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Posts posted by Still-young

  1. I know they have limits and probably can’t update everything at once and stuff but it’s pretty wild to me that Saurus Guard are still around as they were now that we have new Saurus and Saurus Cavalry. They barely look like the same creature anymore. 

    • Like 2
  2. 9 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    It‘s not. GW is a 2 Billion GBP Company.

    People waited ages for new Bretonnians, then they were removed as a faction and now they want us to spend money on utter dated minis that were ancient even while Warhammer Fantasy was still around. THAT‘S the actual joke.


    Khemri is mostly fine as are some other Factions like Drukhari. Bretonnia however, boy, it’s a disgrace.

    Disagree for Khemri. Well, the newer kits are fine, but the core of that army is as old and naff as Bretonnia. I considered both armies in fantasy and didn’t do either for the same reason, really cool themes let down by old models. And that was 10-15 years ago. 

    • Like 2
  3. To be completely honest, returning models like Bretonnia saps a lot of my enthusiasm. There’s a reason I didn’t buy them in the first place, and that was 10-15 years ago. They’re just going to look worse next to any new models unless they deliberately hamstring new models, which they’ll still charge loads for. 

    • Like 2
  4. First of all, I did have a quick look for a section or topic like this but couldn’t find any, but might’ve missed something. 

    I would like to read more Age of Sigmar books, I’ve read quite a bit of 40k stuff but I tend to stick to certain authors, who haven’t really touched AoS. The only AoS book I have read I think is The Court of the Blind King, which I thought was pretty decent! A lot of AoS stuff seems to be newer and ‘smaller’ authors who I don’t have any experience with. I find in practice, I don’t have a great handle on the mortal realms as a setting, what they’re like to live in, the different characters of the factions, etc  just a very high level idea of the setting as a whole, from the models and the odd battletome I have  

    Does anyone have any recommendations of AoS books they really enjoyed? Bonus points if they’re fairly available physically (which probably doesn’t actually leave many, with Black Library being as they are) as I tend to struggle with Ebooks, but recommend anyway as I might be able to get them second hand or something! Thanks!

  5. 19 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    Sorry, I know that for now. I was wondering if eventually (months+?) these upgrade sprues tend to become available sometime?

    Like, I'm fairly sure the Beastmen squad will eventually get a separate release, but wondering if the Votann will as it's just a sprue addition to an already available kit.



    It hasn’t happened yet for any of the others. It could happen at some point but I wouldn’t hold your breath. 

  6. 11 hours ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

    I think Whitefang confirmed earlier that this is also were-gorilla:


    I know a lot has happened since this, but I love how much this looks like an old painting. 

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Aeryenn said:

    On the other hand, what happened to WarCry reveal? Is GW upset because of the spoil the other day? 😉

    There was never a Warcry reveal, it wasn’t in the list of games they said there’d be stuff for when they announced the show. 

    This was a really good show overall, one of the best in a while. 

    The Seraphon stuff is all excellent. I’m not actually keen on the base heads for the Kroxigor (although they might grow on me), but luckily GW saw fit to include three croc heads just for me. The new ‘cold ones’ are so so good, I’m so glad they got replaced in some form and bigger monstrous cavalry suits me. I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but I hope it’s not years and years before the few remaining bits (skinks, temple guard) and maybe a new big dinosour… still, what an excellent update for an army that really needed it. 

    The underworlds warbands are both some of the best in the game. It’s amazing to me how much better the newer Stormcast design is than the original one. And the Tzeentch guys are just the perfect level of weird. 

    The two death heroes are what they are. Fine models, one offs, we move. 

    I agree with a couple of the faces of the Cities of Sigmar guys. They aren’t great. But I really like the design of the troops, the shields in particular are really cool and I’m really excited to see the rest of the stuff coming. 

    On the 40k side,

    The Lion is a really really excellent model. I was a bit worried after Guilliman (which I don’t hate, but I think is massively hampered by a rubbish pose) but they knocked it out of the park. 4 head options and they’re all great. 

    The Heresy book either should have had new models shown alongside it, or just shown in a Thursday reveal. Really drowned out here. 

    The Beastmen kill team is pretty cool, although the poses need 360 to get a good feel for them I think. The Votann look fine, it’s hard to be too excited for a small upgrade sprue for any models.

    Both the terminators and the termagants are exactly what they needed to be. Newer, better, more detailed and better proportioned examples of the same base design. I actually like Indomitus armour now! And it’s funny before I saw the photo with the old and the new termagant together I didn’t think they were that different at all, but the quality is pretty night and day seeing them next to each other. 

    • Like 1
  8. Bit late but the new Starseer is very cool and a bit of a surprise. The current resin one is also very good but I can see why they’d want to drop the resin. 

    I actually thought I might buy the current one to kitbash with the new one, because I prefer the actual starseer and I like the feathers, but 1) it’s currently out of stock and 2) it’s 35 quid!?

    • Like 1
  9. I don’t actually love it I don’t think, the neck/head looks weird from a a distance but it’s such an improvement it barely feels worth nitpicking. I’m amazed it’s not a dual kit with the razordon though. I’m sure it’ll grow on me, I do like the axolotl gills. 

  10. Just catching up on the last few pages; man it’s gonna feel pretty petty/ungrateful to be disappointed in the Seraphon release at all with what we’ve seen so far but if they do the Saurus warriors and don’t redo either the temple guard or Saurus cav, that’s just a baffling decision to me. The cavalry are so bad. 

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