setting up first and chooses to take the first turn. He summons a wyldwood, but fails to plant another with his spell. Everyone mostly moves up, he takes some pot shots at my Brute Mob, and scores 5 points to start. Durthu is placed in an excellent spot, making it hard for me to fight him with my Maw Krusha or Brute Mob without suffering from fighting within the woods. However, I realize the graveyard presents an opportunity to attack Durthu's flank, so I send my five-man Brute unit rushing to take advantage. I move everyone else up cautiously in case he gets a double turn, but far enough where my numbers can steal back the objective. I score 5 at the end of Turn One.


    Turn Two- Ironjawz earn the double turn and seize the initiative. In my hero phase, my Wierdnob successfully casts Foot of Gork thanks to 20+ Ardboyz nearby as well as the +1 Arcane bonus to casting. First roll deals 2 mortal wounds, but I get another go, and roll 6 the second time. 8 mortal wounds total has Durthu wobbling. After advancing the boyz forward into charging position, I send Megaboss Azkrug up and his Maw Krusha does 2 more wounds to cripple him. At this point, I charge everyone in except my Maw Krusha, who doesn't have enough distance to fit behind the wyldwood to attack the other Tree Lord or Durthu. Instead, the five-man Brutes finish Durthu off, kill some Dryands, then kicks off Smashing and Bashing on the Brute Mob. Because of their reach, I can keep just about everyone outside the wyldwood to attack. I kill 2 of the 3 scythe Kurnoth Hunters, then he retaliates and takes a few wounds off of one. On the other side, the Ardboyz and Gore Gruntas wipe out the other Kurnoth Hunters to solidify the left flank. I score 5 points to take a commanding lead.

    On Harry's turn, his Heraldor takes advantage of the big graveyard and toots his horn, dishing out mortals to my grot shaman, maw krusha, and surrounding Brutes. This was a risk I had to take if I wanted to get to Durthu and bottle up the dryads. Otherwise, he just takes pot shots with his kurntoh hunters and tree-lord at my general, and we fight again, with my brute mob piling into his kurtnoth's with bows. More Brutes die against the Dryads but pass their bravery. He scores just one point



    Turn Three- At this point, I begin to pull away. The Kurnoths on the right are on the verge of falling while my megaboss looks intimidating. The orruks on the left simply reposition themselves on top of the objective and fail to charge the dryads. Another Brute dies in combat, leaving my Brute Boss left on 2 wounds. The Gore Gruntas in the back are doing their job at intimidating him from teleporting to the back. I score 5 more points

    At this point, the game is out of reach for Harry. His Heraldor shoots the graveyard and takes off another Brute, wounds the Brute Boss on the Dryads, and pretty much cripples my Megaboss. He also deployed his Revenants in his backfield so my Gore Gruntas cannot contest his objective. By Turn four, he decides to charge his heraldor in to see his he can kill my Maw Krusha, he falls short, but charges into the Brute Boss instead. He is unable to deliver the final blow, so the Brute Boss turns around and kills him in one go-at-him. After another few Dryads die and flee, only the Brute Boss remains standing after the central combat ends. I have it lore-wise that my Brute Boss, Zodgrob was just too stupid to die, despite being covered in a dozen splinters and a  few branches stocking through him.  By this point, he concedes and I take the Major Victory. 

    Round Two- Ironjawz vs Maggotkin of Nurgle - Total Conquest
    Result: Major Defeat

    This was a rematch against a local player, Dan, who I beat to win PAX in November. This time, we played Total Conquest, another first for me, and defnitely played a part in the outcome of this match, which I will get to later. Dan's Nurgle army consisted of the Mortals Battalion which was a -1 to hit. He took the new Great Unclean One, Festus, Sorcerer on Manticore, two units of Blight Kings, chaos warshrine, 10 Chaos Knights, 10 Chaos Warriors, and 10 plaguebearers. He placed his tree on the right side near his objective. My goal originally was to quickly overpower one side and sweep on towards the other, while my Ardboyz held other side, like they did in our last game to his frustration.


    Turn One- he finished deploying first and gave me the turn, so I advanced everyone up and placed my defensive buffs on everyone, including inspiring presence on the Brute Mob and Mystic Shield on the Gore Gruntas. I was aware his tree gave him movement bonuses, but did not prepare well for his upcoming moves. Dan went, and learning from our last match, sends practically everything towards the right side. WIth my Ardboyz, Wierdnob, and five man Brutes so far back, there won't be enough support arriving in the upcoming fight


    Turn Two- Dan wins the double turn, and the Nurgle Disease Train came crashing into my lines. First, the GUO hit my Brutes, followed by the Blight Kings to deny the rest from piling into his big dude. From this point on, his GUO acts as a massive debuff across the right side, forcing me to reroll my successful 6's on hits and wound. Festus also casts the spell where my Brutes' armour save is -1 for the rest of the game. While I tear through the Blight Kings, I am unable to get enough damage on the GUO since he can heal himself. With the battalion and GUO debuffs, not to mention Nurgle's resiliency, the Brutes cannot get enough damage through.  On my turn, I try to counter charge with my Maw Krusha and Gore Gruntas, but with the lack of space to maneuver, I am unable to get my Maw Krusha into combat, which forces me to go forward towards the chaos warriors and plaguebearers to try to steal his objective. On the other side, the Ardboyz could not make the far charge to tie up the Chaos Knights, which made me hesitate charging my Gore Gruntas into combat against his sorcerer.


    Turn Three- Nurgle won turn three. He plants a new tree near his left objective. More magic and debuffs start to take their toll. The Chaos Knights charge forward into my Gore Gruntas with support from his Sorcerer on Manticore. He had a pretty cool yet terrifying combo with those units, which reduced the leadership of my Gore Gruntas from a 7 to a 4, so one casualty could remove the unit if I failed my Bravery Roll. The Brute Mob is now withered to a 6+ save, hitting on 5's and rerolling 6's. They are there to just hold the line. While they somehow finish off the Blight Kings, the GUO wipes the remaining three off the board. The Maw Krusha finishes off the Chaos Warriors, but has to pile into the Plaguebearers next time. On my turn, he gets Rampaging Destroyers off but whiffs. The Ardboyz on the left get a 13 inch charge and attack his Blight Kings, Festus, and War Shrine. I outnumbered him and steal the objective this turn, giving me a slight lead in points. I can see a path to victory, but it depends on the next two turns.


    Turn Four- I win the roll, but the turn goes south from me. First, my shamans fail to cast their spells. Next, my Brutes fail their charge into the combat, but with little room to squeeze through, there isn't a lot of space anyway for them to get through. In the combat phase, my Ardboyz still hold their own and outnumber Nurgle's left side, but they're losing bodies as I can't kill off the War Shrine or the Blight Kings. The Maw Krusha is now bogged down and fails again to finish off the plaguebearers. The center where the Gore Gruntas buckles. I finally lose one on the right unit and the Bravery 4 roll kills me as I roll a 6, forcing the other two to flee. I have one left standing from the other unit. Dan's turn now, and he retreats the knights onto my bottom right objective wisely. His GUO charges my Maw Krusha, which is already wounded from magic and combat. The GUO will eventually kill him and save that objective. Meanwhile, the Ardboyz suffer heavily in his hero phase, then lose much more in the combat phase as the Manticore enters the fray. With the high body count and now -4 Leadership debuff due to the Sinister terrain nearby, the rest of the boyz flee. 

    Turn Five- Dan wins the roll off and takes the game. He edges me and I don't have enough left to steal back the objectives. Not to mention a scan of the table and he still have most of his heavy hitters alive.

    It was a sound game, one I felt I was in the whole time, but it did seem to me I was on the back foot most of the game. Those debuffs were a killer, not to mention his resiliency kept his army around longer than when we played last time. Nurgle is a fun challenge to play against. Dan and I have had some good games over the past few months. Looking forward to the next one we have. The scenario was also a factor. Dan told me after he wanted to avoid my Ardboyz when I placed then on the left, which was my plan for them, but it made him refocus on my heavy hitters. With my Ardboyz so far away, they were unable to influence the game until I took my gamble on turn three. Next time I play TC, I think it would be best to throw everything on one side then to work my way across. 

    Round Three - Ironjawz/Sylvaneth vs Stormcast Eternals - Scorched Earth
    Result- Major Victory (Ironjawz)

    Unfortunately, one of the original players left the tournament early on, so we had an odd number remaining. Dan played the Mixed Order player for 1st place, but in the third place game, it was me and Harry again. In order to avoid a rematch, Martin Orlando came up with a fun way to determine the result. Me and Harry would team up with 1k each to take on Martin's 2k Stormcast list. We played the scenario as normal, except we couldn't buff each other's units.  The winner between us was determined by Kill Points, so if Martin won, either me or Harry would receive a minor victory determined by kill points, and if our team won, then that minor would become a major. 

    I took a Megaboss on foot, Warchanter, Grot Shaman, 2x5 Brutes, 10 Ardboyz and 3 Gore Gruntas. Harry took a Tree Lord Ancient, two units of Kurnoth Hunters with Swords, a Branchwraith, and 2x5 Tree Revenants. Martin used his beautifully painted Stormcasts that featured a Lord Celestant on foot, Lord Castellant, Lord Relictor, Knight Heraldor, 2x5 Liberators, 5 Judicators, 10xRetributors,  4 Fulminators, a converted Runson on magmadroth and an organ gun. I believe it was Vanguard Wing he used for his battalion


    Turn One- He gave us the first turn, which we used to bunker down considering our casters and my heavy units were out in the open. We decided early on we would let the Stormcast come to us. It's difficult when you have to fight stormcast on their own terms, but we figured staying together was the best way to get the major. He also deployed wyldwoods by his corner objectives for a later time. Martin went and moved up his force. He dropped a unit of liberators inside the ruins in the center left and moved up his Fulminators and general (Lord celestant) behind them with his +1 armour save aura. His Heraldor shot the building my orcs were hiding behind and dealt some mortal wounds to all three units. At this point, with his heraldor threatening to undo us, my inner megaboss thought of a cunning plan.




    Turn Two- We win priority and go first. We each cast spells onto the stormcasts in the ruins. My Grot Shaman uses Curse of the Bad Moons and get mortal wounds on all three targets. His Branchwraith nips some wounds off the fulminators close to the woods, killing one of them. Then I get Rampaging Destroyers off with my Shaman and Megaboss and use it on the Brutes and Gore Gruntas. My Megaboss, Brutes and Ardboyz eventually charge the Liberators and Fulminators, while my Gore Gruntas hit the Judicators and get two of them to attack the Heraldor. I use WAAAGH and everyone gets an extra attack. The Heraldor dies, triggering smashing and bashing for my Ardboyz to attack the fulminators. We the trade attacks which sees a brute die, some Ardboyz, two fulminators and two liberators. Unfortunately, I stupidly charged my wounded megaboss into his liberator prime with great sword in cover. I seem to make this exact mistake often, and it cost me again. On martin’s turn, he lightning chariots his retributors towards our back line between our center and right objectives and moves his magmadroth up. He opens up with his organ gun, but it jams and doesn’t fire. He then charges his Magmadroth into my side brutes while his Castellant hits the Gore Gruntas. Martin then proceeds to kill my megaboss with the Celestant’s hammer cloak and the liberator prime, but I kill the rest of his liberators but can’t finish off the fulminator. The magmadroth kills two brutes but they deal 6-8 wounds surprisingly. They’re squishier than I imagined 


    Turn Three- Since the game is taking long, we have to finish this turn. Martin is going to score one of our objectives, so we must match or exceed that to win. We win priority and Harry finally strikes. First, he kills the magmadroth with his magic, which ironically kills his general with his lava bleed out. My brute boss laughs off the mortal wound and survives another game somehow. Harry then deploys his revenants on the table edge on the right and gets his Kurnoths to travel through the trees to the left. Somehow, he makes both long charges, kills the liberators and outnumbers the relictor on the right. He burns both and scores five. We will take the win no matter what, but I finish off the fulminators and get the kill points, thus claiming the major. 

    It was a thrilling game that came to some fortunate dice rolls, but me and Harry pulled through. It was great fun playing Martin and the way we played rye scenario made it competitive for all three of us. I’ll have a fun story to tell for my army lore whenever I get around to it.

    Disclaimer: Towards the end of our match, we realized the Grot Shaman was not eligible for the Ironjawz Rampaging Destroyers. I never realized that because I knew the destruction rule is exactly the same, but forgot the Ironjawz one affects only Ironjawz heroes. While it didn’t determine the game, it had an effect as I was able to boost the brutes into combat faster. I felt terrible when I realized it but both Harry and Martin let it slide at the end. 

    In the end, I finished third, and won best painted army. Thanks again to Martin for organizing the event. 

    This list I have used has placed twice now, and I will use it one more time at this weekends tourney in New Jersey at Top Deck Games

    I will try to get some lore stories later this month


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  9. Oi lads

    I hope everyone's 2018 is going well.  Just wanted to update you guys on what's going on in the New York/New Jersey Warhammer communities and a bit of a hobby update on my end. 

    We have an AOS Tournament in Brooklyn, NY this weekend to start the year. I plan on taking my army list I used at PAX for this one. There's another tournament in February in New Jersey where I might tinker the list a bit to incorporate Spear Chukkas or Rock Lobbas. I haven't decided yet. Because it's a new tournament, I have a new Tournament Army Lore Booklet if you'd like to check it out below

    Meanwhile, on Long Island, NY, we are starting a Slow Grow League. It starts at 500 points, then grows by 250 every two weeks. It will end in March with a tournament and total points of 1500. For this, I am starting a Gutbusters Army. The units are easy to paint, fun to customize, and the army isn't bad on the tabletop. I will share my progress with them on this blog along with my Ironjawz. This is my Irongut test model I created


    I wasn't sure how the Ryza Rust drybrushing would come out, but after a second look, I am pleased how it came out. Maybe a bit less on the weapon next time. The skin I am fine with as well. I've wanted to try an ice-ogre themed paint scheme, and intend to make a handful of ice weapons on the clubbed weapons.

