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Posts posted by Still-young

  1. 25 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

    If Skaven are going to be part of the next edition launch then I think new clanrats are going to be inevitable; they like to have at least some basic, simple troops in the starter boxes, and they're not going to put the old clanrat sprues in there alongside any new stuff.  The only way I can see this not being the case is if they focus only on a specific skaven clan and give them some new clan-specific battleline sculpts instead.

    I could see some of the more peripheral skaven warscrolls being removed as part of range update, things like giant rats which aren't necessarily very exciting or interesting.

    I could quite easily see it being Pestilens themed with Plague Monks as the basic troop, or Eshin with Night Runners, yeah. 

  2. The first models I ever had were before I even knew what Warhammer was, my Nan had found a dark elf sorceress and one of the old Cold Ones (pictured below) somewhere and gave them to me. After that, I got a few issues of the Lord of the Rings game magazine they did, I still didn’t know about Warhammer or anything I just loved LotR.

    And then some time in 2005, I went to a model railway show with my grandad who does a lot of that, and in the back corner of the cafe there some guy had a little table set up with daemonhunters and dark eldar, and I basically spent the whole time sat at this little table looking at the codexes and stuff. My grandad got me my first models that I actually knew what they were for for Christmas that year, a box of Dark Elf warriors and a box of Saurus warriors. That was 2005 and the Saurus have only just been updated!




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  3. 2 hours ago, novakai said:

    Then again they did replace Gaunts and Necron warriors just because they are core infantry of an army, so they may just replace Clan rats just because.

    but for how theoretically big this release is I doubt they will be able to refresh the whole range in one go. At best they do an all Skyre release (since they are the most popular clan and also have the most outdated models by far) with old model being replace and brand new units being created and that be it. Eshin can be updated via one warcry warband and Molder and Pestilins is left untouched for the future

    Gaunts and Necron Warriors were both a lot older than the current Clanrats though.

    Okay I just checked and they’re not as much older as I thought, Gaunts/Gants were 2001, Necron Warriors were 2002, and the current Clanrats and Stormvermin were 2009. It’s pretty wild how far GW came on in those 7-8 years. I think the current Clanrats are pretty perfect though. They’re characterful, the details seem to hold up well, and they’re like 2 parts each which is perfect for a horde unit. I also have a soft spot for the Stormvermin, I’ve always loved those models since that Skaven release in 2009. 

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  4. 19 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I suspect the first reveal will be Necromunda. I have not been tracking their post timings, but I feel like their AoS posts are usually later in the day (at 3/4pm UK time).

    3 to 4 sounds about right generally. The last one (Fusiliers) was pretty early from what I remember though, like 2pm. 

  5. 22 hours ago, Flippy said:

    I used “shelves” more metaphorically 😄

    Anyway, can you imagine the reaction of someone interested in TOW being told that they should move to this other side of the shop and pick AoS kits (but only some of them, the ones that are cross compatible) and a handful of square bases?

    GW can use new models, sure - but they should, at the very least, use different boxes (maybe with different numbers of models, but I suppose that would be very difficult). What I find ridiculous is the idea of publishing a miniature tabletop game with its own (strong) brand and then telling people to buy minis for a different game. And I think they went with squares and started with Bretonnia and Tomb Kings to avoid this particular issue- at least for now.

    They’ve already said that TOW isn’t expected to be people’s first wargame (something to that affect, when asked about a starter box in the Old World Q&A at Warhammerfest), I’m sure the people they’re aiming it at can understand the concept of models from a different game being compatible. 

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  6. 12 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    I do yeah. Even cutting out my backlog pile, it feels like we're getting to a point where there's too many big releases too close together. MTG is having this issue as well and it really burned players out. Honestly if AOS was getting different things than big model releases (comics, novellas, artbooks, games) I think it would feel less bad?? not that that solves the not spending money part.

    State of the world isn't helping either. Summer's been too hot and humid to prime even at night for years (something that was possible when I was a teenager) and it seems wildfire haze is now a new weather event if you're downwind of them. GW raising prices to keep their absurd margins while so many of us have to tighten wallets. And on top of everything being at this tipping point, we STILL have to not only go to work but work 40 or more hour weeks.

    It's infuriating and exhausting. Painting still feels good when I get myself to do it, yet even with that, the more details even basic troops get the more anxious even simple painting can start to feel bad.