    The skin scheme is: BASE- The Fang ---> Agrax Earthshade (shaded the entire model with it) ---> Russ Grey layer except in the recesses

    I didn't do the eyes and was unable to use Fenrisian Grey for Highlight because my pot dried out. The next Irongut I paint I am going to try drybrushing with Stormfang to see if it gives a more rugged look. 

    Recently, I also started playing Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower with my family and we love it. One of my goals for 2018 is to try to get more people into the hobby. I think Warhammer Quest is a good way to help initiate some new blood. 

    I will have Battle Reports and new stories coming in the next few weeks

    Keep up the good work everyone 


  10. Oi Lads

    today I bring you a lore story on my army. We follow Gorfang weeks after Mount Kraktoof has been finished, but things have not gone according to plan, and new warnings begin to stir of eerie deeds that may emerge. Hope you all enjoy it

    A Cold Awakening

    A strong gust of wind slammed into the base of the shanty tower. It's weakened support beams could not hold out any longer. It leaned back and forth before finally collapsing forward, taking down another tower with it. Orruks and Grots scattered about trying to avoid the debris. Their attempts to repair the damaged watch tower were never going to work, Gorfang knew. He knew Greenskined-craftsmanship was shoddy and unpredictable at the best of times. How grots managed to operate their war machines with surprisingly inconsistent efficiency was a wonder only Mork knew. The megaboss watched as shambles of lumber from both towers damaged huts underneath and destroyed the nearby tents where other boyz were resting. Nearby, one of many boar pens was finally repaired, and the task of corralling the loose boars could begin. He glanced back where a commotion was starting. A brute tried to break up a fight between two Greenskins in front of the remains of a weapons pile. It used to house weapons the Ardboyz would over-craft and stockpile when they couldn't carry any more choppas. Gorfang spit and began to walk.

    It was only weeks ago that he witnessed the completion of this city, his city, Mount Kraktoof. The ramshackle metropolis was built within the former duardin stronghold of Kazad Knol. Soon it began too clustered, so Gorfang kicked the lesser Greenskins outside. Orruks, grots and even some ogors made their homes in the outer plaza between the main gate of the stronghold and the outer walls. Then when that wasn't enough, they built their huts and shack on the mountain itself. It was not long before the destruction races across Zarcosia began to beckon to the stronghold of Da Immortal. With the reinforcements gathered from Azkrug FangFist's expedition into Shyish, as well as staving off a preliminary assault by the Stormcasts and flying stunties, Gorfang expected his city to provide him enough boyz soon to launch his own WAAAGH!

    Then the cold winds came. 

    A few weeks after completion of the city, the Alfrosun of Sgrak the Hungry arrived at Mount Kraktoof. Beastclaw Raiders were a rare sight in Zarcosia. Not since Lurg the Indelible and his Alfrosun desecrated the northern kingdom of Calugaenit and sent it into an eternal Everwinter had the bestial horde of ogors set foot in Zarcosia. Sgrak's horde was far removed from that terrible storm, but their hunger was massive and tempers short. That night, a disagreement broke out when the Huskard declared his disgust at the lack of quality meet available. He demanded all the meat in the city belonged to him and his ogors, not the weak wretches that inhabited the broken dawi hold. As Gorfang tried to intimidate the ogor boss to back down, Zodgrob emerged into the quarrel eating the ogor's prized Blood Vulture. The sight of Sgrak's  poultry companion being unceremoniously devoured without an offer set the Frostlord into a frenzy. Soon the city was alight in ice and fire. Thundertusks froze dozens of orruks and grots in place with their ice breath, Mournfang Packs and Gore Gruntas locked horns and teeth in vicious charges down narrow streets, Stonehorns ran through every building that wasn't rooted into the ground, including rock huts that belonged to the orruk blacksmiths. Azkrug and his Maw Krusha reaped a heavy toll of ogors, but their destructive bulk pulverized barracks and huts across the city. Even the Maneater District came under attack, as Zaaud Goldchewa and his Mighty Mandibles were forced to defend their establishment, the Frozen Fang Tavern, from all intruders: beastclaw raider and pillaging greenskin alike.

    It was wanton disaster that could have doomed Mount Kraktoof. And Gorfang enjoyed every minute of it.

    The megaboss had slain four great beasts and numerous ogors alike with his mighty choppa, all the while keeping his boyz in order as best he could. Soon, he encountered Sgrak and brought him down. The Huskard wasn't hard to take down, but it took a couple of mighty whacks with his choppa to get through his stonehorn's hide. With the death of Sgrak, the remaining ogors surrendered. Unfortunately, no sooner were the orruks victorious that they succumbed to their lust for more violence and looting that they sacked half the city. 

    After inspecting the rest of the damage and thumping the skulls of the runt boyz who looted the Bloodbreaka's shiny stuff, Gorfang finally retreated inside Mount Kraktoof itself and made his way to his quarters. Knocking the boyz skulls together to keep order was a busy job. He figured the rest of his bosses could handle the rest of the rabble and get the runts back to rebuilding the city quickly. Besides, nothing was going to stand in his  way of devouring Sgrak's stonehorn he slew. Before he could begin, Azkrug arrived. Rather than throw the nearby grot chef at the megaboss, Gorfang stowed the urge away to hear what he had to say.

    "Them boyz really made a ruckus of it they did," said Azkrug as he approached the table. The fine dwarf etchings into the marble had long been stained and scratched away by orc glyphs and marks. "Seems some of the choppa piles were looted. I'll make sure them sneaky grots wasn't behind it. At least those piles that melted we can make new choppas wif."

    "Not a bad idea. Least one of you gits I call bosses is using yer 'eads fer somefin," said Gorfang as he ripped a hunk of flesh off the carcass and stuffed it into his mouth. Coming from a creature with a stone skeleton, the meat was very tough, even after it burned all night on a stake, but Da Immortal knew it tasted great. "Where's Zodgrob? That simpleton is going to be bossing those cave runts around for a while if I has my way."

    "Last time I saw him, he was still bashing away at the other stonehorn he killed. I don't fink he realizes he can't break through the skull of a stonehorn."

    The FangFist reached for the pitcher of fungus brew another grot servant had brought to the table. Azkrug glanced at the megaboss, who snarled at him. Gorfang them snatched the pitcher from the grot and poured two mugs full. One of the few trinkets Gorfang enjoyed looting from the stunties was their mugs. While they were diminutive in stature, they know how to make cups large enough for orruks to hold and sturdy enough to throw at someone without breaking. This time, he handed it to his fellow megaboss. Where once he had been a rival, Gorfang realized Azkrug never wanted to be the big boss again after a failed rebellion from his former clansmen. He was contempt following Gorfang and serving as his second in command. It helped to show favor sometimes to his bosses, but important to remind them of the strength you possessed as the megaboss.

    "To Sgrak," Gorfang said, raising his mug in the air to toast. "Thanks for the fight, the new gits who've joined us, and the food you've provided Da Bloodbreakas wif."

    Azkrug raised his head, nodded, then chugged his concoction. His face controrted as he tried to recognize the taste.

    "This a new one boss?" asked Azkrug.

    "Aye them moonclan grots lent me some squig fungus brew. It ain't the stuntie stuff, but it ain't bad," said the megaboss. "Zaaud lost his ale during the sacking last night. He's pretty mad about it, so I sent him and his boyz on a beer run out west," said Gorfang.

    "You mean the stunties?"

    "Of course! Besides, Zaaud don't like rival taverns. He wants to be da best place north of da fissure." Gorfang let out a loud belch, then laughed. "Pesky ogors and their titles. Still, their cookin' is just as good as their fightiness."

    "Now then, Azkrug, what you want?"

    "We've assessed da rest of da damage, boss, and it ain't good," said the FangFist. "It's gonna take some time before da city is back up and running. Da smaller greenskin clans are working to build back da armouries and market, while da runts be scouring for scraps to tidy up da place."

    "There's enough stuntie forges inside Mount Kraktoof to keep da WAAAGH! going, but weze needs dem forges back up and running," said Gorfang. "Keep the boyz busy so they aint scrappin' yet. Tell 'em to save it for the fightin' pits. Also tell Bogg to bring more of his boyz to guard the shiny stuff. We got piles all over the place. I don't want to see any more lootin' unless these gits wants to fight us fer it!"

    "Gotcha boss."

    "Also, get Korkrok and Ruglid to go raid some of the humies north of us. Theyze starting to encroach on our territory, Make 'em know whose in charge."

    Azkrug merely nodded at that order. Gorfang expected something else was on his mind.

    "Boss," Azkrug paused before continuing, "something funny be going on."

    "Besides half da city being on fire?"

    "Na. Somefin strange been  going on in these lands. Da boyz be telling me of spooky fings in the air. Few days ago, some of da boyz from the Nail-Gouger Clan were dumping dead stunties into Da Great Fissure. They said them dead stunties were crawling back up da cliff. Didn't make it up, but they wasn't dead 'uns. Ruglid keeps yappin' about somefin not right with the air. It reminds him of where he came from, da dead lands."

    "Dead fings? Here?" said Gorfang. 

    "I don't know for sure. Iffen they are, it gives us somefin else to bash other than stunties and humies. And ogors. And other orruks"

    Gorfang scratched the sided of his skull with his finger and brooded.  

    "Nogoog had one of his crazy dances recently. He said Da Godz are watching right now. Something drawing their attention elsewhere. The Moonclan git Geeb...er..Keeb...said da same thing. He told me there's fightin' going on wiv everyone. Green is in da air. Life and decay will battle death and will. He said weze gots to go find da dead before they finds us."

    "Wait, Keeb? Last I saw him he be growing shrooms for brains."

    "The gits brain is a shroom at this point. He's been eating more and more ov' dem since he came back wif you. I outta go down there and tell Doffa to kill da right one next time if he keeps up these loonie visions."

    Gorfang slammed his fist on the slab table. It was almost the size of Azkrug's skull, a point the megaboss always made sure he and the other bosses noticed. 

    "We ain't gonna sit around to find out. Best get your Krusha ready. You and da boyz are going back to Shyish to see what da hell is going on."

    "Oh boy, Ruglid will be excited to hear dis," said Azkrug.

    "Take da two-brained grot shaman wif you. He's got more answers we need. I need Nogoog here. Some new shaman be scaring da runts away so he needs to get his juju in order."

  11. Happy Holidays lads

    I hope everyone is enjoying their time with family, loved ones, and their paint brushes xD

    Here's what recently came off my hobby table before Christmas. Introducing...



    Nubskull Bloodcleava led his boyz into the cursed city of Shadespire after a screaming grot informed Da Bloodbreaka Clan of a lost city of riches. While that wasn't noteworthy to the Ardboy Boss, the grot's words of warbands wondering the streets for said riches enticed him. If he and his boyz could capture some worthless treasure in the city, perhaps these warbands would seek them out for a fight. Nubskull grabbed as many boys as he could and made his way to the lost city. Weeks passed, skirmishes were won, and a few lads were lost along the way, but eventually, the Ardboyz reached Shadespire. The orruks found some early success by vanquishing a White Lions warband and crushing a Ghoul Patrol horde of Flesh Eaters. On one venture into the market district of the city, Nubskull, 'eadrippa, Masha, and Gasha stumbled into a weapon's store. Spotting a shiny relic a weapon rack, Masha grabbed the object, activating the dark magic within and transporting the four orruks into the soul of the city. After weeks of trying to smash their way out of the city, the orruks turned their anger on the other trapped denizens of Shadespire. While Nubskull and his boyz continue to search and smash their way out of the city, their living and dead rivals present a nice distraction.

    It was fun to paint Ardboyz (the artists formally known as Black Orcs) once again. I forgot how much I enjoyed painting the other regiment I did years ago. These guys offer a nice variation and were quick to do. 


    Gasha and Masha were easy to do. I actually decided to highlight all the metal areas with Ironbreaker. It made a big difference. I can tell they stand out more. In terms of the bases, I stuck to what Duncan did on the "How to..." video


    Another different method I took painting these guys compared to the other Ironjawz I've painted was that I used Agrax Earthshade across the entire model. I still prefer Nuln Oil on metal, but Agrax is a good way of doing it as well. It gives the appearance of a worn weapon and gives the metal a bit of a different look. 


    Onto the main guy himself, Nubskull. I knew beforehand I wanted a winter cloak/fur combo to illustrate where my group of Orruks comes from. This was possibly the best pelt dry brush I have done (praise be to Duncan). The combo I used was Celestial Grey, a little nuln oil, then dry brush with Ulthuan Grey in slow, soft strokes to build up the color. The cloak also came out as I wanted. I started with The Fang, followed by Russ Grey avoiding the recesses, then nuln oil with a bit of water, followed by Fenrisian Grey for highlights. I had a bit of trouble with this one because the paint completely dried, so I had to drown it in water then stirred the heck out of it before it became liquid again. I blended small lines with a small layer brush until I eventually built up the color on the raised parts.

    Hope this helps anyone looking for painting inspiration. I'm looking forward to using these guys in 2018

    Have a Happy New Years everyone

  12. Hey lads,

    this past weekend, I faced off against two Order armies in a friendly Open Play kill 'em match. There was carnage galore, brave last stands, and bedlam across the battlefield. I had a 2,000pt Ironjawz that battled a 1k Stormcast Force and 1k Kharadron Overlords list. The battle came down to the wire, but I barely pulled out a win with just my Megaboss and three Brutes remaining. Scroll down for the battle report. I had some fun with this story and told it from several POV's. Enjoy the lore.

    Da Smashing Party

    The clap of thunder was a dead giveaway to Gorfang. The flashes of lightning in the sky, the swirling magic below, the very air you breathed freezing before the storm was unleashed.

    "They're here," he said to himself

    The megaboss had been scouting the surrounding cliffs around Mount Kraktoof when he heard the first rumble. He  acted quickly, summoning a powerful Ironfist to intercept the threat not too far from the city. The construction of Mount Kraktoof was almost complete thanks to the successful FangFist expedition. They brought an incredible surplus of supplies and boyz from Shyish, blustering the size of Da Bloodbreaka Clan and its influence. Many of these new boyz used to don the bone-white armour of the Ash Eaters, but now they marched to war donning the dark red armour of their new clan. They would be motivated fighting in front of their new boss, a factor Gorfang was anticipating. 

    Approaching the ruins of a Dwarf town, two Gore Gruntas returned from scouting with news: the Thunder Boyz were near.

    "Figures. It's always the Thunder Boyz," muttered Gorfang. "Why can't this Sigmar git just come down and giv' us a proper fight?"

    "Perhaps he's scared boss," answered Dradruzak. "Maybe he finks Gorkamorka will come down and stomp him into da ground."

    "Yeah, but I wants us to test our strength against him. Not every day you gets to fight a God."

    "Boss, there's more," shouted an orruk with the skin of dark coal. He had arrived with the FangFist expedition and survived a run-in with the God of Death, or so the stories his boyz said. Ruglid was his name. "We also spotted a flying ship. filled with stunties."

    "Flying stunties? You sure it ain't  dem pansie aelfs playin' tricks again?" asked Gorfang.

    "No boss, it looks like stunties,. All them are stubblie and small like stunties, but we can't make out their beards" replied Ruglid. "Theyze covered all over in armour, but you'll recognize their banners and sigils."

    "Mmm so them Thunder Boyz be finkin of gettin' some help to fights us, eh? Well I says we gives it to them," the megaboss said. He then turned and spoke to his Ironfist. "Alright you lot! You want to be real propa Bloodbreaka Orruks?" There was a loud cheer from the Orcs as many threw their arms in the air.  "Well weze got some gits who finks they can surprise us on our own land. Dem Thunder Boyz is back, and now they brought da stunties, only theyze flying. We're gonna bring 'em crashin' to da ground. Then we're gonna stomp on all ova them, kick 'em, bash 'em, stomp 'em and bash 'em until they knows who's da best. Is that you gits?" he shouted.

    "WAAAAAAGH!" was the only reply Gorfang heard. He grinned in approval and said to himself, "This is gonna be a good fight". He motioned with his right arm as Da Bloodbleada orruks surged forward down the mountain pass.


    Admiral Groudec Hammersson raised his pistol and fired into the sea of green below him. He couldn't miss from his vantage point, though he couldn't tell if his shot even killed one of the brutes below.  His crew desperately tried to force them back to save the ship before the orruk's dealt a fatal blow. They were everywhere. As another rupture sounded from the hull, Groudec's frustration only grew. Not at his fellow duardin for doing their jobs, but at the Stormcast leader, and himself. Lord-Celestant Kuldor Dracothblade was a brave warrior, but Groudec knew from his short interactions that he was headstrong. Kuldor wished to establish a base camp within the Frattura Mountains to spearhead an eventual invading force before the orruk city could be finished. But Groudec's experience had taught him never to underestimate Orruks, especially Ironjawz. He should have countered the idea, but he needed the extra gold to shore up his payments to Barak-Nar. After days of preparing, they  followed the Stormcast storm to the Frattura Mountains, and would come behind the Stormcast as they landed. As Groudec's Ironclad began to disembark, the Orruks struck from an underground cavern. They had been waiting for the right moment to strike. Now the duardin were caught.


    Their relentlessness was too much for the vessel to withstand. Groudec reached for the alarm and slammed the button. "Disembark lads, and prepare to fire!" he shouted over the failing engines and leaking aether-gold. Above, Aether-Khemist Jarn Clifforsson slid down the rails safely onto the ground. The rest of Groudec's Company made it off the ship just as the Orruks were about to destroy the final engine. Settled on the ground and his grudge in front of him, Groudec gave the order, "All guns open fire!" The Arkanaut Company and armaments still active on the Ironclad erupted in an astonishing wave of metal.



    The barrage ripped the orruks apart. Limbs were severed, bellies burst open, heads exploded, but the Brutes still had fight left in them. One of them jabbed his long spear into the last functioning engine, the massive ship taking its last gasp as it finally crashed. The remaining Brutes charged forward to battle their duardin adversaries. The Arkanaut Company took a heavy toll, but they stood their ground. Groudec smirked before anger overtook him once more. "Cmon you lads. Stand yer ground and make yer shots count! We have a big payday if we get out of this pickle. Maybe enough to get a new ship," the admiral said. He parried a heavy blow from an Orruk and crushed his skull on the counterattack. The corpses of the Brutes were starting to pile up. Groudec's kill count was starting to rise along with it. "Bah! Is that the best you retches can offer? I'm just getting warmed up."


    Another explosion tore a hole in the downed Ironclad, causing Lord-Celestant Kuldor Dracothblade to reel his mount back. Nearby, Lord-Castellant Ponyord StarShield held firm, planting his feet into the ground to brace the force of the explosion. In seconds it passed, but the frenzy of violence was already underway. The commissioned Kharadron Overlords had lost their ship and were fighting back against their Orruk adversaries. Ponyord knew the duardin would no longer contribute to this battle, leaving the Autumn Hammers alone to face the rest of the greenskinned scourge. Open battle against the Ironjawz was not the Stormcast's intention. It was too soon, and more troops were needed if they were to smash Da Bloodbreaka Clan from Zarcosia once and for all. But Kuldor had insisted, nay, urged his brothers to be the first to claim a base to strike the Ironjawz. Glory was all he sought. Glory for Sigmar, the God-King, he said. That glory-seeking drive had cost him and his brothers three visits to the reforging anvil already. Each time, Kuldor seemed to grow emboldened, his headstrong attitude worsening. Was he truly seeking glory for their God, or was it something more than that? 

    "Brothers, rally to me!" Kuldor shouted. "The orruks believe they have bested us already. But I see their dead piling high and our allies rallying," the Lord-Celestant said, pointing to the growing mound of dead Brutes surrounding the surviving duardin. "Let us show them the fury of the Autumn Hammers and the rage Sigmar's Storm will bring to them!" Kuldor still knew how to give a good speech. He could inspire any Stormcast to run through the Ever-Changing Gate with him, Ponyord noted to himself. The Lord-Celestant then turned to Ponyord and locked eyes with him. "Lord-Castellant," he began, "take our Liberators and form a shield wall around the choke points of those ruins. I will take our Fulminators and summon the Retributors. We will hammer them into your shields and destroy what resistance they show us." Ponyord nodded, but his body language was a giveaway for Kuldor to expose. "Now is not the time for reservations, but make it quick. We need to strike before they recognize our advance," explained Kuldor. "It may be wise to consolidate around the ruined ironclad. We can support our duardin allies and fend off the Ironjawz while we await reinforcements. A charge may be too risky if we are still to achieve our mission," answered Ponyord. He couldn't see Kuldor's expression through his helmet, but he knew the decision just by staring at his eyes. "We do not go back! The way is forward," so said the final words of Kuldor. He tugged the reigns of his dracoth and signalled his Fulminators to charge. The cavalry mustered and moved around the outside of the village, aiming to surprise the orruk cavalry from the flank. The clouds above rumbled once more, shooting down a bolt far from the eyes of the Liberators. The Retributors had entered the fray, but they would have to pray to Sigmar their fate would see them victorious. All Ponyord could do was obey his orders and lead his brothers forward. "With me, brothers. Lend me your hammers and shield. We shall be Sigmar's bulwark against this savagery and drive them back. For the God-King!"


    To say there was panic in the Ironjawz's ranks was an understatement. Dozens of Dracoth Cavalry had caught the Orruks advancing further into the village, perfectly lined up for a devastating charge. First, the Gore Gruntas on the left. They barely had time to react when the Fulminators skewered their way through their ranks. Their celestial beasts finishing off any stragglers or scaring off anyone else. They then targeted the center formation and rushed towards the Weirdnob Shaman Dulg and the Jazood Warchanter who was dancing around. Both orruks were skewered in the blink of an eye and tossed aside deceased. The Brutes soon joined the melee to bog down the Stormcasts from doing any further damage.

    "Guess boss'll be needin' another Jazood now," Dradruzak thought to himself. 

    Seconds went by before a distant bawl erupted over the scrum. "Oi you ugly lookin' lizzie! That may have been me favorite Jazood you killed! Iz gonna crump ya fer that!" Gorfang shouted as he piled into the frenzy. As mighty as the Stormcast Cavalry was, they would soon be overwhelmed by the Ironjawz superior numbers, along with their megaboss lending a helping hand. On the far side, Ruglid's Gore Gruntas began their advance to see what became of the loud boom where the ambushing Brutes were waiting. Behind him, Megaboss Itkid was defending himself against the large thunder boyz who carried their thunder hammers. Dradruzak knew those Stormcasts were strong gits and had his respect. It seemed Itkid was getting the upper hand as his maw krusha had shaken off the harpoons lodged in its torso. 

    Before Dradruzak could focus on the approaching Liberators, a challenge came forth from the flank. The Stormcast's Big Boss was approaching. Of course this one wore a big, puffy helm like all the leaders. This might be his chance to take one. "Get ova 'ere Thunda Boy! Me choppa has something nice to say to you," the brute boss said. Raising his hammer, the Stormcast plunged into the Brutes, reaping a toll of death on the charge. One Brute made a leaping attack while the Stormcast wasn't looking, but his mount knocked him down with its thick skull and ripped the orruk's throat out while he was down. Dradruzak then lunged forward. He made for the beasts head, but it evaded his claw. The Stormcast then swung a backhanded arc with his hammer, but Dradruzak caught it with his choppa. Both bosses exchanged blows, neither finding the fatal strike. He shouted his god's name multiple times during the clash, annoying Dradruzak as the fight lingered. Then he caught a break. His enemy made an overzealous strike that the Brute Boss caught with his left claw, then he quickly delivered a mighty blow that decapitated his mount. He then tugged the weapon out of its wielders hands as he fell to the ground. Dradruzak wasted no time as he stomped on the Stormcast's chest, breaking a few ribs and pinning him to the ground. He began to shout his god's name once again, prompting Dradruzak to shut him up for good. "Stop shouting for help and maybe you'd win a fight," he declared as he stepped back before the body turned to lightning and shot back into the sky. He knew the drill by now fighting Thunder Boyz. "And thanks for the nice skull," he shouted his final insult. 


    "What da zoggin 'ell happened  'ere? Where's da dead stunties?" declared Ruglid as his Gore Gruntas approached the Ironclad crash site. The stacks of dead and dying Brutes nearly eclipsed the downed-ship. Somewhere from behind the pile, pistol fire broke out targeting his boyz. "Bah, they're still kickin'. Lets go finish what these gits couldn't," the boss said. With a roar, the Gore Gruntas charged. Around the dead pile they curled to find the straggling stunties, including their two bosses. The Gruntas rushed forwards, choppas swirling in their hands, saliva pouring from their mounts. The charge erased what remained of the Arkanaut Company, adding to the mounting dead across the small plot of land. The orruks knew they were stunties. It didn't matter what color or armoured suit they wore. A stuntie was a stuntie. It was no surprise then that the big boss of the stunties jumped into action and slew multiple Gruntas in two strikes with his great hammer. The boss constantly said his name, Admiral Groub or Goud Hammer Hammer Son Son or whatever. "You stuntie big names are all the same," Ruglid said outloud. "You can tell yer smith god when you go meet him." 


    The stuntie fought mad, shrugging off anything the Gore Gruntas could strike him with as more orruk's perished by the steam-powered hammer, Eventually, the Admiral tired, his rage finally catching up to him. Ruglid did the honors and finished him off, claiming his helm for his personal collection. However, the Gore Gruntas had failed to account for the Aether-Khemist who was lurking near the ruined Ironclad. The air became thick, breathing became difficult, and a detestable odor entered the orruk's lungs. Coughing fits erupted among the remaining Gore Gruntas, with two or three succumbing to the stratospheric change. It became too much for Ruglid's boyz to withstand and they soon broke back toward's the Bloodbreaka lines. 


    "Itkid, you still kicking?" Gorfang said, removing the blood of the recently killed Retributor from his eyes. "Aye boss, I'm still 'ere, but me maw krusha not doing too good," the wounded megaboss said. "I fink dat dam thunda boy killed me maw krusha." Both bosses poked and prodded the beast gingerly in case it awoke enraged. "Nope, he's a dead 'un," Itkid said. "I never liked him anyway. He tried to eat me once." "Can't imagine why," replied an unsurprised Gorfang. itkid was careless with his maw krusha. He had lost control of him twice at Bloodbreaka Hold and caused terrible damage to the impending city of Mount Kraktoof. He was relieved the beast was dead. Now they had a meal for their victory feast, so long as they won the battle. "Get whatever boyz you can gather from da dead piles an' regroup. Might need every last boy to win this fight."


    The megaboss turned around and rushed forward. His remaining Brutes had already engaged the remaining Stormcasts: the wall of Liberators and their other boss. Da Bloodbreaka Clan had faced this Thunder Boyz tactic many times before and discovered it wasn't easy breaking through the shield wall. Instead, the Ironjawz learned how to get around the wall on the ends by extending the row of fighters. Dradruzak led the charge by sneaking through a ruined building to surprise the left end, while the remaining boyz stormed around another building to surprise the other side. As Gorfang was about to join the combat, he saw the Stormcasts holding strong. Their boss, who seemed to be glowing along with his warriors, were doing a good job frustrating the Brutes. 