    I’m not sure how well the MTG thing maps over all that well. The reason there’s so much burnout there is that almost every MTG release theoretically applies to every player (apart from some format specific sets etc) and you need to keep buying to keep up. Unless you play lots of armies, which is a choice, most GW releases shouldn’t really apply to you. How many big model releases has AoS actually had, and how many of them do you need to get?

    I don’t disagree with the rest. World’s whack. 

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  7. 49 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Really I’m just surprised after such a massive Tyranid reveal none of the recent “is that squishy thing a Nid?” rumors were for them.






    more than ever they seem rather…fishy to me. 🐠 

    Tbf only the second one there is overly Niddy and even then I probably wouldn’t have guessed that. I really don’t get the inclusion of the third one, which is clearly a humanoid hand?

  8. 11 hours ago, Bosskelot said:

    Really big fan of all the new nid stuff. Felt like the nid aesthetic had basically been stagnating for years and had locked itself into a highly restrictive and very narrow set of design archetypes, so it's nice to see what obvious new blood in the design studio has come up by deciding to branch out and obviously ignore a lot of pre-established "rules" about Tyranid aesthetics.

    And even then they still realized when things worked and didn't need to radically redesign basic gaunts or lictors, just bring them up to date.

    It's little things too like the design of the scything talons/legs on a lot of the models having more texture and shape to them rather than being these big perfectly curved shapes with ultra smooth sides. It's not just advances in plastic injection moulds; that's a conscious design choice and one which really adds to a lot of these models.

    This kind of thing is exactly why I’m coming at Nids as if they’re a new army, and just planning on using the new models (apart from a couple of things like Zoanthroapes who look pretty good still). And that still gives me 18 new/updated units, which is more than some new AoS armies get. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Magnusaur said:

    So all the new Tyranid stuff looks incredible (Biovore being a personal exception), but after waiting for so long I can't help but feel a bit disappointed. I wanted more, damn it! Hopefully we'll see a bit more later in the edition or the beginning of 11th...

    I don’t want to sound too ungrateful but I was also hoping for a bit more. Having seen the leviathan models in person (I bought the nids half on eBay in case I really liked the new models) the level of detail on them is so good. I’m gonna do a nids army that’s entirely leviathan and newer, so I was hoping for maybe a couple more updates (Warriors and Hive Tyrant maybe). But I love everything we did get and there’s enough there for me to do said new force!

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  10. 11 hours ago, mojojojo101 said:

    I'm not sure I can put it into words exactly but I think I'd be pretty dissapointed if Malerion's forces just ended up being AoS Dark Elves. I feel like the nature of Ulgu opens up some really interesting space to do something truly wierd and extremely AoS-ey (for lack of a better term).

    What you do with the Dark Elf factions in Cities, keeping them would be the preference, preferably with nicer models, particualrly for Executioners whoare just worse looking models than the metal versions they replaced.

    I’m right with you there. I want the Ulgu Aelves to be their own thing, like the Idoneth were. I’ll be disappointed if it just ends up being like Warhammer Fantasy Dark Elves, especially if the old models end up there. I want them to be weird.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Hollow said:

    Yeah, they are stretching the "Two new warbands" to breaking point on the roadmaps. (Although I will likely pick it up as I have wanted those Vamps for ages and I'm always happy to pick up some more SC bois. 

    It doesn’t say two new warbands for the starter set on the roadmap?


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  12. 8 hours ago, Wraith said:

    Regarding epic taking up so much air time, it looks to be the next big launch, maybe for the Xmas period? So where does this leave the Old World launch? Must be 2025, since next year is AoS 4.0. 

    Epic is august. I literally have no guesses for TOW launching. It feels like they’re showing too much for it to be 2025, but not much at all if it’s soon, and TOW and AoS 4 seem weird to be the same year. 



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  13. 9 hours ago, novakai said:

    Just as a comparison, we haven’t gotten Farsight or Snikrot out as solo releases yet or even the Lion and Azareal yet.

    so yeah it can be quite a wait lol

    That’s a good point. I remember when the Lion box sold out seeing a comment from GW on fb that he’d be out separately before 10th edition, which obviously hasn’t happened.   

  14. I do agree that other armies should get significant updates before Stormcast do, but I can’t bring myself to begrudge them a resculpted character model or something little like that (which is where this conversation started). 

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