    A spiked mace struck Ponyord Starshield in the head, sending him to his knees. A normal man would have lost his head. A lesser Stormcast would have been sent back to the reforging anvil. But not Ponyord. He thrusted his halberd through the brute boss' chin and out the top of his skull. The surrounding liberators rallied to him and fought on harder. More orruks died before the rest of the  group of brutes chose to flee. The Lord-Castellant grabbed the arm of one of his liberators and returned to his feet. He knew this day was lost regardless of victory or defeat, but Ponyord's task was to protect his brothers. "Perhaps wecould reach one of the free cities of Balitello and harness a realmgate to-"

    Ponyord's thoughts were interrupted by the screams of the Ironjawz's megaboss who was barreling towards their line. Two liberators stepped forward to stopped his momentum. The hulking orruk slew them with ease, it's massive weapon cutting through sigmarite-blessed armour like a Grandblade through leather. This was the largest Ironjaw Ponyord had ever seen, and now it was looking straight at him, gesturing odd insults at him. The very sight of the orruk was insulting. It wore the heads and skulls of its fallen adversaries as trophies across its body. There was an ogor, a chaos dwarf, human and aelf skulls, a khorne deathbringer helm, as well as a stormcast helm. From which chamber, he didn't have the chance to guess, because the megaboss charged forward. 


    "Oi the boss is 'ere," said Dradruzak. "What are you gits, weak? You wanna be real Bloodbreakas? Show these thunda boyz whose da best, or else you'll have da big boss to mess wif." After smacking one of the boyz in the head with the back of his choppa, the Brutes found the motivation needed to fight harder. Their crude choppas slammed harder and harder against sigmarite shields and armour. Soon, the tide turned. Orruk brutality proving too much for stormcast fortitude to withstand. 

    Gorfang rained blow after blow while the Lord-Castellant returned with precise halberd strikes. There was no dodging in this scrum, no avoiding any attack. This was a duel of who would outlast who. The megaboss of Da Bloodbreaka Clan had the earlier advantage, but his mighty choppa could not break through the Stormcast's thick armour. In fact, it appeared to Gorfang that his opponent was gaining strength. He landed his own attacks against the hulking orruk, but his rough armour and thick muscles proved too tough for the sacred weapon to pierce. A stalemate ensued as the large adversaries continued to trade blows. "Youze pretty tough thunda git," Gorfang said to his opponent. "Weze could keep fighting like this all day." He swung his choppa with a backhand swipe, forcing a parry, then threw his left arm out and knocked the stormcast back. Ponyord briefly lifted his helmet to spit blood to the earth. "By all means, we shall, for I will never waiver," he said. "Sigmar guides me. That faith will be your end, beast." Gorfang grinned. "Good, this is too fun to stop." He charged once more.



    Aether-Khemist Jarn Clifforsson emerged from the wreckage of his ironclad battered and bruised, but alive. He stumbled forward to the sound of weapons clashing. He stepped under the stern of his destroyed ship to see the last stand of the stormcast. The Brutes were finishing off the liberators in the distance, but closest to him was a duel of leaders. The Lord-Castellant and the boss of the orruk clan they were sent to destory. Jarn's pride raised his spirit. An old glory-seeker in his days as an Arkanaut, he knew an opportunity when it was present. He quickly primed his Augmentation device and aimed it towards the scrum. "Stormcast, down!" he shouted. Ponyord heard the warning and jumped away on instinct. A cloud of Noxious Aether moved towards the orruk megaboss, who was confused by the action. He suddenly began to gag as the cloud swarmed him. Unfortunately for Jarn, the cloud fell to the ground and dispersed. The megaboss was bent over, but still alive. The next thing Jarn heard were the thudding boots of brutes charging his position. His final thoughts fell to the brewery he had promised his brother they would open when he saved enough gold. Jarn hoped his brother would go into the brewing business one day rather than follow his footsteps as an Arkanaut. 


    Gorfang was on one knee as his coughing began to fade. His eyes began to dry just in time as the large stormcast began his attack, intending to end the megaboss once and for all. "It ends now, orruk!" Ponyord screamed as he lunged the tip of his halberd at Gorfang's face. The megaboss  raised his left hand just in time to adsorb the attack. The tip pierced through his large hand, sending blood across the orruk's face and spilling onto the earth. The megaboss gave a painful growl, but laughter soon overcame him. The Lord-Castellant was stunned by the creature's toughness. He tried to budge the weapon or cut through more flesh, but it would not give. The orruk then tightened his left hand around the weapon, cutting through more of his dark-green flesh, but giving him a grip of the weapon. He pulled it, dragging the stormcast with it, then he swung his choppa with his right hand and lodged it in Ponyord's side. He let go of his halberd immediately as pain overwhelmed him as he reached for the axe stuck in his left side. The orruk rose above him, reached out and pulled his choppa out, dropping the Lord-Castelland flat to the ground. "Tell yer God-King Sigmar that Gorfang sent you and yer boyz back to him," he said. "And come back soon Stormcast. We still gots our fight to finish." Ponyord, his life fading, replied, "Gladly...I will...," then his body clapped and lightninged back to the heavens.


    Gorfang allowed himself to yelp as he pulled the weapon from his left hand. He flexed it, grimacing as more blood pooled. Nogoog would take care of it when he returned back to Mount Kraktoof. Many of his boyz wouldn't however. Over half his Ironfist was dead, many of them were either maimed or too injured to fight anytime soon. The pile of Brutes near the ironclad was a testament to how hard the fighting was this day. Dradruzak approached as he dragged two new helms for his collection of heads. The rest of the Brutes who could stand came behind him. They looked at one another in bemusement at the carnage all around them. Gorfang grinned, then raised his choppa with his good hand and cheered, "WAAAAAGH!" The rest of the boyz followed suit screaming, "WAAAAAAAAAGH!"

    "That was a great fight," the megaboss declared. "One of me favorite scraps. Those Thunda Gits know how to give a good fight."

    "Aye boss, and we bashed those stunties pretty well too," said Dradruzak. "We even gots some new skulls fer our pointy sticks. Oh, sorry bout losing yer favorite Jazood."

    "Bah, that wasn't the one I liked anyway," Gorfang replied. "Besides, we'll just get one or two more in the coming days. We're getting more and more ov 'em as the WAAAGH! grows."

    "Well we did lose a lot of boyz here, boss. Good fing Azkrug brought more ov them when he returned."

    "Indeed. At least we gots loads of loot to bring back to finish building Mount Kraktoof. Tell da grots to get down 'ere and start lootin' this flying ship. Those big guns hurt. I want 'em put inside Bloodbreaka Hold until we figure out how we make them go boom."

    "Anyfing else?"

    "Yeah. Tell da boyz who are still standing we're building a monument to Da Godz 'ere to thank 'em for dis scrap. Weze gonna call this Da Smashing Party because we smashed dem stunties and thunder boyz good. Get da other runts and boyz to get da pots cookin'! Itkid's dead maw krusha should feed the clan for days."

    "Iz never tasted a maw krusha before boss," said Dradruzak.

    "Neither 'ave I," said Gorfang. "Thank goodness it's dead. Last fing we need is da meat to fight us now."


    This was a great, fun, open game of AOS. All three of us had our moments of glory. Practically everything died in this game except for my megaboss on foot and three brutes. 

    This was also my first game against Kharadron Overlords and man, did I get a welcoming from them.

    First turn, I got my 10-man Brutes to move and charge the Ironclad in the same turn. They left it on one wound remaining. Then he disembarked and shot them to smitherines. The maw krusha also took some pot shots as well. By the end of Turn One, the Brutes were down to just the Brute Boss and my Maw Krusha on 12 wounds. 

    Second turn, they got initiative. The Stormcast player dropped his retributors the turn before and now got to charge them into my Maw Krusha. Along with sky hook shots (which are painful), he left him on three wound. The ironclad/mystic shield combo is the only thing that kept him alive that long from the amount of attacks he faced. Meanwhile, his fulminaters erased my Gore Gruntas the turn before and now charged and killed my Warchanter and Shaman. I pile everyone in to bog them down. Maw Krusha doesn't take wounds this turn and takes out two Retributors. 

    Third Turn, Order wins the roll off. KO player finishes off the Brute Boss but cannot shoot anything else. We decided for cinematic purposes to leave the Brutes in that pile so it formed a natural barrier for the dwarfs to shoot things in cover, sort of like a 40k strategy in the lore. Stormcast charges his Lord-Celestant into my free Brutes on the left, but only kills one. He suffers five wounds in return. Maw Krusha goes down to one wound, while a Fulminator goes down. On the bottom of my turn, I charge the Gore Gruntas into the last of the Overlords. After shooting fails for the MW, i have to kill the retributotr to survive, then activate smashing and bashing for the Megaboss on foot. However, the Megaboss and Maw Krusha both wiff  their attacks and die when the starsoul mace mortal wounds them off the board. The Lord-Celestant falls though, activating S&B on the Brutes, who kill the last Fulminator, which activates S&B for the Gore Gruntas who kill all but one of the remaining Arkanaut Company. However, the Admiral gets to work and starts destroying my piggies.

    At this point we stopped counting turns to see who could kill who quickest. I won the double turn, send my megaboss to finish off the last retributor, while both my Brutes flank the line of Liberators. Unfortunately, their 2+/3+ save is proving frustrating and my special weapons Brutes cannot kill the Lord-Castellant. The right Brutes falter and flee. However, the megaboss enters the fray. All I need to do is deal one wound and he dies. I roll four wounds, he rolls two 6's after buffing himself and heals two! I knew this was going to be a long fight. It lasts another four turns, even after the Aether Khemist finishes off my last Gore Grunta and tries to intervene. The Brutes, who made a miraculous turnaround and finished off the liberators, kill the Khemist, while Megaboss Gorfang finally lands the blows needed with his Damage 3 choppa to finish off the Castellant. 

    We all had a good laugh afterwards at just how much destruction was had. It could have gone either way. The KO player also rolled poorly for his wound rolls and could not deliver the devastating blow needed with his special weapons. It may have been a different game if one or two of them went through. Regardless, this was one of my top five games that I played. Sometimes it's just fun to just throw your models on the table like the old days and go at it. 

    Until next time 


  13. 18 minutes ago, AGPO said:

    It'll be disappointing if he is a named character since that'll be three for the Hammers of Sigmar and none for any of the other chambers. Show the Knights and the Vindicators some love!

    Give us Zephacleas and  Hamilcar Bear-Eater for Astral Templars

    • Like 3
  14. 6 hours ago, Malakree said:

    I think it's entirely dependent on what units you're running. I played B&G without it then two recent ones with it and had two thoughts about it.

    1. The reduced drop number is really important. Even shaving only 2 drops (I had 3 battleline) meant I got to pick in games I normally wouldn't.
    2. It massively improved my Ardboyz and Brute mobility, it was alright for the GG's but not amazing.

    So as @Chris Tomlin has said the 2 units of 3 GG's help reduce the need for it because they fill the mobility gap. If on the other hand you are running 3 blocks of Brutes then I think the Ironfist is still mandatory, it works out as a 25-150% increase in their speed. 

    Also the Ironfist does some really funky stuff with lots of IJ heroes.

    • Use the ironfist move to reposition so that you can get the destruction move.
    • More importantly use the Ironfist to play around the 12" charge bubble for the destruction move. You can pull back an inch or 2 so that you don't have to charge with it etc.

    My last game of the 3rd tournament I triggered 3 destruction moves on a unit of GG's, the last of which pushed them into the 12" bubble. Then I pulled a 3 on my ironfist, which combined with the 9" movement allowed me to completely avoid a shield wall he had setup in front of 3 knight-heraldor letting me get my unit of 6 GG's in on them ultimately winning me the game. 

    I'm definitely enjoying the Ironfist move with my 4 IJ heroes, it lets some stupid stuff happen. The thing that tempts me to drop it is the extra 3 GG's, I think at 9 GG's I would rather have 2 blocks of 6 than a 6 and a 3 with Ironfist.

    You are correct and I didn't mean to sound dismissive on the Ironfist for GH2017. What I should have said was that we can now win without solely relying on the Ironfist like we did in GH2016. But with our allegiance abilities and reliable combat prowess, Ironjawz have ways to make up for lack of movement. But I do agree, it is still needed in certain matchups. Sylvaneth and Flesh-Eater Courts are two opponents I can think of that the Ironfist would help. Probably Tzeentch too, but I have seen IJ beat them without the Ironfist. I'm also in the camp that our Mighty Destroyers ability might be better than the old RD battle trait. Taking multiple heroes feels like a must just for the chance to move 6 inches, charge or pile-in and attack in the hero phase. 

    At the end of the day, it all relies on the player and the list I feel. 

  15. Hey lads

    this is the third of three battle reports from my victorious day at PAX Unplugged. In this match, I took on a Nurgle List in Border, which ended in a Major Victory for the Ironjawz. For the full battle report, just scroll down. Otherwise, enjoy the lore. 
    Popping the Pussificous Gate

    The air was thick with flies, enough to choke a meager mortal. The foul aroma of disease was taking form, the land rejecting the vile taint that tried to poison its blight.  Walking across the soil were the mortal servants of Nurgle, supported by their daemon kin, a grand host led by one of Nurgle's best, the Great Unclean One,  Toxacon the Plague Spreader. Where they walked, disease followed. It amused Elamus at how easy things seemed to be going. They had taken the Peak Gate easily from the puny humans. They even turned some to the Grandfather's cause, while the rest made for some fun experimenting. Since they arrived in Shyish, there had been no resistance, which was peculiar. The sorcerer believed Nagash would be a gracious host and welcome them to his domain, but there was no sign of life where they were: neither living nor dead. Still, they had a mission. A great relic from the Age of Myth was rumored to be hidden inside the Willowing Woods. Some rumors claimed it to be one of the Eight Lamentations of Khorne, while other whispers said it was a weapon of the rival-god Tzeentch. Whatever it was, Elamus was determined to make Papa Nurgle proud.

    It was a good change of pace from his recent struggles conquering Zarcosia. The weeds of hope had blossomed to life, the lesser races had risen once more, their bastions of civilization rising once more. Chaos was in retreat across the land. Elamus and his host had been restricted for months to their fortified manor in the northern cliffs of the Frattura Mountains. The host he assembled would struggle to conquer the continent once again. Even Khorne was losing his grip on Zarcosia. Catastrophes followed the Blood God's warriors ever since the Orruks rose to dominance. The armies of Order also took their toll on Khorne's forces, most notably at the defense of Aephelon, the Floating City, a defeat that all but crippled Khorne's army. Now they hold out in their last bastion, Slaughter Keep, awaiting either reinforcements or utter destruction. Elamus had hoped to deliver the final blow himself, but his forces could never survive the march through the thousands of Orruks along the path.

    The Chaos Sorcerer spit on the ground in disgust, the saliva melting deceased bone into liquid. Elamus was never pleased when the Greenskins were ever on his mind. They had given him headaches since they arrived in Zarcosia. At the moment of his finest hour, when he was about to open a portal to Nurgle's Garden and usher in an era of Plague across the land, the Ironjawz arrived to steal his glory. Elamus recalled his forces being chopped to pieces, unable to endure their barbaric onslaught of the greenskins. Elamus even recalled the bite of the axe as the Orruk leader decapitated him. Still, he fared better than the Daemon Prince Zighdan. The last whereabouts he heard of the Greater Daemon was in a jar sitting atop a shelf in Grandfather Nurgle's mansion. He hoped to avoid joining him, for he knew he could not fail Nurgle a second time.

    Thundering hoofs came into view as one of his knights returned from scouting. Elamus was curious where his partner was, until the knight came closer to reveal an axe embedded into its back armour. The knight was coughing up blood, not long for this world the sorcerer knew, but he was able to deliver his report before succumbing to his wound.

    "The relic...," he coughed before continuing, "...we found....it..."

    "Well, what is it? Did you happen to have your companion stick it in you here before returning?" Elamus asked sternly.

    "Dead...Foloug is...dead," he coughed again. "Orruks....have.." the knight went silent and fell out of his horse. While his message was incomplete, Elamus was able to decipher what he meant, and it drove him into a rage. The manticore he sat atop on could feel his anger building and let out a roar, one for each of its two heads. 

    "Tughast! To me!" screamed the sorcerer. The Blightlord approached. His rusty olive armour was barely holding his bloated, disfigured body together. "Yes lord, I heard. Bit of shame Foloug died. He owes me a new axe," said Tughast. "Stop jesting! " declared the sorcerer. "You heard him. We have Orcs nearby. If they have the relic, I swear by Horticulous that I will reap every last one of them into the ground and plant a foul tree inside their wretched bodies!" Tughast nodded and smirked through his antlered helm. "Wouldn't that be a sight? I have some suggestions if you were interested in..." the Blightlord's voice trailed off as the sound of drums echoed in the distance. "Well, it seems our perpetrators are nearby. Shall I prepare the vegetation for their eventual pods?" Tughast said, laughing as he strode off to prepare their forces for the impending battle. Elamus scrunched his face, opening a hole on the left side of his cheek. "I swear to the Great Grandfather I will bring these greenskined filth to their knees. I will..." He paused as the Orruks came into view. A great red banner with twin-crossed weapons caught his attention. Elamus' eyes widened at the realization of the exact clan of Orruks that were approaching. Vengeance and trepidation flooded his mind. The relic became an afterthought. This fight was personal


    Azkrug played with the belt in his hands. It appeared heavy at first to pick up when they discovered it inside a tomb in the Willowing Woods. The over-sized buckle was similar to an Ogor Gutbuster's belly shield. Yet, the armoured belt was surprisingly light to hold. It wouldn't fit around an Orruk, let alone an Orruk, but its bulk was just a distraction from the power the megaboss could feel holding it. "Strange," said a studious Azkrug. There was something funny about the belt, but he nor Nogoog had the time to inspect it. Their Gore Gruntas had discovered a pair of Chaos Knights scouting the forest, and not long after, a Nurgle army was seen (or smelt, depending who you asked). They had come through the same realmgate they needed to use to return to Zarcosia, so the Orruks would have to fight their way home. A perfect ending to a successful expedition, Azkrug thought. He put the belt away before addressing his army.

    "Get going lads! Them puss boyz is giving us a scrap before weze head home." said Azkrug. "Lets thank their generosity." A cheer erupted from the Greenskins. Even the puny grots in the rear lent their squeaky voices from their hiding spots on the edge of the woods. As the Gore Gruntas charged forth to seize the flanks, the Brutes and Ardboyz began their march forward. Da Bloodbreakas would need to outmaneuver Nurgle if it hoped to vanquish the daemons and reclaim the realmgate back to Zarcosia. A sudden blast from the Great Nurgle Daemon nearly killed Keeb (or Geeb), forcing him to cower in a nearby tree. Meanwhile, on the left flank, the Nurgle Chaos Knights clashed with Ozdrog's Ardboyz. The fighting was fierce, but with support from Jazood and Nogoog, the Chaos Knights became mired in the tar pit of Ardboyz. 


    Azkrug's attention was suddnely drawn to the sound of Zodgrob, who made a startling smart realization.

    "Oi, boss. Ain't those da same puss boyz we fought long time ago," asked the Brute Boss. 

    "How should I know. Iz never fought Nurgle," replied the Megaboss.

    "Aye Zodgrob be right," answered Bogg. "Weze fought those gits a while back. Matter oh fact, that big fat daemon lookin like the same one that crumped us."

    "And that magic spikey git on that ugly monster seems like the same git dat Gorfang killed," replied Zodgrob.

    "Hmmm. So them spikey boyz knows you then. Did anyone kill dat big one then?," said Azkrug.

    Both bosses shook their heads in disagreements. That was all the megaboss needed before taking actions into his own hands. He shouted towards the trees where Geeb (or Keeb) was hiding "Oi, grot!" shouted Azkrug. "Soften up them boss gits before I has Chewy come over there and chomp you to bits!"

    The Moonclan Shaman leaped from the shrubbery, shoved a mushroom into his gullet, and began to work his magic. In moments, a giant, grinning moon emerged above the Great Unclean One and the caster behind him. The force of the spell sent both victims reeling, providing Azkrug the opening he needed to surge forward.


    Toxacon the Plague Spreader returned to his feet after a magical moon appeared over his head. His body felt a bit withered, but he was ready to bring the fight to the Orruks once and for all.  As he refocused, the very air rumbled, the ground trembled, and a great beast the color of the sky charged towards him. It let out a mighty roar that ripped the air around Toxocan, but it was his sorcerer that felt the full force. The mortal had only returned to his feet when his torso exploded in a violent explosion as the shout from the monster ripped the Nurgle Sorcerer apart. When Toxacon turned back around, a flying  fist the size of a boulder smacked him in the face. The leaping beast and rider then landed beside the Great Unclean One, then unleashed a deadly onslaught against the daemon. The Maw Krusha began to pummel and tear Toxacon's putrid frame apart, while the large orruk started hacking at his vital areas with his crude weapons. Dazed and weakened, Toxacon was unable to contemplate a counterattack. Instead, he was preparing his excuses for how he had failed Grandfather Nurgle. He just hoped that the mortal Elamus would suffer a similar fate so both would share an uncomfortable jar together for the foreseeable future. 


    While Azkrug dealt with the big puss daemon, Zodgrob and his boyz surged forward, inspired by their boss. Ruglid and his boyz were tangled for control of the hill with some Putrid Blightkings, but the timely interaction by the Brutes' flanking maneuver spelled doom for the mortal disease warriors. A nearby regiment of Chaos Warriors lent their support, but they too were cut down by the Brutes and Azkrug as well. The right flank quickly fell to the Ironjawz.



    Meanwhile, Elamus began to squirm in anger atop his mount. The loss of Toxacon and his faithful sorcerer was a blow to his army's morale, but all was not lost. His other Blightkings, led by Tughast, overwhelmed the other Orruk Pig Riders and forced them from the field. They soon charged forth to aid the Chaos Knights who were slowly being grinded away by the horde of Orruks. Seeking a breakthrough, Elamus scanned the field to find a weak spot in the Ironjawz's line. In the rear by the tall cliff, a lone warchanter beat away at the air. If he could seize that area, he could provide an opening for his troops to pour through to outmaneuver his brutish enemy. . With his rear secured by Warlord Snorkth, his bodyguard, and a host of Plaguebearers, Elamus surged forward. His Chimera glided forward, eyeing the lone Orruk who seemed unaware of the impending danger. Once they were within range, Elamus committed to the combat. Something wrong immediatly occurred as his mount seemed afraid to move forward. The sudden change in the orruk's beating rhythm had thrown off his mount, causing it to panic. 


    When Elamus finally corralled his monster's bravery, the Warchatner was facing him, believing he could survive the upcoming fight. With time of the essence, Elamus pushed his Chimera forward, and rider and mount charged the isolated Orruk. The Chaos Sorcerer tried to cast a spell to weaken the Wrchanter, but it failed. He then swiped several times with his staff to open up the orruk's defenses, but he parried each blow. Then his Chimera struck, landing a handful of attacks with his razor-sharp claws, but the Warchanter's armour protected its carrier. He even managed to avoid its mighty jaws and delivered a blow onto the face of the monster, wounding her. The Chimera reared back in pain, with Elamus holding on to avoid being thrown off. He tried again to slay the Orruk, but the warchanter once again resisted a killing blow, and delivered another wound to his beast.


    Before he could conjour up another spell, a group of brutish orruks charged from around the bend and joined the melee. They hacked, slashed, and bashed his monster until it stopped moving. As Elamus was beaten to death by the weapons and kicks of the Orruks, he muttered, "By Nurgle's Rot, I will have my vengeance!" Then a spiked maul crushed his skull, sending him to Nurgle's domain once again. 


    Youze was right Nogoog. That fight was a load of fun," Jazood said to the Weirdnob Shaman. "Oi Bogg. That skull belongs to me!"

    "Finders keepers ya loony git," replied Bogg. "You'd be dead iffen we didn't get 'ere."

    "You'd also be da big brute boss iffen a dumb dumb wasn't yer boss," countered the warchanter, drawing laughs from the surrounding orruks. Bogg was agitated enough that he contemplated killing the warchanter, but Nogoog stepped in.

    "Don't do anyfing stoopid Boog," he said. "Just give him da skull. He's earned it."

    "Fine then. It's a dumb skull anyway. I'll go get my own skull from another puss boy."

    "You might be too late on that," said Nogoog, pointing the Brute Boss back towards the rest of the battle.


    On the far side of the battlefield, Azkrug and Zodgrob were cleaning up the remaining Nurgle holdouts. The Chaos Warriors were quickly overwhelmed by the Brutes, while Azkrug slayed the Lord of Plagues with the swipe of his Fang Fist. The Plaguebearers would take some time, but Azkrug had them handled. As for the left flank, the final Chaos Knight succumbed to the tenaciousness of the Ardboyoz. With no more ground to gain and his leaders dead, Blightlord Tughast called for a retreat. His Blightkings, some Plaguebearers, and a handful of Chaos Warriors the only ones to escape that day.


    "Well den, that wuz fun," Jazood said, breaking the silence. "Weze got more boyz for da WAAAGH! and more shiny stuff for da boss. Plus, me apprentice survived. Now he can go off to fight in Da Battle ov' da Beats!"

    "That means weze likely getting another one ov' you gits," said Bogg. "How many Jazoods are there?"

    "How should I know? I just get you zoggin' lot ready to fight and crump when I can," the warchanter replied.

    "I should gets it," Nogoog said. "I cancelled out his magic. Otherwise you'd be a good dead 'un Jazood. I also hit him a few times wif me big stick."

    "He wuz already dead!" stated Bogg and Jazood. The three orruks continued to argue before Azkrug arrived.

    "Quit yer bickering you lot. We all gots skulls now," said the megaboss. "I want you alls to figure out how how da hell weze getting that big puss daemon back to Bloodbreaka Hold so we can hang that skull for all to stare at?"

    "Uhh boss, I fink dat daemon be goo now," Zodgrob said, pointing his claw at the remains of the greater deamon. The decaying corpse of the Great Unclean One was melting away, its physical form in the mortal realm returning into the Realm of Chaos. There would be no big trophy for Azkrug Fangfist, but he didn't seem to care. "Well, at least I gots this funny trinket to remember this fun trip." He held up the belt. It's mysterious power still remained, but it would take Nogoog and more WAAAGH! energy to eventually sap the item of its taint. "Now then, lets see what da boss did wif da old camp, shall we?"

    When the FangFist Expectation returned to the Frattura Mountains, they had accomplished their goal and more. Thousands of Orruks had joined the clan, and they brought with them from Shyish an impressive haul of supplies to help continue construction on Gorfang's bold endeavor. The expedition also brought along new trinkets, trophies and treasure to gloat about to their rivals back at home. Soon, Da Bloodbreaka Clan would be at full strength once more, ready to take on the forces of Order and Chaos for control of Zarcosia.



    My final game of PAX Unplugged was sort of a grudge match for me. Earlier this year, I played my opponent, Dan, and his Nurgle host in a 1k Tournament on Long Island, NY. He beat me in Three places of Power and ended up winning the tournament, so I was looking forward to this matchup. I was also confident because I have done really well in Border War, my best scenario throughout the year.

    Dan went with the Nurgle Mortal Host Battalion that makes all mortal nurgle units a -1 to hit. His list consisted of:

    Great Unclean One
    Sorcerer on Manticore
    Nurgle Sorcerer
    Lord of Plagues
    10 Chaos Warriors
    10 Chaos Warriors
    10 Chaos Knights
    5 Putrid Blightkings
    5 Putrid Blightkings
    20 Plaguebearers

    Boy was I happy to have two warchanters against this. They helped my troops neutralize the debuff and kept the boyz maintain their fighty efficiency. 

    Onto the setup: I figured my unit of 20 Ardboyz could bog down one side with support from Mystic Shield and Frenzy of Violence, while I sent my Maw Krusha and Brutes to overpower the right. Both Gore Gruntas would try to claim both middle objectives early. I also took the Moonclan Grot Shaman on the right because his offensive spells were  easier to cast. 

    Turn One

    i go first, but I don't want to fully commit everyone yet. I move all my foot-sloggers up while I send my Gruntas to the middle objectives to score early. Unfortunately I misplaced my Gore Gruntas on the left and they were short of the left objective, so I only scored 3 points. 

    Dan's turn, his Great Unclean One nearly killed my Grot Shaman, leaving him on one wound. His Knights charged on the left, crashed into my Ardboyz, and claimed the objective by leaving one or two knights strung back to hold it. They don't do much on the charge and become bogged down. His Blight Kings begin to march down the flanks, with the unit on the right charging my Gore Grutnas. He keeps his heroes back and scores 5 points on his turn. 

    Turn Two

    I win priority and decide to go for it, unleashing my Orcs to run rampant. First, the Grot Shaman casts Curse of da Bad Moon on the sorcerer hidden behind his Great Unclean One. This was a tactic he used in our last match, which kept him out of sight, and allowed him to heal his GUO. I didn't want him to do that again. I was intending to kill him and the GUO this turn. The spell does 3 mortal wounds, then does two wounds to the GUO. I buff the Ardboyz again and then put FoV on the 10 Brutes so they could recapture the right objective. Fortunately, my Rampaging Destroyers rolls go off, and I get my Megaboss and Brutes up the field. I scream at the wounded caster, killing him. I then roar WAAAGH! in the convention center and charge my general and mega brutes into the enemy. Destructive Bulk does 3 mortal wounds, then I active the Maw Krusha first, who finishes off the Great Unclean One. He had three saves but nothing landed for him. On the right objective, the mega brutes kill two Blight Kings, who in turn kill a Gore Grunta. The Chaos Warriors nearby charge the Brutes flank but swing and miss. I end up outnumbering him on the right.  The five-man Brute unit failed their charge previously, but its a blessing in disguise the next turn. Meanwhile on the left, the Knights start to fall slowly, while my Ardboyz, despite being at -1 Bravery, hold out despite their losses. I also commit my Gore Gruntas on the left to charge the Blight Kings in cover, a poor choice on my part, but it ends up holding them up for at least a turn. I score 3 points

    Now it's Dan's Turn, who has to try to reclaim the initiative. With the right flank faltering and the left a quagmire, he recognizes a gap in my line between the Ardboyz and the cliff to see one of my Warchanter holding my rear objective. If he kills him, he will score 4 points. And if he gets the double turn, that becomes an 8 point swing. This was a poor play by me and may have clinched him the game. After his arcane bolt fails, he moves his sorcerer up to within three inches of my Warchanter, but in a stunning turn of events, he rolls snake-eyes! This is the second game in a row my opponent rolled snake-eyes in a crucial moment in the game. I cannot stress how lucky I was in both situations in games two and three. Because of this, he will only score 3 points this turn. On the right objective, the Brutes and Blight Kings bash each other senseless. I lose three Brutes, but leave him with one BK left. The Chaos Warriors are nearly wiped out from the Maw Krusha and Brutes attacks. I have one Gore Grunta left on the right. Back on the left, the Ardboyz are turning the combat in their favor as more Knights fall. Dan recognizes he has to get his Blight Kings on the left free to help out. They lose one in combat with the Gore Gruntas, but leave one left on one wound

    Turn Three

    Dan gets the double turn and gets to work. He rolls a 6 for the Blight Kings (or Nurgle Mortal Wounds ability thingy) and finishes off the Gore Gruntas on the left in the hero phase. They will charge the Ardboyz this turn. His sorcerer tries to cast another spell on my Warchanter, but he only suffers one wound from Arcane Bolt. Now he succeeds in charging my Warchanter and tries to get rid of him immediately. The Manticore is able to wound him with a handful of attacks, but the Warchanter shrugs them off and makes his armour saves. He is also able to deliver a wound or two back on the sorcerer. Back on the left, the Ardboyz kill more Knights and continue to frustrate Dan with their 3+ armour save despite the Blight Kings engaging. The right flank now belongs to the Ironjawz as they finish off the last Blight King and Chaos Warriors. Dan scores 3 points. 

    On my turn, I keep my last Gore Grunta on the right objective while I send my Maw Krusha and 7 Brutes into his rear where his Lord of Plagues, 10 Chaos Warriors and 20 Plaguebearers are being held in reserve. Maw Krusha kills LoP right away, while the mega brutes kill a bunch of Chaos Warriors. Remember my other unit of 5 Brutes? They make a b-line towards my rear objective and end up killing the Sorcerer to rescue my Warchanter. Ardboyz are now around half strength, but the Chaos Knights are now on their last legs, with only two or three remaining. The lack of rend on the Blight Kings is hurting my opponent as the 3+ save is canceling out his number of attacks. I score 3 points. 

    Turn Four

    Dan wins priority but has few, if any, options remaining. The only way he can salvage a win is by holding onto the left objective and hoping the Plaguebearers can tie down my Maw Krusha and incoming Brutes from reaching his objective. However, the Ardboyz resist his Blight Kings again and finish off the Chaos Knights. With my Ardboyz continuing to pile-in forward, they now control the left objective. With that lost, Dan concedes. Part of that decision was also due to exhaustion. We had all been there the entire day, and some of us (myself and Dan included) had not left the convention center since we arrived. Plus, the match at this point was in my favor.

    Result: Major Victory

    It was one of the best games of AOS I have played, but I acknowledge I caught some breaks, yetthat's how this game works when you're dealing with dice. While my Maw Krusha and Brutes did much of the hard lifting, I think my Ardboyz were the MVP of the game. Supported with Mystic Shield and Frenzy of Violence, they held off and beat 10 Chaos Knights and 4 Blight Kings. If they faltered, my rear is likely captured by his dudes. Giving them Big Choppas was clutch, the -1 rend paying off as he could not make enough saves.

    Because my opponent conceded, I scored max points for a major victory and full secondary objective points. This was the tipping point that allowed me to win the tournament. I didn't know this so I figured I finished in second behind Chris, a very good Sylvaneth player from New York. I edged him by two points (69-67) to take Best General. (Fun fact: the final tables was an all New York affair, with me playing Dan, while Sylvaneth Chris played my friend Chris from Long Island who played Stormcast. He finished 4th or 5th, so the Big Apple and Island of Long were well represented)

    It was an unexpectedly great experience,  easily the best day in my 13+ years playing Warhammer. I can't wait to return to the tournament circuit in 2018. Hopefully these battle reports will help my fellow Ironjawz Megabosses in their quest for glory.



    • Like 4
  16. 7 hours ago, Goodapollo4 said:

    Great write ups (both narrative and tactical)! Love seeing Ironjawz winning it all, really like your list as well. Giving me further inspiration for my own IJ force that I'm bringing back out for 2018. 

    Appreciate it. I hope this helps more Ironjawz's players in 2018. The list is well balanced, but there are other combos as well that can work as well (Spear Chukkas or Lobbas). I think the biggest difference for IJ now is knowing we don't need the Ironfist to win games or tournaments. The more boyz, the better! 

  17. Hey lads

    this is the second of three battle reports from my victorious day at PAX Unplugged. In this match, I took on a Khorne Murderhost in Scorched Earth, which ended in a Major Victory for the Ironjawz. For the full battle report, just scroll down. Otherwise, enjoy the lore. 

    Extra Choppy 


    "Nogoog, is da spell ready yet?" said Azkrug Fangfist, a scent of anxiousness in his tone as he steadied himself atop his Maw Krusha Chewy.

    "No good, boss," replied the Weirdnob Shaman. "Me and Geeb be needin' more time to get dis banishing boom prepared." 

    Wasn't that grot's name Keeb or somefin' else?" asked Azkrug.

    "How should I know? He won't make up his mind," answered Nogoog.

    The Orruk shaman spat while his lesser kin continued his own chanting and weaving, all the while chewing simultaneously on a large mushroom stalk he grabbed from his robes. In order for this spell to work, Nogoog and Geeb (or Keeb) needed all the magical energy they could muster. 

    Nogoog thought to himself. They wouldn't need to be in this position had the other grots not gotten carried away with the looting. The Spinerippa grots were only accompanying the FangFist Expedition to make sure the supplies and loot they managed to gather, raid or confiscate be safely brought back to Zarcosia to help in the construction of Gorfang's new city. 

    Days ago, the expedition had just smashed  a Khorne Bloodbound army deep within the Laughing Skull Valley. Nogoog chuckled as he recalled melting the face off a slaughterpriest with his Green Puke, but his smile soon vanished as he recalled the next events. The Khorne Champion had escaped with his bodyguard. The Ironjawz would have pursued had the grots not been so eager to begin the looting. The boyz then began fighting for the best scraps, and soon Azkrug and his bosses had to crack some skulls before order was restored. 

    And now they were back, not with a mortal army, but with a great host of daemons. The Bloodbreaka's had been warned by Korkrok and his scouts, so preparations were made. Rather than fight then in the open field like they wanted, Azkrug cunningly chose an area with rocky terrain that would break up the fighty chaos god's forces. His lads always brought a good scrap, but they were so bloodthirsty like Orruks to fight that they disregarded tactics. So Azkrug, Nogoog, and the other leaders agreed to establish a defensive position where they could counter attack weak spots. All the while, Nogoog and Keeb (or Geeb) would begin a spell that would eventually banish the daemons back into the realm of chaos. 

    The Ironjawz didn't have to wait long. The first wave of bloodletters was fast approaching. The Orruks could see the steam coming off their roasting skin, a bloodfury in their eyes. Many of the lads tightened their weapons as the Jazood Warchanters whooped them into a frenzy.

    "Hold da line ya gits!" roared Zodgrob. "Show 'em how tough youze are!"

    The heavy clank of metal on metal impacted the ground as the bloodletters crashed into the Orruk line. Some died outright to the decapitating blades of the khorne daemons. Others, sensing the foul-stench of magic in the air, slipped through the line and tried to kill Nogoog,

    "Oh no youze don't," shouted Zodgrob. The Brute Boss snatched a daemon out of midair with his claw and cut it in half at the waist. He then swung around and clubbed five more with his basha. Nogoog nodded his appreciation and continued his work. The Brutes began a savage counterattack, their Jagged Gore Hakkas taking a massive toll on the horde of daemons. Azkrug and Chewy then leaped from their perch on a high rock and crushed the remaining daemons out of reality. 

    Across the field, more daemons were pouring towards the line, but they waited. After seeing their kin get decimated, they began probing for another area to attack. Azkrug had purposely left his left side weak hoping to spread out the Blood God's lines. Soon, they recognized the weakened left flank and began to shift their line.

    "Oi boss, theyze takin' da bait," exclaimed Ruglid.

    "All part ov' me master plan," said Azkrug

    "Didn't Bogg help you wif dat idea?" stated Zodgrob.

    "That's none of yer concern, dumb dumb," answered Azkrug. "He volunteered fer da role, kept yappin' about showing how choppy he is. Bogg better be ready because he and Korkrok need to hold dat side while we-"

    "Boss, look! Shiny stick!" declared Zodgrob.

    On the right flank, a lone banner was planted into the rock of a ridge, guarded by a small number of bloodletters. Zodgrob was practically drooling at the thought of adding a boss pole to his back, but his dreams were quickly dashed.

    "That's no shiny stick you git. That's a summoning banner," said Nogoog. "Them daemons brings back new ones after you bash their dead 'uns. We gots to destroy it before more red daemons come."

    "Leave that to me and Ruglid. I has a plan," said Azkrug as the Gore Grunta Boss pulled up.

    "Only to poke you in da eye wif before I takes it," answered Zodgob. Before Azkrug could go over and smack him with the flat side of his choppa, Ruglid reared up. 

    "Right, let get to it. WAAAAAAGGGHHH!" shouted Ruglid, followed by a chorus of Orruks.


    In moments, Azkrug and Ruglid's Gore Gruntas were bellowing into the ridge, which was swarming with dozens of bloodletters. However, their numbers were no match for the destructive bulk of Chewy, who tore through ranks of daemons, while Ruglid's Gore Gruntas swerved behind Azkrug and attacked the inside flank. With the last bloodletter slain, the ridge and the banner belonged to the Orruks


    Meanwhile, on the left flank, Bogg's Brutes were staring down a wave of bloodletters and flesh hounds. They had just fought off a previous group of flesh hounds with little casualties, but that was just a scouting group. With the high cliffs  providing a choke point, it was a solid area to defend. Of course, Bogg knew his Brutes needed reinforcements. They came, but earlier than expected. In a move to delay the enemy and steal glory from his rival, Korkrok and his Gore Gruntas charged straight into the advancing wave of the Blood God's warriors


    As the Gruntas drove into the ranks of daemons, Bogg was jealous him and his boyz could not join then, yet. 

    "Go get 'em lads," cheered on Bogg. Korkrok and his lads were actually doing a good job of duffing up the lesser daemons, and may have finished them off, but with one bloodletter remaining, his banner flashed, and in a blink of an eye, more daemons emerged ready to turn the tide. Soon, the Gore Gruntas were routed, leaving Bogg and his Brutes alone to face the advancing horde. 


    Up on the central hill, Jazood and the Ardboyz could only watch the battle unfold. They were given the dubious task of holding the central hill at all costs. Across the valley, they could see the khorne daemons staring right at them. The Orruks threw taunts and rude gestures the other way, but the bloodletters never flinched. Instead, they began to shift back to the right side. While Jazood and the Ardboyz could not see what they were going after, Azkrug had a great view of what was coming his way. 

    "Zoggin hell, they're coming right for us!" screamed Ruglid. "Got any other plans in that thick skull of yers, boss?"

    "Shut up, I'm finkin'" said Azkrug, as he pondered for a few seconds. Then it hit him like a slap on the back. "We needs to buy them shamans more time. Weze gonna distract them until theyze ready."

    "Youze da boss, so youze first," encouraged Ruglid. "Iffen you do a good enough job, perhaps I can gouge me choppa into da flaming skull of da boss daemon." Azkrug simply nodded as the bloodletters approached them


    The horde of bloodletters was starving for a fight, and Azkrug would give them just a tease before flying off. The clash was brief, but the daemons dealt several wounds to the FangFist and his mount. Nevertheless, they were able to fly off with the shiny stick, taunting the bloodletters as they left the field. Enraged, the daemons in front pursued, stretching out their formation. When it was at its thinnest, Ruglid's Gore Gruntas committed to the furthest left flank of the horde, pinning them in an uncomfortable position. Sadly for Ruglind, there were too many bloodletters blocking his path to the flaming skull boss, but the Gore Gruntas actions meant the bloodletters could not advance, allowing Nogoog and Geeb (or Keeb) to complete their work.


    The left flank, meanwhile, hung in the balance as Khorne's forces prepared to overwhelm Bogg's Brutes. 

    "Ok lads. This is where we make our stand," said Bogg. "Lets show them khorne gits they can bleed their own blood too!"

    In an odd twist, the bloodletters failed their charge due to the rough, uphill terrain. Without their support, the unwitty flesh hounds charged  into welcoming swings of the Brutes' weapons.


    None of Khorne's pets survived the encounter, buying the Brutes time to breath before the Bloodletters finally made it up the hill. They seized the initiative and struck first, taking a heavy toll on the defenders. The clash was a violent affair that both sides relished, but the tide was turning to the Blood God. Despite delivering fatal blows, the bloodletters refused to die, delivering fatal death throws that slew many Orruks. In the midst of the scrum, Bogg lashed out in a fury of blows  that felled numerous daemons. A daemon blade pierced his right torso, garnering a scream of pain from the brute boss, but he managed to bring down his basha and crush the daemon's skull in. Two brutes then grabbed Bogg from behind and dragged him away. The orruks conceded the hill to Khorne, but they made them pay for every inch of ground.


    In the Khorne backfield, the Gore Gruntas were spent. The massive horde of Bloodletters had consolidated back in the center and threatened to overwhelm them. Ruglid looked around and saw Azkrug in the air, waving him to "get da hell outta there!" With that signal, Ruglid ordered his lads to pull out.


    Seemingly victorious, the bloodletters roared, looking for the next enemy they could spill blood from. Who they saw next was unexpected. Two orruks approached them across the battlefield:  Jazood  and Nogoog. The unsuspecting bloodletters cared not for what plots could be waiting and charged forward. Watching the daemons commit, Nogoog turned to the Grot Shaman.

    "You better be ready Keeb, or I'll tell Mork to explode both yer brains!"  shouted Nogoog. "Ready boss shaman," replied the grot. 


     Jazood began waving his arms in the air, getting himself into a frenzy as the first daemons approached him. He bashed one skull in, generating another beat that drove the warchanter to smash another bloodletter, followed by three more deaths. The dancing Jazood provided the bloodletters with the extra distraction needed for the shamans to summon forth a massive green cloud in the sky. Raising his staff into the air, Nogoog then channeled the WAAAGH! energy from the sky, the clouds siphoning into the bonewood stick the shaman wielded. Emanating with power, Nogoog screamed and slammed  the butt of his staff onto the ground. Cracks emerged as the earth rumbled, green light shooting out. Every daemon screamed in pain. In the blink of an eye, the daemons were ped from reality. 

    The skies cleared to their dreary grey skies to reveal only mortals remained on the battlefield. Nogoog peeked across the rocky valley to see only the Khorne Champion and his bodyguard remaining. They soon retreated from the battlefield. The shaman breath a sigh of relief and laughed hysterically in gibberish. He snapped out of his spasm as the Jazood Apprentice approached.

    "Hahaha that was fun,"  said Nogoog. "Khorne got nofin against da WAAAGH!"

    "You had fun? I wuz havin' a blast,"  replied Jazood. "Those daemons couldn't keep up, then you had to end it."

    "Don't worry, you'll get a good fight soon you dancin' fool."

    "How do you know?'

    "Gorkamorka told me. You'll get yer big fight soon. Let's find da big boss. We're done in these dead lands. Time to go home."



    Once I received my opponent for round 2, I knew this was potentially going to be a bloody affair, especially because he was rocking a murderhost! However, my opponent Dave (a cool chap who I ended up giving my sportsmanship honor to) had a different take than the usual 3x30 bloodletter bombs. He used:

    30 Bloodletters
    20 Bloodletters
    3x10 Bloodletters
    2x5 Flesh Hounds
    Slaughterpriest or Deathbringer (couldn't remember)
    5 Blood Warriors
    10 Bloodreavers

    Knowing he could easily reach my objectives, I did the most non-orcish tactic and let the enemy come to me. Since he two dropped his army, it allowed me to adjust and prepare exactly how I wanted the fight to go. I purposely left one flank weak to try to persuade him to hopefully over-commit. That way, I could hit him hard on the right objective and possibly the middle if it opened up. My Ardboyz had one job: hold the hill at all costs. With that, we began

    Turn One

    I get the first turn and just buff my Brutes with FoV and Inspiring Presence, while my Ardboyz received Mystic Shield and FoV. I readjust my line to absorb a charge, and tell my opponent to come at me. He does so on the bottom of his turn, but his 30 Bloodletters poor horribly on their 4d6 and move a total of 4 or 6 inches, while the other 20 bloodletter horde ends up five inches from my line. It easily charges, and he is able to find a hole into my rear to attack my shaman. Fortunately, only three Brutes died, and the shaman only suffers one wound. The counterattack by the Brutes and Maw Krusha wipes out the horde. Both of us score our objectives

    Turn Two

    Once again, I consolidate my position, buff my troops, and tell my opponent to come at me again. This time, he shifts his line towards my weak side, sending 10 bloodletters and 5 flesh hounds to try to take out my 5 Brutes guarding my left objective. However, he was too far to charge. He did get one unit of flesh hounds into combat with my Brutes on the left, but he lost three models. During his movement phase, I see he has the 30 Bloodletter horde now guarding his central objective opposing my Ardboyz, while 2x10 Bloodletter units are loosely guarding the right. With my Gore Gruntas and MB/MK, I feel I could easily kill enough of them to steal and burn it. All I need is priority on the next turn. Once again, we each score 3 points

    Turn Three

    For the third turn in a row, I go first, and enact my plan. My megaboos got a big roll on rampaging destroyers, so I used it on the Gore Gruntas and shot them up 15 inches. After softening up one of the units with the Maw Krusha's shooting, he and the Gruntas successfully made their charges. With destructive bulk, the fists, the megabosses attacks, and the Gore Gruntas charge bonus, they were able to kill all 20 bloodletters, and burn the objective for 2 points. Meanwhile, on the left, I send my other Gore Gruntas into both the flesh hounds and 10 bloodletters to tie them down as long as possible. TTruthfully, I am also trying to kill the bloodletters in this action. I kill a few a few and lose one Grunta. his also gives my 5 Brutes time to finish off the two other flesh hounds on the objective. I score 5 points on my turn.

    It's Dave's turn now, and he gets his revenge by sending the entire horde of 30 Bloodletters after my Megaboss & Maw Krusha. He easily makes the charge and wipes my general out with his 4+ hits-becomes-mortal-wounds ability. That was nasty, and I sort of underestimated how killy they were. However, he has spread his horde out too far. I will get back to this in turn 4. On the left, my last Gore Grunta leaves one Bloodletter left standing, but he suffered three casualties He rolls for battleshock....and gets a 1! Then he rolls a 6! All the Gore Gruntas work goes for naught, but the leader is left on one wound entering Turn 4. He scores 2 points

    Turn Four

    I win priority again. I didn't think about it until now, but preventing him from getting a double turn by this point was big. He is also stacking blood tith points which I am anxious to know when he will use them. He tells me he wanted to use the 7th ability that allows all his troops to deliver their attacks even if they were taken out of combat. But for now, it's my turn. The Gore Gruntas on the right side I decide to commit to the furthest part of the 30 Bloodletter horde that is still extending from the central objective. I know I won't capture it, but because the bloodletters are stretched so far, he will have to recommit his troops back to the center before he can consider moving forward. And with one more turn left in the game, he won't have enough time to move forward enough to reach them.  To further proof that side, I send up a warchatner and my weirdnob shaman into the middle as a buffer, so they are the only things he can charge. 

    Dave's turn now in 4, and he does something in the hero phase I forgot that kills the Gore Grunta on the left and frees his Bloodletters and Flesh Hounds to move within 3 inches of my Brutes on the left objective. Big moment here that could get him back in the game...and his 10 Bloodletters roll a snake-eyes on their charge roll! They cannot fight this turn. The flesh hounds make it in, but are butchered. They take out a Brute in the process, but once again, Dave only scores 2 points. Meanwhile, his 30 Bloodletter horde finishes off my Gore Gruntas on his side.

    Turn Five

    Dave finally wins priority, and he pops his blood tith points. He does charge this time on the left and kills three Brutes outright, but leaves my Brute Boss on one wound. He does work and kills six of the seven Bloodletters, leaving us with one model each. However, the dead bloodletters each get their death throws and finish off the Brute Boss. He burns the objective for 2 points. However, his 30 Bloodletter Horde doesn't roll high enough on murderhost movement and can only charge the Warchanter/Shaman buffer. On my turn, I just consolidate again, trade wounds with my characters and bloodletters, score two points and do just enough to earn the major. 

    It was a real blast playing this game. It tested Dave and myself in different ways, and we both agreed it really could have been a toss up if we played again.

    One factor that never came into this battle was his general, blood warriors and bloodreavers. I don't know how much they would have affected the battle had he committed one or all of them, but by babysitting the far corner objective on my left, they were neutralized from having any affect on the game at all. Of course, my Ardboyz did nothing as well, so to each their own. 

    Along with the points for the Major Victory, I also snagged some more secondary points. 

    I hope you guys enjoyed this post. I have one more battle report to go, my third and final match from PAX Unplugged, a rematch against an Nurgle opponent from earlier this year. This time, it was on the final table, and we were playing Border War. I have a lot to say on this one, as well as the overall wrap-up on the event.

    Until next time 




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  18. Cheers everyone

    I'm currently working on my next battle report/lore story, but while that's going on, here is a bit of backstory for some of the Moonclan Grots I currently own, including the shaman I used during the tournament. Be warned, this was when I was still in middle school/high school, so my painting mentality for my Orcs and Goblin army was "slap some green on it and throw it on the table ya git!" Looking back, I am amazed at how far I have come as a painter. 

    Anyways, back to writing, and enjoy the quick story

    Keeb (or Geeb) Shroomeater – Moonclan Shaman


    One of the first clans to join Da Bloodbreakas when they arrived to Zarcosia was the Moonclan Grots of the Spinerippa Clan. The Grots had inhabited the Frattura Mountains long before the Age of Chaos, but defeats at the hands of the Duardin, as well as infighting, kept the clan from seeking prominence. When the Ankor Volghar was shattered, a Grot Civil War erupted across the mountain range. Through sneaky underhandedness and stunning bravery to confront the other clans in open warfare, the Spinerippas claimed power and consolidated all the other clans under their banner. Their warboss, Doffa FuryFace, employed two shamans to help keep order, Keeb and Geeb. Just like any proper Grots vying for power, both shamans tried to one-up each other at every turn, attempting to impress their warboss. Eventually, an annoyed Doffa told both shamans to settle their differences: one would have to kill the other. A magical dual ensued with Keeb and Geeb matching spell for spell, which culminated in a final climactic explosion. After the ethereal smoke disappeared, only one Grot remained. However, the Grot couldn’t figure out its name. At times, it called itself Keeb. Other times, it called itself Geeb. In that final magical attack, both Grots were forged together in body and mind, leaving one Grot Shaman in charge. Not surprisingly, Geeb (or Keeb) was able to properly lead now that he wasn’t arguing with Keeb (or Geeb) anymore

    As the Bloodbreaka Clan constructs Mount Kraktoof, Megaboss Gorfang has recruited the Grots of the Spinerippas to assist in building the city. In exchange, they would be allowed to move into the lowest deep of Bloodbreaka Hold. He also had one more request (or demand if you were interpreting it as a Grot). He required a number of Grots to accompany the Fang Fist Expedition to assist in resource gathering, perfect non-combat roles for the Grots. Keeb (or Geeb) volunteered to go to Shyish with his kin, but promised to help support the army when fighting was needed. In truth, a part of Geeb (or Keeb) enters Shyish searching for a way to split the one shaman back into two

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  19. Oi Lads

    this is the first of three battle reports from my victorious day at PAX Unplugged. In my first match, I took on Darkling Covens in Knife to the Heart, which ended in a draw. For the full battle report, just scroll down. Otherwise, enjoy the lore. 

    The Rumbling Coven

    Weeks after embarking into the Realm of Shyish, the FangFist Expedition was off to a good start. The Ironjawz had gathered numerous Orruks into their ranks to add to Gorfang's WAAAGH!, most influential of them all was Ruglid da Black and his Ash Eaters. Their knowledge of the land helped push the expedition to find more supplies and clans than they expected, but more was needed. The Gore Grunta clan had a reputation of being fearless raiders, which had garnered the anger of the God of Death himself. Stories spread across the Bloodbreaka camp that the Ash Eaters had even survived an encounter with Nagash himself.

    This subject fascinated the FangFist's leaders as they marched through the foggy lands of the Murkmist Hills.

     "No zoggin' way that happened," decried Azkrug. "How does someone survive getting poked by Da Great Dead God?"

    "That's what his boyz keep saying," said  Bogg. "They says they was ambushed raiding a tomb by some big spooky bones. Then da Great Bone King came and grabbed their boss. Instead of going all poof like the other Orruks did, they say only Ruglid's skin turned black before he bit the Bone King's hand and later escaped."

    "That sounds like rubbish," replied the megaboss. "No one lives after Nagash gets you."

    Bogg nodded in agreement. "A bunch of loonies if you ask me. And I knows Zodgrob, but he ain't that mad, just stupid."

    "Hur-Hur true," Azkrug said before making a startling realization. "What if Nagash still looking for him? What if he finds us?"

    Bogg's smiled disappeared as he realized that possibility. Before he could respond, Zodgrob answered for him. "Then we bash his bones to dust and bring his skull back to da big boss! Show him we did a good job and make Gorkamorka happy."

    "You can't kill da God of Death," said Bogg. "He'll always come back after you undead him. Best we can do is finish da big boss' task an' get out of here before he notices us."

    "First fings first," an unexpected Ruglid said. "Weze gots to smash through dem aelves to get to the next camp. They been terrorizing the Blue Bloods lately. Them orruks are dead 'ard, but they need a propa leader. This Gorfang better be as 'enlightening'" -- Ruglid spit at the humie word Azkrug had used to describe their megaboss before continuing -- "as you all keep yapping on about." The Gore Grunta Boss was followed by the former boss, Korkork, who seemed to have a large bump on his head from an unknown assailant. 


    "Don't you worry lad," said Zodgrob. "Them orruks will be jumpin' to join WAAAGH! Gorfang. I'm sure these puny aelves will soil themselves once they find out who weze from."

    "I don't know what kind o' aelves you'ze fought before but these gits here are almost as blood thirsty as them annoying vampires," responded Ruglid. "Don't underestimate them."

    Those final words were lost on Zodgrob, who was rushing back to his Brutes to prepare for the approaching battle. Battle lust was beginning to consume him.

    "Bah! Them pointy-eared gits ain't scary lookin," said the Brute Boss. "I bet three boar stomachs that Pugg Da Stumpy could even kill all them."

    "Uhh boss," said one Brute. "them gits be coming awfully quick towards us. Their choppas also look kind of sharp."

    Zodgrob chuckled at the orruk's keen awareness. Before he could comment, the Executioners stormed into the unprepared Brutes. Their fury and relentlessness tore a path of carnage through the orruk lines. Aelfs danced through the thick green bodies, decapitating many as they carried out their art of decapitation on their victims. Many orruks, the stupid ones at least, followed Zodgrob's advice, exposing their heads in an attempt to show their toughness, only to make it easier for the executioners to conduct their work. When the Aelfs charge subsided, Zodgrob finally recognized the destruction they laid forth



    Above the action, Azkrug was witnessing Zodgrob's struggles as the Executioners were starting to bend the left flank. The megaboss contemplated engaging, but knew he had to stick to his plan and trust his bosses to get the job done. While the left flank was contested, Azkrug witnessed both armies' cavalry collide in a sudden, violent collision on the right flank. Within the cloud of dust and flying bodies, the megaboss spotted Ruglid and Korkrok in the thick of the action leading a counter charge. The cavalry skirmish would be a grind, but one that Azkrug was confident his boyz could win


    Behind the lines, the smarter of the Brute Bosses, Bogg, wiped his hand across his face in embarrassment. Once again, Zodgrob's stupidity endangered the Ironjawz battle line. His Brutes would need relief. "Alright lads, lets show that dumb orruk how to properly smash some panzees!" Spurred on by the Jazood Warchanter Apprentice, Bogg's Brutes stormed forward into the Executioners' flank. The unsuspecting aelfs were cut down in droves as the orruks swath through their ranks like a scythe cutting wheat. Including Zodgrob's boyz who weren't going to let the other Brutes take all the glory, the orruks butchered the regiment to the last aelf



    With the left flank taken care of, Azkrug's plan could finally take shape. Da Bloodbreaka's had to punch through the Darkling Coven line in order to reach the Blue Skulls, but to defeat their enemy, the orruks planned a pincer maneuver. Azkrug and his Maw Krusha Chewy spotted one of the two sorceresses along the edge of the cliff as they glided forward. The aelf seemed distracted with the battle on the other side of the cliff as she began to cast a spell. She was too slow picking up the large shadow moving quickly towards her. By the time she turned, Chewy's destructive bulk had crushed her into the rock itself. The beast then roared towards the lightly defended rear of the aelf lines. The force of the shout made two Bleakswords explode before they could react. The rest would soon fall as Azkrug and Chewy tore through their numbers.  


    All was proceeding as expected, until Azkrug turned around to see the rest of the battle. While the cavalry was still mired down on the far side of the pitch, the elite warriors of the Darkling Covens were moving forward towards the Orruk rear. It seemed the Ardboyz were no match for their mettle. The magic support he was also expecting was coming from the wrong source. The remaining sorceress and general of the Darkling Covens had denied any of the shaman's WAAAGH! magic from wrecking havoc on her troops. Recognizing their lines were on the verge of collapse with aelf reinforcements threatening to encircle them, Azkrug scrambled to reclaim control of the battlefield.

    "OI! BOGG! Get yer lads back to the rear! Them panzees about to trap us!," shouted the megaboss.

    Glancing over his shoulder to see the Black Guard about to swarm the rear cliffs where the Jazood Warchanter Apprentice was drumming, Bogg understood the perdicament the Ironjawz were in. In a few grunts only orruks could understand, Bogg and his Brutes turned around and hustled to confront the aelves. 

    "Why youze running that way? Da fight is coming towards us," said Zodgrob, before a bolt glanced off his left ear, earning a curse from the Brute Boss. The Dark Shards from the other side of the cliff had managed to preposition themselves between Azkrug and the Brutes. They would have to fight their way if they wanted to halt the aelves from surrounding them. That was something Zodgrob could do very well and would.

    Nearby, a magic bolt from almost nowhere erupted from their ranks and slammed into the Warchanter Jazood . He staggered back, trying to balance himself. A blur went across his vision as he tried to track something approaching him. It was a Gryph-Hound, and it was targeting the weakened Warchatner to finish him off. Enraged, Jazood began to beat a rhythm out, getting himself into a frenzy. The Gryph-Hound leaped into the air aiming for his neck, but Jazood roared and swatted the beast to the ground. It tried to leap at him again, but Jazood delivered two quick strikes with his sticks, crippling the noble creature.


    Before it could retreat, the Warchanter began to beat out a new rhythm across its body. Satisfied, Jazood began beating a rhythm off the Gryph-Hound's corpse. The beat drove Zodgrob and his Brutes wild, spurring them forward into the ranks of the Dark Shards. They tore a path straight to Azkrug, who had his hands filled with aelves attempting to dismount him from Chewy. Together, the megaboss and brutes bashed the remaining aelves in the rear until they retreated or stopped moving. When the action had ceased, Zodgrob chuckled at Jazood.

    "Bwahaha I didn't know you had it in you to kill a puny dog Jazood," jested Zodgrob. "Usually one of those things or something bigger does your kind in."

    "You wanna say that closer to me, dumb dumb?" retorted Jazood. "I didn't win da 'Da Battle ov' da Beats just by bashing rocks and bones in. Iz pretty good at beating skullz in too, especially other orruks."

    Before Zodgrob could contemplate retaliating, Azkrug butted in. "About time you lot got here. We got our opening to get the zog out of here. Go get dem boyz and bring 'em here." Azkrug then squinted to the rear. He could see Bogg and his Brutes decimating the remaining light infantry on the far side of the cliff, but his attention was drawn to a single orruk standing on a rock surrounded by a wall of halberds. 

    "Oi Jazood, I fink youze gonna need a new apprentice," said the megaboss.

    "That git? Nah don't worry. I never liked him anyway," replied Jazood. "Hopefully they'll send us a better one this time."


    It took longer than Azkrug had wanted, but the rest of the clan had fought their way through the opening in the aelf lines. Losses were terrible, but not as bad as Azkrug had originally feared. The Darkling Covens eventually seized the Ironjawz old camp, but by then, most of their numbers had been depleted. The last ones through the breach were Bogg, his Brutes, and the Gore Gruntas. Ruglid was last with a fresh aelf scalp. 

    "I pecked this off da boss. Figured he wouldn't be needing this anymore," said Ruglid as he sniffled and hocked spit at the ground. His Grunta let out a belch, satisfied with whatever it had just eaten. If Azkrug had to guess, it was what was left of the former Drakespawn Knights' leader. "Now then, seems those Blue Skulls will be more valuable to us now. They'll replace our dead 'uns ten-fold." He nodded to Azkrug. "Good fight that was. Maybe you boyz are a good as you say."

    "You'll get more of those so long as you sticks wif us," said Azkrug. "Now then, where these Blue Skulls and their cowardly boss? My choppa has some choice words fer him."

    "Oi, Black Orruk," said Zodgrob. "There's talk you survived a clash with Nagash. How da zog did you do that, and is he coming fer us?"

    "Well my dim-witted friend," replied Ruglid. "the God of Death rules this domain and don't like it when he's bested. Lets say I did, think that might anger the ruler of these lands to haunt us?"

    A creeping feeling sunk into Zodgrob. He began to slowly move away. "Best not to find out," he said. "Lets find da rest of these boyz and get the hell out of here."

    For once, Azkrug agreed with the brute boss




    Entering this match, I figured I could try to lock down the right with Ardboyz and Gore Gruntas while my 10-man Brutes and Megaboss flanked him on the left. I knew Aelves were squishy, but I had no experience battling Darkling Covens entering this game. I knew their warscrolls front and back and what each unit was capable of, but the new allegiance abilities, as well as the Thrall Warhost battalion I was not familiar with. It was thus a surprise to see how quick my opponent's units moved around the battlefield. Case in point, his Executioners moved 15 inches, with an extra move in the hero phase, followed by a devastating charge that killed six Brutes outright. So many mortal wound. Executioners are really Retributors-light. I may one day buy those models because of their looks and effectiveness in battle.

    Fortunately, my other Brutes were nearby on my objective, so I pushed them forward and they helped kill the rest of the Executioners at the bottom of Turn One. This would hurt me two turns later.

    I got the double turn for Turn 2 and started to get to work. First, my Maw Krusha destroyed his shaman outright with destructive bulk, but could not make the charge into his other general. This would pay off later on. While the Brutes moved up the left, I decided to charge the Ardboyz to begin locking down the right, Unfortunately, my magic was shut down the entire game by his Sorceress, who had a +2 to disenchant all game, so not even a mystic shield went off. Because of this, my Ardboyz were eventually whittled down. His Black Guard, who I think are better now than Executioners simply due to their resiliency and consistent damage output, got to attack in the hero phase, which devastated the Ardboyz.

    It was at this time that I realized my gaff. In rushing my Maw Krusha onto his objective, I forgot for KttH, you need at least five models to claim an objective. I only had my megaboss on his, and my Warchanter on mine. I then had to split my Brutes up once more, sending my full-strength five-man unit to my rear to beat out his Black Guard, while my weakened 10-man, along with my Warchanter, would try to hustle to my Maw Krusha. 

    But once again, my Darkling Covens opponent seized the initiative once mroe.

    By the end of Turn 3, my backfield was exposed. He quickly exploited the hole and stormed onto my objective, taking off my shamans and warchanter in the process. Fortunately, I was able to get some good rolls before and got my 5-man Brute, failing to reach my objective in time, diverted their attention and charged the Bleakswords nearby to try to score some late kill points. Meanwhile, he rushed his Dark Shards towards me in an attempt to claim the game early. Fortunately, I killed the majority of his Darkshards, and got my other Brutes onto the objective. We basically swapped sides of the table by the end of Turn Four, which was when we called the match.

    We ended up drawing on kill points 680-680. Had I killed his remaining Drakespawn Knight or the last Bleaksword in the turn before, I would have won by claiming the kill points for the unit. He could have won too if he nicked the last wound off my last Gore Grunta, or if his Gryph-Hound had dealt one wound to my crippled Warchanter near my Brutes, It was a tough lesson in not underestimating your opponent, but the result was a blessing in disguise because it made me refocus my strategy and how I had to conduct my tactics for the remainder of the tournament. The event coordinator gave us a decent amount of points for drawing, and tagged along with the full points for secondary objectives, I made out as if I had scored a minor. 

    I hope you guys enjoyed. In the next few days, I will have my round two match-up against a Khorne Murderhost in Scorched Earth on the blog





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  20. Hey guys

    I am starting my battle report on my Round One match-up against Darkling Covens, but I figured I would share some lore for the next character of Da Bloodbreaka Clan: Ruglid Da Black and his Ash Eaters Gore Gruntas! 



    Shyish can be an unforgiving place for mortals, but Ruglid has managed to beat the realm and anyone else that has challenged him and the Ash Eaters. When they aren’t raiding the kingdoms of the living or the dead, Ruglid’s Gore Gruntas will launch daring attacks against enemy forces when they least expect it. The Gallowlands, for example, are tortured each year because the Ash Eaters invade spoil the Season of Resurrection. When the two moons above the Gallowlands are parallel, ghostly winds whip through air and seep into the earth, forcing the dead to the surface to be claimed by necromancers who bind them into Nagash’s ranks. Ruglid figured this out and has made it a seasonal pilgrimage for his Ironjawz to smash the dead things back into the earth. Less and less necromancers now come to the Gallowlands for fear the “Black Orruk” will send them to the God of Death sooner than they intend to. After being hunted for some time by the servants of Nagash, the Ash Eaters eventually joined Da Bloodbreaka Clan for their own survival. Ruglid was skeptical at first about the alliance, but he has brokered a mutual respect for Megaboss Azkrug and his intimidatingly hungry Maw Krusha, Chewy.

    “When the dead fings come for a fight, you has to make sure they is dead, because dead fings usually don’t stay dead here after they’ve been undeaded,” Ruglid’s advice to green orruks when fighting Death

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